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by Proky
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2027661
Hero ends up beign falling into some Poison Joke, which makes him small as an ant.
Hello, I am Half Pint, a teenage pony. Since I was small, I was always fascinated by potion making. When a zebra called Zecora moved into my vicinity, I immediately knocked on her door and asked her about potion making.

I spent few hours there and when I was stuffed full of new knowledge from my now friend zebra Zecora, I decided to go home. When I opened Zecora’s hut doors, I looked up and saw that it was already sunset. I promised my parents I’d be back home by the time the sun went down, so I didn’t have much time. I trotted as fast as I could to get home on time. About halfway on my way home from the Everfree Forest, I saw someone coming from out of the shadow of a tree. It was a pony. When I trotted next to him, he put his hind leg in the way, so I would fall head first on the ground. And I did. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t our great potion master, Half Pint. I have to wonder, why did you come so deep into this cursed forest? Was it that stupid zebra? Don’t be ridiculous,” said a voice, which I knew very well. It was a pony, who bullied me ever since I was just a small colt.

He kicked me into my stomach. “What is it? Cat got your tongue? Hehehe.” I had to run, so I picked the first direction that came to mind, and I ran toward it. “Oh, no. You aren’t escaping this time, Half Pint!” He started running towards me, and he was catching up.

He was close. He could already bite my tail off. When we ran into some strange blue flowers, he jumped onto me. We rolled around them, and I tried to punch him off. He flew about 2 meters from me, when I started to feel really dizzy. The last thing I saw with my eyes, was that bully falling on the ground, probably dizzy too. Those blue flowers must have some kind of sleep gas in them.

When I woke up, every direction around me was composed of giant blue trees. When I looked up, I just saw impossibly high trees, at least a few miles high. I must’ve be at least size of an ant! Oh god, what was I going to do? Oh wait, Zecora! She must’ve had a cure for this. Now, which way did I go? Hmmmm, this way. I was walking in that direction for a few minutes, when I saw a familiar face, a bully. He was trembling, looks like he was scared to death. I couldn’t just leave him there. My morality code couldn’t allow for that. I put him on my back, and I trotted forward.

It took us at least two hours to get back to the road on which we came. When we got there, I was amazed at the size of everything. It would take weeks to get back to Ponyville. But we need to get to Zecora for a cure of this, disease. All of sudden, the bully moved off my back, and fell on the ground. He immediately started running, but in the opposite direction as was Zecora's hut. I shouted to him. "Hey! Zecora's hut in the other direction!"

"Hell no! I'm running home, I don't want to spend any more time in this goddamn forest!" He shouted back.

I managed to outrun him and stop him, but when I did that, he kicked me in the stomach and he kept running. This time, it hurt a lot, so I just laid there, almost unable to move. All of a sudden, I heard tremors, almost like an earthquake. It was coming from the direction, in which that bully was running.

The bully kept running, even though the tremors were coming from the direction he was running to. When the tremors became earthquakes, he stopped, so he could see what maked them. He saw a cyan smudge in the distance. It kept getting bigger, and bigger, as did the earthquakes. BOOM BOOM BOOM. It sounded like hoofsteps.

Rainbow Dash was completely dried out after hardcore training in the Everfree Forest. She was going to Ponyville, on hoof, since her wings hurt after the intense training. She was sweating, so she needed some water soon. But there were no ponds, or rivers around.

After a while of walking, her mane was really sweaty, so she shook herself, and her sweat was flew everywhere, like when a dog wriggles after a bath. She then accidentally slid on something slick, and fell down to the ground. When she opened her eyes, she saw a tiny bug right before her. Twilight once said that bugs, even at their size, are a great source of water. She stood up, took that bug into her hoof, and said. "I'm sorry bug, but I'm thirsty. I hope you'll enjoy bug heaven." And with that, he was lost inside her body forever.

When that pony started making world shattering earthquakes, he noticed it was Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in Equestria. BOOM BOOM BOOM. All of sudden, she stopped right before she could squish him. When she started moving her head really fast, it started raining gigantic drops of sweat from her mane. He tried to dodge them, but one big drop, has fell directly onto him. He was now battered, tired, and covered in her sweat. BOOOOOOOOOOM. The biggest earthquake he ever experienced happened right before him, luckily not crushing him to bloody mess.

She fell, probably because of the mud puddles around her. He was so amazed at her sheer size he forgot to run away. All of sudden, he saw those gigantic magenta eyes open, looking straight at him. He was frozen by fear, unable to move. She stood up, still looking at him. She then reached for him with her sweat and dirt covered hoof, and took him. She moved before her face, and with a booming sound, she said. "I'M SORRY BUG, BUT I'M THIRSTY. I HOPE YOU'LL ENJOY BUG HEAVEN." She then opened her maw, saliva falling from the roof on top of her pearly white teeth. He didn't want to die like a piece of food for somepony, but what other choice he had? He got thrown into the gaping maw, straight into her throat.

"Ugh, they sure do taste horrible" She said after she swallowed. After that, she took few steps forward, before she saw another bug. She didn't want to eat another disgusting-tasting bug, so she found a new idea on how to play with this one. "I always wanted to play a Giant from Jack and Beanstalk. It will be so much fun!" She thought to herself.

I tried to run as fast as could towards the Zecora's hut, but with the pain I just suffered, It was almost useless. The earthquakes stopped for a moment, so I had a chance to move faster. But it didn't stayed like that for long. After a while, the earthquakes returned, and they kept getting stronger and stronger. BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM. Then, they stopped again. I was afraid to look behind me, to find out why they stopped again. "FEE FII FOO FUM, I'M GOING TO CRUSH YOU INTO PULP!" BOOM There was a giant cyan hoof right next to me, BOOM, and then another one on the other side. I looked up, and saw a giant, grinning face of Rainbow Dash. "Prepare to meet your end under my dirty, sweaty hoof!" And with that, I curled into a ball, sobbing, scared, and waiting for the inevitable end.

But nothing happened. There was no hoof, only a great sucking force. If I didn't hold onto a tiny root underground, I surely would have been sucked in. Then it stops, "AWW, I DIDN'T MEANT TO SCARE YOU. COME HERE, SQUIRT." And with that, I was taken into the air by her hoof. She then presses me into her sweaty, but silky smooth fur. It was the biggest hug in my life. I felt much better now, thanks to her. I really liked her. Maybe now even more so.

Rainbow Dash, after hugging that cute little bug, noticed some Poison Joke over there. She then looks at the bug, and realized, that it wasn't a bug, but a pony, shrunken down to the size of an ant. "Heh, I guess you want to go to Zecora for a cure? Well, too bad. I was there a few minutes back, and she wasn't home. There was a sign on her door saying, that she urgently had to go to Zebrafrica, because her sister recently had a foal," said Rainbow Dash. She then looked at him, he looked sad again. She

responded with happiness in her voice. "But don't worry, squirt. I have an extra dose of cure over in my home! I know what it’s like being poison joke'd. It's not pleasant. And while we’re there, we can talk about the awesome Woderbolts, while nibbling on some cookies. What do you say?" She saw him jumping on her hoof with joy, so she took that as a yes.

And with that, they took off towards Rainbow Dash's home for cure, with Half Pint inside her sweaty, smellly mane.
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