Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2023750-Survival-of-the-fitest
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #2023750
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"Awaken" says a mysterious voice. You arise and see that you are on the ground. You have no memory of who you are, what you did, or how you got here. But you do remember something. About 10 years ago, a strange comet came by Earth. No one had ever seen it before, yet it seemed somehow familiar. As it grew closer and closer, people began to do strange things. The military of America chose to go to war against China, and Germany started fighting against Russia. No matter how hard anybody tried, the fighting would not stop. The comet was looming ever closer, and more people got affected by it. People started fighting for no reason. Friend against friend, wife against husband. It was chaos. Only a couple thousand of people were unaffected by the mysterious changes. Those few thousand found each other and formed a resistance to stop all the fighting. It failed. Hundreds of liver were lost from the few people who tried. The people at war eventually killed each other in battle; to the point there were no people left to fight. The world was left broken, as the survivors picked up the pieces, new creatures emerged. They began working to enslave the human race. Everybody went underground to escape. Everybody tried to survive together, but the 'curse' that took the earth was not over. Soon, earthquakes became more and more frequent. Meteor showers fell to the ground. Earth nearly disappeared from the universe.  But then the comet left the mesosphere of the Earth. With the comet gone, the creatures vacated, the earthquakes fell silent. The asteroids stopped falling. Peace returned. But did not last. Soon people started finding strange glowing stones. When people touched them, they reawakened their special power. The power was magical ability. Soon the earth began a new phase in it's life: the Magoic Era.
Your mind returns to the present. You groan. "Where am I" you ask. "Safe", says the voice. "But not for long. You are in a secret base left by the resistance all those years ago. But it will soon be compromised by the field that surrounds it. I can save you, but it will be at the cost of myself. I am willing to die for the survival of Earth, however. You are the last pure human, the only one not filled with greed without your unlocked power. You are the last hope for humanity. I wish you good luck, you will need it to defeat the 5 great capitals."
"How am I supposed to do that? I don't even know who I am. "
"You need no given name, you are the giver of your own name. Outside the field, you will find a magikalite."
"what the heck is a magikalite?"
"You remember the uprising if magic power, right?"
"A magikalite is the item that is used to awaken that power. You will need it to battle the 5 masters."
"Who are the 5 masters?"
"The 5 masters are the leaders of the capitals. They each control one out of 5 elements, but each want complete control over all of them."
"Why do I have to beat them?"
"Because you are pure. You can control the elements like an extension of your body. You are the controller of the 5. The true master."
"How will you get me out?"
"The magic on me is a bit different, not of the 5."
"And how do you expect me to defeat 5 masters who have had years to train? I don't even know if I can control the power."
"You will be able to. You just have to learn."
"Yes, I know, but-"
Before you can finish your sentence, you find yourself over 50 ft away from the nearest building. Without warning, it collapses into itself with a mighty implosion. You are glad you escaped, but what about him, the guy who set you on this path? You decide to not worry about that at the moment. You notice a. Chunk of glowing rock at your feet. This must be the magikalite he was talking about. You reach out to touch it when you feel a surge of power. It was like nothing you ever felt before. "What was that?" You ask. Suddenly memories come shooting back at you, but they disappear just as fast as they come. You realize something. You are the creator of your own destiny, you can choose to save the world, or pick it up anew. You start to walk away from the bunker, as you now call it. You will start learning your new powers, but for now, we'll, the future is bright.
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