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Rated: E · Other · Other · #2027054
Catching up on the 30-Day Blogging Challenge
Sometimes life gets busy and something has to give. Unfortunately, these last few days I had to fall behind here. The choice was sleep or writing, and in most circumstances, I would pick writing, but with the cold bug hot on my heels, sleep it had to be. So, without further ado, here are my days 17, 18 and 19.

Day 17/18
(I'm putting these together, as my response to 17 involves a news story, albeit from TV and not the paper)

Prompt: "Say what you will, and I'll fight to the death for your right to say it, but this here is mine." Create something out of that. Day 17

Prompt:{/b }Pick a random article from the headlines and talk about it. Share your opinions and feelings about it. Encourage a conversation. Day 18

The prompt for day 17 brought to mind so very many things for me, especially regarding what happened in France a fort night ago and the American media's portrayal of the situation. That tragedy was about a great many things, including the right to free speech, particularly when it crosses paths with politics and religion. Being liberal, being a writer and having grown up with the beauty of free speech, I am all for it and believe that it is a fundamental right we all should be able to exercise. I believe this, even if I dislike, even if I vehemently disagree with what you are saying.

A prime example would be this lovely news clip from Fox News. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em0eXxW3Gw4

When I first watched the clip, I was utterly baffled and horrified. First off, I knew that the no-go zones simply were not true, so that was just bad journalism. Second, I really couldn't imagine how this type of story could help the situation at all, but rather would just add fuel to the fire. Third, I just had to sigh. The right to free speech is there to be used. Unfortunately, it was used for spreading falsities this time. The apology from Fox News a few days later was meant to rectify said factual issues with the piece. That their piece was insulting, however, is part of what free speech is all about, at least in a way. Free speech wasn't designed for one another to insult each other, but rather for us each to express our own opinions. It just so happens, that with some situations, some topics, there are an awful lot of opinions and the chances for insult are higher.

Baring that in mind, my own rule for myself regarding free speech and expression is: use good judgement. Express your opinions, express your views, but do not throw respect out the window. With great freedom, comes great responsibility, as Ben Parker (Spider Man) would say.

Day 19
Prompt: Recruit me as a new fan to your blog. Tell me what you and your blog are all about. Tell me what I have to look forward to in the coming week, and into the future. Engage your readers by soliciting them to leave comments endorsing your blog.

Hi there!

Looking for a bit of random to spice up your day, boot you out of the rut, kick you out of the routine? Why not stop by my blog (https://kiwibeeblogger.wordpress.com)? I can't promise what you'll find, but there is bound to be something there, just waiting to add a little light to the dreary days of January.

My blog started out as a way to spend some excess free-time while motivating myself to write often. While filling up copious amounts of time isn't such an issue anymore (Yay for an 8-5 job!), I'm still hard at it, in part because I love to blog and in part because I started a personal challenge. A few short months after I initially started blogging, I turned 24. For my birthday I made a goal to post a blog a day until I turn 25. Currently, I am over 230 days in and going strong.

So, what do I post?

In truth, I post bits of this and bits of that. I write about my daily life, make observations, scribble out frequent haikus and dabble in short fiction. Sometimes I post photos from my latest adventures, particularly in a weekly photo feature. Other times I get in touch with my past or explore what the future might hold. It is a mixed bag of content, almost completely drive by my mood. So, if you're looking for some randomness, stop on by, as I never know what will arrive on the page until I sit down in front of the screen.

See you soon!
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