Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2024288-Apply-Within
by Felix
Rated: NPL · Other · Other · #2024288
What happens when you decided to take a job for an undercover laboratory?
To whom it may concern:
Congratulations! You have been selected to be our newest caretaker. This position is for one of our many lab facilities. Unlike other lab facilities this one is disguised as an ordinary cottage located just outside of your town!
The experiments are free running and self-contained with no supervision require! Your task is to do minimal cottage sitting duties over the duration of the experiments. Don’t worry the experimentation take place in a secluded part on the site's property.
Fair warning, it is advised that you stick to the guidelines listed below:
1. Don’t stray too far from the cottage.
2. Don’t mess with the power. (This could interfere with the experiments!)
3. Do not under any circumstances go to the basement! This place is strictly off-limits.
Failure to follow these rules may result in undesirable consequences!!!
Remember, you are here to house sit and report any suspicious behavior. If you do take us up on this offer you will be paid handsomely. Just treat this as a nice little vacation away from the hum-drum of your mundane life.
Please arrive promptly at 8:00am next Saturday if you are willing to take on this opportunity of a life time! Directions to get to the cottage are located on the underside of this letter.
P.S Tell no one about this amazing opportunity!
Sincerely, T&N Corp.


“Oh crap! I’ve overslept!” Throwing off the checkered bed sheets you scramble out of bed.
But, not before crashing on the hardwood ground. Holding back those manly tears, you reach for the nearest discarded garments to put on. You sprint out the front door like a madman. To the average bystander your appearance would be quite comical. Sort of resembling a deranged bunny, your body hops forward attempting to fit your left leg into the legging's of your pants. With a finally shuffle you make your way to your car.

*30 minutes later*

“I think I’m heading in the right direction.”
You continue the drive through the many dirt roads and various hills. Reaching closer to your destination you roll down the window to take a big whiff of that natural pine scent. “How much further could this be?”
For the last couple of miles there seemed to be a distinct lack of human influence. Not a stray bottle or plastic bag in view. Also, it was eerily quiet. No woodland chatter or animal movement in sight.

As you forge ahead you come upon a small clearing in the foreground. Getting closer you pull up and exit your vehicle. Standing in front of you was the famed cottage in all of its glory. From the outside it looked like a regular wooden cottage. Glancing to the side you notice a beautiful crystal clear lake. Dazing off a little you imagine yourself relaxing on the shore getting a nice tan.

“Oh Damn! I totally forgot about the meeting!” Racing up the wooden patio you walk up to the front door crashing into a firm, flat, object. Trying not to lose your balance you instinctively cling onto the panel. “Oof!”
A low-pitch, gruff voice can be heard as you feel your body slightly rattled by the vibrations.
“Watch it newbie! You almost scratched my board.”

Looking upwards you soon realize your mistake. The object is actually a very expense looking skateboard. And what’s worse is that behind the skateboard was a rather short-fused guy. Composing yourself a bit you take a deep breath. Your nostrils visible flare up as you breathe in a mix of his sweat and cheap deodorant.

He wore nothing more than a very generic skateboard shorts. His blue boxers peaked a little bit over his waistline. You quickly advert your eyes away. As you gaze upward, you blush slightly upon seeing a thin stretch of brown hair sprouting out from the midriff of his shorts. Trying not to so show your instant attraction towards him you put on a strong face and look directly at him. His messy brown hair hid the upper portion of his face. But, behind the forest of hair was a pair of intimating bronze eyes.

“Umm hey….I’m here for the house meeting.” You stammer in one go. While trying to avoid a straight up staring contest.
“Ya, Ya….You’re late you know? Doesn’t really matter, the new ones don’t last long.” With a sly grin you notice that he does a quick once over. You wonder what he could have meant by that last comment before you see him duck out the front door.
Well, that was unexpected. The first person that you met and already you could tell that this job was going to have some interesting quirks.

Walking through the common room you glance around. The room itself was rather drab. The rustic smell of wood lingered as the furniture was mostly wooden and seemed to have collected quite a bit of dust.
Small paintings and wooden trinkets gave the room a nice warm personal touch. If you didn’t know better you could have sworn that this place was just some fancy rich person’s summer house. In the middle of the room was a wooden desk with an embroiled diary of sorts. Examining it more closely you notice it’s a guest sign in book. “Nothing strange about that.”

