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The third collection of chapters of the epic sotry Pearl. |
Chapter 18: Part 3 It was unnerving. It was like the calm before the storm. Abby was sure she could even hear her own heart beating in tense anticipation over the booming thunder that was Cheryl’s own monster of a heart. She tried not to linger her thoughts on it, and decided to push forward further. But as soon as she lifted her hand to reach forward, Cheryl giggled lightly which rattled Abby’s ears, as well as tensing her cave and squeezing Abby to near death at the same time. However, it sounded like she was near the exit, near Cheryl’s opening, the giggling giantess sounded clearer than before. Crying with joy, she heaved the slippery, rippled walls off of her as best she could and dived forward, landing with a splat a short distance in front of her. As she was ready to make another pounce, Cheryl giggled again and soon Abby could hear strange smacking sounds coming from outside. Odd wet, slick noises were coming from outside and Abby noticed that a puddle was forming around her soft arse. Cheryl was getting more wet, more excited and whatever Lauren was doing to Cheryl, Abby was not reaping the benefits but she was a third party now with no way to turn back. Not unless she escapes right now. And so, she shoved her right hand forward. And lo and behold, the tips of her fingers had broke through to the outside world. She yelped in shock, she had made it! The tiny woman pulled on the thick hot flesh of Cheryl’s drooping lips and pulled with all her might, and soon her body slipped forward and soon enough, she was able to push her whole body through the heavy lips and finally, she managed to shove her head through and soon the dim light of her room blinded her. There was thick grool all over her, and it got into her eyes and it stung like hell. Wiping it out of her eyes the best she could, a heavy moan and hot breath waved over the back of her head which shook her to her very bones, which wasn’t much of a surprise in itself anymore. She pulled her matted hair from her face, and turned her whole body, still from the neck down swallowed up into Cheryl’s womanhood, and was now facing upwards. In an instant, she felt a mix of dread, and hope. She took a long heavy gasp as the sight far above her. What seemed like a long, long way away to her, was definitely not so far at all for the giant freckled face of Lauren grinning down towards her, that charming smile of hers that crinkled her nose and stretched her lips wide and her long thick, intensely curly hair hung like a curtain onto Cheryl’s thighs and onto the bed, blotting out most of the light coming from the room. Lauren, it seemed, was lying on her front… On Cheryl’s front. They were currently in a casual, morning 69 session and the giant friend of Abby was unaware of the tiny woman’s presence. But this was her chance! “LAUREN! FOR CHIST’S SAKE, LOOK DOWN! HEYYY! LAUR-“ “Jesus Cheryl, what has gotten into you today?!” Lauren moaned whilst giggling again, washing Abby’s head and Cheryl’s sensitive lips with her hot minty breathe. “You’re never this wild in the morning!” Abby was stunned. Lauren’s face began to bob back and forth slightly, and Cheryl was in equal motion too. Lauren was grinding her hips into Cheryl’s face and Abby could feel Cheryl liking this a lot. This couldn’t be happening to her, Lauren couldn’t hear her but that didn’t stop Abby from trying even more. “HEY! LAU-“ And again, Lauren hummed a loud moan as she closed her eyes and bit on her bottom lip. Abby gulped as Lauren was enjoying her moment, and a moment was all it was before Abby was looking right into Lauren’s eyes as they opened again slowly. They were looking at each other eye-to-eye, the only thing was to Abby, Lauren had a glazed, unfocused look in them and Abby was sure that her giant friend hadn’t actually seen her at all. And as Abby continued to stare into Lauren’s crystal-blue eyes, she desperately began to try and heave the rest of her tiny body from Cheryl’s body. She began to panic more and more as Lauren’s beautiful but gigantic face lowered towards her and the wet flapping lips of giantess number one, and Lauren’s own lips puckered as she began to lightly kiss at the top of Cheryl’s clit, and sucking equally as lightly as she pulled away for her next kiss. “LAUREN YOU BLOODY IDIOT, LOOK DOWN!” Abby screamed as loudly as she could, and for a moment, her heart leapt in joy as Lauren paused for a second. But Abby’s hopes were washed away as Lauren moaned once again and decided to kiss Cheryl’s clit harder. Abby was now up to her waist, her round bottom and legs still stuck within the thick, gripping tunnel that was trying to pull her back in. It was Cheryl’s whole body was resisting her escape. With one last heave, she grunted desperately, her arms wobbling, and pushed. In the space of a single second, Abby kicked off Cheryl’s thick hot lips and dived forward and headed for the damp bed sheet between Cheryl’s thick things and where Lauren’s hair met the bed, only to face the giant, fairly thin (to normal-sized people) lips of Lauren who was diving in for a kiss once again. Abby felt the wind get knocked out of her as she landed with a heavy thud on Lauren’s bottom lip with her head sinking almost in between the two and before she could even comprehend it, she was slammed right back into Cheryl’s awaiting lips and pushed into the hot wet flesh as Lauren pushed her lips further into her lover’s nest of flesh. Abby wailed into the thick smooth skin of her friends lip with once again, no ability to move at all and now she was in dire trouble, worse than before. She would either end up back in Cheryl’s tunnel, or in Lauren’s mouth with the threat of being swallowed innocently and her friend would never know. No one, but Cheryl. And just when, at the top of her little head, Abby could feel the edge, the very