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by chief
Rated: E · Short Story · Military · #2027545
story i made in freshmen yr, somewhat true due to having some of my great father notes.
Memories of WW2


Its 1941 and I just got word that WAR just broken out. I just lost two good friends, because of Pearl Harbor. There names 1st SGT. Mike Hoffman and LT. COL. Miller, of the USS Missouri. Three days later my team and I LT. GEN Kendler got shipped out to the Philippines for a recon mission. A very simple and important mission it was. We had to be very sneaky to get passed the guard towers and patrols. We had to stop a few times so we wouldn't get seen by enemy patrols and vehicles, which were tanks and machine gun position. We were about two miles away from our primary objectives, until we herd artillery fire about a mile or so, ahead of us. We were heading for a bridge called the Bridge of Kiowa, an enemy supply route bridge. PVT 1st Class Baker said "It's coming from the bridge of Kiowa." Then I told my men to move and head to the bridge. We started to run to the bridge, until we got hit by heavy MG fire and artillery fire. SGT Johnson was getting hit hard by the artillery, besides us being pined down by MG fire, until it stopped. Johnson said "out of ammo" I don't know, I said to him, keep moving I told my team. We got to the bridge right on time and started to place the TNT on the bridge. We were half way done till corporal Henry said Enemy Tanks, Take cover!! So we ran, to get off the bridge so we can blow it. Johnson got hit by sniper fire in the leg, he told us to go which we did. Huxley went back to get him, I told him to get back here and take cover, but he went anyway. I told my fellow solders to get off the bridge, as I looked back I see Huxley with Johnson on there way back two us. I ran over to him to help him carry Johnson. The truck parked on the side of the bridge blew up, after being hit by an enemy tank gun. We got off on the opposite side of the enemy and SGT James of the demolition team blew the bridge up, as the tanks where right on it. I hear a faint voice behind me it said "Dixon told me to tell you, to go to Hell, but your all right Huxley" then there was silence. Huxley said to me that "Johnson is dead." Corporal Henry said to me "I'm sorry about your brother. He was... well he was a good Marine. Can't ask for more than that."
Brigadier General. Hoffman sent me a letter, two days after the battle of Kiowa. This took me to Gen. Hane of the 5th army, at South Korea. I got their at 4: 30 pm, Sunday night. He was waiting for me at the capital, I saluted him. "Follow me" he said in a friendly voice. He told me their was a CIA solder in Singapore. That he wanted me to find and help out, his name is COL. Tanaka, and "he's a spy LT GEN. Kendler, Theirs a boat waiting for you at the docks, go there and good luck" Henderson said.
The boat ride to Singapore was about four hours long, because the boat only had one speed, about 5mph and there weir a lot of patrols on the way there. I disguised myself as a fisher man, do to the boat was a fishing boat. A Japanese barge came up to us and said, "where are you doing?" we said we weir fishing, they told us to go ahead about your business. I arrived on the north side of Singapore, right by the old Japanese frigate. I had to be very sneaky, until I saw an enemy solder right in front of me. I thought I could try to take his uniform, so I did. I took my dagger out of my pants and snuck up be hind him, so I could kill him. I leaped out and plunged my dagger into his chest killing him slowly. I dragged his body back to the alley, so I can change uniforms with him. I found a German car right up the road, I took it, then I drove down to the Florin Hotel, were there was a lot of enemy solders, because GEN. Yomushitta was their with Germen GEN. Von Kleist. As I walked into the hotel I saw a man looking around, so I walked over to him and said "COL. Tanaka" he told me to follow him to his room, so I did. We got to his room and he said "LT GEN. Kendler it's nice to see you. I hope you didn't have too much trouble getting here. I said "no I didn't, thanks for asking." I told him that 1STAR GEN. Henderson sent me to find you and bring you back safely. "That shouldn't be to hard" he said, "yah right" I said, he took me back down stairs to the main lobby. We got down stairs were GEN. Yomushitta was waiting for us, he said "welcome COL. Tanaka and LT GEN. Kendler, it looks like you came at a bad time. Men arrest them know." He took us to his car and told us to get in, so we did.
The drive to the base was very bumpy and Tanaka and I tried to think how we would escape. We were going down an old road; witch looked like it was abandon along time ago. We came up by a vary old and abandon church. Which we thought was abandon, until we got hit by AK-47 fire; we took cover behind a brick wall. Then we saw a flag going up the church flag pole, Tanaka said "Russians, what are they doing here?" "I don't now?" I said. The smoke cleared after 2min of gun fire, and then I saw CAPT. Marko Ramies in the window. "Brother, it's nice to see you again" I said "you mean CAPT. Ramies is your brother?" Tanaka said "yes" I said. "We had been waiting here since midnight last night for you. It's a good thing we ran into you, brother" Ramie's said. "And I thought you only spoke English and Russian?" I said. "Well, you learn a knew language, every day. Now lets see, we got to get you back to HQ" Ramie's said. "CAPT. Ramie's, we got a Japanese military truck over here" Tanaka said. "Very well, we'll use it to get to the 4.0 fire base" Ramie's said. We started to head to the base, until we came up to a British platoon by a small town, called Kuala Lumpur. But since we were in an enemy truck, we had to stop and wave our flag at them, so they know that we were friendly. The SGT. told