Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2027764-10000-Lifetimes
Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #2027764
Wavaa. Pure Fluff.
Wan leaned against Mula with satisfaction. That day him and his best friend, Raava, had defeated the dark spirit Vaatu. Raava smiled softly. She had decided to take human form, and she was as beautiful as ever. Her white hair flowed down her back, reaching her hips, and she had piercing blue eyes. "I'm proud of you, Wan." She said. "We did it together, Raava. I couldn't have done it without you." Wan replied. "As for me." She said quietly. She took a peach from a basket. They had gathered food and water that same day. She bit into it, the juice illuminating her face. She wiped it off hastily and closed her eyes. Wan petted Mula gently, hand her some well-earned pecans. They had traveled on her night and day, and her quest was complete. She rested her tired head on her paws and quickly fell asleep. Raava flickered her eyes open and said, "Wan, you should get some rest." Wan agreed silently and turned over. Raava smiled and turned the other way, falling asleep as soon as her eyes closed.

The Next Morning

Raava's POV

Raava opened her eyes, revealing the green shades of the quiet forest floor. She smiled silently as she turned her head to face her friend, Wan. 'He sleeps so peacefully.' She thought. Right then, Wan yelled and jolted himself awake. Raava couldn't help but snicker. Wan glared at her. He yawned sleepily and got up. "Where are you going?" She asked him, petting Mula awake. She grunted, and then got up on all fours, making Raava fall to the ground. "Gee, thanks." She muttered. Wan smiled and said, "I want to go to Ember Island." Raava looked at him curiously. "But thats so far away." "It really isn't." A voice said. Wan and Raava both got in their battle positions, scared of the intruder. "Calm down," a softer, more feminine voice said, "You don't recognize us?" Then, a teenage boy and teenage girl walked out of the woods. The boy had brown hair, yellowish-hazel eyes, and he was wearing a brown shirt with some sort of white spirit, but not Raava. He wore black pants as well. He also had white stripes on his arms, which were very abnormal for a human. The girl, how ever, She had red hair, lime green eyes, and wore a dark green long-sleeve shirt that fell off her shoulders. She on jean shorts, and Raava ever-so-slightly wondered how she got those. Both of them were shoeless, and they were waving at Wan and Raava like they were best-friends. Soon, the boy gave up and said, "Its me, Stinky." Wan broke out into a smile and hugged him. "Aye-Aye." He breathed. As he broke from the hug, he said, "You must be Jaya." The girl nodded happily. Raava hugged Jaya, and then said, "How do you know that Ember Island isn't far away?" Aye-Aye laughed a laugh that you would hear a aunt or uncle laughing when your 2-year old does something over the top stupid. "Do you even know your on the fire nation?" "No.." Wan said, feeling completely stupid. "That means I can try and go back to my Lion Turtle!" He said, jumping in the air. "Yes, Wan. We know where it is. You can follow us." Jaya said in her quiet, shy-ish voice. "Okay, Raava, are you ready to travel again?" Raava nodded, mounting Mula. Wan hopped on Mula as well, and said, "Lead the way!"

For about a few hours they traveled, following Aye-Aye and Jaya. Then, Wan started to recognize the forests and bodies of water. "...Then there's the Lou Baou river, and, and.." Wan blabbered. Then, he suddenly stopped. "Wan?" Raava whispered. "Aye-Aye its those firebenders again." Aye-Aye glared ovver to where Wan was pointing. Him, Aye-Aye, Jaya and Raava all ran over to where the firebenders were. "Hello again, Wan. I see you brought friends." Shong said, and snickered. Shong was the leader of the group, and he was probably the scariest. He hurled a fireball at Aye-Aye, but he dodged it, with no sweat. "Hmm. I see they are skilled. But your firebending is nothing against us!" He yelled, making a blast of fire near Wan. "Haven't you heard the legends?" He said as soon as the fire blast ended. "I'm not like the rest of them." He earthbended from the ground and knocked out one of his other "people." Shong gaped at this sight, making Wan able to take out another one with Airbending. Aye-Aye and Jaya both entered one of the humans, killing him immediately. "Please have mercy, Wan!" He yelled. "Fine. I'll let you go if you lead us back to the village-" "You were banished." Shong said. Wan burst a flame of fire in his hand. "Okay!" Shong squealed. Wan and Raava mounted Mula, while Aye-Aye and Jaya walked behind Shong. He led them up the hill to where the lion turtle was. "Oh great Lion Turtle, our bainshed friend and his friends have come to regain their honor." Shong said. The Lion Turtle rose up to look at Wan and his friends. "I think I already have regained my honor, Shong." He said angrily. Shong cleared his throat. Wan looked up at the Lion Turtle. "Have you heard of my legend?" Wan said. "No." The Lion Turtle said matter-of-factly. "Oh Lion Turtle." Raava stepped forward. "Me and Wan defeated Vaatu, the spirit of darkness and chaos. The Lion Turtle widened his eyes. "How? Wan only has firebending-" "No." Aye-Aye said. "He also has Earth, Water and Air. Him and Raava connected as one to defeat him. He deserves more than he has." The Lion Turtle was shocked. The banished boy was the world's greatest hero? He was very proud. "Very well. You may come in." Wan thanked the Lion Turtle and him and his friends entered the city.

Raava stayed close to Wan the whole entire way to his old tree house. "Wan.." Raava said nervously. "Shh.. Its okay, we're almost there." Wan said, soothing her. They soon found the old, broken down tree house and Wan led the way. He entered the tree house carefully; At any point the whole thing could crumble and fall. One by one they all sat down, Mula included, and Wan made some tea. They all took cups and sipped at them with care. "I never knew you had a real home, Wan." Jaya said, putting her cup of tea down. "I didn't either." Wan said, pouring Aye-Aye another cup. Raava looked at him sympathetically. "Its okay. Its better for someone not home. Then they are a free spirit." She said softly. Wan looked at her. "You always know the right thing to say." He said gratefully. Raava smiled. "Anything I can do to help." She wiped her mouth solemnly and cleared her throat. "How long shall we stay?" She asked.
© Copyright 2015 Cat Mayfield (milkymilkshake at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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