Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2021528-The-basement
by Kay11
Rated: · Script/Play · Death · #2021528
Script i made 2 years ago. Still making the movie, hope it goes well!
The basement.
Sophie: Good morning mum. (Tiredly walking in the kitchen)
Mum: Oh good morning Sophie. (Turning around to look at Sophie)
Mum: Have you got all you need in your school bag? (Pointing at the school bag on the table)
Sophie: I think so, I’ll just check. (Grabbing her bag)
Mum: I hate Friday mornings. (Rubbing her head)
Sophie: Tell me about it. (Rolling her eyes)
Mum: What kind of question’s that meant to be? (Pulling a strange face)
Sophie: Oh mum, you so need to catch up in the latest gossip. (Trying to close her bag)
Mum: Yeah, yeah whatever. (Making weird faces)
Sophie: That’s also so last year. (Putting her rucksack on her back)
Mum: Have a good day at school! (As Sophie starts to walk off.)
Mum: Oh, and Sophie! (As she calls after Sophie)
Sophie: What mum? (Pausing annoyed.)
Mum: Don’t forget to hand in your homework.
Sophie: Okay, whatever (Rolling her eyes)
Mum: Don’t give me cheek little missy (Pointing at Sophie.)
Sophie: I’m not giving you cheek (Slamming the door shut.)
A few hours pass
Sophie: See you tomorrow (waving at her friend Anna)
Anna: Yeah, see you tomorrow (Walking the opposite way)
Sophie: Home I go (Saying to herself)
Scene two
Anna: Sophie, are you in? Sophie! (Knocking on the door repeatedly)
Sophie: I’m coming, I’m coming, keep your hair on (Tiredly walking down the stairs)
Sophie: What is it? (Answering the front door)
Anna: It’s my mum (walking into Sophie’s house)
Sophie: What’s wrong with your mum? (Shutting the door after her)
Anna: It’s her birthday! (Throwing herself onto Sophie’s sofa)
Sophie: Yeah, what’s wrong with that? (Sitting herself onto the sofa next to Anna)
Anna: I have no money to get her a present!
Sophie: So why did you come to me?
Anna: Well, I thought you would help me get some money (Standing up)
Sophie: Um, I have an idea! (Standing up)
Anna: What?
Sophie: We can go down to my basement and sell some old stuff I don’t need any more.
Anna: Great! See you in a bit.
Sophie: See you in a bit.
Mum: Sophie! Who was it at the door? (Calling to Sophie from upstairs)
Sophie: Just my friend, Anna. (Calling her mum from downstairs)
Mum: Okay, oh and Sophie
Sophie: What this time? (Getting a bit annoyed)
Mum: In the kitchen there is a box of broken things like bowls and cups.
Sophie: Yeah
Mum: Can you put them in the Basement please?
Sophie: Okay.

Scene three

Sophie: It’s kind of spooky down here (Walking around slowly)
A bin makes a rattling noise.
Sophie: What was that? (Curiously looking around her, a bit scared)
A bin falls over
Sophie: Ahh! (Chucks box down and runs off)
Scene four

Anna: Sophie! Sophie are you there? Sophie! (Knocking at the door)
Sophie: I’m coming, I’m coming, keep your hair on (Walking to the door)
Sophie answers door
Anna: Can we go down to your basement now to sell some stuff (Walking into Sophie’s house)
Sophie: Um, Anna (Shutting the door after her)
Anna: Yeah (Turning to look at Sophie)
Sophie: Are you sure you want to go down to the basement? (Twiddling her fingers)
Anna: Yeah, why? Is something wrong Sophie?
Sophie: No, no its just I put some old broken things in there this morning, I just don’t want us to get cut or anything, that’s all.
Anna: Oh, I’m sure we’ll be fine, but its kind you thought of it.

Scene five
Anna: Wow! It’s kind of spooky down here. (Looking at all the broken things)
A cat screeches.
A cat comes out from behind the bin
Sophie: I can’t believe we just got scared by a cat! (Shrugging her shoulders)
Anna: I wasn’t scared, I was just pretending (Folding her arms)
Sophie: Liar
Anna: I’m not! (Giving Sophie evils)
Sophie: Okay, okay, let’s just get the things and get out of here.
Anna: Yeah, good idea.

Scene six
Sophie: Right, now we’ve got all the stuff let’s put the tables out
Anna: Yeah! You go get the tables and I’ll stay here (Sits down on a garden chair)
Sophie goes inside
Mum: Sophie (Walks to Sophie from the kitchen)
Sophie: Yes mum
Mum: Can you go shop and get a loaf of bread for me? (She gives Sophie money)
Sophie: Yeah, see you in a bit.

