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by Felix
Rated: NPL · Other · Other · #2024297
Part two of "Apply Within"
*BoomBoom ---- BoomBoom*

Over the distance you hear what you could only assume to be cannon fire? Each blast seemed to get closer and louder to your location. What was weird about it was that the blasts resembled a pattern. It was a sequence of two quick blasts followed by two similar blasts that seemed to be a little farther away. The blasts increase in volume and power. Small fragments of rubble vibrate around you. The larger remnants of building rock back and forth as small pieces fall around you. Trying to stabilize yourself, you plant your two feet flat on the ground trying to get an even footing. A nearby puddle bobs up and down sending large ripples across the surface.

A shadow engulfs the area as you gaze upwards to see not just one but two of your coworkers standing tall. Each of them resembling mighty statues surveying the landscape. Using “tall” was really an understatement. Kody and Casey seemed to be on the peripheral edge of the fenced in room but due to their immense size they look as if they could be standing right next you. Standing in only a pair of boxers the duo seemed quite confused on their current whereabouts. A loud blast escapes one of the giants mouth. It’s too hard to make out what exactly what was being said. Is this how the tiny inhabitant felt during your recent escapade?
“Th-fuck is this shit?” Kody asked. The giant peered down and looked at a tiny suburban neighborhood that laid before his bare feet. Not really knowing what he was looking at, Kody bent down slightly and stretched out a single, pink, digit and carelessly streaked his finger across a row of houses that looked more than raised bumps in the ground no bigger than small uniform flecks of gravel.

The littles trapped in the suburbs screech in terror as the sky was literally crashing down on them. The finger slowly intruded onto each of their location. Each second it got bigger and brighter as it made contact to the first couple of buildings crushing them instantly. The people trapped inside were obliterated in seconds. As the dust settled people gasped as a notice the finger was on the move again without any discretion or mercy. The finger moved forward in a straight line taking up with it cars, people and any building caught in it's path. What was left was a single gray streak of blackened soot.

Raising the finger to his eye, Kody inspected the remaining chunks of debris with his brown eyes.
"Yo, dude you have to check this out. It’s some type of building insects or something." Pointing his finger at Casey.

Casey squinted at first trying to find any clues on what he was looking at. His green iris glazed over the specks of house fragments and tiny red splotches. One or two of the insects seem to be alive slightly twitching in pain.

“What the? Is that what I think it is?" Casey eye dilate as he realizes that the insect colony is actually a tiny neighborhood with little people.

"I think those things are tiny people." Casey said rather alarmed. Not really caring Kody shrugged and made a disapproving scowl almost as if he's been used to this.

“I bet you those newbies went down here making a mess. They know they're not supposed to be messing with the experiments. Hey Casey can you do me a favor and help me clean up this mess?" Kody did a slight jester to the ground below him.

"Oh? I think I know just how to help out. But first let me take care of these little bugs." Grinning as he said it Casey brought down his face towards Kody's finger and open wide revealing his pearly white teeth and massive red tongue.

A thick coating of saliva covered most of the mouth. Single strands of drool wrapped around some of Casey's teeth. Breathing slowly Casey hovered his mouth over Kody's index finger and clamped onto the back end of his finger. Wrapping his mouth closed Casey's slid his tongue and slurped over the first half of the finger taking with it any remains that might have been sucked to Kody's finger.

With one large gulp the tinies trapped inside were set down a bottomless pit towards Casey's hard toned abs never to be seen again. Patting his stomach he gave a sigh of content. “Man that was good eats. Sort of a mixture of pieces of chicken mixed with and earthy texture."


Kody seemed unamused as he wiped the remaining saliva of onto his bare chest. "Well, that's one suburb down a whole cities worth to go."
Down below you and Seth stand in a state of shock. Witnessing the destruction first hand at your size was a lot to take in. Just moving a finger was enough to destroy a whole neighborhood. How in the world are you two going to get out of this mess?
“Dude, we are going to need to get their attention. I mean they wouldn’t purposely kill if they knew we were down here right?” You ask Seth trying to get a little sense of hope out of this unreal situation.

Seth looked over you with a worried expression. His brown hair was now matted with beads of sweat running off it. “I mean I guess we could try. Do you have any ideas on how?”

