Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2028170-Chapter-1-Wild-Cards
by Insane
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2028170
The team get's their weapons and is sent home to recover.
Chapter 1 (please read the intro if you haven't, or this will not make much sense)

"Wake up, all of you!" A rather deep voice screamed.

Rhea opened her eyes when she was told to wake up. Moving to sit up, she only felt one of her arms move. Looking over to the not responding arm, she gasped. Her right arm was missing, half her shoulder was not even attached, and laying right next to her. "What.. ah.." She tried to say. She did not feel any pain, which was strange.

"Welcome to my Domain my new Guardians." The voice boomed again.

This time Rhea forced herself to get up, looking up at the direction the voice came from, Rhea wanted to cry. It was another one of those creatures. This one was slimmer and had wings, it probably stood almost at 7'5. It even had a human like form two arms two legs a real head and face. Looking around again, Rhea took note of the surrounding, everything was black, like an infinite world of darkness, but she could see everyone just fine, as if they were day light in the void. Wait... everyone. Yes.. there were others. Two other girls, two boys.

"None of you scream or ill rip your tongues out." He said, noticing a few of their faces.

Sage stood up, pressing a hand to her wound. It was no longer bleeding, it no longer hurt and it was slowly healing itself. What was happening? Where was her father? Was the same thing happening to him. "Who are you? What are you doing?" She snapped, "Are you responsible for this? Where is everyone on the train?"

"You are very demanding. Listen carefully, because I will only say this once. Everyone on that train died but you. I saved all of you because you 5 posses something very special. I am pretty sure some of you are very interested in revenge. My name is Master or Lord Levi to you lot, and I am about to give you a second try at life, and a whole new life to boot." He moved around the group quickly before reaching for Rhea.

"And you, will be the center piece of my trump cards." Rhea tried to scream, but all that came out was a shrill squeak as Levi picked her up in his twisted claws like a doll. Picking up her arm with his other claw, the placed it together like he was solving a puzzle. A faint glow illuminated from Rhea as she felt her arm reattach itself, a strange warm feeling was radiating from her arm.Rhea found when Levi put her down, her legs gave way under her and she had to sit down. She then found herself, dazedly, looking at her arm. An ugly scar ran itself around her arm and up her shoulder, where it was reconnected to her.

"Who is next?" Levi asked, turning to the group, "It is time to receive your powers."

Sage's mouth was gaped open, unsure if she should speak or not, what... what was this guy?

Shania got up, having been silent from her shock and all that was happening, her glare cold as ice "I will slaughter all of them," she said her body shaking in rage, her brother had died everyone but them had all died. "They took the only person I had left they stole my life... now I'll take theirs," Shania was drenched in blood hers and her brothers in this state she looked like an amazon from the movies ready to kill, but at the same time she looked on the border of Tears.

"Wait wait wait!" Kai said "Everyone died?" he asked a little more then a bit flipped out. "And you mr monster saved us... and this insane chick is gonna kill something?" he held his head "Where is my mother where are the hidden camera's? this joke is not funny!" he said in a paniced voice. Then the whole scene where he saw her arm was reattached seemed to register in his mind. No special effects were that good in front of your eyes. "Holy god," he covered his mouth and felt faint as all this began to sink in.

Ebony was just watching wide eyed she wantewd this to be a dream just a bad dream. She was to terrified to speak, or even to scream. This guys not real, these people aren't really real, she told herself even as she had watched everything unfold. She covered her eyes ignoring her surroundings muttering to herself "it's just a dream," over and over again in a hushed scared voice.
Levi ginned, a long toothy gin for all his human like form he was so inhuman it was scary. "At least one of you show promise." he said taking three large steps to the trembling blood soaked Shania, extending one large claw, he reached into her pocket and pulled out a small dagger. She kept it on her as protection never leaving the house without it. It was simple and easy to hide. "How quaint." he said simply before engulfing the dagger in a dark flame. The fire engulfed the leather but instead of burning it as it should it just faded. When the flame had completely gone out, a large sword was reviled to have taken the daggers place. "Take your new power fledgling of the sword." He said handing her the new weapon.

Shania tested the weight of the sword it felt like it was merely an extension of her, rather then a weapon. It was flawless perfect it's blade sung when it sliced through air, the sound was clear and clean, lovely.

"I as well... Give me this power you are talking about." Sage spoke up. Levi turned to look at her, "Another brave one, I can see now who will be doing all the work around here." He said laughing, approaching Sage who was trying hard to hold her ground, Sage made a sour face thinking about her father. That other girl is right, She intends to take any monster involved in this incidences life.

When Levi moved his claw into the pocket of Sage's shirt, he pulled out a rather fancy looking pen, "This will do." He said, pulling the same process he had with the Dagger. When he was finished and the flame had died, a large long Scythe appeared "Ah... this is certainly an interesting weapon. Welcome to the world of death." Levi said, handing Sage the weapon. She fumbled it for a moment, before she used two hands to give it a wide swing. It was as if the weapon was made for her to hold. Griming Sage laughed, "This will do indeed." She repeated Levi's earlier phrase.