Scene seven
Anna: Where the hell has Sophie gone? Maybe she wasn’t allowed the table so she went down to the basement.
She goes down to the basement
Anna: Sophie! Sophie! Where are you? Sophie!
Anna: It’s really scary down here.
Young girl starts to cry
Anna: What was that? Sophie, is that you?
Anna: Sophie! Are you there?
Anna see’s a little girl sitting in a dark corner.
Anna: Sophie?
Screen goes black:
Anna: AHH!
Scene eight
Sophie: Im back mum (Walking upstairs)
Mum: Oh good (Sophie passes the loaf of bread)
Sophie: Where is Anna?
Mum: I don’t know, I didn’t even know she was here (Walking downstairs)
Sophie: That’s just great (Sarcastically talking to herself)
Sophie: I can’t believe she just left me like this! I bet she went home and had birthday cake without me. (Walking down stairs)

Sophie: I’m going down to the basement mum! (Running to the basement)
Mum: Okay, but don’t hurt yourself on any sharp glass!
Sophie: Okay!
Scene nine
Sophie: Who left the door open? Because I didn’t leave it open. (Talking to herself)
Sophie walks up the basement stairs
Sophie: Mum
Mum: Yeah
Sophie: Have you been down in the basement recently? (Ghost girl runs past)
Mum: No, why?
Sophie: Oh, I went down to the basement and the door was open.
Mum: Oh, maybe the wind did it.
Sophie: Yeah
Sophie: What’s for tea tonight? (Sits down on a kitchen chair)
Mum: Pasta and cheese (Turns on the cooker)
Sophie: Okay, call me when its ready because I’m going to play in my room (Runs upstairs)
Mum: alright

Scene ten
Sophie: That was delicious pasta! (Giving mum her dishes)
Mum: Good, I’ve pored you a bath, I would like you to get in it my little grub monster (Cleaning the dishes)
Sophie: Alright, oh and don’t call me grub monster.
Mum: Whatever, just have your bath
Sophie: Okay, okay
A few minutes go by.
Sophie: Mum! Can I go and knock for Anna? (She runs downstairs)
Mum: Have you washed your hair with shampoo? (Coming from the lounge)
Sophie: Yes (Rolling her eyes)
Mum: Okay you can stay with Anna until 7:00. Got it? (Looking Sophie in the eyes)
Sophie: Umm, 7:30? (Turning around)
Mum: Alright. See you in a bit. (Waving at Sophie as she walks off)
Sophie: See you in a bit! (Running out the door)
Sophie knocks on Anna’s door
Sophie: Hello (Waving at Terry)
Terry: Oh hello Sophie (Smiling at Sophie)
Sophie: Is Anna here?
Terry: No, I thought she was at yours (Looking out through the door)
Sophie: She was, but then she went home (Looking behind her)
Terry: Oh, well she’s not here (Looking in the house)