Opening the book you examine the names of many people that have come before you. Each unique signature proved the existence of others who have taken on the job of caretaker. Reaching for the black inked pen you sign you name next to the check-in option on the dotted line.
“What the..” With a mouth at a gasp you realize that the majority of names have been forcibly crossed out with red ink. No a single one of them seemed to ever sign the check-out box.
“I guess they left without signing out?” Laughing to yourself you try to ease the unwanted tension.

*Beep Boop Beep*

A loud high pitch speaker echoes throughout the house. After a brief delay a computerized voice starts to read an automated message.

Attention, Caretaker you are needed for cleanup duty in the backyard. That is all.

“Well….so much for the warm welcome.” You sigh to yourself before heading to the back from the side door.

“Yo! New guy, over here!” Wiping of the sweat from his forebrow the boy stood on top of a wooden ladder. He seemed be cleaning out the leaves out of the rain gutters. The guy was dressed in a white tank top and cargo pants. He slid down the ladder practically running up to greet you. His dark hair was rather neat besides for the random bits of leaves lodged in his hair.
“Hey my name is Seth. You must be the new caretaker!” Reaching out his hand he was practically beaming at you with his ever increasing grin. Feeling obligated you give the go-ahead and give a firm shake.
“Now that we have gotten the formalities out of the way. What do you think of the place so far?” Seth absent mildly started to tidy up the leaves in a big black bag.

“Well, I didn’t have the warmest of greeting when I first arrived. Shuffling your feet looking mildly embarrassed you turn away.
“Oh? I’m guessing you ran into Kody. He isn’t the nicest of the bunch. More of a lone wolf if you know what I mean.” Seth nudges his elbow into your chest trying to get his point across.

“He’s been here the longest and doesn’t like to talk about what actually takes place here.” Seth making air quotes while darting his eyes to make sure not to be heard by anyone.

“You mean the experiments?” You lean in close whispering to Seth mimicking his stand-offish demeanor.

“Yep! It’s all hush-hush business. That last caretaker thought he was on to something before the accident…..” Seth body drooped down slightly recalling the disappearance of his friend. “Whoops! There I go again rambling on just a bunch of rumors and whatnot. “Promise not to tell anyone?”

“Umm….Okay, I won’t say anything. So, what did you need me for?” You look around slightly puzzled as Seth has seem to have cleaned up everything already.

“Oh! That’s right!” Clasping his hands together Seth seemed to recall something important. “Kody wanted us to check the lakes filtration system. Something about the pumps not working correctly? I don’t really pay attention to the finer details.” Looking sheepishly Seth just stared at you grinning.

“Okay…let’s head out then?” Still unsure of Seth’s intentions you both walk over to the lake you saw early.
Trekking back to the lake once again you are greeted with a familiar sight. The water shimmed with a slight glow. Nothing seemed to be out of place. To be honest the lake looked quite natural in its formation. You would have never guessed that it was completely artificial.

“So, where exactly is this filtration system?” Bending down you grab a nearby flattened pebble and skim it across the lake.

“You see that darken patch of water near the center of the lake?” Pointing to a rough patch of water Seth just grinned at you like it was a joke or something.

“You want ME to waddle all the way over there to see what’s wrong with the filter?”

“Yep, just don’t drown okay?” Seth smirked back.

Still unsure about this, you remove the majority of garments just leaving on your boxers and take the first few steps into the water.

The water slowly creeps up your body. First, your feet feel a wet sensation. Walking in deeper it soon reaches your calve muscles. The tranquilizing effects of the water seemed to instantly calm your nerves. Now, waist deep your boxers are completely submerged under the water.The water starts to get murky as you head closer to the middle of the lake. The light here doesn’t penetrate deep enough to reach the bottom.

Neck deep you turn around to look back at Seth for reassurance. The water’s waves bash into your head as try to spot him. Squinting your eyes back at shore Seth seems to be missing from view.