us there was an enemy squad in the town and it might not be safe to enter the town, without a convoy of tanks to help you. We drove up to where the allied tanks were, about half-mile or more. They said they will take us as far as the blue hill church, in the middle of town. We were about half way there till the tank in front of us exploded, do to an anti-tank mine. The Japanese's began to fire at us and Tanaka jumped off the truck which was on fire. We bailed on the truck to a safer place which was a blown up grand hotel. "CAPT. Ramies, where is COL. Tanaka?" I said. He looks around and says "I don't know? Hey do you hear that" "no" I said. "That's the thing I hear nothing, the Japanese stopped firing." Ramies said. "But why?" I said "what's that sound?" look, oh crap, tank! "That's a 4p90 Russian tank" Ramies said. "The Japanese are retreating" I said. "You need a lift, guys" Tanaka said, From the tank. So we rode the tank to the 4.0 fire base, which was pretty cool, because the enemy solders would see the tank and run. But they only die trying. "Look at all of them." "Yeah running for there mama." I said. Huxley was laughing in the background. Ah man, ah, the guys coughing. "Man, do I like that smell, smells like home." Huxley said. "Huxley, every thing reminds you of home." Tanaka said. "Tanaka, drive." I said. Ok sir. "Pull over up here." Ramies said. "My platoon is at this bar." "So I guess I will be seeing you later, brother." I said. "I will come to visit you in the states." Ramies said. "The US lines are right up the road, 1STAR GEN. Henderson, is waiting for you there." A Russian solder said. "Thank you." Tanaka said in Russian. "Tanaka, You BY ROSKY. I said. "Denoga." Tanaka said. "What did you say?" Huxley said. I said you speak Russian, and Tanaka said a little.
"Hey! You can't park that tank there." Who says? I did, the name is SGT. Pulaski, Henderson is on his way here and I want him to be able to park right in front of the door. "Huxley, park the tank around back and come in, after you're done." I said. "Roger that sir." He said. "Tanaka, come with me. We walked up to the door and the SGT. said. "You guys can't go in there, officers only." I said to him. "Do you know who I am, I am LT GEN. Kendler and this is COL. Tanaka, a CIA agent." "Very well, g,g,g,go on in." he said. 30 min passed and Huxley opened my cabined door and said "GEN. Henderson is here." I set the book that I was reading on the stool and got up off the couch. As I walked down stairs to the main lobby, I heard Henderson say that he had a telegram. "Kendler, it's nice to see you, what are you doing here?" Henderson said. Tanaka was just walking in the door way and I said, "I'm here with COL. Tanaka, the spy." "I need to talk to you." Henderson said. "Ah, Kendler, can I talk to you alone." We walked up to my room, and he shut the door behind him. I said to him, "Something happened to my brothers, didn't it. I heard you say that you had a telegram." He said "yes, your father was killed just 5 hours ago. He was on his way home, when his plane was shot down, by Japanese's subs, off the coast of Hawaii. Theirs a plane waiting for you and Huxley, his mother is very ill and she requested that he be sent home." He left and went to talk to Tanaka. I started to pack my things until; I came across a picture of my father and me on Wake Island. I put it back in my bag and headed down stairs, to the jeep where Huxley was waiting. I was walking through the lobby until, Henderson said "Take care of your self and your mother, she needs it." "I will, sir." I said. I got in the jeep with Huxley and we started to drive to the air port. We where about a half mile away until, we hit a big motor hole. My side of the jeep was sinking down and I said "Man we got two flat tires, on this side." "Two flat tires won't stop me from getting home, heehaw! Huxley said. The jeep flew into the air, after hitting a dirt mound. "Ah, Huxley, I got dirt in my eyes, Huxley you're insane." "I like my things dirty." Huxley said. We drove up to the plane, with the tires melting on the road. The pilot said, "What's that smell?" I said, "We were burning rubber." He said, "Yeah, I see that sir." The rims of the jeep were bright red hot and smoking. Huxley made a joke about it, as he was loading the bags on the plane. "Huxley, that is very cruel." I said. "Well, it's got to be done and we're ready sir." He said. As I walked up the back ramp of the plane, I looked back to take one last look at the battle field. Where I was for the past three years, I turned away and walked up to the front of the plane, where my seat was. The plane started to move, as I was reading, I looked out my window to see only nothing, nothing but blackness.
The journey back home was very hard, as I got closer to my home back in Fort Wayne. I feel happy, but I don't show it. Huxley was passed out in the seat next to mine. The pilot told me 45 min till we got to America, he said to try to get some sleep, but I couldn't. Knowing that my 3 little brothers and my father are dead, I try not to think of them, but I do. I shall go to there funeral with mom, Uncle Ben and Cousin John. I received the Medal of Honor the next day with Huxley who got the Medal of Valor at the Capital in Washington DC. "The war is over for me, but the memory will always be their in my head. They say we left home, no, we weir going to what home was all about. For the men who fought and died, I will never forget. For the men who survived, we have a chance to make things better. A chance to live on and be fathers of our own. The men who died, R.I.P. men and I will never ever forget you" I said to GEN. Henderson and the people of America.

By. Commander Chief

Made in 2006- ?

Dedicated to the men and woman who fought in WW2. Only to there effort, which we stand firm today.

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