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This is my autobiography. How I became interested in giantess and vore fantasies. |
Miss Adeline - My Story Let me say up-front that some people may find this disturbing. It does include discussion of live vore. So if that is something that might offend you, then I suggest you read no further. You have been warned. So, if you are still here, this is the story of my journey into the giantess and vore fetish. Since I started writing stories many years ago, I have been asked questions about the various aspects of my fantasy and finally decided to write up a sort of autobiography. I guess my earliest memory is when I was around 5 years old. Every afternoon the local TV station ran an hour long cartoon show that featured Popeye cartoons among others. One that affected me deeply was a WWII era cartoon called "Ration Fer The Duration" and was a twist on the Jack In The Beanstalk fairytale. In its own way it is really pretty disturbing. In it, Popeye travels up the beanstalk to the giant’s castle where the giant is hoarding all sorts of materials needed by the US for the war effort. In the process of trying to steal some of the treasure, Popeye ends up on the giant’s table where he is spied by the giant. After several attempts to get Popeye with a cleaver, the giant flattens him with a fly swatter and deposits him on a slice of bread. He then proceeds to cover him with mustard and a sprinkle of pepper before placing another slice of bread over him. The giant picks up the sandwich and then proceeds to push it into his mouth. As the last of the sandwich disappears into his mouth and his lips close, his head tips back and a large lump is seen descending down his neck and disappearing as he swallows it. The expression on the giant’s face immediately after swallowing it looked to me as one of blissful satisfaction. Of course Popeye ends up not being swallowed, but something about the capturing and swallowing sequence resonated with me. I think it was the giant’s attitude. He dropped Popeye onto the bread and proceeded to simply make a sandwich of him, as if he was no different than a slice of ham. In other words, it was his indifference to him that I think captured my attention. I was also fascinated by the lump that traveled down his throat, the way the scene was setup in the cartoon, and there was a kind of finality in that. There was no escaping the giant’s stomach once inside. That night as I lay in bed trying to sleep, I pictured myself as a giantess, capturing and swallowing Popeye and feeling very pleased with myself. Vore seemed to be a recurring theme in the Popeye cartoons. There were several others where he was eaten by various creatures; a sort jelly fish character, a dinosaur, a giant clam, a very feminine looking sphinx, and a whale. In another cartoon based on the Jack in the Beanstalk theme, Popeye jumps onto the giant's shoulder and begins using his nose as a punching bag. The giant opens his mouth and pushes Popeye inside with his finger, then pulls it from his closed lips leaving Popeye trapped inside his mouth as he tries to swallow him. Most of these are available on Youtube and I have a listing at the end if you are interested. In any event, these cartoons began to shape my fantasy. I had many different scenarios but they all involved people being shrunk with me ultimately swallowing them. I remember once telling my mother about them. She got a curious look on her face that I sort of interpreted as mild disapproval but she never actually said anything to me. My mother was a very beautiful woman and in some of my early fantasies I pictured myself looking like her as a giantess, capturing tiny boys and eating them. I also remember that even as a young girl, the fantasies excited me sexually although I had no understanding or context to put it into at the time. However, remembering the feelings I had at the time and looking at it with my adult perspective, I believe that I was excited in a sexual way although the fantasies were not really sexual in nature. But as I reached puberty, that changed and the fantasies took on a sexual component. I began to fantasize not just of swallowing the tiny boys but also of keeping them for awhile trapped either in my bra or panties. I even went so far as to take my little brother’s toy army men and put them in my panties (more about this later). I must have been around 13 years old when I saw an old movie that had a scene depicting college students swallowing goldfish and an idea was born. For some time I had wondered what it would really be like to swallow someone alive. I wanted to actually experience how it would feel. So it seemed only natural to me to try swallowing a live fish. My mother didn't pay much attention to us when we were kids and it was easy for me to slip away and ride my bicycle the few miles to a small strip mall that had a pet store. I bought two gold fish each about 2 inches long. I snuck them into the house and hid them under my bed while I got a glass and a small bowl. I dumped the fish into the bowl then scooped them each into the glass of water. I watched them swimming around feeling very nervous but also very excited. I drank some of the water from the glass, then tipped it up and let the first fish float into my mouth. I remember holding him there, feeling him flitting about my mouth before tilting my head back and swallowing. It was so easy. He went right down. I then drank down the 2nd fish with the rest of the water. It was all interesting and I was pretty excited by it, but it was not until a couple of minutes later when I felt them moving inside my stomach that I became very aroused. It was a slight tickling sensation just below my left breast. It was that sensation that caused me to have what was my first orgasm. I didn't know what it was, I just knew it was intense and amazing. Like nothing I had ever felt before. After that I was hooked. I began to periodically buy fish and swallow them. I was the only girl with two younger brothers so I had a room to myself which helped me be able to keep my secret hidden. Sometimes I would make a longer scenario of it by using my brothers little toy army men. I would slip one into my panties, pretending he was my tiny captive, then later in the evening I would substitute the fish for him and swallow him. It was wonderful. I particularly liked that I had this tiny man trapped in my undergarments and no one knew. In my fantasy, he was at my mercy and no one else could save him. There were a few times that I took a bit of a risk with the toy men putting them in my crotch while wearing something where they might be noticed, for example in the crotch of my leotard during ballet class or my swimsuit. But no one ever noticed. My brothers were also into building plastic models. I remember one of them had a ship model with some tiny figures no more than about a half an inch tall. I decided it would be fun to snatch one of the figures and put him inside my vagina. My mother had these vaginal suppositories that she occasionally used. I took one and once in my