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by Proky
Rated: GC · Other · Action/Adventure · #2027662
Spike get accidentally shrunk to a size of a dust particle. Will he survive on the floor?
“I hope this spell will work. It took me months to finally finish it.” Said excited Twilight. After her coronation as princess, she was bored that she wasn’t getting new tasks from Princess Celestia. After some thinking, she figured out that she can make her own tasks. She started making new spells for all possible purposes, from healing spells, to cooking spells. This one, though, was a little bit different. This spell was supposed to alter the laws of physics itself. She doesn’t exactly know how, but she is certain it will somehow.

She had everything prepared. Windows closed, room cleaned from any sharp objects, mirror in place, just in case, because when there is a mirror, it will always mean something good. She closed her eyes and focused her inner energy into her horn. She was almost done charging, when she heard door open. She got startled and unfinished beam fired from her horn. The beam hit the mirror and flew towards the door. When she turned around, nobody was there. “I guess the strong wind outside must have opened them” Twilight thought. Little did she know that somebody has actually opened the door.

Spike was coming back from the market after he bought himself some gems. Fortunately, the market was not very much crowded, so he didn’t have to be in long lines of ponies waiting for something. He went back into the Twilight’s library a little bit earlier that he told her.

When he came towards the library, he saw that the all of library’s windows were closed. He wondered why. “Maybe Twilight is doing some sciencey things” Thought Spike. He came to library’s door, turned the knob and before he could say hi, a beam of green energy hit him like a bolt. He was in shock and passed out.

Spike woke up quite fast, just a few seconds passed since he blacked out. First thing he heard was powerful and loud quakes, like earth was about to shatter itself. Each moment they were becoming more and more powerful, like they were coming towards him. After about a second, a gigantic purple wall, just few inches from hit fell from the skies, the shockwave throwing him far far away into Celestia know where.

After some flying, he crashed into something tough. When he landed, he noticed that he wasn’t hurt. “Hmm, that’s weird….And what in the name of Celestia is THIS!” Spike yelled. He landed near gigantic wooden structure. When he looked up, he noticed that in height which could rival the heaven itself, was a desk. It looked like a table. A simle table! And what he crashed on was just a simple leg of that table. He must have shrunk! “Oh no, Twilight is making new spells, I hope this is only temporary. I don’t wanna live rest of my life as a bug under somepony’s dirty hooves!” Spike started panicking, running around in cirles for a few minutes. His panicking came to an end when he heard the doors open,

“SPIKE, ARE YOU HOME? YOU WASN’T AT THE MARKET. SPIKE?!” Twilight’s super loud voice hurt Spike’s ears. She then dissappeared upstairs.

Spike needed to get her attention, and as fast and save as possible. He thought for a second. He got an idea, but it wasn’t the fastest one. “What if I climb up the stairs, get onto Twilight’s pillow and when she goes to bed, I will climb into her ear and get her attention.” Though nice it was a good idea, it had a lot of holes. First, how would he climb the stairs and second, how would he get into Twilight’s bed in time? It didn’t matter for him. For him, the only thing that mattered now was to get to the stairs. The table is normally just a few meters from stairs, but now, it was a few kilometers. He started running toward the stairs. About thirty minutes and one kilometer later, Spike heard sound of hooves coming from upstairs. Twilight was coming down and Spike was in the open space, he had nowhere to hide from those gigantic, purple hooves of hers.


Spike panicked. “Cleaning? Oh no! I forgot I had to clean this place up after I got here from the market” Spike then looked around. “Wow, this place is really dirty, I guess that when you are this small, you can see every speck of dirt, squashed bug, or crushed anything.”

Spike didn’t have much time to think about it though. Twilight took a broom from the closet and started cleaning the floor. Twilight quickly came close to Spike, completely unaware that she might just sweep him away forever. Broom soon started making huge gusts of wind, dirt flying all aroung Spike. He was stunned at the sight of the gigantic alicorn, she could crush with a strand of her hair, and not even noticing it. He was just so insignificant. While he was thinking about his size of mite, the broom Twilight was cleaning the floor came right in from of him, he didn’t have time to run. He got trapped in the bristles of the broom, loud noises of cleaning destoying his ears.

