Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2026800-The-Sun-Caught-In-Her-Raven-Hair
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #2026800
gifted in witchcraft, she is turned to a raven to escape the fate that awaited her.
There is a story that lives through the families of this village. A story of a child who was cursed to turn into a raven. The villagers were not the brightest of people, what would be explained through science would be called an omen of the events that happened, and the changeling, a product formed from pure dark magic.
It all starts on the 16th October 1995. It was a day similar to all other autumn days; wind, slight chill and perhaps rain at times. At exactly 3:41pm, the sun went black and darkness swept over the sky. People watched attentively, hoping that the darkness would not last for long, hoping that it was not something they had to fear and spend their lives running from.
On this day a family was torn apart, a mother, father and two daughters aged 4 and 6. The first daughter, Ash, had light brown hair and hazel eyes to match. The second girl, Esmerelda, had what the family called "raven black" hair with very light blue eyes. They were almost scared of the contrast. At this point may I remind you, they were not a very conventional family. The mother had been committed to a mental hospital when the girls were 1 and 3 years old, apparently stirred crazy with the paranoia of the raven girl containing a special gift, the same gene as her father, only much more dangerous. This gene held the code for her to perform sorcery, more than just plain pulling a rabbit out of the hat magic trick, dark, dangerous and powerful witchcraft.
Their father now bringing up the girls by himself hated the trait that had been passed on to his daughter, leading him to despise her altogether. As a child he had his gift suppressed through hundreds of unbearable lab tests and torment, knowing that this was now the fate of his daughter, he seized the opportunity to let her escape her future. Disguising the disappearance of his daughter as an omen from the solar eclipse happening outside. Many would witness it but no one would guess the power the father and daughter had.
He knew he did not have long to perform such a spell, he was quick to work. Rummaging through the chest of draws that contained his parent's spell books and other such objects, he found what he was looking for. Being a natural wizard, there was no need to go looking for a wand or staff or any other instrument to a wizard's preference, all he needed to find was the spell to turn his daughter into a changeling.
He cast the spell, while chanting in what sounded like Latin (though wasn't as you'll find out) a swirl of black and silver mist turned around Esmeralda, encasing her in what could only be described as a tornado of tiny ravens. The father finished casting, the mist disappeared into the ground, leaving a small black carrion bird stretching its long new wings. There standing in the place of the child was a raven, the newly transformed daughter of the banned sorcerer.
The man picked the bird up off the ground, and when their eyes met he told her that he didn't want to do it and if she wanted she could hate him as much as she pleased as they would probably never meet again. He gave her one last piece of information before he watched her fly off. She would be able to transform into a human when she hit the age of 10.
He watched her fly off into the brightening sky, the eclipse was over, she was the last bit of black seemingly caught on the sun.

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