Still determined on completing your first task your body is now at a dog paddle. The water in this area is a lot colder than before. It gets harder to breath as your body’s warmth is sapped from the frigid water. Right below you spot a couple of pipes at the bottom.

This must be the filtration system! Submerging your head underwater you notice the problem right way. There seems to be a ratted crumbled up red cloth stuck into one of the flow values.
You count to five and take a deep breath before making the final plunge into the chilled water. Swimming downward you reach the bottom. Grabbing the obstruction, you give a hard tug before you hear a loud *Pop*. A huge bubble of air escapes the valve and makes its way to the surface.

You chase the air bubble to the surface. Pushing your hands upward by dragging them against the weight of the water. Almost to the surface, you see out of the corner of you eye a huge shadow darting towards your location at quickening speeds.

Alarmed at the threat your body spontaneously goes into its fight-or-flight response. A surge of adrenaline rushes through your circularly system. Feeling a deep pain in your chest your heart beats heavily as you try to escape from the approaching shadow.
*Lub-dub* It’s getting closer. *Lub-dub* Almost right on type of you. *Lub-dub* You reach the surface of the water grasping for breath while still panicking. The air stings your lungs as you breathe in. Your right hand grips the rattled clothed item.

Frantic on the water’s surface you begin to swim towards shore looking for any signs of that menacing shadow.
Nothing….just as fast as it came it left without a trace. Feeling more relaxed you ease up on your strokes and swim to shore at a more even pace. Closer to shoreline you start to wade through the water.


It happened in a blink of an eye. A figure jumped out from behind and wrapped itself around you.
“Gotcha!” A low-pitched voice vibrates the water near you. The mysterious figure clings towards your body. You feel the warmth from his naked torso as he pivots your feet knocking them straight off the pebbled bottom and brings you back towards the water with a loud.


Struggling against the water you make an effort to free yourself from this muscular figure. Pushing and flailing about there is a little you could do to his muscle-bound behemoth.
Having enough of the guy, you contort your body in a way that you front is facing the embracing giant. With a grudging disapproval your face wrinkles up a little before you open your mouth.


With your mouth open to its fullest extent you bite the naked flesh before you. Instantly, the vice like grip releases you from the fleshy prison. You make a dash to the surface and gasp for air. Right behind you was the masculine figure.

“Hey! Biting is cheating. You could have left a mark or something!” The muscular farmed man made a mild tantrum before brushing it off while laughing. His golden hair sparkled in the sun as water dripped from it. His green eyes looked absolutely heavenly.

“The names Casey! Nice to meet you little guy!” Coming up close the titan once again embraced you in a warming squeeze before giving you a head noogie.

Still stunned in disbelief that this whole time this guy was just having a go at you. “You could have killed ME!” Your voice shakes in anger with teeth clinched. “I could have drowned or something! All for some stupid clogged pipes!” Waving the cloth in the air you make dramatic gestures to show off your anger.

Not really paying attention to your temper tantrum, Casey seemed more interested in what you were holding in your hands. “Oh. So that’s where my boxers went. I thought I had lost them this morning when doing my swim practices in the lake.”
You glance towards the surface of the water right where the waterline was at Casey’s waist.


Freezing in place, your face turns a bright crimson. Feeling lightheaded and fluster your head turns a quick 90 degrees. Looking away you refuse to look at Casey in the face. “Here…” You throw the red cloth at his face. “Put these on!”
Right below the surface was Casey’s unmentionables just right out and the open for the world to see. “Hahah you should totally see your face right now! It’s almost as red as these boxers.” Laughing and giggling he showed little concern on his peep show.

“Okay, “Mr. Sensitive” the beast is back in his cage. But, if you want another peek don’t be afraid to ask.” Casey winked at you before the two of you head back together. Reaching the shore you dry off a little before retrieve your clothes.

Attention all personnel your presence is request at the common area. Thank you for your cooperation.

“Damn I hate that annoying automatize robot. Anyway, let’s go little man!” Casey broad hand slaps your back with a strong enough jolt that you cough. “Ooops, Guess I don’t know my own strength.”