room, carefully cut it lengthwise into two pieces. I tied a thin string around the figure's feet and then put it between the two halves and pressed them back together essentially encasing the tiny figure inside it. The next morning, as I dressed for school, I took the suppository and put it inside me. The idea was that it would melt leaving just the tiny man. I kept him inside me all day. Of course I had no sensation of him in there but the idea that he was trapped inside me was enough to excite me. When I was done, I used the string to carefully pull him out and returned him to the ship model. I enjoyed swallowing the live fish but the problem was that the goldfish did not last more than a few short minutes. So I began to experiment with other types of fish. I discovered that Gourami were the best. They would put up a great fight and stay fighting inside me for much longer and more intensely than the gold fish. They were more expensive but well worth the extra price. Once I started college, I curtailed my activities because I really did not have the privacy to do it. But when I was home on break, I made up for it. One of my girlfriends from high school had gotten an apartment in a complex with a pool and I would go over there during the summer to hang out. She had an aquarium in her living room with about a half dozen small fish. I remember coming over one day and while she was changing into her bikini I quickly scooped up one of the fish and popped it into my mouth. I had just swallowed it as she came into the room. I liked that her fish was inside me and she was totally unaware. Eventually she did notice that one was missing but didn’t know what happened to him and assumed one of the other fish had eaten him. I was now a year away from graduation and had turned 21 the past winter. I was working in an office as a summer job when I read a peculiar article in the paper. I still remember the story line, "Turtle Tickles Tot's Tummy." Essentially, a boy around 2 to 3 years old had a small pet turtle which was not uncommon back then. Apparently the boy had put the turtle into his mouth and accidently swallowed him. They noticed the turtle was missing and when the little boy started giggling and grabbing his stomach, the mother figured out what had happened. A trip to the doctor confirmed that the turtle had now found a new home. Well, that gave me a great idea. I was planning on going to a club with a couple of my girlfriends and decided that the turtle would be a perfect way to play out my entire fantasy. I went to the local pet shop and bought a turtle. He was small, only around an inch in diameter. I had thought it all out fairly carefully. Understand that back when I was younger; particularly in high school it was fairly common for women to wear a girdle. I still remember my mother taking me to the department store and buying my first bra and girdle. Other than getting my period it was almost a rite of passage into being a young woman. A girdle seemed like a perfect way to keep my turtle captive in place. I hadn’t worn a girdle in several years but, fortunately, I still had a couple of them. I first put on pantyhose, then stepped into the girdle and pulled it up my legs, when I had it almost in place; I dropped the turtle into the crotch and pulled it the rest of the way on. It was a fairly utilitarian garment, white with a diamond shaped lace panel in the front and short cuffed legs with rubber rings around them to hold them in place. Not the most comfortable thing to wear but it did firm up my tummy and ass, and made a perfect, escape proof prison for my captive. I felt the turtle squirming against me and the sensation as well as knowing that he was utterly trapped had me incredibly turned on. I put on my dress and checked to make sure all was hidden. It was perfect. That night I drank and danced with my friends. I had this guy who was hitting on me. But all I could think about was the turtle squirming in my crotch and thinking if I had a way to shrink him, he would be the one trapped in there trying to escape. The fantasy was amazingly sensual. When I got home, I spent a few minutes talking with my mom. I remember it being a bit surreal casually talking with her while feeling the turtle squirming underneath my dress. I got a large glass of water on the way to my room and quietly closed the door. I slipped out of my dress and looked myself over in the mirror, noticing the slight bulge underneath where the turtle remained trapped. I slipped the girdle off and placed the turtle on my dresser as I removed the rest of my clothes and slipped into my nightgown. I was so ready for him to be inside me. I sat on my bed with my back resting against the headboard looking at him in the palm of my hand. I placed him into my mouth head first and held him there. He squirmed and fought, oddly enough pulling himself forward and closer to the back of my mouth. I can’t begin to explain all the feelings running through me. I was scared because I had never swallowed something this big before but I was also incredibly turned on. I mean insanely aroused. The first time I tried to swallow him I lost my nerve at the last minute, gaged and coughed him back up. That had me even more scared but I knew I had to do this. The second time, I was more determined. I let him drop into the back of my throat and swallowed. I felt him very slowly travel down my throat and then stop partway down. It felt like he was stuck just below my collar bone and I could feel him squirming in my throat. I took a couple of hard gulps of water but nothing happened. I was beginning to panic at this point. I went out into the kitchen and got a handful of crackers thinking that if I swallowed something else it might help push him down. I put several into my mouth and chewed them into a large mass, swallowing them all at once with as much force as I could muster. I felt the lump very slowly travel on down my throat and then that sensation disappeared as I felt a very distinct 'plop' inside my mostly empty stomach. My throat hurt from the turtle’s shell scraping it as he went down and I sipped some of the water as I stretched out on my bed. I lay there in the dim light filtering in through my bedroom window and then felt it. The most intense sensation, from inside me! It was indescribably amazing. The intensity of the sensations as he crawled inside me was like nothing I had ever experienced. I began to gently rub myself but was already so turned on that the orgasm was almost instantaneous. It was wonderful! My entire body tingled and pulsed with energy and I had to bite the corner of my pillow to keep from shrieking. As the turtle continued to struggle, I felt so sensuous that I had a 2nd and then a 3rd orgasm almost as intense as the first. They came in waves sort of like when you tap a bell and it continues to ring long afterward. The release of all that pent up energy from the entire night of being turned on was so relaxing. I sank exhausted, into the bed and was soon asleep. The next morning the alarm woke me with a start, the memories of the previous night still