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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2021358
Violet got her swords, along with a human girl?
Chapter 3: Picking The Right Sword

"Your majesty, it's time to wake up." said Joline. "Today you're going to go and get yourself a sword after lunch." Violet sat up in bed, Joline handed Violet her full body suit, "Here you go your majesty, have fun doing you morning excersizes with Felix." Violet got changed, "Wow this is very comfortable." says Violet. There was a knock on the door. Joline opened the door, "Your majesty, good morning." said Felix. "Are you ready to go for a run?" Violet smiled back at Felix, "I sure am Felix, let's go. Have a good day Joline." Violet and Felix walked out the doors of the castle.Violet smelled the fresh air, "Nothing like mornings fresh air." Felix and Violet did their stretches. "Ready?" Felix asked. "Ready." She responded. They started running. Aaron brought three horses over to the front doors of the castle. One black and white. One brown and white, and the other was plain white. "What's he doing?" Violet asked watching Aaron from a distance. Felix replied, "I don't know, let's go check." They ran up to Aaron, "Hey Aaron what are you doing?" Violet asked. Aaron looked at the horses, "Pick a horse and it'll be yours." She went up to the black horse with the white mane, "I'll pick this one and name it Shadow." Felix smiled, "That's a wonderful name your majesty." She walked up to the white horse, "Felix this should be your horse." She went up to the brown and white horse, "This should be your horse Aaron." Aaron smiled, Alright let's get saddles." They walked to the barn with their horses. "Your majesty what color saddle do you want?" Asked Aaron, "We have black, white and brown." "Black please!" said Violet. Felix took white and Aaron took brown. Aaron showed Violet how to put the saddle on properly. "Like this?" Asked Violet. "Almost, here let me help you." Aaron replied slowly doing up Violet's saddle so she can watch. "Hey, Violet." said Felix. "Yes Felix?" She asked. He smiled and replied, "let's ride the horses back, I have a gift for you, at the castle." Violet smiled, "What is it?" she asked trying to get on Shadow. It's a suprise." he replied. Helping her on the horse. While riding their horses to the castle, Aaron used mind control to speak to Felix, "Are you going to tell her?" Felix used mind control to reply to Aaron, "Not yet." They arrived to the castle. Violet slowly got off the horse. "Good morning guards." She said chearfully to the guards guarding the main doors to the castle. "Good morning, your highness." replied the soldiers. Aaron opened the door. "Your majesty, Felix." Aaron entered the castle last. "This way your majesty." Said Felix. They walked to Felix's room. Felix grabbed an item from under his bed "Here you go your majesty."He said giving her a painting of the Wise Man. "Oh wow! He is so beautiful! Thank you so much!" She said giving Felix a hug. Violet quickly let go. "Wait is it okay to hug?" Felix blushed, "Of course it is." She ran to her room to put the painting up on the wall. Aaron laughed, "Your loving this aren't you Felix." Felix replied, "Of course i am." Felix closed his bedroom door, :I'll tell her eventually." Violet came running with Jax,"Are we going to go get her a sword yet?" Asked Jax. "Yes of course, let's go to the village." Said Aaron. Violet, Jax, Aaron and Felix left the castle and got onto their horses. Violet said, "This full-body suit is very comfortable." Aaron smiled, "I'm glad it's comfortable for you." Violet said, "I'll race you there guys." She got Shadow to run. They raced along with her. Violet laughed childishly. "I see the village." She kept going to the village quickly. They arrived to the village. "we are here now." Aaron reminded everyone, "Becareful we are in human land. We must tie the horses to the tree." Everyone got off their horse and tide the ropes to one tree. Walking into the village, the humans gave Violet a frighntened look. "Hello everyone." Violet said politely. No one replied. One young parentless human child walked up to Violet, "H-hello your majesty.." she said quietly. The humans gasped,"little girl get away from them!" people shouted. Violet hunched down to speak to the girl. "Hello there, what's your name." The little girl responded,"My name is Alean.." Violet smiled,"Hello there Alean I'm Violet the new demon quuen. Where are you parents?" Alean responded slowly,"They were killed by demons." Violet teared up and hugged Alean,"I'm so sorry the demons did that to your parents. But not all of us are bad, I promise you." Alean smiled," C-can i stay with you?" Violet wiped her tears," Yes of course you can." Violet stood up and shouted,"Dear humans as a new demon queen I promise you non of the humans should be hurt nor killed, I shall changed the ways of demon queen." The group walked over to the blacksmith's. Aaron yelled,"Special order for the new demon queen!" The black smith came out and gave Violet two red and black swords. The blacksmith gently placed them upon Violets back. Alean smiled,"The swords look good your majesty. So pretty." Violet smiled,"Yes your right they are very pretty." Blacksmith said,"They suit you well your majesty, have a great day!" They left the blacksmith's and headed to the horses. Violet held Alean's hand. Alean was around the age of seven. Her hair was curly blonde and she had beautiful blue eyes.

{Next up Chapter 4: Alean}
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