“I might. But, I think we should get out of the blast zone.” Looking up you can make out Kody’s face hovering in the distance.
Kody’s was just starting his onslaught on first outer layers of the city. His massive feet could now be seen in the city limits. His gaze drifted closer to your location. His eye’s looked cold and uncompassionate. Slowly, he rose his bare right foot over a corner section of the city.

People looked up in fright as the gigantic fleshy color heel loomed over them. Soft gasps escaped their lips as the massive foot lowered. Some people made a break for it, hoping that there might just be a chance for them to escape. Other stood still looking up waiting for the end. It didn’t really matter to Kody. They were all not worth is time. He just wanted to clean up this mess before the higher ups found out of the mismanagement of his employees. Not even a slight smirked escaped his lips as he nonchalantly lowered it down crushing buildings and people alike. A loud burst shook you and Seth as the foot crashed down. Casey was not far behind watching Kody as he wrecked the city below.
“Come on Kody, stop making it such a chore. You’re here to have fun so act like it!” Casey laughed hitting Kody’s bare back.
“I’ll tell you what. Let’s make this into a game. I’ll start on the other side of the city and we can meet in the middle.”

Casey carefully trailed along the outer city trying to cause the least amount of damage as he made his way on the other side. Once there he grinned wigging his bare toes next to the first couple of buildings that surrounded the tiny city. Crouching down Casey looked at the world beneath his feet. Feeling a little mischievous, Casey started picking at the little buildings around him.

Many of the taller buildings were encased with glass surrounded by concrete and steel beams. All of these man-made structures was utterly useless against the strength of a simple pinch. Casey pinched the base of the foundation of a couple of nearby building yanking it upward releasing it from the confines of the earthy floor below. The buildings were not match to the titian as he watched the bottom levels crumble away. People trapped in the lower levels screamed in a frenzy as the floors below literality dissolved away. Many fell down to their deaths on the hard pavement. A few poor souls were lost somewhere on Casey’s body. After gathering a good portion worth of buildings Casey opened the top of his red boxers and tucked the buildings away in his pubic hair.

“I’ll save these runts for later.” Casey sneered as he gave his crotch a light pat.

From there Casey slowly made his way deeper into the city. Casually wreaking havoc, he mostly toyed with the people down below. Whether it was blowing the people away with a mighty breather or licking up buildings with his maw. It didn’t really matter to him. He was having a blast.
The situation looked rather bleak. The two titans were closing in on you and Seth. The question how are earth are you expected to get their attention?

“We need to get to higher ground.” You say to Seth. Looking around you spot a news station chopper about to take off from a nearby landing pad.

“There is are way out! Let’s go before it’s too late.” Pointing to the helicopter you spot the pilot.
Looking back you see Seth just standing still in the middle of the street. He seemed to be shouting and waving at something in the distance. A chill ran down your spine as you looked up seeing Kody's massive face peering in.

"Seth let's go!" You shout over to him trying to plead with him. But, it did little good. With one last giant rumble you turn away and head to the chopter.

Taking a cue from Casey, Kody decided to have a little fun as well. Reaching closer to center square. He notice something a little unusual. Center directly in his path looked like a single man. Unlike the panicking massive trying to flee from him this one seemed defiant in nature. What’s worse is that this partially tiny looked as if he was trying to communicate to him.
“You think you’re tough stuff?” Kody’s voice rumbled down below staring down the stand alone human.

Seth body was trembling. He had gotten Kody’s attention. But, was this such a great idea? The sky cracked with thunder as Kody spoke aloud. Unable to understand Kody, Seth assumed that just maybe the Kody was going to save him.
“Yo, Kody! It’s me Seth!” Waving his hands in the air he watched as the moving mountain inched closer.

Kody’s massive face loomed over the city skyline. His face akin to a Greek stature standing firm and unwavering. Showing no recollection to his former coworker down below. Kody extend his left index finger and brought it down on the minuscule speck that seemed to defying him. The huge digit lowered down with a terrifying speeds. Its immense size eclipsing nearby buildings. Seth was left with quiet the view. The fleshy finger surface with riddled with debris of other structures that have succumbed to its owner.

“NOOoooo” Seth tensed up and braced his arms together. It did little good. Seth let out one shrill shriek, before surrendering to the staggering weight of a single finger.

“Dumb shit.” Kody didn’t even bother to look at the puny human as he casually wiped his finger on his inner thigh.


“Are you sure this is going to work?” The middle aged plot looked at you in disbelief as your monstrous coworker’s tower over the minuscule city.