Sophie: Okay, that’s weird. Maybe she went to the park. (Looking in the house)
Terry: Yeah, are you aloud to go to the park at this time? (Looks up at the sky)
Sophie: No, sorry.
Terry: Oh it’s okay, she will probably come back soon because she’s terrified of the dark. She would never stay outside in the dark alone. (Backing in the door way)
Sophie: Yeah, well I better go in. (She starts walking away)
Terry: Yeah you better go in, good night
Sophie: Goodnight, oh and happy birthday! (Calling as she goes down the street)
Terry: Thank you! (Calling after Sophie)
Sophie goes home
Sophie: hi mum! (Walking through the door)
Mum: Oh Sophie, your early (Turning to look at Sophie)
Sophie: Yeah, Anna wasn’t in (Throwing herself down on the armchair)
Mum: Oh, where was she? (Lifting a magazine up)
Sophie: We don’t know, apparently she didn’t go home (Putting her feet on the foot rest)
Mum: That’s weird
Sophie: Tell me about it (Rolling her eyes)
Mum: Again, what kind of question is that meant to be? (Watching the TV)
Sophie: (She sighs) Im going upstairs!
Mum: All right! (Calling after Sophie)
Sophie goes to her room
Sophie: Im going to play with my dolls (Talking to herself)
A phew minutes pass
Mum: Sophie! It’s time to go sleep! (Calling up to Sophie)
Sophie: All right! (Calling down to her Mum)
Sophie: Im gonna get my pyjamas on (Talking to herself)
Scene eleven
Sophie hears knocking on her door
Sophie: Yes mum! (Calling through her door)
No one answers
Sophie: Huh (Lying back in bed)
She hears knocking on her door again
Sophie: What do you want mum? (Calling through the door again)
No one answers
Sophie: Okay, that’s weird (Talking to herself)
Sophie gets up and opens the door
Sophie: Oh, there’s no one here (Sophie shuts the door)
Ghost girl: Sophie, come down here! (Pretending to be Mum)
Sophie: Okay Mum, I’m coming! (Running downstairs)
No one’s their
Ghost girl: Down here Sophie! (Calling from the basement pretending to be mum)
Sophie: Alright Mum (Going down the basement)
Sophie goes down to the basement
Sophie: Mum where are you? (Quietly tiptoeing around the basement)
Sophie see’s a little girl in the corner
Sophie: Hello, mum? Hello, who are you? (Going close to the girl)
Ghost girl: Hahaha (Laughing creepily)
Sophie: Hello? (Walking backwards as the girl crawls up to her)
Sophie: Ahh! (Running out of the basement)
Scene twelve
Sophie: Mum! Can I call for Kyle? (Calling up to her mum)
Mum: Well are you dressed? (Calling down to Sophie)
Sophie: Yes! (Calling up to her Mum)
Mum: Already?
Sophie: Yeah, okay, can I go or what? (Calling up to her mum getting annoyed)
Mum: Oh yeah, um alright, but if their out come back in, okay?
Sophie: Yeah! See you in a bit! (Running through the front door)
Sophie knocks on the door
Sophie: Hello (Waving at Kyle’s Dad)
Philip: Hello Sophie (Opening the door)
Sophie: Is Kyle their? (Smiling at Kyle’s Dad)
Philip: Um, he’s on his play station at the moment, but I’ll ask him if he’s coming out. I’ll just be a sec. (Looking in the house)
Sophie: Okay. (Waiting)
Kyle comes out
Sophie: Hi Kyle (Waving at Kyle)
Kyle: Hi Soph, why did you want me? (Moving his skateboard out the way)
Sophie: Well, you know you love ghosts
Kyle: Yeah
Sophie: Well, I think that my basement might be haunted (Twiddling her fingers)
Kyle: Wow, why? (Smiling)
Sophie: Well, last night someone knocked on my door, and I asked who is it? But no one answered, so I lay back down for a bit, but then someone knocked on the door again...
Kyle: Wow, that’s creepy but... that’s kinder short (Butting in to Sophie’s story)
Sophie: Um, I’m not finished yet (Stepping closer to Kyle)
Kyle: Oh, right, carry on (Being a bit embarrassed)
Sophie: Right, well, someone knocked on the door again and I went who is it? And no one answered again. I lay back in bed and then I heard mum calling me from down stairs, so I went down stairs but no one was there. Then I heard mum calling me from the basement... (Sitting down on a garden chair)
Kyle: Yeah
Sophie: ...But it wasn’t mum who was down there. It was a little ghost girl.
Kyle: How did you know it was a ghost girl? (Sitting on the door step)
Sophie: Well do you know a girl that is completely pale with a black eye and has a bleeding nose? (Asking Kyle sarcastically)
Kyle: No (Shaking his head)
Sophie: Exactly
Kyle: I know! We can go investigate! (Putting his hand up)
Sophie: Okay, you go ask your dad if you can come mine (Standing up)
Kyle: Alright (Running into his house)
Kyle comes out of his house.
Kyle: I’m allowed in your house (Walking across the lawn)
Sophie: Okay, let’s go! I mean lets go (Running to her house)

Scene thirteen
Sophie: It’s just down these steps (Nudging Kyle)
Kyle: Yeah, you’ve been down here before, you should go first (Nudging Sophie)
Sophie: Yeah, but your older (Nudging Kyle again)
Kyle: I’ll make this easy for us, why don’t we just go down together?
Sophie: Okay. (Starting to walk down the stairs)
Kyle: This is real creepy (Looking at all the shelves)
Sophie: I know (Turning on her torch)
Kyle: So, where’s that creepy girl you saw? (Looking around the room)
Sophie: How am I supposed to know? (Turning to Kyle)
Kyle: Don’t know (Not focusing as a little girl creeps past)
Sophie: Well why did you ask me in the first place? (The girl goes behind them)
Ghost girl: Boo (Saying as she taps their shoulders)
Sophie: That’s where she is! (Backing away)
Kyle: Yeah, I gathered that. (Backing away)
Sophie: Quick, let’s get out of here! (They turn around)
The door shuts.
Kyle: Let us out! (Banning at the door)
Ghost girl: Why do you want to leave? (Crawling to them)
Sophie: I feel sick! (Putting her hand over her mouth)
Ghost girl: When I was Ill mummy would lock me in a room until I was better. (Sits down and hangs her head)
Kyle: What does she mean by mummy? (Whispering to Sophie)
Sophie: I don’t know (Whispering back to Kyle)
Ghost girl: Leave! (Screaming at them)

