Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2022651-A-girl-without-a-family
by cmc
Rated: E · Sample · Writing.Com · #2022651
this girl has no family that loves for who she is.
A Girl with No Family

one day there was a three year old girl who had no family to love her. Molly was in foster care for a little while before she got a new family. Molly was shy, scared, felt lonely and that no one would want make her a part of their family. Kristen was able to take care of Molly until she found family to love her. Molly and Kristen would go to the movies, shopping and out to dinner. She wanted to bring Molly to the mall for a surprise.

Molly's surprise was that she was getting a family to love her forever for who she was inside and outside. Kristen said to Molly "sweetie I have a surprise for you at the mall and will you please come with me to see it". "Molly said "I would love to go with you to the mall for my surprise". She excited for this fun thing that was going to happen in her life. Once the two of them got to the mall, Kristen led Molly to her favorite place, which was the disney store. In the back of the store there were two people standing there with a stuffed pooh bear for their little girl. Little did Molly know that the two people standing in front of her were her new parents. When Molly and Kristen arrived at the Disney Store, Kirsten said to Molly " please close your eyes but I will guide you to the back of the store where the people are waiting for you". Molly said "ok that sounds great". Once they reached the back of the store Kristen said " okay Molly you can open your eyes, to see what your surprise is". So Molly opened her eyes to the couple standing in front of her.

" Molly these people are making you a part of their family", said Kristen. Molly was extremely happy to hear that she was finally get a family that could love her. She said" that I am glad to be apart of a family now". Christina and Richard were glad to make Molly happy. Molly's mom and dad wanted to buy the stuffed pooh bear and they went home.

Once the family got home Molly's showed her around the house. Molly said " thank you of bring me into you family".They said to Molly " your welcome sweetie and we are happy for you". Finally Molly had a place to call and a family to love her. The last place that they showed Molly was her bedroom.

The bed had a lots of gifts on it, Christina and Richard said " those gifts all form your new family and friends". Molly was shocked she got all of those gifts to open form a loving family. Her parents said "go ahead Molly can you open them". Molly started to open her presents and then the door bell rang. The mailman come to the door and said " I have a delivery for Molly".

Molly walked over to the mailman and took the package from him. The package had a lot of holes on the corner Molly heard a barking sound coming from the inside of the box. Molly was surprised when she opened the box inside golden retriever inside." Thank you for my puppy I will name her journey", said Molly. Journey was happy that she wasn't in the shelter anymore and and that she had a family to love. Christina and Richard we're happy that Molly was excited about her puppy. Molly asked your parents" can the puppy sleep in my room with me .

Molly's parents said" yes yes but we need to bring her out to pet smart to buy her a kennel to sleep at night and when we take and when we are taking her in the car. "okay" said Molly. "that would will be great for her to for her to come with us to have some bonding time together. As the family drove to Petsmart Journey started barking in the car. Molly said "dad

can you Pull over so I can walk her place. Richard said "okay Molly there is a dog park on the right". The Family stopped on the side of the road to let Molly and Journey walk and put have Molly play with her.

Molly wanted to take journey to her favorite parking Bedford to play catch. Once the family got there Molly and journey had a lot of fun. They love to hang out with each other. Molly said to her dad" I'm going for a walk and wanted to know if if you wanted to join me". Richard said" I would love to go for a walk on this sunny day with you and let's bring journey. Molly said" okay that sounds great she could use some fresh air". Journey love to be outside with the family. When they got back to the house Christina said to Richard" honey I don't feel well I'm going to go lay down". Richard said" okay honey that is fine and I hope you feel better". Christina went to the bathroom to take a pregnancy test. She was shocked with the results. Stena called Richard to their bathroom" honey I'm pregnant" she said, and he was shocked as well. He said" I'm happy that we can have a family together". Christina called her doctor to get an appointment to confirm the pregnancy test was true. Sarah said to Christina "okay I can get you in today". Richard and Christina went to the Dr. They got there and checked in. Sarah confirmed that Christine indeed was having a baby. They were very excited about them starting a family. Christina called Kirsten to tell her the good news about her having a baby. Kirsten said" congratulations on having a baby I can't wait to see her.