“It’s the only chance of surviving this massacre! I just need to get their attention. I’m sure they wouldn’t harm us if they knew that I was down here.” Still a little hesitated your voice pulls back a little remembering what happened to Seth.
The chopper pulled out of the landing pad as it made its way closer to the titanic pair. From your vantage point all you could see is destruction and death. It was a war zone. People running around in a panic, while the infrastructure of the buildings scatter around them. Glass, metal and bricks littered the ground. Nothing could come close to the power these two were capable of.

Other parts of the city faced a far worse fate. Section of it were nonexistent. There foundations either smooshed into oblivion from the careless tan soles of the titian. Or even a worse fate for those slurped up by the massive red tsunami sized wall of pure muscle. This idea of yours seems more like a suicide mission than anything else. But, what choice do you have?
Reaching closer to the pair the first thing you notice is truly how massive the pair is compared to the city.

The musky smell of feet flooded your senses as you reach closer to the first pair of mammoth pair of feet. Each toe was big enough to be its own building. You can’t even tell which giant you are even approaching from this height. The pair seem frozen just standing still. Loud rumbles could be heard high above you as the giants were obviously in deep conversation about something.This seems like this is your chance to get their attention!

“We are closing in our destination prepare for an altitude climb.” The pilot looked reluctant, unsure if the helicopter could even reach an elevation high enough to reach the faces of the duo.

The chopper pulled up at nauseating speeds. Right before you were a pair of towering tan obelisks. Each adorned with small sprouts of hair. At this size it might as well be a vertical mountain with a forest attached to it. The scenery quickly changed as a carpet of blue flooded your eyes. The terrain next you seem soft but lumpy at the same time. Quickly you realize this giant was Kody still remembering his blue boxers when you first encountered him.

The silken blue sea expands closer towards the chopper as Kody’s mighty bulge fills your view. It was plainly colossal. The chopper was nothing more than a gnat to what Kody was packing underneath.

Veering up past the swelling bulge the helicopter made it way closer to Kody’s midriff. The tan titan’s skin was a golden bronze and blemish free even at this size. Areas of his body glistened with bits of perspiration. Each bead of sweat the size of a mighty pool. To the average human it would be unconceivable that something so trivial would could drown the chopper. Kody’s upper body was natural hairless besides for a very thick, streamline clump of hair that reached to his navel. Slightly distracted from his flawless body you and the pilot failed to notice a large wall of flesh zeroing in on the helicopter.

Spinning out of control the chopper crashed into the dense canopy of hair.
“Man, I’m getting tired already. These little guys don’t offer any resistance whatsoever. I might as well just go back upstairs.” Kody’s disinterest was growing. More annoyed and agitated he wanted nothing to do with these lesser life. He casually swatted a small black flying object as it flew near his navel.

“Hehe” Kody amusingly watched it as it sputtered out of control crashing into his thick bronze treasure trail. “Welp, I’m official bored with these fuckers.”

“Okay, I’ll catch up to you in a second. I just have one last thing I need to do before I go.” Casey flashed a mischievous grin as he watched Kody heading back to the elevator.

(Watersports Warning)
“Whelp, it looks like you runts get to witness the grand finale.” Casey stood before the city with a grinning smile. With his hands on his hips he looked like a impish child ready to smite a lone ant hill. In its current state it could be hardly be called a city. Casey could still see some movement as he watched the last remaining survivors attempting to flee the area.

“You mites can run all you want. It’s not going to help you escape the great flood!” With his hands at his waist Casey hooked onto the waistline of his red boxers with his thumbs and slowly dragged them down to build up the suspense to the bugs down below. Dropping his boxers to the ground, Casey let his dick spring free. The massive appendage was truly a sight. Slightly, excited its length casted a huge shadow across the city.

“Hahaha would you look at that. My dick alone is big enough to rule over you bugs. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.” With his right hand the muscular titian pulled on his member and pointed it towards the center of the demolished city. With a loud “Sigh” Casey’s cock slit flared up releasing a golden torrent of piss onto the helpless city below. The structures that were directly in line of fire quickly crumbled away as the acidic liquid pierced the glass and metal. People that got caught in the initial blast were spontaneously vaporized as the pressure was too much for their little bodies to handle.