fresh. I slowly sat up and that is when I had the surprise of my life, I felt a definite and intense tickling inside me. He was still alive! I honestly expected that he would be digested during the night. It was more than I had ever expected and totally part of my fantasy to have someone live inside me. As a girl I was always fascinated by the biblical story of Jonah being swallowed by a great fish and living inside it for 40 days. One of my fantasies was that someone I swallowed would live inside me for many days, living off of whatever I ate and drank but unable to escape me. I was utterly thrilled that he was still alive. I showered and dressed, then ate my usual breakfast of oatmeal and orange juice. All the while I could periodically feel him struggling inside my stomach. I wondered if he would enjoy what I had eaten since he would have to live off of that. I went to work as usual but extremely excited because I now had the ultimate finale to my fantasy, he was alive inside me many hours after I had eaten him. The problem I had not thought of was that he was sporadic in his squirming. I'm not sure if it was because of my movements disturbing him or just his desire to try to escape. But there would be periods where he would be quiet and I would forget he was there, and then suddenly he would start squirming. It was startling and on more than one occasion, I kind of flinched and let out a little squeak. Of course there was no outward sign. I still had the same tiny waist and looked perfectly normal. But inside me, inside my stomach, there was a living thing, struggling helplessly to free himself and I loved the idea of that. Well, by lunch I was beginning to get tired of feeling him inside me, tickling me. It was becoming distracting and a bit annoying. But ironically, he was inside me and there was not much I could do about it. I certainly wasn’t about to cough him back up. I ate a larger than normal lunch and afterward my stomach was definitely full. I hoped that he would become intermixed with what I had just eaten and be digested along with the rest of my meal. Apparently it worked because it was mid-afternoon when it occurred to me that I hadn’t felt him in a while. I was a little disappointed because I was curious how long he might have survived inside me. But I was also thrilled that I had fulfilled a major fantasy from the ability to go out with him as a prisoner inside my undergarments, to swallowing him whole, and finally having him still alive inside me many hours later. I could not have been happier with the way it had turned out. Now I know some of you are curious, because I have gotten emails on this. However, I never saw anything of the turtle again, if you get my meaning. I don’t know if he was thoroughly digested and absorbed by my body, or if there was just not enough left to be of notice. My fantasies also included unaware vore. I liked the idea of a small man somehow being inadvertently caught in some food and then accidently eaten. The scenario usually involved the man trying to spy on the unsuspecting woman then somehow being caught up in something she was eating and being swallowed. But I also had a scenario where I became angry at my boyfriend for flirting with another girl; shrank him and then put him in something I knew she was about to eat. To indulge this fantasy, I would buy a small fish, something on the order of maybe a half inch long. I would prepare something to eat, like a sandwich and drop the fish inside. There was a fast food restaurant in the area where I grew up that made little small square hamburgers not much large than bite size. I would buy several and drop the fish into one of them then mix them around so that I would not know which one he was in. I would eat them all and see if I noticed the fish as I ate. But a couple of times I carried it to a different level by putting the fish into something my mother was about to eat; truly unaware vore. It was fun to sit at the table eating with my mom, knowing that she was also about to eat the fish I had hidden. I only did that a couple of times though because I was horribly afraid of getting caught. In fact, the last time I did it she had taken a bite of the sandwich I had made and as she chewed and swallowed, she made a peculiar face and commented that something tasted off. She looked inside the sandwich and not seeing anything finished eating it. But that was enough to keep me from trying that again. I would have had a hard time explaining how half a fish got in her sandwich. I continued to swallow fish finding my orgasms afterward to be very intense. I suppose it was similar to the high or euphoria a drug user might feel. So, in that respect, the fantasy and live vore was my drug. There were periods when I tried to control it or stop all together but eventually my desire would become too intense. I would go to the pet store and a short while later a fish would be struggling in my tummy as I experienced another orgasm. In my mid 20s I met a man and got married. He was a great guy and the sex was really good but that edge I would feel when having an orgasm after swallowing something alive was just not there. So on several occasions, I hid a container with a fish in it, in the bathroom. I could usually seduce my husband into having sex by simply what I wore. Usually some sexy, lace covered bra under a somewhat revealing blouse and just being a bit more sensuous in my attitude. As the situation began to heat up, I would slip into the bathroom and quickly swallow the fish. Then we would make love while I felt the fish struggling inside me. But the reality was that there was a part of me that was a secret that I was ashamed to tell him and over time, that and just the way people evolve, caused us to grow apart and eventually we divorced. A few years later I met a woman at a workshop and we hit it off. She was a slender attractive redhead, a psychologist by training. There was a definite chemistry between us and eventually we ended up in a relationship. I had never thought of myself as bi-sexual although I did find some women to be very sensuous. By this time the internet was in its early stages and I remember coming across a website called "Big Gulp" that was completely about vore. There was an entire community out there with a similar fetish that I never realized existed. For the first time I felt less ashamed of my fantasies. I began to write stories using my fantasies as a basis along with the familiarity I had with how it actually felt to swallow something alive. I also decided to confide in my partner about this side of me. Surprisingly she was not particularly shocked, saying that in the range of fantasies, mine was fairly harmless. That was so incredibly freeing. Instead of sneaking around, I was able to more openly indulge my fantasy with her. We would go out and I would put a small figurine in my panties or tucked in between my breasts and she would play along. Sometimes when we made love, I would stop to swallow a fish which was now in the open on the bedside table. Once she even surprised me by slipping a small plastic