They run out of the basement.
Sophie: Oh my god, that was freaky. (Running past her mum)
Mum: Oh, I wonder what’s got ton into them. (Walking downstairs)
Scene fourteen
Kyle: So, what should we do now? (Sitting on Sophie’s bed)
Sophie: I have no idea, at least you shut the basement door so she can’t get out.
Kyle: Um, Sophie (Putting his finger up)
They hear someone on the stairs
Sophie: Oh Kyle! (Slamming the door shut)
Sophie: What are we going to do now? (Sitting down, still jamming the door shut)
Kyle: I don’t know! (As the girl bangs on the door)
Kyle: Shall we call for your mum? (Sitting by the door)
Sophie: Yeah. Mum! Mum, help! (Jamming the door even more)
No one answers
Sophie: Oh my god! Where’s mum?! (Mum doesn’t hear because she’s downstairs ironing)
Kyle: I know! (Standing up)
Sophie: You know what?! (Gently pushing him)
Kyle: What an earth are you talking about?! (Shrugging his shoulders)
Sophie: Oh it doesn’t matter! (Smacking her head)
All goes silent
Sophie: Do you think she’s gone? (Leaning forward)
Kyle: I think so (Listening to the silence)
The door gets banged on
Mum: What are you guys screaming about? (Opening the bedroom door)
Sophie: Mum (Standing up quickly)
Mum: What? (Walking in)
Sophie: There’s this creepy ghost girl in the basement! She was trying to get in my room! (Explaining to her mum)
Mum: Oh Sophie, your over reacting! (Rolling her eyes)
Sophie: But mum...! (Yanking her Mums top)
Mum: No buts! (Turning around)
Sophie: Mum, I’m telling the truth! (Walking after Mum)
Mum: I don’t want to hear it! (Shutting the door)
Sophie: I wish we could just prove to her, and then she would know how we feel. (Sitting onto the bed)
Kyle: I know, why do adults never believe in ghosts? (Shrugging his shoulders)
Sophie: Hum, So, shall we go park? (Looking through the window)
Kyle: Yeah, I’ll go tell my dad! Stay here. (Running through the door)
Sophie: Hi mum, I’m going park (Walking downstairs)
Mum: Alright, don’t be long! (Calling after Sophie)
Sophie: I won’t (Running through the door)
Sophie: Oh and we were only playing when we said about the ghost. (Quickly poking her head through the door)
Mum: Yeah, alright (Hanging her head down)
Mum: Have fun! (Pouring a drink of water)

Scene fifteen
Kyle: So, do you think your mum actually believes us? (Sitting down on the slide)
Sophie: She shouldn’t, I told her that we were just kidding; she did seem quite gloomy though so I’m not sure. (Looking at the fence)
Terry: Hello; oh where’s Anna? (Walking into the park)
Sophie: I don’t know (Shrugging her shoulders)
Terry: Oh, well did you have a fun sleepover?
Sophie: Sleepover? (Walking to Terry)
Terry: Yes (Looking at Sophie)
Sophie: What sleepover?
Terry: The one you had last night (As Kyle stands up)
Kyle: But they didn’t have a sleepover last night. Did you Sophie? (Walking to Terry and Sophie)
Sophie: No, we didn’t. (Pulling a weird face)
Sophie: Why do you think that?
Terry: Well I got a phone call yesterday...
It goes into a flashback
Terry: La, la, la. (Sitting down)
The phone rings
Terry: (She sighs) who could it be this time? (Picking up the phone)
Terry: Hello, whose calling?
Ghost girl: It’s me Anna (On the other end of the phone)
Terry: Oh, hello darling. Why are you calling?