“BULLSEYE!” The blond hair titan shouted aloud as he watched the golden liquid hit dead center of the city. From the center of the city wave after of wave of fresh piss emanated outwards towards the city’s outskirts. Crowds of people attempted to flee but were unsuccessful. The surge of liquid swept up any survivor drowning most of them in the murky piss.

“What useless lot you guys are. Can’t even put up a fight against the good old call of nature. Whelp, I got better things to attend to. Later runts.” Casey lifted up his boxers and left the cesspool of a city. Heading back upstairs he could barely make out the computer voice box speaking before using the elevator.
(Watersports end)

Error Report: Experiment scenario #1329 terminated due to complications. Stand by for Cleansing Protocol.
“I’m still alive?” The last thing that you could remember was crashing into Kody’s body before blacking out.“
“What-the…” Trying to move your body you immediately realize that something is drastically wrong. Your body seems to be constricted and weightless. Turning you head you soon see the problem. Pieces of the helicopter’s hull and yourself are bound by a coil of rope like vines. Even if the helicopter was still operational it would be futile to remove the vice like grip on the helicopter rotor. Looking downward you estimate the drop is a good 10-15 feet.

Taking a deep breath you relax a little allowing your body to go limp giving you enough wiggle room to free your right hand. With your one free hand you try to pry your body from dense covering of hair.

“I think I got it just one sec….”
Finally freeing yourself you land on the ground below. Hair of all sizes stretch high above your little form. Your feet graze against the warm flooring. The ground itself is somewhat bouncy but firm enough to hold you. You could feel the floor move ever so slightly as traversed the great forest.

“Great, now where do I go?” You ask yourself as you walk through the condensed coils of hair.

Your objective seems somewhat bleak. Who are you fooling? There is no way in hell you can get the attention of these monsters. And if you did what’s forcing them to help you. You saw what they did to the city. Continuing in a somewhat straight path you climb and duck over little hair sprouts hoping to reach a clearing of some sort. In a distance you hear shouting.

Running towards the screams you look upwards in disbelief as you notice that a thick patch of Kody’s navel hair are densely coiled around the pilot’s body. “Hey, man you got to help me! I don’t want to die like this!” The pilot now yelling as loud as he can.

“Don’t struggle it’s only going to make it worse!” You shout over trying to plead with the man.
It's little use as you see the pilot becoming more frantic with each passing second. With each additional flail the hair around him grip tighter sealing him into a cocoon prison.

You watch completely dumbstrucked as the now enveloped pilot uses his last remaining struggles as an attempt to free himself. There is little you could do as the hair coil around tighter constricting his upper torso. Even if you could get to him there would be nothing for you to use to free him. His screams become muffled as layer upon layer wrap around him.

“Hey! I’m going to try to get the giants attention! You’ll be out in no time. Promise me that you’ll stop struggling.”
Little did you know that his minor struggling would set off a catastrophic chain of events.
After messing with the miniature city Kody’s wanted nothing more then to just relax before starting his chores for the next upcoming day. Approaching dawn, Kody laid outstretch in his blue boxers relaxing on the shore of the lake. His body had a natural tan glow to it as he basked in the rays of the sunrise. With his hands behind his head he slowly nodded off.

Casey on the other hand was up to his daily routine of performing swimming laps before he got back to work. After his 10th lap, Casey waddled back to shore noticing a sleeping Kody on the banks.

“Hey Kody! Are you going to get up some time today?” Casey’s muscular body loomed over Kody. He flashed him a grin while flexing his muscles.

Opening his eyes slightly, Kody looked up at Casey with a rather annoyed expression. “Move out of the way, Mr. Muscles. You’re blocking all the rays.” Scowling, Kody used his hands to swat at the air indicating that he wanted to be left alone.

“Come on man it’s the already going to be noon! And the two newbies are still missing. We need to pull two extra shifts”

“Ya, I guess you’re right.” With a heavy sigh Kody was on the verge of getting up before he felt a slight pull near his waist. “Hey bro, do me a favor and check my stomach? I think I have bugs on me or something.”

“Oh? What kind of bugs?” Casey bend down and started to examine Kody’s waist for anything out of the ordinary.
Casey’s bright green eyes scanned over the superficial layer of the sprouting brown hairs. “Ah ha! I think I see some struggling in your navel hair.” Getting a closer look Casey saw what looked like mechanical parts of a wreckage and a slight movement of something struggling completely entombed.

“I don’t care what it is just get rid of it.” Kody once again seemed disinterested.

