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Roxi begins her adventure. |
Chapter 1 I could be free. I don't have to have any responsibility, I don't have to do what I do. I don't need money, food, or clothing. I don't have to worry about death or taxes, I don't sleep. I don't need. But I want. Yes, I still want things, but what I want isn't physical anymore. I want someone to share these lonely years, someone who won't die, who won't leave me alone in this empty world. My only solace is that humanity is still here. They don't stay long but there are always more of them, and while I don't get very close to many of them because they only leave in the end, their presence comforts me. Their noise fills my silence and their lights fill my eyes, but I know it won't last. They too will be gone someday, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let that happen anytime soon. I will hold on to them, protect them. I have been hiding, never letting them know I exist, I always scare them when I do. But I think now is the time to let them see me. I won't let them catch me, but I want them to finally know that I'm here. That I will protect them with everything I have. It's time to leave my home. I live in a ball of magma in the center of the world. Every speck of dirt, every pebble and every grain of sand has passed by me at some point. Every metal, mineral, and everything that has come from the ground has touched me, been held by me. I only leave my home when I feel lonely, but now I have a greater purpose. I glide smoothly through the magma, finally leaving my place at the center. When I reach the side, I gently slip in to the rock and cruise to the surface. I have to be very careful, because last time I went up too fast I split the continents apart. I don't want to make that mistake again. So I go slowly, 500 miles per hour by human standards, I think. As I go, I try to remember their language. The last one I learned was... Anglist? Ingrish? It doesn't matter. What matters is that I at least can communicate with the humans if I have to. Which, I know I do. If I want them to like me, I have to learn about how they live. I will have to get one to teach me. I finally reach the surface, and I push myself out of the ground with my arms. Hmm. This is different. The ground is covered in tar. I have never seen the ground so flat before. A loud sound brings my attention to a giant metal thing coming straight at me. There is a human inside, and I realize he is trying to stop the metal thing so he doesn't hit me. If he hits me, I realize, he wont hurt me but the impact will definately hurt him. I put my hand out and become liquid metal, giving the thing nothing to hit. Now that I won't overturn the thing on impact, I use my power to gently stop it from rolling over because of the way the human was making it flail. It stops just short of touching me, and the human inside of it comes out and rushes over to me. "Are you all right? Jeez, where did you come from? It's like you just popped out of nowhere! Why were you in the middle of the road?" I look at him and think of what to say. "Hell-o. I am s-orry f-or gett-ing in you-r way." I speak to him, sounding very choppy and going slow, trying hard not to make any mistakes. He seemed to understand, because then he said, "Hey, don't worry about me. I wasn't the one that almost got hit by a truck. Anyway, are you hurt?" So that's what that thing is. A truck. "Tr-uck" I say, rolling the word on my tongue. I realize that he is staring at me, and first I don't understand, but then I realize that I'm still liquid metal. It must look rather strange to him. Unfortunately, if I become all human I will be naked. It's a risk I will have to take. I close my eyes and focus. The metal slides off of my body to reveal smooth pale skin. My breasts grow and my hips round out and take shape. I grow long chocolate brown hair and my eyes turn a very pretty blue. The man starts to back up. "What are you?" I smile and say, "I am hu-man now." I think I might have said the wrong thing because he is running away. Oh well. I will just have to do better next time. And avoid anymore trucks. I start off down the road in search of someone to help me. I need clothes. You know, it's funny. I've never needed anything before. Maybe it's not that bad. |