This continued for about a minute, then it stopped, “THERE, FLOOR IS NOW DIRT FREE.” Twilight boomed with her powerful, yet cute voice. She then took the broom outside, Spike’s world meanwhile tremble in seams.

This, hovewer, allowed Spike to free himself from the jungle of broom’s now dirty bristles. He managed to fall from the broom’s snare, just when Twilight was opening the door and shaking the broom outside the library. He managed to fall close to threshold of the door. He was now under the purple planet, he got full view of her cute, soft belly. How much he would love to just fall on her furry belly and weep, being afraid about his size. But he couldn’t. She could mistake him for an itch and simply scratch him, accidentaly reducing him into nothing but greasy red stain on her body, only to be washed away into pipes under the Ponyville later when hse showers the daily dirt she got on herself. He keeps thinking too much, and less noticing the surroundings around him.

Twilight now finished cleaning the broom and was stepping into the library again. Spike could see movement of this giantess and realizes, that he could be stepped on right now. He ran closer to the threshold of the door, so when Twilight’s hoof comes down, it won’tt be on Spike. And he was right. Just when he reached the threshold wall, he saw as Twilight’s left forehoof landed in a place where Spike has fallen from the broom. She closed the door and with booming steps she walked away. Spike was now once again alone, in the world so big, even an ant could crush him easily.

He needed a new plan. The stairs were far far away for him to make it in time. He had no time to make a new plan though, because Twilight was once again coming downstairs, this time with backpacks on her sides. Twilight was going to train flying with Rainbow Dash. She could be away for hours. Spike was looking at the titan Twilight, as she opened the door and stepped over him, not noticing him at all. Spike noticed an interesting thing, though. When Twilight was stepping over him, her notices that her tail was really close to the ground, maybe he could somehow use this to get Twilight’s attention. But even though the tail strands were close to the ground, it saw still pretty high for Spike, around ten meters in high. He need to find something, that is ten meters high and place it before the door, so he can jump a then catch one of her tail’s hair strands. He had a few hours to make, or find a thing ten meters high. By some strange coincidence, the broom in which he was trapped, was relatively close to the door, only about 1 kilometer for Spike. He could get there in about twenty to forty minutes, so he had kind of good time to make his plan work.

After about twenty five minutes, he came to the broom. And today he was super lucky. There were still some big pieces of dirt stuck in the bristles that Twilight not even noticed, because they were too tiny for her eyes to notice. They were kind of close to the ground, so Spike didn’t have to climb long way. He climbed to one of the ball of dirt mixed with dead skin and Celestia knows what else was in it. It smelled bad, but that ball was important in his plan to get Twilight’s attention. After some fiddling, he manage to loosen the ball from one of the bristles just enough for it to fall on it’s own. When it has fallen, he climbed down, and started rolling the ball towards the door, trying to ignore the musky smell it emitted. Funny thing was, that at Spike’s current size, it was pretty easy to move thing much bigger than him. He guessed it worked like with an ant, which could lift fifty times more heavier objects that the ant actually weighs.

It was getting late, evening. Spike managed to roll the ball right in from of the door just in time. He heard as Twilight, still far away, had said with her loud voice, “THANKS DASH, I’LL MEET YOU TOMMOROW.” Twilight has opened the door. She looked really exhausted, she was sweating a lot- “AH FINALLY HOME, I’M SO TIRED I’M NOT EVEN GOING INTO SHOWER. I’M GONNA GO STRAIGHT TO SLEEP AND NOPONY CAN STOP ME.” Said the sweating titaness. Twilight close the door and slowly walked towards the stairs. She was so tired that she even forgot about Spike missing. Spike was already at the top of the dirty ball, ready to jump into Twilight’s tail.