“Will do boss~” *Grumble* Casey looked down at his stomach and remembered he didn’t eat anything before his swimming laps. Sneering the muscle-bound titian bend his head forward. Sticking out his tongue Casey started to lick Kody’s stomach from the base of his boxer while working his way upward to the struggling bug. With one quick flick of the tongue the offending invader was quickly dispatched from Kody’s hair along with most of the wreckage.


“DUDE! What the heck was that for?” Kody stared in disbelief as he felt Casey’s sloppy, moist tongue reach the tender and more sensitive parts of his body.

“You said, just get rid of it.” Casey cooed back, as he patted his stomach.

“Well, since you’re already down there why don’t you finish the job. I think I feel another tickle near my navel.”
Continuing your trek you head forward with a renewed sense of ambition to get Kody’s attention and to put this whole ordeal behind you. The hair at your current location was more rugged and coarser. Not, too far away from your location you could make out what looked like a giant chasm in the ground. You could only infer this as Kody’s navel. “Well, I guess I’m heading in the right direction.”


Your body was slightly shoved as an immense shadow covered the forest canopy. Loud rumbles echo throughout the hair as you see what looks like to be Casey high above you. Maybe, this could be your chance to get his attention? The ground beneath you shakes as you feel Kody’s body vibrate.
“What on earth could they be talking about?”

You soon get your answer as you wittiness what only could be described as Armageddon. Mountains of flesh seems to be tumbling out of the sky. This scenario seemed almost straight out of a fable. If Chicken Little was here, he would definitely say “The sky is falling!” Casey’s mountainous face looms just above the sequoia sized hairs that surround you. What is he doing so close to Kody’s stomach?

From this perspective Casey’s face looked almost like a moon about to come crashing down. His head travels downward almost interested in something farther down from you location. Blond hairs fill the sky high above you. You’re not too sure what exactly is going on as most of your view is blocked with hair. The surface beneath you picks up in vibrations. A distance away you see Kody’s hair being knocked over by a relentless wave of red.
Casy face lifted higher into the sky. His face looming closer to your direction. His serpent red tongue shoots back into the sky. You could scarcely make out pieces of the helicopter clinging to the tongue right before a loud.


High above you hear the sound of lips smacking together. This situation just got a whole lot more dangerous. You need to come up with a plan and fast. With a quicken haste you start to traverse the forest closer to Kody’s navel. Once at the opening of the chasm, you start your descent towards the bottom. Similar to an actual canyon, Kody’s navel had natural footholds in his skin that allowed for easy access to the bottom level.
“Oh, looks like I got a fighter on my hands. Not to worry, I love it when they think they can put up a fight.” Casey’s green eye peer into Kody’s navel trying to spot the minuscule tiny.

“Just hurry up already….” Kody was completely indifferent. He just wanted to get back to his relaxing or maybe go out to that new skate park. Leaning back into the sand he just waited for Casey to have his fun.

“Alright, let me get this over with.” With a flick of his tongue Casey plunged his tongue deep into Kody’s navel reaching the bottom with rather ease.

“Ahhhh!” Kody squirms and moans slightly as he feels the spongy tongue plunged into his bellybutton.
Pausing for a second Casey swished his tongue making sure to reach any hidden creases the bug might be hiding in. With a final flick of this tongue, Casey pulled back swallowing anything that might have stuck to his tongue.

“Okay, that’s enough. You’ve had you fun. I need to head on in and take care of some paperwork.” Brushing Casey off of him, Kody got up and walked over into the front door and removed a red pen from a nearby drawer.
Cowering in the huge canyon of flesh you hope that you might be able to wait out Casey’s wrath. The navel itself was actually pretty warm. Inside you could hear minor grumbling from the surface below. It was an eerie experience to say the least. That something so massive compared to you was once considered your coworker.

The outer edges seemed to hold a varied of nooks that you might be able to hide in. Giant boulders of cotton sporadically litter the floor. If this wasn’t such a dire situation you might find yourself wanting to snuggle against one of these huge fluff balls. Panicking you feel your hear racing as it pounds on your chest. You feel a trickle of sweat pouring from your brow. One or two drops slide over into your eyes stinging them with salt. Disoriented and blinded you tumble around looking for a good hiding spot.

