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by Ty H
Rated: GC · Other · Erotica · #2028197
A teenaged boy finds a unique way to take over the world...by outgrowing it!
Zakariyya was a sixteen-year-old boy from New York. He was a reserved, silent young man who did not care much for social interaction. He did well in school-especially science, played a few sports, and had a fairly loving home life, with his family of North African origin. He had longish, dark brown hair, very well-tanned skin, and serious hazel eyes.

However, by looking at his cool, calm, exterior, one would never be able to see the passionate, raging personality that was hidden deep below. Zakariyya considered himself Adolf Hitler’s biggest fan. He idolized the Fuhrer more than anything in the world. He even had a nazi uniform he had carefully crafted himself and kept hidden from everyone.

Zakariyya was not an antisemite per se. In fact, he hated everyone equally. Hitler had earned his respect because he was the world’s most famous mass killer-and there was nothing that Zakariyya wanted to see more than the extermination of every single human on the planet...except for himself.

The world needed to be his. He had made that decision early into his life. He wanted everything. And he would never share it with anybody else.
Although he loved Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, and the like, he felt that they had all failed. Hitler had only killed some ten million people...out of billions. Zakariyya was determined to exterminate the world’s seven billion people...everyone but himself.

He had drawn up his own plans…breaking into nuclear plants to release as much radiation into the world as possible, or maybe bombings, or finding some way to control the world population’s minds so that they would kill themselves. However, none guaranteed he would be the last one standing. And none guaranteed he would live to see everyone else die.
But then he came up with an idea. A way he could easily kill every last person...but keep himself alive. At first, the idea was outlandish. But once he dedicated himself to studying cell biology, it all fell into perfect place. He started work in an abandoned house in his neighborhood, turning it into a secret lab. He was caught...but after he told the policeman it was a meth lab, the corrupt cop just looked the other way.

Zakariyya spent almost all of his time at the lab, even missing school often, but it all wouldn’t matter anyway. He was sure that he could accomplish the goal, and finally started seeing success in the stray animals he was experimenting on.
On August 17th, 2014, Zakariyya stood in the living room of his house, clad in his nazi uniform and held a small, translucent pill in his hand. However, just as he was about to swallow the pill, his parents came home early from work.
They saw him in his nazi uniform, but didn’t have any time to react. Zakariyya grabbed his knife and killed them both. He felt no remorse and was beyond proud of himself; he had made his first two kills, and he hadn’t even used the pill yet.

Of course, he didn’t get away with it. Neighbors saw, and he was arrested. He was brought into jail to await trial. However, he had no intention of standing trial. As soon as the guards locked him up, still in his nazi uniform, he decided to act. He smirked and swallowed the pill.

That very moment, the fate of the world changed. Zakariyya was going to succeed.

He felt nauseous right after ingesting the pill, but the feeling was quickly replaced as the drug took effect.
One of the guards noticed something different about of him when he turned back to look at him. Zakariyya just glared at him coolly, his smirk didn’t go away. In fact, the guard could’ve sworn that the boy’s smirk was getting bigger. He thought he was just seeing things, but then the buttons of Zakariyya’s uniform started popping, too, catching the attention of the other guard.
“What the…”
“FUCK YES! It’s actually working!” Zakariyya hissed in joy. “You’re all going to die today!” Zakarriyya felt pure ecstasy as his clothes became tighter, unable to withstand his increasing power.

The guards just stared silently as the teenage boy behind the bars...grew. He wasn’t getting fatter or more muscular, just...bigger. His belt popped clear off with a loud snap, and he just continued to gain size. His clothes finally lost the battle and began to tear, and the guards didn’t know how to react when Zakariyya’s huge penis burst free of his pants...or when he started pleasuring himself, all the while laughing maliciously.
As he masturbated, his growth accelerated. His uniform was turning into shreds, but he didn’t care, now that he knew he was going to be much better than Hitler. His pants quickly shredded, he tore off his suit-jacket as his shirt split apart, and finally his feet burst out of his boots, and soon he was a ten-foot tall monster wearing nothing but a black tie.
The huge naked boy easily broke out of his jail cell and sent the guards screaming for their lives. He continued jacking off, and roared as he ripped his tie off, the last piece of pathetic clothing he would ever wear again.

Feeling powerful, nude and free, he kicked his head back and masturbated as hard as he could, his growing accelerating even more. He shot up towards the ceiling and had to bend down. He decided not to try to get out right away, rather he would grow as much as possible while still sheltered. He crouched down and continued growing. After a few seconds, his mass was filling up the jail. He was at least thirty-feet tall, crouching down.

The walls of the great building began to give way, and the big nude boy burst free from his prison-turning the entire building into smithereens.
He stood up to his full height now, one-hundred feet tall, and surveyed his surroundings. Of course, there were police cars at the prison-and they were half the size of his feet. He felt immense pride.

He stomped down the city streets, still growing. He destroyed everything in his path. He was no longer human, just a kaiju known as Zakarriya. He laughed as he heard people screaming, no doubt suffering and dying. He felt tiny stings on his feet and ankles-bullets, no doubt. But they were useless against him. Soon, his head was above most of the buildings in New York, and he could see that the military was near, with fighter jets. He got scared for a second-they could be carrying nuclear weapons, which may actually be able to harm him, but then he remembered that hitting him would put too many of the city’s citizens at risk. Even though they were as good as dead anyway.