All of sudden, it started raining skycraper sized drops of sweat, falling from Twilight tired after the hours of flying. Drops were falling all around Spike, but none of them hit him. One drop, though, has fallen right next to the ball. It’s didn’t move the ball, but it splashed over the lower half of it. All of sudden, the ball has stopped moving from tremors that Twilight’s hooves made. “That sweat must be really sticky when it glued ball to the floor” Said Spike. That was actually a good news, since Twilight’s hooves were aproaching him really fast, quakes getting more and more powerful. Twilight’s fore hooves has passed Spike, then the hind ones. Now, it was finally time to jump.

Twilight’s tail was coming towards him. Soon, he could see every individual strand of her tail. He jumped and tried to grab one of them. And he was succesful! He was now holding to a greasy, sticky, smelly strand of hair, trying to hold his grip, since after the workout, Twilight’s whole body is now soaked in sweat. He couldn’t see almost anything, hair strands were blocking his view. But when he felt the pull downwards, he guessed that they were already walking the stairs.

Twilight finally saw her bed, she used her magic to put the backpacks from her back and then she threw them away. She then laid down into her bed, almost immediatly falling asleep. Now was finally Spike’s chance to get into Twiligh’t ear. He stopped holding the sweaty strand and as he did it, he fell into Twilight’s soft bed. He was under her tail. He needed to get onto her hoof and then climb the leg onto her back, then through her mane into her ear. As he came closer to her hoof, the pungent smell of mixed dirt, sweat and crushed bugs became more and more powerful. He tried not to smell it, as he grabbed her strands on her hoof, climbing the forest of her hoof fur. It was riddled with many things. Pieces of dirt from size of a peeble to sizes of wheels and drops of sweat, luckly they were small even for Spike. Some of them fell onto Spike’s face, as he tried not to taste that cheesy, sour taste of Twilight’s hoof sweat.

When he scaled side of her hoof, he climbed onto a strange, super dirty plane, underside of Twilight’s hind hoof. Leg was right in front of him, he only had to walk on her hoof’s underside to get there. Size of that plane was impossibly big. Whole Manehatten could fit in here. Also, this plane, was full of crushed pieces of dirt, plants, grass, and even bugs, some of them so big that Spike could build another library in it. Some of the corpses crushed by this hoof were still twitching, it was pretty creepy, so Spike added more speed into his running. After about an hour, full of sweat, bugs reduced to stains and smell, he finally came onto her leg. He then walked few hours through the forest of Twilight fur, from her leg, to close to her neck, where he stopped. He then looked that the imposibbly thick jungle of Twilight’s mane. It smelled really bad, and inside, it must be even worse. But he had no choice, He took the first strand of her sticky, greasy mane, and started climbing.

He was now about half way through Twilight’s mane, smell getting really, really bad. Also, the moisture of her scalp was really problematic. He kept sliding on her scalp, falling into house sized pieces of dead skin mixed with sweat and dust. It was really bad experiance. When he got from one of these balls of dead skin, Twilight’s head rolled a little, but for Spike, it was a change of ground. He was now falling vertically, sliding against her scalp, falling through thick jungle of her mane. He must have already passed the ear, and he was now sliding closer to her face.

He noticed the light was getting brighter, meaning he was close to her face. Immediatly after, he catched one of her longest strands of hair, which was really close to her muzzle. He felt as the powerful and hot hurricane coming from her nose started draging him closer and closer to her nose. His grip was really weak, as the greasy strand was really slick. He couldn’t hold no more. The power on her inhale was too much for him. He was getting sniffed into her nose.