Joining up with the Casey you make your way into the common room.
“Yo!” Seth was already waiting for you two. "We still have to do some minor house cleaning duties before bed."
“Damn always the worse part of job. Well, you two can handle this part of the house. I’ll be upstairs if you need anything.” Casey walked away to attended to his duties.

*Thump* A loud noise boomed throughout the common room. Kody stormed in tracking mud with his dirty skate shoes.
“Hey! You’re making a mess.” Seth snapped at Kody.
“I’m not in the mood Seth. Just do your cleaning duties and leave me alone.” Kody leaned in closer flicking Seth’s forehead before retiring upstairs to his room.

You and Seth both spend a good 30 minutes or so dusting off random knick-knacks before the both of you seemed rather bored.
“Psst, do you want to go exploring?” Seth whispered across the room while still dusting off a lampshade.
“What do you mean?” You asked as you finishing up sweeping the floor.

“You know…..don’t you want to go explore downstairs? I needed someone to come along with me. It will be fun!” Seth started making motions towards you still smiling like a doofus.

“Won’t we get in trouble?” you look around making sure nobody else was in the room.

“Oh come on don’t be such a chicken it will be fun! Do you want to spend the rest of your night here cleaning up some dusty house?

You reluctantly agree with Seth.
Reaching near the back of the room you and Seth reach a menacing door that was clearly marked as “Keep Out”.
Unlike the other doors of the house this one looked pretty durable. On closer inspection you notice that the wooden framework is actually painted on and the door knob is nothing more than decoration. The door itself was actually quite cool to the touch.
Almost giving a metallic vibe as you search for an opening.

“How are we supposed to even get in?” You grasp at door hoping to find a grove or some type of indent in the framework.

“This is how.” Sneering as he said it Seth reached into his cargo shorts removing what looked like a metallic circular disk.

“Where…did you get that?” You question him as Seth carefully overlapped the disk to the door knob decoration.

“Oh, you know I have my ways.” Seth rattles his finger at you while giving you a sly grin.

*Click* A bright red light encircles the disk making the wall seems to shake back and forth. A slight cress opens down the middle revealing an elevator shaft.

“Warning…Warning… this is a restricted area.
Unauthorized personnel are asked to vacate the area immediately.
Failure to do so might lead to undesirable circumstances.
Thank you for your cooperation and have a pleasant day.”

“Umm…do you think this is still a good idea?” Unsure about the situation your voice shakes in doubt.
“Duh! That warning just means all the good stuff is down there! They just don’t want us newbies to have any fun!” Tugging on your arms Seth pulls you into the elevator shaft.

The elevator was rather plain looking. It was basically a metal rectangle with only one red glaring button. Trying to lighten up the situation you make a crude comment out loud.
“Hmm…I wonder which button we should push?”

“Oh come on stop being such a wimp!” Pushing you aside with some force Seth pushed the button.


The elevator door slams shut. Outside the sounds of motorize crank swings into gear. You feel yourself getting slightly nauseous as the elevator slowly picks up in momentum. With a squealing halt the elevator stops abruptly. The doors spread apart exposing what looks like a giant gymnasium.

High ceilings stretched around you with plenty of open space. Situated in the middle of the room was a build enclosed with a solid metal fence with a bolt lock door.

Looking upwards you can’t help but notice that a huge sphere of light was on a motorized track. You watch it move across the gymnasium at a very slow pace. Eerily enough, the light coming off the globe felt very similar to the light given off by the sun.

“What is this place?” Turning your head in all directions you try to formulate what kind of place this could possibly be.

“Man, what a load crap! I mean common on there is nothing here!” Stammering about Seth seemed angrier in the fact they he had wasted so much time looking at a big load of nothing.

“Well…we could always try to see what’s behind the fence?” Relatively unsure on Seth’s reaction you just casually mumble it out loud.

“Ya, I guess. Might as well have a look see before we head back upstairs.” Grumbling as he said it Seth headed over to the arched doors and unlatched the metal hinged. Peering in Seth was astonished on what laid before him.

“Hey! Get over here quick!” Shouted Seth. His eyes seemed to sparkle and gleam with excitement. In this moment Seth resembled a little kid in a candy store.

His drastic change of temperament was almost frightening. Still unsure about what Seth has found you cautiously head on over.