figure inside her panties. I found it caught in the tangle of her pubic hair, as we made love. It was an amazing time in my life. The relationship lasted for many years and finally ended when her mother became ill and she took a job across the country to be closer to her. Finding myself single once again, I began to look for other ways to satisfy my vore fantasies. One evening on TV I saw the movie "Batman Returns" with Penguin and Catwoman. I still remember the excitement I had when I saw the scene where Catwoman snatches a small bird from its cage and stuffs him into her mouth moaning and rubbing herself in sensual delight. I was so hoping she would swallow him. But that gave me a wonderful idea; why not try swallowing a bird? I wanted to feel sleek and sensuous, and as it happened, the Victoria's Secret catalog I had gotten a few weeks earlier had a catsuit in it. It was a black mock turtleneck with long sleeves and zipped up the back. I immediately ordered it and could not wait for it to arrive. While I waited, I made a trip to the pet store to see what kinds of birds they had. I was in luck. They had several finches which seemed just the right size. They were a bit expensive compared to the turtle and the fish but not outrageously so. When the catsuit arrived I tried it on and it fit me like a glove. I was so excited I could hardly sleep that night. The next day, I put on the catsuit and went to the pet shop to buy a bird. I remember eyeing several of them thinking which one I wanted for my dinner. The clerk took some time to explain their guarantee program should something happen to the bird and I smiled at the thought that something was definitely going to happen to him but there would be no way to bring him back to the store for a credit. I got him home and as I tried to get him out of the little cardboard carrier, he escaped and began flitting around the house. I tried several times to catch him with my hands but he was too fast for me. Finally I got a dish towel and was able to throw it over him like a net. He felt warm and soft in my hand. I was worried about being able to swallow him and had the idea to pour a little olive oil over him to make his feathers more slippery. I popped him into my mouth and held him for a moment. He did not fight and he felt warm and alive which was a very different sensation from the fish and turtle which were basically about room temperature. I maneuvered the bird to the back of my throat, tipped my head back and swallowed. Surprisingly he went right down with no fuss. As soon as the sensation of him traveling down my throat ended, I felt the most amazing sensation inside me that I could only explain was him fluttering his wings, because that is sort of what it felt like; a gentle fluttering tickle. It was intense and short lived. Then after that, I felt nothing. He was simply gone. I walked around the house feeling very feline and sensuous, and had a wonderful orgasm. But never felt him again. I suppose the trauma of being swallowed must have been too much for him. I was fine that afternoon although my stomach remained a little upset. That evening I met a girlfriend for dinner and soon afterward began to experience fairly intense stomach and intestinal cramps. They lasted for several hours culminating in a very sudden urge to go to the bathroom. When I finished I was shocked to discover feathers floating in the toilet. I guess the moral to the story is that feathers do not digest. That was really the only time I ever ate something and noticed anything unusual afterwards. My stomach felt queasy for several days after that and I decided that birds were best eaten plucked and cooked. I went through a period of being curious as to what exposure to my stomach would do to someone. As in the past, I thought the best way would be to actually see for myself. I bought several fish and used a needle and thread to carefully loop the thread through the fish's lower jaw. This was not unlike what we would do with the fish when we were kids by putting them on a stringer to keep them until we were done fishing and ready to clean them for eating. I then swallowed the fish and thread, leaving the end hanging from my mouth. It was not very comfortable. I think the longest I left one inside me was about an hour. When I pulled him out, other than being dead, he really didn't look much different. His tail fin was a little ragged looking but that was about it. I usually cut off the thread and simply swallowed them back down afterward. I went through a long, several year period where I didn’t swallow anything alive. I was busy with my daughter who was involved in several activities and my desire to do it simply diminished. Eventually my daughter graduated college and moved out of my house. Then one day, I saw a video of a woman swallowing a mouse and that got my attention. Partly it was because of the way the mouse interacted with her. I found myself thinking about it over several weeks and my curiosity was piqued. I found a local pet store that sold mice and bought one. He was fun to play with and didn’t seem particularly afraid of being handled. Initially, I put him in a glass and then put it up to my open mouth because I thought he might crawl in just out of curiosity. But he didn’t. So I picked him up by his tail and dangled him over my open mouth. I tried a couple of times to lower him in but each time he managed to twist around and grab my lower lip with his front paws. It was an interesting sensation. Finally I had to resort to just pushing him in. I held him in my mouth for about thirty seconds or so, enjoying the sensation of him squirming in my mouth. Then I tipped my head back and swallowed. His body made a nice fullness in my throat that I felt as he traveled down to my stomach. Initially I felt no movement and thought that he had died as I tried to swallow him. But after about a minute I felt the most delicate sensations as he explored the interior of my stomach. It was different than anything I had experienced and I loved it. I took a couple of sips of water and he suddenly became much more active for a moment before settling back down. He lasted for about 20 minutes, at least that is when I stopped feeling his movements. I changed clothes and met friends for dinner and drinks at a local Italian restaurant. I enjoyed eating knowing that he was probably still inside my stomach. I imagined him being mixed with the pasta and wine I was consuming. I woke the next morning having no ill effects from eating him and in fact felt fine for a couple more days after. Then I became ill with an intestinal bug and because several days had elapsed, I assumed it was just coincidental. As it turns out that may not have been the case. I had swallowed the mouse in the spring. It was now late summer and I decided to do it again. I went back to the store and bought two mice this time. I swallowed the first one and about an hour later ate the second one. Again, they felt wonderful. I had a passing thought wondering what the second mouse might have thought about stumbling across the corpse of his