Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2022864-Robins-Bad-Luck-Lissa
Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #2022864
A vore story about Lissa and Robin from FE:A
The white haired tactician groaned. She could hear people talking around her. Her onyx eyes fluttered slightly and all she could see was two blue blobs and a smaller yellow one. Robin strained her ears to hear the conversation unfolding.

“-mon Chrom! She just a traveler that fell asleep in the field. No one would miss her!”

Robin’s silver eyebrows furrowed in annoyance at the voice, it was too high pitched. Her bearings were returning slightly faster now, she could tell that one of the blue blobs was a lighter shade than the other one and that it stood much taller than either of the other blobs.

“Milord, it might be wise to let milady do as she pleases with this stranger. Those are Plegian robes.”

“I can’t believe you two, for all you know she is completely innocent and not a threat at all! I swear Lissa, I will never understand you women’s need to devour each other. It seems counterproductive to our goal of protecting the people?”

Wait… What!? Devour!? The tactician began to panic now. They were cannibals?! They were going to eat her! Damnitt!! She was still feeling weak all over her body. There was no way she was going to let herself go out like this.

The three of them debated for a good long ten minutes before the one called Chrom gave in. Robin’s fear grew to greater heights when she felt her boots be removed. After every single article of clothing was stripped from the dazed woman she had silently accepted her fate… She couldn’t move, there was nothing that she could do to prevent this. Bitter tears began to flow from her blurry eyes. All she could do now was wait...


The princess of Ylisse looked at her meal with her mouth watering, not noticing her brother’s slight blush at the naked woman before Lissa. The woman had startling silvery white hair dressed in two braids that fell along the front of her shoulders, but didn’t look a day over 19. She was very pretty, with a rounded nose and full lips. But the par that attracted Lissa the most was the woman’s body.

Under the mysterious woman’s cloak and tanned shirt one could not tell how big her bosom actually was. Her pink nipples stood erect on the tip top of the mountains that were these woman’s breasts. She obviously didn’t wear small clothes on her chest because they were unnaturally perky for being so large. Lissa’s eyes traced down to the woman’s toned and lightly muscled stomach to her nether regions.

There was a small forest of silver locks, and a succulent pink lips that made the blonde's mouth water more. The blond’s gaze moved over to the motherly hips her lunch possesed. They were wide and had a fair amount of meat on them giving them a pear like shape. The legs beneath them were creamy white and looked like they were begging to be digested.

Lisa knew then that this would be the best meal that she would have in her life. Her appearance wasn’t much compare to the woman in front of her. The princess wore her straw blonde hair in the latest fashion in Ylisstol with four pony tails sticking out of the back of her head. Her body was a lot more humble than the one in front of her. Her friend Maribelle had affectionately called her a washboard during their morning tea. It was all in good fun of course but it got to Lissa after a while.

Vore was a common practice among Ylisse’s noble woman, more often than not she would see Maribelle with a prey laden gut. Sometimes the princess would press her ear against the bulge to hear the groans and gurgles of digestion. This, as Maribelle had told her was the easiest way to get voluptuous. Even Emmeryn, the Exalt and Lissa and Chrom’s older sister, would occasionally have a woman delivered for her consumption. It was unfortunate that Lissa’s sister would only let her eat woman when she turned 18. Good thing that her 18th birthday was two days ago.

Lissa snapped back to the present after hearing her meal moan softly. She would need to hurry. The princess reached down to grab the soft feet the woman possessed, She promptly and without any ceremony opened her mouth daintily and put both big toes in her mouth. The Flavor was outstanding! No dishes from the palace could counter this woman’s taste. Lissa opened her mouth wider and took both of the woman’s feet in her mouth. She could savor her meal more once the woman was securely in her gullet. The princess took her first gulp and pulled the silver haired beauty further in to her. She licked those smooth calves before gulping once more.

Lissa could smell the woman’s sex in front of her and blushed hotly and the proximity, but then she refocused on her first obstacle; her lunch’s hips. Lissa let out a hiss of pain as her mouth stretched painfully wide to take in those hips. A few tears formed at the edge of the princess’ expressive blue eyes as she grabbed her meal’s hands and stuffed them in her mouth. The blond took another gulp as her prey’s feet began to stretch out her stomach.

The waist disappeared quickly, the princess spent little time licking and tasting the midsection as she arrived at the second challenge. Lissa steeled herself and, opening as wide as she possibly could, she began to curl her lips over the base of the mountains. The going was rough and while the blond was tempted to give up, the taste made it impossible. She heard her meal squeal and gasp from the princess’s teeth leaving angry red bite marks were she had to use her teeth to avoid slipping down.

Lissa’s gut was beginning the early stages of digestion as a faint grumble began to grow. It was at this time her meal finally regained consciousness and began to struggle in earnest. But alas, it was too late for her arms were pinned by the small predator’s mouth.

“P-please… Don’t do this. I-i want.. to live..”


Robin gasped and wept as her breasts were pulled into the blond girl’s throat. She choked and wheezed as the massive size of her bust being compressed cut off her air. Salty tears ran rivers down her distressed face. At this point she was paralyzed by fear, all she could do is let out some sniffles and sobbs. Her feet and ass were pushed tightly together and she could see the clear outline of her ass cheeks. Her consumer’s lips reached up to her neck and she craned her neck away from the mouth in a vain attempt to avoid the sweltering mouth and stomach. Robin let out a wail as the woman ran her tongue along her face and finally saw the last light of day in her life as the princess of Ylisse swallowed for the last time.

