Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2022792-Whale-of-a-Date-2
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2022792
Bella introduces Robert to someone who's a GINORMOUS pleasure to be around...
"Hey, that looks like a plane!"

"I'd say it looks like a propeller."

"That's part of a plane. Ooh! That cloud looks like a duck!"

"Bella, it's clearly a rabbit."

"Silly Robert, you're only looking at it backwards!"

The two friends were lying down on the medium-sized desert island, gazing up at the fluffy clouds in the early morning sky. Beside them was a solar television, which was currently showing commercials before it returned to the Football game they were watching. If they were both human, the boy and girl would no doubt be mistaken for lovers...

But one of them wasn't human. Bella, the girl, was a blue whale anthro, a creature exactly as large as a normal blue whale, but with a body resembling a sexy human lady. Over her bright blue and whitish-blue body, a navy-blue bikini struggled to contain her lovely hips and massive breasts. And between those mounds was where Robert was. Robert had only met Bella a month ago, during which he learned a lot about her, and decided to stay with her, if not as her type of boyfriend. He even chose to sleep within the ginormous gal - in Bella's antechamber, the smooth spot that stood between her crotch and her vagina. But right now, he was pointing out interesting masses of water vapor.

"That one looks like a car!"

"Nah, the 'wheels' look too large, maybe a monster truck..."

"Maybe it's your chest!"

"Nah~, not supple enou-hey, the game's back on!"

Bella rotated to her chest, keeping Rob nestled between her mountains as both turned their attention back to the Football game. No other interruptions appeared until the last eight of the match...

When Bella's butt began bouncing.

"Oops, that's for me!" The anthro pushed Robert out of her chest, and took from her rear a vibrating cell phone. As she turned away listened and responded to the caller, he considered how strange it was - even though an anthro's ass was unconnected, due to amazing single-path digestive tracts, he always felt it strange when the girl of his dreams took things out of there.

"...Today? Alright! See you here!"

Bella closed her phone and shoved it back in.her bottom, then turned towards Robert. "Hey, remember how I said you didn't really count as a normal boyfriend?"

"Er, yes..." Rob stammered out.

"Well..." She spread her limbs out in happiness. "I have an ANTHRO boyfriend coming over this afternoon!" She started supporting her breasts in one arm and used the other to rub her crotch. "His name is Humphrey, and he's a humpback. And I've known his dreaminess for so long..."

"So, you're going to introduce me to him?"

"Yep!" Robert suddenly found himself in her hand, "He's no doubt going to LOVE your presence here! But first," she set him down upon her opposite arm, "Can you help me look... presentable?"

Over the next hour, Robert worked hard to clean sand and pebbles from Bella's blubber skin - even under her garments, to many a moan of pleasure - and push up from her navel to fluff her big boobs. Finally, he was able to rest on her shoulder as they stared, fully clean, towards the ocean.

"So, when's he gonna arrive?"

"Any moment now..." Bella noticed a few wild ripples near the shore. "There he is!"

Robert nearly fell off the gal as another whale anthro, a slightly shorter male, rose from the ocean and stepped onto the island. The man, who was most likely Humphrey, had bluish greys where Bella had plain blues. His face had bumps on the upper lip mimicking a mustache, and, much like Bella's bikini, all he was wearing was a tight, black speedo. A VERY tight, black speedo.

"Hello, Bella," Humphrey said in a low, sexy voice, putting a hand on her unoccupied shoulder, looking at Robert. "And I assume this is the friend you spoke of?"

"Yep!" Bella brought Rob to her hand, "Humphrey, this is Robert. He's lived with me for a month now."

Rob gave a small hello and a wave, and the three sat down on the sand together. Humphrey broke the resulting silence first.

"Say, can you grab some pears? I got really hungry on the way here..."

"Certainly!" Bella grabbed three fruit from a nearby palm tree, gently crushing one into slices for the Robert. The two anthros then ate their pears in one gulp, laughing as Rob struggled to eat his whole thing. The two then did a bit of a competition, to see who would be able to toss the human the highest - By three o'clock, it was clear that Bella won this match, as Robert flew high into the air...

And landed inside Humphrey's speedo.

"Oh, dear~" Crooned the humpback, lifting the front of his swimsuit, so Robert could tell he was standing on the whale's erect penis. "You feel so... lovely down there~!" With some clear hesitation, Humphey lifted Rob out and closed his speedo again. "I know what you could do later..."

"Oh, save it for tonight, Humpher!" Bella commented. Then all three laughed.

The three continued their discussion and games all through the day, barely noticing the time fly.

"Gee, it's getting late," Robert pointed out first.

