Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2024255-Midnight-Breaker
by Llya
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2024255
A dark shadow is cast causing the peacefulness to be broken.

  She wakes up from her drug induced daze to find herself laying on a cold, steel metal slab with a huge laser contraption staring her directly in her face. She struggles against the metal restraints, however the more she struggles, the deeper the restraints dug into her wrist causing minor cuts and bruises. Looking around the pure white room, she realizes where she is; this is the room her best friend use to always tell her about. Her silver eyes land directly on the owner of the orphanage, she cranes her neck further to see the teacher that she helped with math problems and new solutions. She trusted the teacher; Mrs. Shawna. Her eyes are wrapped in tears and puffy along with her face. Last, the female doctor that is standing by a black and white high tech computer, typing away.

The doctor's voice startled her and she opens her eyes to look around once more. She realizes that this is not a nightmare but a horrible reality.

and that she would wake up in her room with her sister laying in the bed next to the wall.

"Ready?" The female doctor asks.

Upon hearing the doctor's voice, she opens her eyes and shes looks around again, now realizing that this is no nightmare. Yet, a horrible reality. She closes her eyes again, now hoping to block out the horror of all that is going on right now.

The owner and Mrs. Shawna must have nodded their answer because she didn't hear them . She begins to slowly hyperventilate when she hears a light beeping sound, then the machine starting up. She pops her eyes open once more to see three lasers moving about. Beads of sweat roll down her forehead as another beep sounds making the first laser stop in the right side of her temple and the second laser on the opposite. The last laser that resembled a pincher hovers over her heart. Cranking her neck to look at Mrs. Shawna for help, but she has broken down in tears. While the owner has a stone cold look on her face as if this is something personal for her. They put their goggles on and the doctor flips the switch that causes the room to black out. There is one more beep causing a huge green neon light to shoot her in her temples, the green light lit up the entire room. The pain that follows is excruciating, she bites her lip against the pain and the tears, but the tears flow down her cheeks. Her eyes flutter close making more tears stream down her face and in an effort to fight off the pain that the lasers is causing.

She could feel the laser penetrating her mind and invading her personal thoughts and memories. She could hear her own heart beating hard and the pulse beating against her wrist. Her voice breaks as she calls out through her tears, "Mama? Daddy?"

The memory is of her parents waving to her as an age 6 years old at the time, runs off for her first day of The Elite Preschool. Behind her is her twin, a sad looking 6 year old whom is dragging her feet and kicking rocks. The laser turns black, erasing the memory along with other memories as well, which causes more pain than when it penetrated her mind. Angelle bites back a scream and continues to be strong agains the aweful pain. The third laser then reaches into her which and begins to pull out the creature. She opens her eyes, horrified and in some agony as her and her creature stare at each other. The creature smiles, half way out as they have a stare down.

Without warning, a light the color of a pretty sunrise shot out from her persian gold medallion. The medallion's light forces the black light back into the machine's lasers, blowing the million dollar contraption up from the inside out. Making the pincher laser let go of the creature. Winking at her, the creature slips back inside her. She lets out a sigh of relief as she feels the creature making itself  at home again. Abruptly, the whole machine wires down and smoke slithers out of the laser,, the smell of burning wires causes her to open her eyes. She turns her head towards two females trying to figure out what had just happened to the expensive machine.

Not fully knowing where she is or what is going on, the now unknown female with tear stained face ambles over to her and begins to take the restraints off. Once the restraints are off, the female helps her sit upright and begins to tell the young child certain things that the owner had her rehearsed with her numerous of times when this process is completed...IF the process is completed. The young child nods at the lies the female is telling her.

© Copyright 2015 Llya (jonoahamber at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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