Now they had to go out shopping for baby stuff. Molly said to her parents "I'm so excited to have you have a sister". They all are are extremely excited to have a new addition to their family. Molly and her parents went to many baby stores to sign up so they could get baby stuff. as Molly and her family went shopping for baby stuff, Molly saw a cute duck sleeper said with the blanket that matched. Molly ask your mom " can I buy this set for the my new baby sister"? Christina said" yes I think that I think the new baby would like the duck sleeper from their big sister". As they walked to the check out Molly said to her mom "mom I don't feel well I have a headache. Soon after Molly told her mom that she had a headache, and then Molly passed out in the store. Richard "call 911 Molly has passed out" said Christina. He called 911 and told the dispatcher "my daughter Molly has passed out while were shopping". Kelly the dispatcher said" okay I will send an emergency medical team can I see that you were at Toys"R" Us". "Yes" said Richard. The dispatcher asked stay on the phone with you until help arrives", said Kelly. "Yes please" said Richard. "okay let me know when they arrive", said Kelly.

Okay the it EMTs have arrived" and thank you for your help", send Molly's parents. Kelly said" you're welcome that's what we do for anyone in trouble". Molly woke up to the medical team surrounding her she was scared and asked her mom" why am I on the floor and are the EMTs around me". Christina told her daughter" honey you told me that you didn't feel well and then you passed out as you fell to the floor". Molly asked her mom

"where am I going" and her mom replied" sweetie you are going to the hospital be checked out". said Christina. "Mommy I'm scared to be in the hospital", said Molly you will be okay sweetie and you're just going to be checked out"

One small your parents got to the hospital they had to wait for all these tests to be done on their daughter and wait for the test results to come back. The doctors were extremely concerned with some of the test that had been done on Molly. The doctor went back to see Molly and her parents to tell them about the tests that had come back. Finally the doctor had found out that mommy's blood sugar had dropped. Mark said to Molly and her parents that "Molly has diabetes and that she will need to keep track of her blood sugar levels". Mark said that she is going to have an insulin pump on her at all times". This will make it easy for her to watch her blood sugar levels in know what it is dropping". We have a class for children and their family on how to live with diabetes", said Mark. Molly was scared about having diabetes. Mark told her" that there is nothing to be scared about and that you're not alone". Molly said" I know dealing with diabetes is a hard thing to live with". "yes it will be and we will be there for you as well as your doctors", said her parents and the doctor.

Richard and Christina asked" is there a support group for diabetes" yes there is and we also have classes for diabetes" said Mark. Molly's parents were happy their daughter was okay. "Molly needs to take better care of herself", said Mark. This is going to be hard in the beginning but it will get easier as the process of checking her blood sugar levels comes natural to you", said Mark. "this is something you will need to work together to help Molly keep track of her blood sugar levels and to make sure it doesn't get too low", said Mark.

"Molly will be able to know when her blood sugar is low because the pump that she is wearing will start beeping and It will give her some insulin", said Mark. Molly's parents asking me of a note for school so that the nurse can help her know that she is diabetes". "yes when I bring in the discharge papers I will make sure they know for her school is included in the packet of information", said Mark. "Molly you and your family are going to be able to go home" said Sandy the nurse"

Christina and Richard brought their daughter home and Molly said" thank you for being at the hospital with me". Molly's parents said" you're welcome honey and we would do anything because we love you a lot and that will not change". Bella had Molly's school work from when she was out sick. The Bella and Molly worked on getting her schoolwork done during free time at school. Ms. Carr told Bella to tell Molly that she was her tutor and when they get the work done just turn it into the teacher. Bella said to Molly" at the classroom Misses you a lot and they hope you feel better soon". Molly said to Bella "I will be back to school on Monday". The girls started on Molly school work. Molly's mom said your daughter" please come check your blood sugar level and get something to eat because you have not done it since you got home from the hospital". "okay mom I will be right there let me finish the math problem that I'm on". "okay honey that's fine just don't forget to do that", said Christina. Molly had finished the math problem that she was on and went to her room to check her blood sugar. Bella was in her class and is Molly's best friend. They are getting the schoolwork done really slow because Molly is very tired from being sick.