“What….the.” Staring inwards you see why Seth was so animated about.
The enclosure looked like some sort of alien landscape. The surface riddled with hues of earthy patches of color. Small bumps and dips and puddles of water throughout the surface. Little tiny pricks of green sprouted unevenly across the surface.
Bending downwards Seth examined one of these jetting sprouts of green. With a firm grip Seth tugged on the grass head. Surprising the sprout had some resistance to it. Not so much that Seth struggled with ripping it out of the ground. It was just
strange that something so small had such a huge resistance. Almost like it was rooted firmly in place.

“Dude! Check this out!” Rubbing his digits between the grass blade, Seth pricked his finger on what seemed to be a sharp texture. The stem was wooden almost like a tree. Bringing the twig up for closer inspection Seth’s eyes lit up.

“No, fucking way!” On closer examination after squinting really hard Seth could make out individual wooden branches almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

“We hit the jackpot! This must be one of those experiments!” Practically gleaming with joy Seth was utterly ecstatic in his little discovery.

“Umm…maybe we shouldn’t be here…” You quietly squeal. Still, unsure of this whole situation.

“Dude, we just have stumbled upon a discovery of a life time. And you just want to ditch at last minute? No, way man.” Grabbing you by the arm Seth pulled you inwards into the room.

Stumbling you lose your balance and with a giant *Thud* crash face first into a nearby patch of green.
Flat on the ground you breathe in and out a couple of shallow breaths. Even the ground itself smelled like rich earth. Opening your eyes you hold back a gasp. Right in front of you was a small line of gray. The small line seems to be ¾ inch across and on this little stretch of grey seemed to smaller specks of different colors all moving away from you.

“CARS?” Just blurting out the name aloud sent some of the closer automobiles flying across the terrain with your mighty gale. You can’t image what it would be like to be that tiny. It must be pretty humiliating to be that small and pathetic that these mechanized ants could be terrorized with just an automatic function of your body. Rising over the terrain you extend your right hand over one of the roads and pinch at one of the sturdier looking cars to get a better look.

The little couple inside shriek in terror as the walls of pinkish flesh frame around the car engulfing them from all directions. The little ridges in your fingers act as a natural grip around the car allowing for easy traction. The car jostled and rattled as you hoist it towards your face.

With a dizzying pace the young couple soon found them staring into a vast pupil staring back at them. Like a shutter frame from a camera the massive eye dilates and blinks a few times trying to focus on the two occupants trapped inside. The mere blinking of an eye may have seemed like nothing but a normal response to an average sized human. But, to the pair trapped inside the metal car it was more like a gust of wind grazing over the front windshield.

Marveling at the sophisticated design of these little car, you can’t believe that it’s the real deal. This particular car even seemed to have a bumper sticker. You gaze in wonderment trying to perceive what it must be like to be trapped between your two massive digits. Getting off on your ego and more importantly your vast size difference. You add a little bit of pressure to the car.
Instantaneously, a faint buckling noise can be heard as the car tries to resist the outside force. The trapped couple scream with all their might as the glass is the first thing to shatter around them.

The metal frame that once protected them starts to cave in around them making a horrible screeching noise in the process. Panicking they duck to the floor trying to conserve as much space as possible. The seats then too distort in shape as the metal walls push up against them. The young couple embrace for the last time before hearing the popping noise of the airbags…


You….just ended the lives of two people with just the power of your fingertips. Not even bothering to look at the wreckage you caused, you pull back your index finger and flick it across the terrain not really caring where it landed. After all there are plenty of other things to be played with.

Standing up at your full height you marvel at the magnitude of your size. These people can’t even fathom your height. To their vantage point they can only see your sneaker and perhaps if they get at a good enough angle they could see your colossal leg stretching up higher in the sky.

“Hehe…bugs that’s all they really are… just tiny things to be played with. Nothing more….”
This vast difference of size has seemed to awaken a darker side of you.

No, longer the lackey or newbie of the group. You are large and in charge over these microscopic inhabitants. This grandiose delusions has gone straight to your head. Just like a flip of a switch the complete power of control is too intoxicating to resist.
“Dude? Are you alright?” Seth looked over towards you watching you laugh to yourself as you casually wiped out two humans without a second thought.

