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Young hustle gets into a bad deal with his friends and brother can they overcome the odds |
It was an average night in the city of Baron. The city had fallen fast to sleep, all but a small bar off the side of Blair Street. Silence had taken its claim on the still night, interrupted only by the sound of wood slamming on concrete. From it, a man went flying into the cobblestone "Now stay out, you cheat!" An angry voice could be heard from inside the building. The man stumbled to his feet, his hands brushing collision dust from his leather coat. "Damn. A guy can't even make a decent living around here without getting thrown around," he muttered past a sigh. Grant O'Brien turned away, walking far enough that the only light to guide him was that of the streetlamps on every block. Two years in Baron, and he still hadn't grown accustomed to the town's many twists and turns. Wishing he'd brought a map, Grant collapsed on a bench, defeated, burying his hands in his golden hair. The hustler should have known this part of town by now, but every night, he found himself wandering aimlessly until daybreak. Holding a job wasn't easy for a high school drop-out. Day after day, Grant felt like nothing more than a street rat. Ever since his uncle died of cancer, he sifted place to place, surviving on the only skill he really knew: gambling. As morning broke, Grant awoke on the same bench he had collapsed upon the night before. Dazed and in pain, he stumbled toward Cain Road. Staggering down a row of mirrored houses, he turned into the concrete walkway of the second one from the end. A cherry red steel door stared him in the face. The door lead into a modernized kitchen. Olaf Magioni, Grant's behemoth of a friend, stood at the granite counter with a smirk. "So, Grant, I'm going to go ahead and guess that your night did not, well... go as planned?" Smug intrigue laced his tone. "It went exactly as planned, for your information. Up until the point when I landed on my back," Grant grunted in pain. His next words came dauntingly, through a huff of breath, "Now, where is Lee?" "That way," Olaf calmly stated, jutting a thumb toward an open doorway that lead into the parallel room. There in the center, perched on one hand, was Lee Yinlong. His other hand was balancing a scarlet pole. "Lee!" Grant scolded, watching the boy rise to his feet. "What did I do this time, Grant? And... um... make it quick, will ya'? I have work to do," Lee prodded sarcastically in response. "Listen, Lee," Grant started, exhausted by the conversation already, "this is the third time this week that one of your guys has given me bad information. Now, are you trying to get me killed, or do you just think I enjoy being issued a challenge?" Lee collapsed on the nearby sofa, his playful demeanor vanishing and being replaced by solemnity. "Listen, man, I didn't intend for all of that to happen. I mean, look at you: you're banged up pretty bad," he noted, sincerity in his voice. "How long have we been friends, bud? As long as I can remember, that's for sure. You know I try to help you in any way I can. You've saved my ass a time or two. Do you really think I would do anything like that intentionally?" "Mail!" Olaf announced from the other room before Grant could respond. Stepping into the kitchen, Grant was met by Olaf, envelope in hand. "For you," Olaf murmured as he turned back to sift through the rest of the pile. A strange feeling overcame Grant as he tore at the seal. An expression of unease overtook his features. "Grant,you alright,bud?" Lee asked with worry. "It's my brother... he's, coming to the city," Grant stared at the paper form in his hands, perplexed. "Parker?! Well, what does he want?" Lee seemed just as baffled by the news. Grant sighed. "He needs my help with a special job," he finally replied, forcing himself to regain composure. "But," Grant continued, "if there is one thing I know about Parker, it's that nothing is ever so simple." A few weeks had passed, yet the city stayed the same; it was as dark and cold as ever. "Seems like everything moves in slow motion," Grant murmured as he descended a broken sidewalk. "But there's no time for that. Parker will be here today, and I've gotta' be ready." He sighed, repeating that very thought in his head as he continued down the street. Across the city, Olaf and Lee were preparing their own way. "Hey, Lee, wanna' catch a bit to eat?" Olaf asked with his typical cheery smile. "Do you ever -not- eat?" Lee teased the giant in return. Olaf brushed off the insult. "C'mon! We haven't been to the ol' spot in awhile!" "Fine, why not." They stepped into their favorite diner, 'Jimmy's', on third avenue. |