The throat was unbearably tight as the silver haired woman’s head moved down to join the rest of her body inside the princess’ stomach. When the last of her passed through the ring of muscle above the stomach. She felt numb all over, So this was it huh? Destined to be a piece of meat to be used and then forgotten like other meals. The stomach was slightly more roomier than the throat, seeing as Robin was forced into the fetal position. Yet the woman didn’t care, she didn’t care about anything anymore.


Lissa felt the woman’s head move down her throat the clear outline of her face showing through the tight skin. She followed it with her finger till it disappeared once it reached her breasts. She slurped down the haired braids, and finally erased the woman from existence. All that was left were the woman’s clothes and her distended, now gurgling belly. The princess let out small belch and smiled. Soon, she would be able to attract a man with her full bosom and curvy behind.


“Milady, how was your lunch?”

The princess looked over to Frederick who had started a small fire and was roasting some pheasant over it. Chrom was sitting next to with a frown still on his face. The prince gazed at the woman filled gut of his sisters, as it shook when the woman inside flinched in pain. The gurgling was starting to obnoxiously loud the stomach began it’s work for real.

The prince couldn't help but wonder how the woman inside felt.


Robin gasped as the faint tingling in her feet evolved to itching, then to pain. The acid level had risen to the small of her back and her nipples and part of her breasts had been submerged already. The small cuts her devourer left from her teeth began to sting as the acids found there way into them. Her once flowing silver hair was matted to her back and face as the stomach tried to compress her into a smaller ball, her bones strained because of it but none of them had given way yet.

She had to fight! If there was any chance of finding out what her life meant. She needed to fight! She struggled, punched, and kicked but all Lissa felt was pleasure. Robin knew in the back of her head that it was pointless, she was meat. Her lower body was a raw red color due to the  acid’s abuse and her struggling.

Tears of pain and humiliation began to flow again. It wasn’t fair. What could she have possibly done to deserve this kind of fate. Was she a mass murderer in some other life, and this was the gods’ way of making it even? She felt the acid level rise. filling up half of the stomach now.

She couldn’t feel her vagina or any other part of her lower body anymore, but could see that the acid was getting discoloured by her flesh melting. The pain only got worse when the acid level reached her neck. Robin was in shock now. The pain was too much as, like before, she strained her neck up in a vain attempt to stay her fate.

Only her nose and mouth were above acid level as the once beautiful woman turned lunch gave out her last scream as the acids completely filled up the stomach. Luckily, the woman faded into unconsciousness before the end. The acids taking a dark red hue as the tactician, and Host of the Fell Dragon began to break down into nutrients for the bubbly princess who she had devoured.


Chrom stood guard over their camp for the night watching the bulge in her sister abdomen jerk and move. The bottom of her stomach, where the woman’s perfect posterior was, began to smooth out as the main body gave a few last spasms and a muffled scream was heard as the bulge fell silent and still, devoid of the life that was once present inside of it. Chrom watched the stomach mouth agape for a few minute. He had just watch that woman die! And he did nothing! He felt sick. He knew that most of the woman in world participated in vore but this was too much for him.

Lissa only let out a satisfied burp as she slept, having dreams of finally attracting Vaike with her newfound voluptuousness. The prince of Ylisse watch his sister’s stomach more than the road that night. He had never seen vore in person before, so his curiosity was natural. He watched as the woman’s back lost definition sometime in the night and when the head did as well.

The bulge was perfectly round and one could mistake the princess as heavily pregnant by now, The grumbling and groaning were less common now. It was like a wet shlorping and sloshing as the liquefied remains of the woman known as Robin was filtered into the princess’ intestines.

As the bulge began to shrink, Lissa began to change. Her moderate curves began to fill out more, ripping the dress slightly. She wasn’t as voluptuous as her meal but it was definitely an improvement. But then something peculiar happened, Lissa nose change from the hooked one that was common of Ylisse’s halidom, to a smaller rounded one not unlike the woman she had devoured. Lissa skin turned from tanish to more of a light pale, also just like her meal’s. A noticeable silver streak of hair grew and hung itself over the princess’s sleeping face.

By the time that morning came all traces of the woman were gone from Lissa’s abdomen, but the princess squealed in delight after fondling her new curves. She had to put on some of her meals clothes due to her being ripped and and too small now, but was pleased to find that her breasts had also attained the unnatural perkiness of her past meal’s albeit being sore from there forced expansion.Her midriff was lightly muscled instead of the light flab that was there before.

Lissa wore the cloak, which sleeves were too long but she could get that fixed later, and the hem drug on the ground, and bottom small clothes of her meal while still wearing her dress underneath. Next town they stopped at would require some shopping.

When the princess saw her now silver streak of hair, lighter skin, and round nose, she grew even more excited. She had been pretty before but now she was drop dead gorgeous. On an impulse she pulled her hair out of her trade mark style and switched over to an exact copy of Robin’s hair style except with the streak of silver curving around the right side of her face, free from the braid.

“It seems you meal has made you even more picturesque, milady.” Frederick spoke as he turned to face Chrom,  “See, milord, I told you it was a good idea.” Chrom only grunted halfheartedly as he and the other two picked up their camp, and headed off.

As they began walking towards South Town she couldn't help but notice that she felt much lighter than she did before eating that woman. Lissa’s hands went up to her breast as she fondled them properly for the first time. She heard some sloshing signifying that there was some milk in there as well.

She carried the silver haired beauty's sword and tome, which, for some reason, she felt confident in using all of the sudden. Lissa smiled at her new body, thinking back to the silver haired beauty that became one with her. The woman’s silver hair, heaving breasts, amazing hips, and the taste! surely Lissa would never find such a delicious woman ever again. She was one hundred percent positive she was never going to regret her first meal.
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