"Who is next?" he said, taking long strides to the two that were left to receive their weapons.
Kai took a breath "so this is all real?" he asked his hair falling down from the pony-tail he had tied it in. "What is it you want from me?" he asked his body relaxed as he felt a bit tiered his overstressed mind refused to process any more information. He stuck his hand in his pocket to finger the Joker card he had kept with him since he was a child.

Ebony looked up and when she saw he had not disappeared but in fact moved closer to her. She squeaked and began fiddling with her hair trying to disappear behind her black locks. The boy with the scythe looked frightening so did the girl with the sword. She didn't fit in here she was a dancer just a dancer. She should not have been saved.

"Yes, very real my little worm," he said, reaching for Kai and pulling on his arm, in his hand the card was still clutched, Levi took the card from him and smiled, "The Joker, interesting." With that, the card burst into flame, and turned into a double headed halberd  Handing the halberd back to Kai, Levi smiled, "I want you to fight for me."

Turning around Levi picked up Ebony and smiled at her, "Hello little one. Time to get up, you no longer get the pleasure of crying." He said, pulling off the necklace that had been around her neck, squeezing it in his hand and letting the fire engulf it. Ebony squeaked in fear when lifted but was to afraid to do anything else.

Putting the girl down, he throw down a bow that was slowly emerging from the flames to the ground in front of her. "That fixes all of you I believe. This will not be the last you see of me, we will meet again some time soon." He said, before his own body was engulfed into the black flame that had surrounded the weapons he had transformed.

The five youths all lost consciousness as the black world faded away with the demon Levi.

Rhea's awakening:

Rhea sat up with a jolt, the room was unbelievably bright. Was she dreaming? She swore she was awake just then, talking to a demon with other children... Where was she? "Shes awake!" Rhea's head snapped to look at the voice, it was a women she had never seen before, one with black hair, pale skin and bright red lipstick. "Roen she is awake."

"Roen?" Rhea's voice choked. In moments both her parents and her brother Roen walked into the room, a doctor following with them.

The days events where tiring but went by quickly. She was in a train accident, apparently the tunnel for the train collapsed and she was one of the lucky five that survived. Five? That's how many where in that dream. No no, it was just a dream, everything was a dream. Rhea'a arm was still scared, completely covered all the way up from her hand to her shoulder. It was ugly burnt and had scrape marks.

Over the next few months, Rhea spent it recovering at home, never leaving her parents sights and almost no vistes from her brother. School was starting soon and with nothing to do, Rhea just studied, preparing herself for the 10th grade.

Sage's awakening:

When Sage woke up, her mother was asleep at her bed side, tears stained her eyes. looking at her stomach she saw she had not scar or anything to even suggest she had gotten inpailed by the creature. Was everything a dream? Looking over to her side, she saw the Pen that in her dream had become a scythe. Picking it up the bedside table she clicked it, noting that it just opened like a normal pen. Trying to concentration harder, Sage squinted before the Pen was engulfed by shadow and transformed into the Scythe she has in her possession once more. It was not a dream... that was real, which means she will see Levi again. When the sythe appeared she had hit something with it's long pole, she quickly lost concentration and it became a pen again.

The noise Sage made woke her mother, and just as she feared, her father was dead and only her and the five other children survived the event.

The new explanation of the deaths of so many people was a wreck caused by a cave in of the subway system. Of course, Sage knew this to not be true. Over the next few months Sage had attended her father's funeral and recovered until the first day of school came. She did not cry about her father, no she smiled, his death will not be left unavenged.

Shania's awakening:

Shania woke alone in the hospital. She stayed there long enough to let the hospital get her paperwork done so she could be considered a legal adult without the need of fostering. With no family left to go to and her new status as an adult, she lived on her own. She would train exessivly even though the was advised to take it easy. She had watched the news from that day at least one hundred times over having even asked for a recording of it. She didn't care what the news said she new the truth she would kill all those creatures, but seeing it over and over again just fueled her resolve. Shania had not gone to her brothers funeral saying a last word to his photo before she pulled it off the wall.

"I'll see you again brother i refuse to say goodbye," she said swinging her newly gifted sword she found it heavier then her wooden sword but the weight was a confortable and welcome one.

Kai's awakening:

Kai woke in the hospital holding his card "a dream," he mused. His mother was dead, oh well. He wasn't the kind to really care everyone was less then him after all. He went home and for the rest of the break just studdied for school. He still kept his card with him but he didn't touch it as often afraid it would transform again. Kai had enough issues without his one lucky item turning into a weapon in his designer pants.

His father mourned even less then Kai had. However Kai's siblings all cried and were grateful Kai was alive. All except the oldest son who really didn't care for his youngest brother. A mutual dislike on both parts.

Ebony's awakening:

Ebony was sent home earlier then the others since no marks marred her body, after all, she had simply fainted. What her father found odd was she had asked for archery lessons over the rest of the break. He gave in and let her take a few courses at a local shooting range.

She was a bad shot at first but she steadily increased in skills she could feel a weight in her pendant now days and it made her remember the monsters the man who had scared her and disapeared in fire. If he reapeared she'd be ready. She'd either shoot him or be able to run away. "I think I'll be ready," she told herself

School is starting now, life was going back to normal. The break was peaceful and maybe it was all just a dream.

Chapter 2 A new demon friend will be up soon.

© Copyright 2015 Insane (insane5104 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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