friend. The next evening I began to have stomach cramps and a few hours later found myself sitting on the toilet. That was to become my regular perch for the next week. I went to the doctor a day later and explained that I thought I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me but was intentionally vague as to what that might have been. I mean how would a grown woman explain to her doctor that it was probably the mice she ate? I ended up losing over 12 pounds and had a temperature that spiked at 103 degrees F; missed several days of work. It was awful. The sickest I can remember being for many years. So as much as I liked swallowing the mice, I wouldn’t do that again. I continued to occasionally swallow a fish when the mood struck me, which was not terribly often. Then last fall of 2017 a friend sent me a video of a woman swallowing a frog. It was clear from her reaction afterward that she was definitely feeling him inside her stomach. I loved that idea so then while I was off work between Christmas and New Year’s I ordered a frog from an online vendor. I looked around locally but did not find a store that carried them. The frog was inexpensive but the overnight shipping was not. But the next day he arrived. The problem was that he was much larger than I had thought. When I grasped him in my hand his head stuck out one side and his legs protruded way out the other. I put him in my mouth and he made little fuss about it but did fill my mouth and his legs protruded past my lips. I tried several times to swallow him but each time, I would choke and cough him back up. I was supposed to go out for dinner and finally had to give up so that I could get ready. After dinner I was feeling very frustrated and horny and on the way home, stopped at the pet store to buy a fish. I had decided that I was going to swallow something that night. When I got home, I put the fish in a glass of water and drank him down. Then I sat down and watched a movie irritated with myself that I had wasted a lot of money on a frog I could not swallow. It was getting late and it occurred to me that maybe I was just being intimidated by his size. I mixed myself a strong drink (bite of the Iguana - 1 shot vodka, 1 shot tequila, ¾ shot peach schnapps with about an ouch of lemonade and the rest with sprite). After about 20 minutes I was feeling a bit tipsy and decided to try to eat Mr. Frog again. I picked him up and put him into my mouth holding him there for a few seconds to get up the nerve to try it. I tipped my head back and felt him slip into my throat as I swallowed. I felt the large bulk of him in my throat and he traveled very slowly down. I was absolutely elated. He was heading to my stomach and I owned him! It was well worth all the fuss because he put up an incredible fight inside me. His hopping around or whatever he was doing felt incredible. Oh My God amazing! He lasted a good 20 minutes during which I had several orgasms. Even better, I had no ill effects the days following. I would love to do it again but just wish it was not so expensive to ship. Most recently I decided to try swallowing a hamster. I had hoped that maybe they would not make me ill the way the mice did. The experience of swallowing the hamster was quite similar to the mice. He was easy to swallow and the sensations were similarly delicate. The good news was that I didn't get sick from him. So several weeks later I bought a second one. I mentioned that in the Popeye cartoon "Ration Fer The Duration" that one of the aspects I liked was that the giant really treated Popeye as food. So for this hamster, I put him in a bowl and drizzled him with melted butter, some lemon juice and a splash of salt. Then I scooped him up into my mouth and swallowed him. It was a bit messy but he tasted wonderful. Recently I swallowed two more hamsters, actually within just a few days of one another. The first one of those two was a dwarf hamster which had been the ones I had been swallowing due to their size. When I opened the little cardboard carrier he managed to jump out, scurry across my dining room table, right off the edge and onto the floor. I am still amazed that a fall from that height did not seem to harm him. Well now I’m on all fours chasing him around the floor. They are very quick for something so tiny. Eventually he ran into a corner and I had him. I scooped him into a wine glass and then put a postcard over the opening to keep him inside. I carried him into the bathroom so I could watch in the mirror. I put the glass to my mouth and pulled the card away as I opened my lips. The glass was about horizontal and I had hoped he might venture into my mouth but I suspect he knew exactly what that was because he crawled to the far end of the glass. I began to tip my head back and the glass up. His little legs were scrambling against the smooth glass vainly trying to crawl up. I could sometimes feel his tiny feet scraping against my lower lip. I continued to tip the glass up until it was basically vertical. He slid into my mouth, his front paws grasping at my lips as I closed them over him. I filled the empty glass with a little tap water and as I took a sip, I swallowed him. The most recent one was interesting for several reasons. Up until this one, I had been swallowing dwarf hamsters. But when I went to the pet shop, the clerk suggested I try a Winter White. They are called that because their coats turn white in the winter to provide them camouflage in the snow. He explained that they were a more docile breed and didn’t mind being handled. Unlike the dwarf hamsters which are really kind of mean. He said that it would be much better with the grandkids. (Yes, I lied and told him I wanted to get a pet for my grandkids, What? Did you think I would tell him I wanted the hamster for a snack later?) They are larger than the dwarf hamsters but smaller than the traditional Syrian hamsters. By the time I got him home I really didn’t have the time to eat him because I was meeting a friend for dinner. I decided he would make a nice bedtime snack. I set him up a nice makeshift cage and gave him some food and water and threw in some things for him to play with. He was very cute and seemed to not mind my stroking his back with my finger. I could actually imagine keeping him as a pet. I didn’t get home until around midnight. By then my stomach was mostly empty and I was ready for a bedtime snack. I put on my pajamas and got the bed turned down. Not wanting to waste any more time, I picked him up and pushed him into my mouth. He was big and fat, filling my entire mouth. His back end and feet protruded slightly from my lips until I gave him another push in. I took a sip of water and swallowed it and him. I felt that marvelous sensation of him traveling slowly down my throat disappearing past my collar bone. Soon after I began to feel him moving inside me. I had been practicing with an endoscope and decided to try and see him inside my stomach. I swallowed it and soon he filled the screen. He was covered in a thick mucus that matted his black fur. It was fascinating, and I took video for close to 