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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2021307
Haise finds out who she really is, and where she truely belongs
Chapter 1: Welcome Home

Haise was walking home after cross running. Haise sighed

"I'm so tired." she said to herself. While walking on the right side of the side walk she saw a black stray cat wondering the alone.

"Hi little kitty."

said Haise. The cat meowed and licked its paw. The cat looked at her with it green eyes. She smiled as she bent down to pet it.

"Well aren't you a cutie."

Haise notice that the cat had no collar, she picked up the cat,

"You can come home with me."

She put the black cat in her right and pet the cat with her left hand, as she got to the house she noticed that there was not cars parked in the yard,

"I guess no one is home little one."

she said to the cat as she walked up to the house door. She opened the door with her key and shut the door. She put the cat down.

“Mom, Dad, Jeff!” She yelled.

She heard no reply. She ran upstairs to change into he swim suit. She picked up a pink towel she found on the corner of her bed. she runs down stairs and looks down at the cat,

"I will be back"

she goes to the back yard from the patio door, she puts the towel on the white tanning chair. She climbs the ladder and jumps in the pool. She floats on her back, relaxed looking up to the sky. When she closed her eyes she can feel herself getting heavy, like she was getting sucked into the water she tried to get out of the water but her body kept sinking in the water, she closed her eyes as tight as possible as she went thru a portal.

“What-what is this? What's happening?”

She thought to herself. She kept her eyes closed shut. She felt the sand on the ground and heard people talking. When she opened her eyes, she saw people in cover rolls and old looking clothes. One guy came up to her. He didn’t speak her language.

“What are you saying? I don’t understand you.” She said. He walked closer to her and used magic that made her understand the language.

“there” he says, “I bet you can understand us now.” She stood up and replied,

“Oh yes I can, I better go now.” her wet suit was still wet. She started walking another direction looking for her house.

“Violet, Queen Violet!” She heard from a distance. She looked out and saw three beautiful men on horses. They stopped in front of her. The man in the middle said,

“Oh your majesty, Violet it’s been a long time.” She was confused as she asked,

“My name is not Violet, my name is haise, Who are you guys anyways?” The guy replied,

“I’m Felix and these are my brothers.” He pointed at the boy with short ginger hair with beautiful golden eyes.

“That’s Alfred.” He pointed at the boy with the long blue hair,

“That’s Jax.” Jax told Haise, “Your majesty if you come with us we will explain anything.”

Haise got on the horse with Felix.

“Felix?” she asked, “Where are we going?” Felix replied truthfully,

“We are going to see you birthparents. You are aware that you’re adopted, right?” She replied with amusement,

“Yes.” Alfred joined in on the conversation,

“Your father died a while ago so now you must take over his position.” She became confused once more as she asked,

“What was he?”

“Demon King!” Jax shouted, “Your father was a demon king your mother was the queen they were great rulers.”

Haise became speechless and replied,

“So I’m the new demon queen? And I’m guessing they named me Violet, would I be able to go back home?”

Jax laughed as he said, “so many questions your majesty, Yes you're the new demon queen, they named you Violet Wynter. Yes of course you’ll get to back home, in a few days.”

"WHAT?!?” she yelled, "a few days?"

Felix calmly explained,

"When you're in this world time doesn't change in your world. She became silent as she saw a castle. "Whoa! is that mine?" she asked amazed.

"Yes your majesty this is your castle, let's go shall we." replied Felix.

Haise saw a bunch of people throwing flowers and shouting,

"Welcome home Princess." Haise smiled and waved. When they arrived to the castle doors there was guards standing. The three men got off the horses. Felix helped Haise get off.

"Please follow me Violet." Haise followed the three men into the castle.

"Wow this is very beautiful!" she said amused looking around the castle. The three men stopped at a door. Felix opened the door. Inside the room stood a man with long light black hair, orange eyes and an orange uniform which made his eye's pop out. He carried a sword on the side like the other three men. The man kneeled.

"welcome home your majesty. I'm Aaron Fell." He stood back up. Haise smiled and replied,

" Hi there I'm Haise but you can call me Violet. In this world I'd rather be called Violet." Aaron smiled and told Violet,

" We have been waiting for you for a long time now, your highness." Violet laughed. Felix quickly reminded everyone,

"Her majesty's coronation is ready." Aaron smiled and replied, Oh yes. Let's go your highness this is very important. But first you must put this on." He gave her a black robe.....{Next up chapter 2: Coronation}
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