Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2025462-Blacksmith-and-The-Roses-The-Cowgirl
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #2025462
The Dreaded Blacksmith meets a new warrior: the Three-Count Cowgirl, Dixie Clemets.
The Blacksmith and the Roses
Chapter 2: The Three-Count Cowgirl

A little while after Miss Hinomoto left the room, I went to the bathroom before the next wrestler would come. While sitting on the stall, I heard two men, probably young adults, talking about the wrestlers.
âSo, who are you rooting for?â
âIâd say the cowgirl. She looks pretty strong and the curves on her are just amazing.â
âI know, right? What I would give to go out with her.â
âNot a chance. Probably in your sleep, but no way sheâd hook up with you.â
âCome on. Iâm convinced she would.â
âTell you what. If we see her, you can ask her out yourself.â
âFine, Iâll prove it to you.â
âCome on, dude. Sheâs a famous wrestler. I doubt sheâs got time to deal with us.â
I heard them talking with each other as they walked out the door. After finishing up and washing my hands, I headed back to the interview room. On the way back, I decided to look around the halls. They wereâ¦honestly, pretty dull. There didnât appear to be security guards and there were just posters showing Ms. Hinomoto in a choke hold by a beautiful blonde-haired woman. Considering the men that were talking in the bathroom, Iâd expect to see at least a few guards or something. Anyway, I returned to the room, and after a few minutes, I heard a faint ringing in my ear. I at first thought Iâve finally lost it, but then I saw the blonde woman from the poster enter the room. I could tell just from her appearance that she was a southern belle. Along with her beautiful blonde hair, she had striking blue eyes, was very tall, and had a muscular physique, mainly her abs, thighs and biceps. She wore a shoulder-lacking low-cut top, with a wide-open front, obviously to show her midriff and cleavage, wearing a gold star marshalâs badge over her left breast and a white choker with a small cowbell around her neck. She wore wide-legged chaps, complete with cow style spots that were fixed to a belt around her waist, with white knee-pads, decorative white cowboy boots, white bikini bottoms, and MMA-style gloves. Itâs hard to explain, but I also smelled a bit of lemon zest with a hint of jasmine. I got up and walked to her as she entered.
âHowdy, darlingââ, she said in a southern accent.
âHello, miss. Who might you be?â
âThe nameâs Dixie Clemets. And you?â
âJack. Itâs nice to meet you, Ms. Clemets.â I held out my hand to give her a handshake, and she accepted it, giving a firm grip.
âGlad to see those muscles arenât for show.â
âGot that right, sugar. Iâve been traininâ for years.â
âGreat. Letâs get started, shall we?â
After sitting down, I got out my notepad and a mechanical pencil.
âWell, Ms. Clemets, letâs start from the beginning.â
âWell, I was born in San Antonio, Texas and lived with my mama, daddy and three brothers. My daddy has been a famous rancher for almost 30 years. I actually grew up helping out at the ranch with my brothers.â
âThat mustâve been rough.â
âYeah, it was at first, but I got used to it pretty quick. Hell, my outfit even has my familyâs branding symbol.â She got up and turned her back to show me. âImpressive,â I said. So I assume that you or your brothers will be running things.â
âIâm actually learning how to run the ranch, so I can take after my daddy someday. Itâs hard work, but good work.â
âCool. So, what else have you been up to besides tending your dadâs ranch?
âI started competing in rodeos when I was 12 and have won every time.â
âCool. Though, whatâs with the badge?
âWell, I spent a lot to time helping out at the Sheriffâs office.â
âYouâre a real sheriff!? Thatâs so cool.â
âThanks, sugar. Being a sheriff was pretty fun. Iâve also been on TV and radio shows in my free time.â
âGuess your dadâs fame passed on to you. So, with all that said, why come to a wrestling tournament?â
âWell, I was actually inspired by the late great Kamikaze Rose to take up wrestling.â
âKamikaze Rose was your idol!?â
âSure was. I watched her matches nonstop. She inspired me to take up wrestling, and I practiced with my brothers constantly. Sheâs still my hero to this day. When I heard about this tournament, I decided to take her example and enter.â
âThen, I assume youâre here to take on her daughter, Reiko.â
âYep, I want to see if the leafâs not too far from the tree.â
âWell, glad to say that I interviewed her earlier and saw what she could do. Sheâs definitely pretty good. Iâd say your match is going to be sweet and Iâm looking forward to it.â
âThanks, darling. Iâm glad that you havenât done anything dirty.â
âI was just raised well, thatâs all. Besides, I refuse to anything underhanded to a gorgeous southern belle like you.â I looked away quickly, not believing I had just said something so stupid. Figured Iâd screw this up soon.
âThanks, sugar. I appreciate it.â
I looked back at her and said, âNo problem. Letâs continue. Whatâs your favorite food?â
âThree-alarm chili. Itâs blazing hot, but I love it. Ever try it?â
âNah, not one for super spicy stuff. My little mouth canât take it. Whatâs your favorite color?â
âIâd say white. It has a fresh feeling, donât it?â
âI see it as an opportunity. Empty, but opening infinite possibilities.â I looked back at her, and then turned away, realizing I said something stupidâ¦again.
âAre you some sort of artist, Jack?â
âI dabble in drawing every now and then.â
âCan you draw something right now?â
âS-sure. Like what?â
âHmm, how about my face?â
âHmmâ¦alright.â I got to work by examining her face and hair. It was a bit of a hassle to do her hair, but I managed to make it work. After a few minutes, I showed it to her.
âThis is great. It looks perfect. You even got the hair and lips just right.â
âI have my moments. Well, looks like timeâs up.â
Thanks a lot, sugar. You mind if I keep this drawing?â
âNot at all.â
âThanks.â She got up, walked over to me as I stood up and gave me a kiss on the cheek. âSee you âround, sugar.â
âSee you round.â Iâve seen quite the roster so far. And that was only two. Itâs no secret why those two were the poster girls. Now, the question is, whoâs next?

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