tip of the slimy tongue creeping out from Lauren’s lips when suddenly, Cheryl spoke. “Hang on a minute, weren’t you called in for work today? Didn’t Melony say she couldn’t work on Saturd-“ “OH SHIT! Blasted the voice of Lauren through her mighty mouth and Abby was launched from her friend’s lip as she jump in shock and Abby found herself falling through the air at high speed, not knowing where she’d end up. She travelled through the air screaming and flailing her arms around, hardly noticing Lauren diving from the bed and running out of the bedroom. As the room blurred all around her, in a sharp bang to reality, Abby crashed to the floor and rolled and rolled before finally coming to a stop. She was OK, a little hurt from everything but whatever power the pearl-white stone had given her, it was working. The tiny woman breathed into the air with her eyes closed, trying to stop her head spinning and have a quick break. “For fuck sake…” Cheryl sighed. “I’ll lock the house up and I’ll leave a note for Mark and Abby, and I’ll see you tonight OK!” Abby heard her call after Lauren. In effect, Lauren shouted a reply but Abby couldn’t make out what she said, she was down the corridor now and was surely hurrying to get dressed. But more importantly… She was free. Abby had made it out of the hell hole Cheryl had stuffed her into, escaped a potential unwilling orgy of epic proportions and was free from Cheryl’s clutches. For now. But Abby used this spare time to rest for a moment, calming her breathing and her sobbing. She was hot and bothered, how couldn’t she be? She was covered in the juices of a giantess and it was sending her head in a spin and it was almost sickening. Almost. With all her energy spent throughout the past 10 hours, Abby had napped without really realising it. It was when a loud cough came from somewhere that Abby jumped and snapped open her eyes. And instantly, her hot body went cold and she nearly threw up. “Well, well! Abby makes her triumphant return! Tell me, was it good for as it was for me?” Abby was now staring up at the evil giantess, staring down at her as she stood high and mighty over her. Her long thick tanned legs loomed high, with Cheryl’s bulbous lips still slightly swollen in between at the hips, and Cheryl’s face looking over her generous breasts that were still confined in a tight orange night top. “I saw you fly off Lauren’s mouth, it was pretty funny I have to say! You looked so majestic when you fly little girl!” “Fuck you…” Abby’s wobbly voice mumbled. “Oh I think you’ve already done that for me really haven’t you! As much as I’m up for round two, I have things to do and people to see! Also, I should really let Mark out of you little jewellery box on the side. Sorry, but I had to put him somewhere didn’t I! I think he’ll still be out cold for a while yet…” “What did you do to him?” Abby’s shaking voice creaked from her mouth again as she began to weep. And Cheryl laughing down at her didn’t help. “I just knocked him out, no biggy. I just don’t dig men I’m afraid, even if he was fun to play with! No, I think I’m happy with just you I think. You and Lauren anyway! Speaking of which, aren’t her lips amazing? She kisses beautifully. Oh, and I like how you’ve landed on top of you panties. Good aim! You’re getting the idea of it now aren’t you!” And Cheryl giggled again, giving time for Abby to bounce onto her legs, which instantly ached painfully under her insignificant weight. On her feet, she could see that she was indeed standing atop of her panties that had been thrown on the floor. And then Abby looked up, looking at the space under the bed about 400 hundred meters away from her. All in all, she might as well give it a shot, she thought. Her legs were going to hate her, but she didn’t care. Abby launched herself forward and began her sprint to the gap under bed, jumping off the smooth, silky black panties she wore only last night and landed on the carpet, the large soft weaved strands of the carpet was going to be a problem for her. They were gigantic, but it would be like wading through thick reeds in a swamp. But she didn’t care. She headed forward. “Oh, really?” Abby heard Cheryl chuckle mockingly at her. But Abby didn’t care, she just didn’t anymore. That was until a loud but soft, thump sound vibrated through the floor which made her stop in her tracks and spin around. Her mouth dropped as Cheryl was slowly pacing towards her, now beginning to move of from her left foot, her right foot with the silver anklet lifting forward from behind. Abby hadn’t the time to admire Cheryl’s beautiful feet, nor the excellent red polish work, and she shrieked as she turned to run towards the bed. One thing was for sure. She was going to stay fit whilst she was at this size and while Cheryl was ever after her. As she continued to wade through the strands of the carpet, pushing them out of her way and noticing at the same time that Cheryl was getting closer and closer. But Abby put her head down and continued her stretch, noticing the bed was just under a hundred meters away from her now. The tiny woman didn’t dare look behind her, especially when she tripped over herself and fell face forward, and yet again another thumping sound thudded through the floor just behind her and a huge gust of air wafted over her, throwing her hair over her head. Abby froze, Cheryl was literally on top of her. “Now, my little-“ Cheryl started, but Abby dived forward and hop, skipped and jumped her way under the bed and rolled into the shadow. “FOR FUCK SAKE! UUurgh!” Cheryl grunted annoyed by Abby’s easy escape. “Well, you’ve certainly got a lot of energy for a little sex bunny, don’t you Abs!” All Abby could do was shuffle back further and further under the bed and watching Cheryl’s pretty feet move around as Cheryl lowered herself down to her knees. Abby dived behind something as Cheryl’s round face began to loom into view. “Now, where are you…?” |