Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2025103-Dont-Lie-To-Me
by Addie
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Drama · #2025103
Cecelia has put her trust in Liam but does he return the trust or run stray from love.
She wasn't sure if it was love at first sight, but what she did know was that she had never seen anyone quite like Liam before. He was tall, handsome, and had that look in his eyes that could melt the hearts of every teenage girl in town. She knew he was a heartbreaker but that didn't stop her wanting him. Cecelia was the kind of girl you wouldn't look twice at. She was and introvert, kept to herself and didn't have many friends. She spent most of her time blogging online, and would never imagine herself even being able to talk to a guy like Liam. She would sometimes have dreams about him and wake up with him on her mind, but she knew it would never be anything more than just silly dreams. So she decided to stop thinking about him since he was way out of her league.

She focused on school and trying to enhance her social life by making new friends. She managed to stumble across a group of girls who she knew from Primary School and once she sat down beside them it was like time hadn't passed. They felt like real friends and she was happy with them, but them one of the girls met a guy and they started dating. This guy was sweet and gentle but Cecelia noticed that his eyes would stray from his new found girlfriend. She also noticed her eyes started to wander to him. There were occasional glances and smiles directed at one another, but nothing noticeable. Or so they thought. Eventually his girlfriend noticed this small attraction and banned the two of them from ever speaking to each other, but her boyfriend was not for having it so he cut ties with her.

It was a long summer. School had started back and Cecelia felt good about herself for the first time this year. But the only thing she thought about all summer was that guy she met before school finished for summer. She knew he would have a new girlfriend by now but she was still excited about getting the chance to speak to him again. A couple of week into the new school term and they finally started talking to each other properly, they began to develop feelings for each other. Talking was followed by hanging out which was followed by a simple kiss. From that one few second kiss she was hooked. She hand fell from her wall and right into his arms. It was love for them, but she would soon learn that is was only teenage love. Nothing too damaging to her heart, but at the time it was like her world had crashed and burned before her very eyes.

Their relationship was fun and sweet. But before long it was over, Cecelia cried for days before she came to her senses and realised they were just teenagers, and relationships don't always last when you're a teenager. She decided to try and be friends with her now ex-boyfriend, and they managed to put their failed relationship behind them. Because they were close in their relationship, their friendship was easier. They soon discovered that they should've been just friends all along because it was easier for both of them. They continued to hang out but never in each others group of friends.

Exams had come and gone and once again summer was here. Cecelia had a better social life now and she was slowly beginning to find a new group of friends with her ex-boyfriend and all his friends. She was meeting them all individually and then there was a gig at the local skatepark and there he was. That one guy she had seen and forgot about 2 years ago. He was her ex-boyfriends best friend. They got introduced and she felt something and maybe, just maybe he felt something too. But they wouldn't properly talk for months.

Her 18th was next week. She was finally going to be an adult and she decided to throw herself a big birthday bash in her house. She invited all her friends, old and new. Being legally allowed to drink alcohol now she bought herself a mixture of different liqueurs. She had everything planned, even Liam was coming to the party, and this was it. Her best friend had made up a scenario of how they were going to get to talk to each other alone. Cecelia thought it was stupid but also quite clever, except from the tiny fault of that her parents were supervising the party, so nothing went wrong.

Party time! Everyone was dressed up and ready for the party to start. All Cecelia's friends were arriving in small groups. Then everyone was finally here and the music was loud. Cecelia was having a great time dancing and having a laugh with everyone. Of course her mum was taking as many pictures as she could since her little girl was all grown up now. Before the cake was brought out, Liam and Cecelia were out in the garden talking, and one of the girls ran out with the camera and took a picture of the two of them. Then out of nowhere, Liam grabbed Cecelia by the waste and kissed her. She was all flustered and her friend managed to get a great picture of the two of them kissing. That moment would be forever in her memory.