30 minutes. This is where it gets strange. I pulled out the camera and had just put the computer away. As I stood in the hall, I heard a kind of peeping or squeaking sound. I wondered where it was coming from and as I walked from the hall to the kitchen to the dining room, the faint sound never changed, and I realized that it was coming from inside me. I was hearing him squeaking inside my stomach. I’m not sure if it was from fear or was an inherited trait to warn other hamsters. But I was surprised, amazed, and very turned on by it. I crawled back into bed and had the most wonderful orgasm. Then rolled onto my side and drifted off to sleep leaving him to my digestive system. Swallowing something alive is a thrill in itself but what has always been the most exciting for me is the sensation of him moving and struggling inside me afterward. I wish I could explain or put into words the absolute delight it is to feel that tickling sensation inside me, knowing that there is something alive inside my stomach trying to escape. Over the years I have tried swallowing a variety of small animals. The turtle and the frog were both by far the most amazing. To me the hamsters and mice seem closest to what swallowing an actual tiny person would be like. But the Gouramis have always provided consistent and very satisfying results and are less expensive. What I can say is that it continues to be an incredible experience and one that I would do over again. No regrets. There are some that are critical of swallowing live animals such as fish and say it is cruel. Maybe it is. I cannot really imagine what it would be like to be swallowed alive. But animals do eat one another. Big fish eat smaller fish and they typically do so by swallowing them whole. Dogs catch toads and other small things and often eat them whole. I'm sure they are sometimes alive afterward. Is that any less cruel to the animal being eaten? Does the mouse really know the difference between a cat’s stomach and mine? So the real issue is one of swallowing something to satisfy hunger versus to provide erotic sexual stimulation. To me, that also feeds a hunger, albeit a sexual one. But from the fish's perspective, is it really any different? Is being digested inside me any worse than being digested inside a dog or cat? They really don't experience any trauma. I don't chew or torture them. One minute they are swimming around inside a glass, the next they are swimming inside my stomach. I will also say that when the desire to swallow something comes on, it is so powerful, I almost feel like I have no control over it. There were times when I would fight the urge for several days or weeks but it only served to make me feel even more crazed. The fantasy would begin to take over to the point of being distracting. Often afterward, after my orgasm(s), I feel some guilt over what I have done. I kind of justify it by telling myself that he was still alive when I swallowed him and whatever happened after that was just nature taking its course. What is it like? How does it feel? What are you feeling? I am adding this because I have had men write to me asking what it feels like to swallow something alive. They are curious about the sensations, my emotions, and so on. To be honest, most of them fantasize about being swallowed alive and want to know more. Let me start by saying that each animal is different. By far the turtle was the most intense followed by the frog. But I also liked the mice and hamsters for the more delicate sensations that I felt. Everyone I have swallowed has struggled to varying degrees in my mouth. Fish put up a surprisingly intense struggle and I have to work to get them maneuvered headfirst to be swallowed. My fish of choice is a 1 to 2 inch long gourami. I like the pink kissers, blue, and gold gourami. The all are fighters. The hamsters and mice vary. They usually struggle a bit but then seem to give up as if resigned to their fate. I love holding the mice by their tales and slowly lowering them into my mouth. They will usually twist themselves around and grasp either my upper or lower lip in an attempt to keep from going in. I say attempt because so far, none of them has succeeded. I have had only one experience with a frog and he was large enough that he filled my mouth and really had no room to move although he did struggle. I do get a thrill out of the next phase which is to swallow them. As a child, I was fascinated by the few cartoons where a character was swallowed, and it was depicted by a lump traveling down the predator’s throat. To me it represented a point of no return. Up to that point, escape was still possible. But once he was traveling down the throat, it was all over. There would be no escaping once inside the stomach. So when I swallow something, what I feel is a sense of fullness in my throat as he travels slowly down to my stomach. Imagine swallowing a large chunk of meat that you have not chewed sufficiently. Sometimes, as with the frog who gave me so much trouble, there is a real feeling of euphoria that comes from knowing that I won, and he will never see the light of day again. He is now inside me and there is no way out. As I write this it sounds crazy but that thought excites me. I usually arrange to eat them on an empty stomach. I prefer the weekends because I can eat a light or no breakfast and then skip lunch or at least eat lunch after. Of course, with the fish I start with an empty stomach then drink a full glass of water. I often feel a “plop” in my stomach as whatever I have eaten finally drops into it. Once inside me, that is where the fun really begins. It usually takes anywhere from maybe 10 seconds up to about a minute before I start to feel him moving inside me. The sensations vary widely. I explained to someone recently to imagine something touching your skin. You get the sensation of it moving on you. It is a similar sensation I feel but it is a more generalized feeling. The turtle was by far my favorite. Imagine his clawed feet moving along the wall of my stomach. It was very intense and would become even more so if I moved. I think what was happening is that my movements would cause him to flip onto his back causing him to struggle to right himself. As I mentioned in my autobiography, I also was thrilled that he was still alive the next day. I have often thought about how he survived such a long time in my stomach. I think it might have been that his shell and heavy skin provided him protection from my digestive fluids and that, as a reptile, he had a lower metabolism that meant he needed less oxygen to survive. The frog was my next favorite. His struggles were intense as well but the sensations were different. They were more sharp, kind of like being poked from inside. Due to his size it took me several attempts before I was able to get him down. It was frustrating but then when I felt him enter my throat and I knew I had succeeded in swallowing him I felt an amazing euphoria. I had finally done it and he was heading to my stomach, never to be seen again. The mice and hamsters being mammals were different in several