“Yep, just got a little carried away with myself. How about we head in deeper to show these specks what kind of damage true gods can unleash?”

“Ya, man! I knew you would come around eventually.” Seth looked at you grinning with his trademark smirk.

“Hmm…I feel like it’s time to get more familiar with our micro inhabitants.” Bending downward you reach down and remove your socks and shoes. Your toes instinctively uncurl and stretch out. The ground is surprisingly smooth even though you are pretty sure you are standing on a forest down below. With a mighty heave you chuck your sneakers aside to a nearby vacant patch of what looked like grass.

Down below the group of students were on their annual camping trip. What they didn’t expect was your titanic sneakers falling from the heavens. The sky quickly darkened as the sneakers invaded the space just overhead the forest clearing. The students didn’t have any time to react before the hulking shoe landed on top of them. The blast of the shoe alone sent people, trees and forest critters off flying. Those fortunate enough to be crushed instantly were grinded into the treads of your sneakers forever remaining a stain.

With your feet free form the confines of your shoes you could finally feel the cold man-made concrete structures beneath your sweaty bare sole. As you get closer into the city you could see the vast amount of abandoned cars. The city was utterly at a gridlock. The cold cars made a nice crunching sound as you past the last of the roads leading into the city. The buildings themselves were absolutely tiny. Most barely passing the tips of your toes. From here you could see hordes of panicking people running away. Lifting your right foot you raise it over the city line just letting it hang suspended over the city. Your bare sole raised high against the building and people down below.

To the people below your soles shadow it was a different story. The pungent odor of sweaty feet lingered in the air. The massively plump toes wiggled high above the miniature city. Many fled to nearby buildings hoping that the metal casting could shield them from what’s to come. Those few people unfortunate enough to escape indoors watch in terror as giant teardrop orbs fell from the sky. Each droplet big enough to swallow a person whole and then some. It didn’t matter what was down below. Cars, trucks, street vendors they would all succumb to the sweat. Many were instantly pulverized by the sheer weight alone. Those not directly hit were washed away in the salty sap.

With one last smirk, you lower your foot down as slow as possible trying to soak in every moment of this hair-raising experience. The taller buildings were the first to go as you feel the minor tickling of pinpricks creep up and down the bottom of your sole. “Mmmmm” Letting out a minor grunt you increase the pressure and lower your foot even further. More buildings come in contact with your foot as the higher floors start to topple down. The building offered no resistance what’s so ever. With one final shove you each the ground level crushing all those who fell beneath the sole’s shadow.

Both you and Seth teeter around the city causing ruin wherever you stepped. The feeling was indescribable. You’re soles were caked with the buildings, people alike. You and Seth spend the good portion of your time stomping, eating, and toying with anyone or anything that came across your path. Life was just great. You literally had the world at your fingertips. Until, a loud blaring noise started ringing through the lower level.

Warning! Warning! A breach has been detected in sublevel experiment #1329. Everyone is advised to remain calm and cease and desist any further action. The cleansing process of Protocol 4 will now activate. Thank you for your cooperation and we hope you have a pleasant day.

Preparing for the worst you and Seth stand still in the wreckage and mayhem that you have caused in the last 10 minutes. The huge globe that you saw early starts to gyrate and illuminate even brighter. The harsh light slowly builds. You shield your eyes but it does little good. A low humming noise starts to ramp up as the light seems to reaching in all directions at once. The noise and the light overload your senses. You both pass out and collapse on the debris scattered around you.

“Arg…my head feels like it’s on fire.” Adjusting yourself you stand up and brush off the random fragments of rubble that clung to your shirt. Lying on the ground next you was Seth with his back turned over and his eyes rolled over.

“Hey Seth get up!” Shaking and nudging him you are too preoccupied to notice anything else. Color returns to Seth as he slowly comes to. “All man….was that all a dream? My head is pounding.” His eyes fluttered a couple of times before going wide. Lifting his right hand forward Seth started pointing upward towards the sky.

Part 2 http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2024297-Apply-Within-Part-two
© Copyright 2015 Felix (pattymic1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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