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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Other · #2026799
a sort of story that popped in my head while drinking tea
Everyone falls in love at least once in their life, some the normal way where your heart thumps at the first meeting or at the first word exchange. But then there is also Amy Crue.

You see, Amy is the kind of girl who never had the idea that love might have been knocking on her doorstep since year one.

Amy is someone you can love at first sight, determined clear brown eyes, hair of the blackest black and skin as white as snow, you can probably call her the modern Snow White, but then the only difference is that she's awake.

Amy loves the forest behind her school. As if her being the modern Snow White isn't enough she also loved apples. Amy with her black hair, white skin and red lips who loves the forest and the nature she uncovers inside.

but you see, Amy is not looking for a prince or love, she's looking for knowledge and she's filled with passion.

Then there's Denver, the boy who loves to take pictures of nature and also the invisible boy who sits at the farthest seat during class. The boy who eats alone at the back of the school where he can see the forest Amy loves.

that's how he first discovered Amy's magnificent beauty. He was eating a ham and egg sandwich, Amy in a red sleeveless dress with a white ribbon on her hair ran through the school's back door, climbed up on the metal fence and disappeared into the woods, but not before Denver shot a picture of her.

when Denver got the photo printed, it came out as a magnificent colored picture that looks as if Amy was a fairy that flew off the fence.

Amy was jumping down to the other side of the fence, her dress flowing and her hair waving in the air. the picture was taken before Amy fell to the ground and her arms spread wide, she looked like a red angel even without wings at her back.

Denver never got Amy Crue out of his head, and soon she leaped her way into his heart.

Denver Ashen, the invisible boy with curious and knowledge-seeking blue eyes and yellow hair. He was quite popular since his features was something a prince had. He was tall and had affectionate eyes but he never had interest with love. He shut down all attempts of girls to date him in the most ruthless ways, that is until he saw Amy. He didn't really talk to her and by the time he knew he fell in love, he had no way to woo her since he didn't know how. His complete disregard for dating and love threw his status down so low that he was just a pretty face that everyone ignored.

You could say they could have been a match made in heaven but then they never spoke until graduation. all Denver had was that picture of Amy leaping down the fence like a red angel, he supposed it ended there and it did. Because Amy Crue disappeared like the fairy she was into the woods she loved.

Denver thought it was just the routine, Amy jumping down the fence every lunch and him silently observing her as he ate a ham and egg sandwich, waiting to shoot the same perfect moment he did the first time they met, an angel with a dress and hair flowing in the wind as she flew.

Amy was wearing a black dress that day and a red ribbon headband on her hair, Denver thought she looked like an angel of death as she jumped down the fence and he got this thumping feeling that he was losing something but he just shook it off dismissing it as the usual, that Amy will come back after lunch and she'll sit in that chair nearest to the window where the sun will shine on her like the wonderful princess that she is.

but Amy Crue never returned, not for lunch and not in that seat where the sun bathed her. Amy Crue was lost inside the forest that she loved and nobody saw her ever again.

this is when you wonder, how come someone you've never spoken to, someone who isn't even your friend affected you so much,

that day when the school organized a small makeshift funeral for Amy was the day Denver's world collapsed. his fairy was gone. Amy will never climb the fence again and he will never be able to take a picture of her jump again.

At that moment, something snapped within him. Life was no better without his Snow White and he wanted to move, do something. So he stopped going to school and went inside the forest instead. He thought it was okay, he only had half a year till graduating.

while walking around. he saw traces of Amy everywhere. Not that Amy really was there but he imagined her sitting under that tree and eating lunch with some squirrels or climbing a tree to play with birds. He even thought he smelled her around the woods even when he never knew Amy's smell.

Denver spent two months looking for her to the extent that his parents received a call from the school. why wasn't he there?

"Son, I know this is devastating to lose someone you love like that, but atleast think about yourself"

words he dismissed.

He didn't care. when the nagging got too much, he bought a tent and camped out.

after four months, he heard a rustle while he was having his dinner. he heard it 5 times and on the 5th time, he imagined Amy walking out of that bush but she didn't.

what walked out was a squirrel.

his hopes fell. He started wondering what he was doing.

his face was covered with hair he couldn't shave, haven't brushed his teeth in weeks.

Denver is a mess and he's becoming worse everyday.

"What am I doing with my life?" he thought and with that. He stood up, fixed his things and went home.

He saw a small glitter of light as he passed by a tree so he walked towards it.

The tree had a hole on its side and he saw a metal tube inside it.

The metal tube is the kind you use to put your pens inside, It also had a cap to seal it and that very same cap had the letters A and M and Y.

with tears in his eyes and his hands shivering. he opened the tube.

A ring, pen, letter and a sketch.

his world broke down as he saw a sketch of him with his camera and his sandwich.

His eyes watered, legs gave out and lungs stopped breathing.

questions filled his head and the answers were given.

Dear Denver,

That's your name right? that quiet beautiful boy who always ate alone. I was a little bit scared to jump in front of you that day when I wore a red dress. I was scared to trip or fall in front of you, I don't want to embarrass myself in front of the only guy I find attractive. More than that I was scared to hurt myself that you felt compelled to come to me and help me.

I didn't want to ruin our small interaction of peacefulness, I didn't want to ruin the image of you by actually knowing you and erasing the you I imagined. I'm okay with seeing you and your sandwich and knowing that you took a picture of my jump each and every day.

I know its selfish of me to keep this relationship one-sided and all to myself but I have a very good reason for that. I'm scared of trusting you and getting betrayed again.

If you took that much picture of me, I guess you liked me too. I'm assuming you liked me too. That's why I need to tell you something about myself.

my brother raped me when I was thirteen, he did continuously for a year and I bore a child from his evil deed. My tummy never did grow big enough and I went to school even when I was almost going into labor. As I went through the pain and the fear not only for myself but for this child, I decided to raise her until she can be left somewhere and I promised to get her back.

That child was named Celine, she has beautiful black hair and white skin. I wished I could have stayed with her forever but I had to give her up when she was two. She lives at the house just over this forest. You need to pass by a cliff to get there and that's what I do every time I jumped down that fence.

I'm too impure to indulge in your beautiful eyes, that's why I didn't talk to you. someone like me does not deserve you.

Denver, I loved you but I'm not sure if I was loving the right you or the you I imagined you to be but that's okay for me.

that small moment we have while you touched your shutter and I leaped down the fence was enough for me.

I hope by some miracle to you find this someday even if I wrote it expecting that you'll never even lay your eyes on it.

I hope you find love and happiness

Sorry for being Selfish,
Amy Crue

Denver knew exactly where Amy is and that's where he's going. with the ring on his finger and the letter and sketch safely inside his bag. He ran there.

and he was right, below the cliff was Amy, she was pale not white, her lips were red but because of the blood. She was lifeless and that was how Denver felt.

A piercing scream resonated through the whole forest and as soon as he stopped crying. he grabbed his phone, dialed for help and walked away.

He walked towards that wooden house with a big garden. The garden had a swing and a slide, there were children laughing about and running around.

But what caught his eyes was a child with black hair, white skin and red lips. She wore a red dress and a white ribbon on her hair.

at that moment, Denver was at peace.

He went home, washed himself, shaved his face and returned to society.

Denver was never the same again after that but with Amy's ring hanging from a silver chain on his neck and the sketch pinned in his room. It was all okay.

Denver was okay.


I'm so very sorry if this has a lot of errors or wrong punctuation. I appreciate any help or advice you can give me so I can improve this further.

Thank You.

It was okay. Its
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