He landed with a splat. He couldn’t move very much. He was stuck to something with something really sticky and disgusting, her snot. When he looked around his, he realized he was stuck to a nose hair. A single nose hair, big as a skycraper, surrounded by snot, was enough to make Spike fall into panic mode once again. “This is how it will end? Drowned inside Twilight snot like some dust particle? No, it can’t end like that, I have to do something.” Spike was thinking was. “Maybe If burn her nose hair, she will sneeze me out of here.” As he said, he did it. He used his fire breath onto the closest nose hair, and it started burning. All of sudden, he could hear Twilight moan as she was getting ready to sneeze. Spike tried to free himself as much as he could until Twiligh sneezes. ACHOOOOO.

And with that, Spike went with a speed of sound to him, but tortoise speed to normal being, from her nose, into the coolness of the night. He didn’t see very much, his eyes were still covered in Twilight’s snot. He landed with a thud. He tried to get that snot from his eyes. When he did so, he looked around him. He realized he must he of her eyelash. Thick, black tubes coming from her eye . It was really a huge sight. He was close to her eye. He run toward the skin of her eye, and started hitting it and kicking it. “Twilight! Please, I’m on your eyelash! You have to help me!” But it went unheard. He then breathed on the skin with his fire breath, and her eye was opening. Unfortunately, Spike didn’t realize that he will get catapulted into the air again. Twilight’s eye opened, she felt a tiny itch on her eye, so the scrathed it. It was gone now, so she fell into the deep sleep again.

Spike barely missed the incoming hoof as he was flying through the air. It was almost obliterated by that hoof. He started falling, and luckly, it was near Twilight ear. It was still quite a walk to her ear, but he eventually managed to get there. He now stood above a giant hole, where her inner ear was. It didn’t smell good, but he smelled worse today. He started scaling her ear down into it’s depths. When he did you, he slipped on the inner ear wall, his claws digging into Twiligh’s flesh. She felt this felt this so much that it woke her up to scratch it. When her hoof hit the ear, Spike’s world was now shaking. Spike couldn’t hold and he started falling into her ear.

Twilight finally managed to scratch that itch. She already slept enough, so she decided that she will just lie in her bed for a few more minutes. But when she yawned, she heard a tiny squeak, barely able to hear it. She located that squeak, her right ear. Spike was now falling into the darkness of her ear. He heard as the giant Twilight yawned, shaking his world around again. He kept screaming and screaming, almost destroying his voice. After a while, he landed into something wet, squishy and warm, her ear wax. It was disgusting, but he hadn’t time to wonder about it. She started screaming Twilight’s name.

“Twilight! Twilight! Help me! Please! I’m in your ear! Heeeeeeeelp!!!”

And with that, Twilight went downstairs, shaking Spike really hard. When she got there, she used her magic to get a piece of paper and a magnifying glass. She then tilted her head. Spike felt as the world tilted, and he started sliding through the wax fillex ear tube. He landed of a white plane, which was moving, and then it stopped. He looked above him and saw a gigantic Twilight looking at him with a magnifying glass.

“OH MY ,SPIKE! IS THAT YOU? OH MY CELESTIA, YOU ARE SO TINY! WAIT, THAT BEAM I FIRED YESTERDAY, WHERE YOU WERE OPENING THE DOOR, IT MUST HAVE SHRINK YOU! I’M SO, SO, SORRY, SPIKE!” Twilight boomed on Spike, his tiny ears almost bleeding. “OH MY- I’m so sorry, I’ll talk quieter, okay?” Twilight now spoke much softer and quieter. “If the beam that hit you was really the beam I created the way it should be, then you should start growing in a few hours. The effect is twenty four hours long.” Spike was so happy had he could give Twilight a kiss, but it would take him a lot of time to even get to the edge of the paper he was on. Twilight then asked. “Spike, since there are a few more hours left, would you like to do something?“ Spike then signaled Twilight what he wanted, and Twilight responded. “Yeah, why not, it is just a little bit silly, but, why not?”

And so, for the rest of his shrunken times, he was lying on Twilight belly, hugging every strand of her fur in there, and even falling into her belly button, where he found a lot of dirt, dead skin and a sweat, but he no longer bothered. He was found by Twilight and they were both happy. He slept in her belly button until he grew back into normal size. END
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