ways. I liked being able to interact with them and they are just so cute. Being mammals, they felt warm and alive in my mouth. Also the sensations when they moved inside me were more delicate. I imagined them in the dark confines of my stomach, cautiously moving, feeling their way around. There was a definite sensation of movement but it was more like the sensation of a feather being drawn across your skin. The sensations did occasionally get more intense though. This seemed particularly true when I sipped water. Hearing that hamster Squeaking inside my tummy also was amazing. That he was still alive well over thirty minutes after I had eaten him and was likely still alive as I fell asleep was a major turn-on. Usually there is nothing left of them the next day when I go to the toilet. Well at least nothing recognizable. At least I have never noticed anything until recently. One of the hamsters I swallowed was on an empty stomach. I had not eaten breakfast and it was well past lunch. He made a nice snack but was certainly not all that filling. Normally I would eat something after but because it was late afternoon, and I needed to get some shopping done, I decided to just wait until dinner. It was several hours later, going on around 7:00 when I finally sat down to eat. The next afternoon, when I went to the toilet, I noticed something kind of off white. On closer examination I realized it was the hamster (or what was left of him) I had swallowed the night before. Well, what it was actually was the skin and a few larger bones. It was like everything inside him had been digested leaving only the pelt. I usually swallow them on an empty stomach and then soon after eat lunch or dinner depending on the time. In fact one of the things I like is to have dinner with friends knowing that as I am eating, there is something inside me being digested along with my meal. Anyway, I think that because I usually eat soon after, that my prey is mixed in with the rest of my food and spends more time in my stomach being broken down into more digestible pieces. Whereas, this time, because I didn’t eat, he moved more quickly out of my stomach leaving something much larger for the rest of my digestive system to process. That is at least my theory. I need to also mention the fish. They typically put up a fight once inside me and the sensations can be very intense although fairly erratic. I think as they swim around they are hitting the walls of my stomach. I love the sensations and they usually last around 10 minutes or so. The one thing I wish is that they would survive longer in my stomach. Generally none of them survive for more than 20 minutes. At least I stop feeling their movements. It could be they are still alive but too weak to struggle. I have also heard of what is called a swaddling effect. That is animals, when totally surrounded by warm pressure will go into hibernation mode. This allows dinner to be properly digested without all that annoying moving about. I think the stomach is fairly large compared to the size of what I swallowed so I am not sure if that plays into it. It is probably more likely that whatever I have eaten, is suffocating despite my efforts to swallow air. I have done a good bit to describe what it feels like but not really discussed my emotions. My desire to swallow something alive has peaks and valleys. I’m not sure why, possibly hormonal. When the desire hits me, it is intense and difficult to resist. Almost like trying to resist eating when you are hungry. In a way I guess it is quite literally a hunger. So I go to the pet store looking like your typical soccer mom and look over what is available. All the while knowing that what I am taking home will soon be eaten. The level of excitement is not unlike what a child might feel on Christmas Eve. Once I return home, if I have something I can interact with such as a mouse or hamster, I will usually play with them a bit. Let them crawl over my body or maybe drop them into my panties. All the while the excitement is continuing to build. For something like a fish, I prepare a glass of water to put him in. I usually don’t take much time in swallowing them. I want them to be energetic and ready to play once inside my stomach. So I typically just keep them in my mouth long enough to get them into position. Then swallow. It is at that point, as I feel him enter my throat, that I am overcome with a sense of elation. This is particularly true if it was a struggle to swallow him. Once inside me I begin to masturbate. Sometimes I can orgasm before he expires but more often, he will cease moving before I orgasm. Either way the experience is intense. While I am feeling him inside me, my thoughts are on my own body and the sensations I am feeling rather than thinking about what is happening to him. Afterwards, I feel an incredible release of energy and tension. It just drains out of my body. I do sometimes feel a bit of sadness and guilt immediately afterward. Sort of like the sense of remorse one might feel after being hurtful to someone. But soon after I get busy and the thought leaves me. I don’t always masturbate after swallowing something. There are times where I will swallow something just before leaving to go have dinner and drinks with friends or a date. I did that with one of the mice. I was running late and didn’t want to get myself unkempt. But I didn’t want to leave the mouse either. So I swallowed him. I found it erotic to be having drinks with friends all the while knowing that there was a mouse being doused with my drink and slowly digested. The morning after I typically wake feeling sensuous and sexy. I often will lay in bed thinking about the mouse that is still somewhere inside me. I will wonder where he might be in my digestive tract and how much of him might be left. The one time I woke and felt the turtle moving inside me fulfilled one of my fantasies. Which would be to swallow someone alive and have him live inside me, trapped, surviving off of whatever I ate and drank. I have tried over the years to understand why I do it. To understand what motivates me. It comes down to the simple fact that when I am swallowing something alive, I feel sensuous and feline. I am in touch with a primal animal element of my nature. Certainly, no one would criticize a leopard for snatching up a squirrel in its jaws and swallowing it down. I see myself as no different. I am satisfying a primal desire in me that is just as intense as the need for that leopard to eat. When I write a story, I am writing from my own experience, the sensations, the emotions, that I have felt. I think that makes what I write more real. I appreciate your thoughts both good and bad. Final Thoughts I do believe that this fantasy is strong enough in me that if it were really possible to shrink someone, I would do it and I would eventually swallow him whole. In my stories, I try to explore the characters' motivations and desires that drive them to do what they do because for me, that motivation is interesting to explore. For example, in "A Wish Come True" the girlfriend Jennifer is resistant to