A couple of weeks after her 18th she was heading off on holiday with her girls. She was still speaking to Liam but they never announced that they were exclusive. So still being single she had a flirt and a kiss here and there with one or two guys she had met on holiday. But Liam wasn't amused by this as he had strong feelings for her and wanted to be more than just friends now. So he waited until she came home from holiday to tell her this, as he didn't want to do it over the phone. Only 6 days till she was home and he was getting agitated now. He wanted her to be home now so he could finally be with her.

The day she arrived back home, she went home to unpack and see her parents. Shortly after she arrived back in her house she got a strange phone call from Liam asking her to come down to his flat because he needed to tell her something important. She was confused by this and so she asked for a lift off her parents and ventured over to Liams' flat. She never even had the chance to knock on the door as he had swung it open and grabbed her. He missed not being able to see or speak to her for 10 days. They went inside and he offered her food and a drink. Then he sat her down and explained to her as best he could that he wanted her to be his girlfriend. But he was never really good at the dating thing, so she helped him out. That was them, they were officially a couple.

Their relationship was amazing in the beginning, it was making dinners for one another, and going out together. She even helped him decorate some of his flat. But then it was time to meet his family. She had always been shy about meeting other peoples family because hers' were so abnormal, but what family isn't. His mum was the sweetest woman, she was so easy to get on with and so was his older sister. His younger brother was a little more closed off and she never really got the chance to have a proper conversation with him. His two younger sisters made up for that but since they were the most liveliest and loud children she had ever met, but at the same time they were so cute and shy at times with strangers. One of his sisters got quite attatched to Cecelia and loved braiding her long, blonde hair.

Things weren't always so good with Liam, there was this one girl who he always said that they were 'just friends', but Cecelia never truly believed him. There was just something not right, and deep in her gut she didn't trust him with this girl. He was quite secretive about their friendship and one night Cecelia decided to have a little look through his phone to read the texts between Liam and this girl. Was probably the worst idea she could have had, Laim had been moaning about Cecelia to this girl, saying she was too clingy and was getting annoying. But to her face he would say he was falling in love with her and never wanted to let her go. This was where he wanted to be. So Cecelia through down the phone and went to bed, hoping to just sleep off the hurt she felt from these texts.

Cecelia couldn't stop thinking about this girl that Liam was talking to and decided to pull him up for the texting. He was angry that she would betray his trust. She lost it completely and asked again and again what this girl meant to him and if they were more than friends. He kept saying there was nothing there and that he wasn't even attracted to this girl. So Cecelia dropped the whole thing. She never uttered a word about this girl to him again.

It was Liam's sister's 21st birthday party and Cecelia bought her this lovely pink bottle of champagne as a present since she was quite girly. Liam's entire family was at the party and this was Cecelia's first time meeting everyone outside his mother and siblings. After the party they went back to Liam's sister's house for an after party, and in the taxi there Liam was telling Cecelia he was sorry for being so horrible to her, and was glad that his family liked her since she was his first serious girlfriend. She forgave him and they continued to have a good night.

Not even a week later, Cecelia found out through a mutual friend that Liam had seen this other girl behind her back but ensured nothing was going on and that they were just friends. But of course it all sounded too staged so she once again asked Liam about her and demanded that he was not to lie to her! He still insisted that there was nothing there, and said that if she didn't trust him then why were they even together in the first place. With that said she just got up and walked out, ending the relationship. She told him never to speak to her again.

After a few months of not speaking to many people or going out, Cecelia finally said that enough was enough and decided to reinvent herself. She preferred for people to call her Cece now instead of her full name, and she cut her hair shorter and dyed it brown. She was moving on in her life without Liam holding her back anymore, she went on a couple of dates here and there but no one was to her liking.

A year on from her break up with Liam and there is still no man in her life as of yet. She still takes time to think about him and wish him well but she won't ever let herself feel the same way that she did about him ever again. She was a closed book now and that was fine for her. It just meant no one could hurt her like that again.
© Copyright 2015 Addie (addiebryson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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