Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2023850-Survival-of-the-fitest-part-2
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #2023850
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You have recently found out our destiny. You are the last pure human on earth, the one who will beat the 5 masters. You have recently found a chunk of magikalite, the substance used to unlock a person's power. You need to now learn how to control your elemental strengths. Your journey now truly begins.

"Master, master, we have a problem."
"What is it, simpleton?"
"It's the pure master, sir. He has awakened!"
"Your masterness, he has unlocked his power. The man we locked at that old resistance bunker. He must have told the pure about the 5 masters. We must stop him before he learns of his control."
"Do not worry, simpleton, he may defeat all of the other masters, but he will not defeat me. Not even if he has complete control over all 5 elements."
"Yes sire bu-"
"SILENCE. You will bring me the best controllers we have. Then you will never return here. If you do, well, I am not the multi master for nothing. I could burn you to ashes."
"Yes sire. I will do what you say."

About 1 hour later.
"Here they are sire. Just like you asked."
"Half right, knave. I told YOU never to return."
Suddenly the knave was a smoldering pile of ash. It seemed as if he was burned to a crisp the burned even more, all within one second.
"There, that better. No more annoyances, for now."
"Forgive me, my lord, but why have you called for us?" Asked the red controller.
"I have called for you because the pure has awoken. He must be stopped, before he can learn his true abilities. There is a secret only 6 of us know. The 5 masters and one man. We locked him up, but he taught the pure about the world now. He has sent the pure to defeat us and stop all warring between the 5 great countries."
"But what does that have to do with us?" The blue controller asked.
"Yeah, he has no chance against the masters." The green controller said.
"SILENCE! You are gathered here to learn the secret, and learn how to stop the pure. Now, it is time to be educated."

While that was happening, you have been working on your power. You can now control a small fire, grow flowers, and draw water from the ground. But you know that is not enough. You begin to feel the tug of the other 2 elements. Time to start practicing with them. You first grow some flowers with your green power, then you use the white power to age them faster. You then use your black power to draw life force from them. It seems that when you use the black power, you draw pure life from other organisms. You practice a bit more with the black power and discover that you can draw the life into yourself. You notice a rock in the distance. You imagine what it could be like to hit it with 2 elements at the same time. You already know that you can only control one at a time, never 2. You suddenly feel a surge if power that seems to come from your core. You then see that there is a small fire in your left hand , and an orb of water in your right. You feel a sudden urge to bring the 2 together. As your hands get closer, you see that the elements in your hands are beginning to glow. You say: "Combination of elements, fire and water." The fire suddenly jumps from your left hand to your right. The fire disappeared into the water. The water was so bright now that it was hard to look at. Suddenly the glowing stopped. You looked in your hand and saw an orb of a new element. You must have made it with fire and water. It looked like an orb of steam. Maybe you can use it. You launch it at the rock, and watch as it becomes an item not too different from a saw blade. It began to spin, faster and faster, until it hit the rock with a mighty explosion. You look back and see that the rock hasn't  budged. Suddenly the upper portion began to slide off the rest of the rock! "Wow!" You wonder what else you can combine. This could be interesting.
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