the idea of swallowing her boyfriend, even for just a few minutes. But when she finally does, something changes for her. It awakens a sensuality in her that she was previously unaware of and that newly awakened sense of herself is the reason she decides not to cough the boyfriend back up. Later she feels guilt and remorse but by then he is gone and it is too late. In "A Simple Plan" the man is driven by an overwhelming voyeuristic desire that he believes can be safely fulfilled by shrinking himself and sneaking home with an attractive coworker. The coworker's motivation is less clear other than a sadistic need driven by anger to teach the creep a lesson, rather permanently I might add. She clearly feels violated, and rightly so, which can also be a strong motivational force. In "Jessica's Gift" she is reluctant but agrees to go along with the fantasy because the man is terminally ill and she needs the money. My thought on her character is that the money alone would not have been sufficient, the fact that he was terminally ill let her off the hook morally. Of course Ron Humphries, the man in the story, learns that experiencing a fantasy in real life is much different than having the fantasy. In "Girls' Nite Out" the relationship between Jennifer and Adeline, is based partly on my own experiences with my partner. I feel that tapping into my own experiences, feelings, motivations, etc. helps make what I write seem a little more real. I hope you have found this interesting and won't judge me too harshly. I don’t often engage in live vore these days. The intensity of the fantasy has finally diminished to where it does not have the power over me it once did. But if it was possible to shrink someone to a 1 to 3 inch tall size, I would not hesitate to shrink and swallow him. Sadly, that is still a part of this fantasy that remains unfulfilled. I had a friend raise the issue that to actually swallow a person would be cannibalism. I suppose it is in the strict definition of the word. But in my own mind, someone that is small enough to be put inside my mouth has ceased to be a person and is really just food. Post Script Over the years, I have tried to understand what the initial trigger for my fantasy was. I don't think it was the cartoons themselves. Plenty of kids watched these cartoons and were not affected in the same way. So I can only conclude that I was somehow predisposed to resonate with the depiction of vore. I still enjoy watching cartoons and movies that involve vore and wish there were more that captured the sensuous aspects of being captured and swallowed. If I had written the chips and dip scene from "honey We Shrunk Ourselves" it would have ended much differently. One of those guys would have been scooped up and eaten by an adolescent girl. I love what is being done now by the various artists using computer animation to create vore scenes. One of my favorite artists is TheWiking2000 (Aka Sir Charles Starwind). His stills and animations are extremely realistic and his main character Elli is amazingly close to my own fantasy of myself. I also like that his female characters look like regular women with reasonable proportions with regard to chest waist and hips. What is it with some of you guys that draw women with ridiculously huge breasts? Is that all you see when you look at a women? If I had more time and motivation, I might try to learn computer animation myself because I would love to bring my characters and stories to life. That said here are some of the old school animations that helped shape my own vore fantasies: Ration Fer The Duration - In a twist on the Jack and The Beanstalk story, a giant uses Popeye as the meat in a sandwich and eats him. As the giant swallows, he tips his head back as a large lump travels down his throat. Probably one of the best animated swallowing scenes I have seen and certainly my favorite. Females Is Fickle - Popeye tries to capture Olive's pet fish which has slipped overboard into the ocean. As he tries to catch the fish, he is swallowed by some kind of jellyfish like sea creature. Pre-Hysterical Man - A caveman flattens Popeye and stuffs him into his mostly empty can of spinach and tosses it out the window where a large dinosaur proceeds to chew up the can with Popeye inside and swallows it. Let's Stalk Spinach - In yet another twist of the Jack and The Beanstalk, Popeye tries to save the goose that lays the golden eggs. He jumps onto the giant's shoulder using the giant's nose as a punching bag. The giant uses his finger to push Popeye into his mouth and attempts to swallow him. Klondike Casanova - Popeye is shot from a harpoon gun and swallowed by a hungry whale. Will Do Mousework - A cartoon featuring Herman and Katnip. Herman, looking over his shoulder and not paying attention, walks up the cat's tongue which is rolled out like a pink carpet and as he realizes where he is the cat pulls him into his mouth and swallows him. There is the expected lump traveling down the cat's throat disappearing as Herman tumbles down inside the cat. The Brave Little Tailor - A Disney cartoon set in the middle ages with Mickey Mouse as the brave little tailor hired by the king to kill a giant who has been terrorizing the kingdom. Mickey attempts to hide from the giant by diving into a cart full of pumpkins. The giant tosses the pumpkins into his mouth like grapes and swallows them along with Mickey but unaware that he has swallowed him. Mickey lights a match and realizes he is in the giant's stomach. Pinocchio - Disney film from the 1940s. Pinocchio learns that Geppetto has been swallowed by a whale and is living inside his stomach. He goes to rescue Geppetto and is also swallowed by the whale. I was very much intrigued by the idea of someone trapped inside a stomach for a prolonged time living off of whatever had been eaten. It fueled my fantasy as a giantess of having a tiny man alive inside my stomach for many days living off of whatever I ate and drank. I have written a few stories where the woman deliberately puts her tiny captive inside her vagina. While I have experimented with swallowing live animals, I have never tried putting one inside me. The thought of putting a fish or some other live thing inside me sort of creeps me out to be honest. That said, given the opportunity I would consider putting a tiny man inside me but only under certain conditions. I would not put him in head first because he would certainly suffocate within a matter of minutes. I would much rather experience having him alive inside my stomach than dead inside my pussy. But I think putting him in feet first so that his head protruded very slightly would be great fun. I have also read some stories that involved a tiny man crawling inside the woman's vagina and eventually into her uterus. I believe that fetish is called unbirthing. While that has not been an aspect of the fantasy that has interested me, I am never the less intrigued by the idea of him inside her perhaps as she has sex and orgasms. I can see from a male perspective how that might be sensuous and comforting being cradled inside a woman’s womb. |