High above you feel a presence peering in. Wiping away the tears and sweat you look upwards at a brilliantly lit orb of green staying in.Casey’s eyes is truly massive. Almost if god himself is observing from the heavens ready to smite any heretics he might find. A loud sound erupts from the sky. The loud audio noise bounce off the fleshy cavern. Each wave of vibrations increase in intensity as it races towards the lowermost chambers. Sounds of your imminent demise was upon you. The noise refused to seize. It was an assault on all of your senses. The pressure of it all is too much for you to handle. Feeling nauseated from the ringing, you fall to the soft squishy ground in pain.

Lying on the ground your eyes gaze upward. Instead of the looming orb in the sky you are greeted with something far worse. A flood of red fills the opening the Kody’s navel. The sloppy mass of red cascades downward filling up any nook and cranny on its way down. Pools of saliva drip down from the sky drenching anything it comes into contact with. The cavern around you buckles and bellows almost as if it’s trying to reject the foreign invader.

You watch in horror as the bulbous mass of red descends onto you. You lie down trying to sink into the fleshy floor below you. Hoping of evading the inevitable. You start having a giggling fit as you lay on the warm flesh waiting for the end.There was no way you were going to survive this from the beginning. Deep down somewhere in the recesses of your mind you knew that. You were just buying yourself a little more time in the end. That’s all it was a few extra hours of life at most.

Pieces of lint cling onto the gooey tongue as it hovers the bottom floor. You can feel the humidity increase as the excessive spit fills the cavern. The tip of the tongue is barely over you now. The musky, stale tongue drips a drop of drool over your face. A slight pause causes you to flinch right before.


With a slight tap your minuscule body adheres to the surface of the tongue. You’re nothing more than a tiny crumb. Your body spreads across the tip of the tongue and is coated with a heavy layer of drool. Due to your small size the tongue’s normally smooth surface is actually rough and bumpy. Each individual taste bud rubs against your body. They feel more like a round, wet plastic balls, poking and prodding at your backside.

It seems like you are stuck. Casey’s saliva is too strong for you to do anything. Plastered along for the ride you feel your body dragged along the surface of Kody’s navel as the tongue penetrates deeper making sure no spaces are left untouched.
After, a continuous onslaught on your body. You feel yourself being lifted out of the deep abyss. The first thing that you notice is the sheer brightness of light. You're no longer under the canopy of hair or sheltered in the cavern. Down below you can barely make out the area that were previously. From this vantage point you can make out more of Kody’s body. It was utter breathtaking.

Almost like a bird’s eye view you scan the ground below you. Kody body was behind perfect. If you weren’t in such a dire situation you might have more time to admire those mountains pecs in the far off distance.
Your view gets distorted as you feel the surface around you shift backwards into the back of a hungry maw of your titanic coworker. There is little you could do I this situation. You try to lift yourself but are pulled down by your soaked clothes. All you can do is watch in horror as the whale like tongue recedes back into its lair dragging you along. You see less and less of the outside world.

Your scenery takes a turn for the worse. The light starts to flicker away as white jagged peaks surround the opening to Casey’s massive mouth. The tongue retreats back into place before you feel a pool of saliva wash over your body. Your body dislodges from the bumpy tongue as you feel your body suspended in the vicious goo. The pool of drool drips backwards as you feel yourself tilt towards the back of the massive mouth.


You are send tumbling down the slimly abyss. Still lodged in a wad of spit you travel down Casey’s throat still unable to do anything. You can feel your body heat up as you travel closer to the center of his body. The stomach chamber lies just below you. The gob of split plummets downward hitting the vast liquid of gastric acids with a loud…
The orb of drool acts as a natural barrier protecting you from the stomach acid. You plunge deeper into the liquid basin. The surface acid fades away from view as you struggle to free yourself from the gelatinous goo weighing you down. The mass of slobber thins out as the gastric juices eats away the many layers. The layer around your fingers start to fade away. Right away your fingertips feel a warming sensation. The feeling quickens sharpens to a painful stinging around you hand. The pain travels up your arm and radiates towards the rest of your torso. You need to reach the surface and fast. Your face turns a pale blue as you race towards the top.

Is this how it end? At the hands of your massive coworker? To have your minuscule body eaten away by the stomach of some muscle-brained behemoth? Still in half a thought, you have a coughing fit due to the lack of oxygen. The stomach acids pours into your lung cavity. Your eyes glaze over as you slowly lose consciousness in the warm muck. Your body remains suspended in the flesh eating acid never to resurface.
© Copyright 2015 Felix (pattymic1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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