Ghost girl: Oh just to tell you that I’m sleeping over Sophie’s tonight. (Pretending to be Anna)
Terry: Okay, have you asked Sophie’s mum if it’s alright?
Ghost girl: Yes mum, of course.
Terry: Okay do you have your clothes and stuff? (Picking up a pen)
Ghost girl: No, but Sophie’s providing me with it all. Good night
Terry: Good night darling, sweet dreams (Putting down the phone)
Scene sixteen
Sophie: Mum! Mum! (Running into the house)
Mum: Yes Sophie? (Eating a sandwich)
Sophie: You know Anna?
Mum: Yes
Sophie: She’s not at her house and someone phoned Terry last night saying that Anna was sleeping here!
Mum: What?! Is Terry going to do anything about it?! (Looking shocked)
Sophie: I don’t know! (Sitting next to her mum)
Mum: Should we call the police? (Grabbing her phone)
Sophie: No! Not without Terry’s permission! (Putting down the phone)
Mum: Okay I’m gonna get Terry and talk to her. Stay here okay. (As she runs outside)
Sophie: Alright mum! (Walking to the kitchen)
Scene seventeen
The basement door makes noises
Sophie: Hello? (Walking to the basement stairs suspiciously)
Sophie: Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?
Anna: Help! Help! Someone help! Help! (Banging on the basement door from the inside)
Sophie: Oh my god! Anna! I’m gonna get you out! (Trying to open the door)
It all goes quiet
Sophie: Anna? Anna?! Where are you?! (Stepping backwards)
Mum: Sophie! Be good, police are on their way. (Speed walking into the house)
Sophie: Mum! Anna is in the basement! (Walking up to mum)
Mum: Uh well I don’t know, the police are gonna go down in the basement and investigate. (Running up stairs)
Sophie: But mum! It’s a ghost trapping her down there! (Calling up to her mum)
Scene eighteen
There’s a knock at the door
Sophie: Mum! The door! (Watching T.V)
Mum: Coming! (Running down stairs)
Police1: Hello, we are here to have a look at your basement. Someone phoned saying there is a missing child.
Police2: Another two police went to the house of Mrs Sallot.
Police1: Can we get you to sign this please madam. (Handing over a pen and paper)
Mum: Okay, here you go. (Writing then handing it back)
Police2: Okay, we will be going down in a minute.
Mum: Allright, feel free to go down when you like. (Smiling kindly)
Mum: Oh and be careful, I don't know why but, my daughter keeps saying that there is a ghost down there, it's strange she keeps bragging on about it (Whispering to the police)
Police2: Alright we will be careful, but it dought there is anything down there.
Police1: Yeah, kids and there imagination nower days.
Police1: Anyway, we'll be down soon.
Mum: Okay, i'll be in the kichen making some tea and bread would you like any? It's hard work looking for ghosts (Laughs)
Police2: Yeah, we'll have some tea, and we'll make sure we don't get caught by the so called ghost of your daughters. (Laughs as well)
Mum: Ah don't be so harsh on her, ain't her fault she has such wild imagination. (Playfully)
police walk out to their van
There's a knock at the door
Sophie: I'll get it! (Running to the door)
Philip: Hello Sophie, we came to ask if you would like to come over for tea tonight, but as we came, we saw a Police van outside. Is everything alright? (At the door)
Kyle: Yeah, we're worried. (Stepping forward)
Sophie: Oh, i'm fine. It's Anna! She's stuck down the basement! (
Kyle: What?! With that ghost?!
Philip: Ghost? What do you mean ghost? There's no such thing as ghosts. Have you guys been waching scary movies again?
Sophie: No, phil, there is a ghost down there! (Re- asuring him)
Philip: Well I must speak to your mom, see if she knows about this 'ghost'. (Trying to get to the kitchen)
Sophie: I'm telling the truth! You can ask mum if you want, but she'll say yes. Anyway, the only reason the police are here is because there's a ghost in the basement. (stepping to the side)
Philip:Okay, whatever, I will talk to your mother. (Stepping inside the house)
Scene nineteen

Terry: (arrives to sophies house) Wheres my Anna? Oh my poor Anna!
Mum: Oh, im sure she'll be fine, don't worry. The police will sort her out, ok? (Calming Terry down)
Terry: Are you sure? What if they don't find her.....
Mum: I'm sure they w......
Terry: What if I never see her again.... (Interupting mum)
Mum: Look, I can assure you she will be found unharmed.
Police1: (walks into the room) Sorry to interupt but, we haven't found anything
down there, it's just full of junk.
Terry: What about Anna? Was she down there? (Starting to panic)
Police1: No, sorry, there was no one down there.
© Copyright 2014 Kay11 (kaylovetowrite at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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