Bella and Molly took a break from working and went outside for a walk because it was a nice day out. On their walk the girls heard birds chirping and rustling of the leaves on the ground. As the two girls were walking home. They saw a bunny that was hurt and scared. This bunny was just a baby so Molly took off her sweatshirt to carry the bunny back home. As soon as they got home from their walk. Molly called out to her parents and said" hey mom and dad come see what Bella and I found on our way back Home from our walk". "We saw that the bunny was hurt I picked it up and wrapped it in my sweatshirt because because the bunny was bleeding on her two front legs" said Molly.

Molly asked her parents" mom and dad can I keep the bunny". Her parents said yes but it is your responsibility for nursing the bunny back to health. I will take you to the vet to get it checked out", said mom. "okay that is fine with me and thank you for bringing me to the vet", said Molly. When Molly and her mom got to the vets office. The the baby bunny we were considered emergency kits because she was bleeding. Molly asked Jillian the vet tech., "can I come out back with my bunny". Jillian said" yes that would be a good idea to help keep the bunny calm while I check out her wounds on her front legs". "okay and can you help me come up with names for my bunny", asked Molly.

"What is a good name for my bunny" asked Molly. Jillian said" we had a book of names for any animal you can look through it for your bunnies name". "Where is the book of animal names", asked Molly. "On the bookshelf in the waiting room by the entrance", said Jillian. Molly asked her mom," can you go get the book because I want to stay here with my bunny". Christina said" yes honey I will go get that book for you". "Thank you for doing that for me", said Molly. Jillian said to Molly" you did a good job wrapping up the bunny to keep it warm and keep the wounds from getting dirty". "Will my bunny be okay". "yes but these cuts will need to be stitched up" said Jillian. When Molly's mom returned with the book Christina began reading some cute names that she had found. As her mom was reading the name to Molly and she said I like the named fluffy. Molly said to her mom "how does fluffy sound to you" and mom replied" that name sounds great because she has a lot of fluffy fur". When fluffy was done been stitched up. Jillian got the adoption papers for Molly to take fluffy home. Jillian said to Molly "you can fill out the adoption papers and your mom can help you complete the forms". "okay" said Molly and her mom.

Molly and her mom filled out the papers just as Jillian brought fluffy to her new family. Molly said to Jillian "thank you for help and fluffy because she she looks happier than when I brought her in". Jillian said to them" you're welcome that that is what my job is to do for animals". I" love animals so that is why I wanted to be at the tech", said Jillian. "I would like to see fluffy back in four weeks to check her wounds, and to also clean them as well as putting in clean bandages on her legs". Fluffy was extremely happy to be and she had a good family too", said Jillian. Molly and her mom went home to her dad Bella "Fluffy is now part of the family". When Molly got home with fluffy she called out your dad and Bella come and see my bunny named fluffy as the two of them walked into the room they some Fluffy and Molly's arms. They played with the bunny in four weeks it already passed by. When they got there Jillian was waiting for them to come in with Fluffy. Jillian said "hi guys, how is fluffy doing". Molly said "fluffy is doing fine, but she is scratching at the wonuds an opening them up". Okay the wounds are healing they are possibly itchy to her", said Jillian. Jillian said to Molly and her mom " Fluffy's wounds are clear of any infections and this means we can take the stitches out today". Molly said " that is good and what can we do about her scratching at her wounds". Jillian said " we can put a cone around her neck and that will keep her form scratching them until healed". "Okay that would be great for Fluffy", said Molly.

"I will give you some medicine that will help the wounds being so itchy" , said Jillian. "Ok that would be wonderful and I think that would make Fluffy very happy, so she can stop scratching at her wounds and the cone for her neck as well right" said Molly. "Yes I will give that to you as well" said Jillian. Fluffy was finished getting her wounds cleaned out and she was ready to go home. Fluffy was tired and they got into the car she fell asleep on the way home.

When they got home Molly brought Fluffy to her bedroom and placed her into bed on the floor so she could sleep. Molly asked her mom "can we play cards together"? "Sure that sounds like fun" said her mom. While Fluffy slept Molly and her mom played cards and had fun spending time together. When they were done playing cards, Molly went to check on Fluffy and she had just woken up, now Molly could give her the medicine.

Molly and Christina went shopping for new school clothes. While was looking around Macy's she was beautiful pale pink dress and so Molly brought to her mom. Molly's that would be good for when Molly became of Christina and Richard's family.

Please read this story and tell me what you guys think about it. you can email me at crystalcarruth84@gmail.com.
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