Bella sighed. "Guess we'd better change." Rob knew that at night, it was customary for whale anthros to change into a special two piece nightgown, one that made the day bikini look like a three-piece suit. For Bella, it was two tiny squares of transparent fabric covering her nipples, and a oddly-cut loincloth that did not cover the crotch from below. She started towards the water to change, but Humphrey stopped her.

"Why don't we change on land, tonight?" He said, stroking her chin calmly. She nodded, and the two began undressing.

"So, have you done anything interesting the past week?" Humphrey asked, showing his genitals as he shoved his speedo in his rear.

"Only one thing," Bella replied, her exposed tits glowing in the dying sunlight, "I helped two fish take a trip to Sydney. I forget why they wanted to go, though..."

Robert was confused by how casually they talked whist naked, but he passed it off as being normal for anthros.

A few moments later, both behemoths had changed to their evening wear. Humphrey's nightgown looked like the bottom half of Bella's - reaching to his thighs in the back, and his knees in the front. However, Robert noticed that the upper half of Humphrey's loincloth had a tiny slit, no doubt for his penis to stick through. And indeed it was - Rob guessed that the humpback's boner was over eight times his tiny length. And it made sense considering Bella's antechamber...

"Well then, Bella?" Humphrey crooned, rubbing his dick with his hands as the sexy girl picked the human up, "Are you ready to get it on tonight? Rob here could give a massage during it..."

"Wait!" Rob leaned on Bella's breast for support, "Give me a few minutes to settle in there, first. And can you make sure this doesn't lead to-?"

"Don't worry," Bella lifted Robert to her face as she preemptively answered his concern. "While I will let Humphrey reach my womanhood, we'll make sure you don't end up with a roommate." She allowed the human to crawl through her slit, causing her to give a brief whale song of pleasure.

Humphrey took this moment to grasp her back, lifting her nightgown top to grasp her blubbery breasts. "May I start here?" he asked, feeling the hard nipples with his fingers.

"Certainly~" the blue whale crooned, "Drink up~!" immediately, Humphrey started to suck on Bella's tits, his penis throbbing with anticipation as he slurped up the creamy milk. When he finished, the two fell onto the sand, both giggling with glee as the humpback squeezed and moved her boobs like water balloons. A minute later, he lifted her loincloth, gazing at the slit beneath it.

"Do you think he's ready?"

"Only one way to find out~!"

Robert watched in amazement as a gigantic shaft - Humphrey's erect penis - flew across his head within Bella's antechamber, stopping a little while after passing the entrance to her vagina. From outside, he could hear a mix of blue whale and humpback song, as the two lovers got into it on the sandy ground. Very carefully, Rob climbed to the top of the boner, crawling to maintain his balance. He started to massage the middle of the dick, and despite his height being only half its diameter, his rubbing had some effect as Humphrey's moans increased in volume and pleasure. Then, he really started getting into it, slapping the foreskin like bongos and palming wide, soothing circles.

Suddenly, the penis shook, and a sound like muffled cannon fire came from Bella's vagina. Robert could tell, especially from the greater increase in noise from outside, that Humphrey had ejaculated, but Rob continued massaging the dick until his arms hurt. Though after what felt like a lovely forever, filled with song and massaging and pleasure and launching, all three fell asleep.

Robert woke up to find Humphrey's penis still there, with some yawning indicating that the two whale lovers had woken up.

"Good morning, Bella."

"Morning Humpher~"

"Oops, I guess I forgot to remove myself last night."

"That's okay, you can do it now~!"

Right after, the giant dick turned flaccid and moved out, allowing Robert to crawl out of the antechamber and onto Bella's loincloth. She groggily dropped the human atop the tree, giving him a good view as the two changed into their normal swimsuits.

"I must say, thank you for the wonderful night, Bella," Humphrey said as he put his speedo in place, "And you too, Robert. You're kind of amazing at keeping me stiff."

"Er, thanks." Rob wasn't quite sure if he meant that as a compliment.

"So, shall we meet at your place next week?" asked Bella, her breasts shaking like gelatin as she snapped her bikini top in place. "Or will we go with... our other friends?"

"The former," he replied as he walked into the sea, "But definitely the latter in two weeks!" And with that, Humphrey walked off and vanished beneath the waves.

"Other friends?"

Bella chuckled. "Sometimes, Humpher and I choose to have a triple date with four other pals from our youth." She sighed happily at the thought, "The nights turn out to be incredibly... memorable."

"Huh," Rob responded, climbing to her breasts and sticking his legs below her top, "I can't wait to see that in person."

"I'll bet. Hey, that looks like a hummingbird!"

"Nah, that's clearly a swan."

And so, after a long and lovely night, the two friends found themselves once again gazing at the clouds...

The End
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