A helicopter appeared in front of him, hovering midair at eye level. He assumed it was someone important-Mayor de Blasio, Governor Cuomo, or maybe even President Obama. Either way, he heard a meager voice try to tell him to stop this madness, that he would be given anything he wanted.
“I already have everything I want. I’m huge, naked, have the biggest dick ever, and am about to have the word to myself!”
Already, the helicopter was only at his chest level. He smirked, and gave the helicopter the finger. Then, like blowing out a candle, he blew at the helicopter and sent it flying into the Long Island Sound. “I just assassinated my first world leader! I’m on a roll!”

His growing penis smashed into a building. He looked down to see the Empire State crumble to the ground. “Nice…”
Most buildings were at his waist now. However, there was one building that dared to be taller than him. He approached the World Trade Center with fury, but just as he reached it, he changed his mind and sat on the ground-his ass flattening several buildings. He compared his erect penis to the country’s tallest building. Dissatisfied, he started masturbating, his growth accelerating again.
His feet dipped into the New York Harbor. He laid down on his back, further pleasuring himself. He watched the city go by as his head travelled north. He grinned with pride as his great big cock gained in size to approach that of the skyscraper. Precum oozed out and splashed in huge puddles on Lower Manhattan. He kicked his foot out and what he hoped was the right direction and knocked down the Statue of Liberty.

Finally, he felt a powerful orgasm nearing. Just as his penis finally surpassed the Freedom Tower, it swelled and released tons of cum onto New York in an explosion of white. Zakariyya’s sperm poured onto the ground out of the sky like rain, drenching the poor city. He spasmed as he came, his knee destroying the Brooklyn Bridge. “Well, I think that does it for landmarks…”
He needed a moment to recooperate. As he breathed heavily for a few minutes, his growth continued. He took his hand away from his dick and smacked it onto the ground to his right-flattening Newark, New Jersey. Suddenly, he felt water touch his hair...his head was now at the Harlem River. He got up suddenly and looked himself over. What he saw made him grin sinisterly-he had grew bigger than Manhattan Island. He had completely smashed the city. He stood up, his enormous penis knocking WTC down, and surveyed the damage he’d done.
“I’ve killed at least two million people...I’m really fucking doing it!” He was standing in the New York Harbor, which was up to his ankles. His immense body cast a shadow over the flattened city.

The military surrounded him. Zakariyya realized he still had one way out though, and smirked. “Time to go skinny-dipping…” He dove into the Atlantic Ocean, causing a tsunami that wiped out Staten Island and most of Brooklyn. As he swam out, more tidal waves submerged Long Island completely. The giant disappeared beneath the Atlantic Ocean.

The people of Boston stood in front of their televisions, gaping at the massacre that occurred in New York. Suddenly, they were hit with an earthquake and tsunami. The growing boy was wading into Boston Harbor. He lifted his huge foot, which alone was larger than all of Boston, and stomped on the city. Hundreds of thousands of people were crushed instantly.
“That’s two major cities...who’s next?” From where his head was, above the clouds, he could see Toronto, Canada. “Let’s make sure I’m an international threat!”

The great growing teenager walked across Massachusetts, through upstate New York, and across Lake Ontario-a total distance of about fifteen steps. He smashed Canada’s largest city with his foot, and set his eyes on the Midwest. He bent down and splashed water from Lake Ontario onto the cities of the Midwest-Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Milwaukee were flooded instantly.
Now he was tall enough to see the entire United States. His growth accelerated as he grew, his feet on the ground were destroying towns just by growing while he stood still. Finally, he decided the United States was coming to an end. He jumped into the air, and purposely landed as hard as he could on his back, sprawled on the ground, not caring how much it hurt. His crash back to the ground caused seismic activity that wiped out the once-great nation completely.

When he regained himself, he noticed both of his hands were in water...his left hand was in the Pacific Ocean, his right hand was in the Gulf of Mexico. His head was in Mexico while his feet were in Canada. Still, his exponential growth continued, and he continued to enjoy his power. He got up and waded across the Pacific Ocean to Japan, which he completely smashed with his foot. The earthquakes and tsunamis he caused were now destroying Asia, Australia, and even South America. He knew at this point his death toll had to have passed a billion. “Just six billion more pathetic people to go…and its getting easier and easier…”
He stomped across Russia and into Europe, just the wind from his incoming knocked down skyscrapers and sent thousands of people flying. He turned and walked up to the North Pole-he could actually feel the Earth’s roundness as he moved. He promptly sat down on top of the planet, his legs dangling in space. “I’m fucking sitting on the Earth…”
He could see other planets now. He was somehow still able to breath in space. His growth rate was unmeasurable-in a matter of seconds, sitting on the Earth went from being the equivalent of sitting on a bouncy ball to sitting on a soccer ball.

“I’m legit bigger than Earth itself…” He hopped off, and found he was just able to simply float in space. “The time has come...if any pathetic person is still alive on here, they’re doomed.” The Earth was now equivalent to a baseball relative to Zakariyya’s size.
He opened his mouth, chomped down on the planet, and swallowed. “Guess I’m a cannibal now…” he said, although there was no one alive to hear him.
The realization hit him that his goal was accomplished! Every single human but him was dead. He had killed seven billion. He was now floating in space, just a random growing naked boy, and from what he could tell was already getting close to the size of Jupiter. Ha...what do I do now?

© Copyright 2015 Ty H (tmph22 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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