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Rated: 18+ · Serial · Other · #2021075
Jason is forever changed following an attack from a mysterious entity.
The tall brunette in front of him continued talking, but nothing was comprehensible. Phrases like "It's not you It's me" and "I'm sorry it didn't work out" pass over his head like a comet. So many questions were racing trough his head. What happened? When did it happen? Overwhelming feelings of sadness soon became replaced by anger.
"Jason?, I'm sorry it had to end this way I really am but..."
"When did u want to get out, Kate?"
"It was a really tough decision Jason it's not like..."
"I asked when did u want to leave me?", Jason said.
"About two weeks ago", Katie said apologetic "I mean you are a great guy and everything but I really had started losing feelings for you" she said sympathetic.
Jason didn't buy it.
"Is it because of him?"
"Jesus Jason! No, it wasn't Jim. There is nothing between us I've already told you."
Jason took a closer look at Kate. She had dark brown eyes that matched her hair. A pretty face that radiated energy. On their first date he remembered that they had gone to see a movie and she had fallen asleep on his shoulder. Her face nestled into his body. Jason remembered looking at her and thinking he rather not be in any other place.
Lying bitch.
Everything changed when HE came into her life. suddenly she started working late hours. He Of course always became angry but figured it was just lovers jealousy. One night he came up to the office to surprise her, He had brought some chocolates and a bottle of expensive wine. He entered her office only to find her not there. He then called her to ask where she was
"Why I'm still at work you wouldn't believe how much work they have pilled onto me"
That's when he realized something was wrong.
A week later he found a pair of male underwear underneath their couch.
"Please Jason let's end on good terms, I really don't want to lose you as a...."
"I'm going to go now Kate, here's money for the bill and don't call me."
He walked out of the restaurant and left.
Walking down the dark streets of Toronto, all Jason wanted to do was drink.
Several drinks later Jason sat at the bar. Why do all my relationships end like this? he thought sulking to the bathroom to piss away all the beers he just drank. Entering the bath room he looked into the mirror. Staring back was a dark haired young man in his early twenties. His slim figure wrapped by a purple buttoned up shirt with a few of the lower buttons undone. A handsome rugged face with brown eyes stared back as Jason sighed. He knew he wasn't ugly, in fact he was rather handsome.
"Why would Kate chose him over me?"
After finishing his business Jason drunkenly stumbled out of the bar and into the barren streets.
Behind him a small figure watched the man. It looked like it was out of options, it needed a host.
Jason began his walk home probably looking to others like a man who has just learned to walk. In his drunken state Jason heard a distinct sound. He looked around the empty streets. There was nothing just the occasional car driving past. He started to walk away when he heard it again. It was a faint crying, a little girls. Following the source of the sound he eventually arrived to the mouth of an alleyway. The dark stingy alleyway was lit only by an overhead light, garbage bags lined the edges. It's red bricks stained by garbage, puke and god knows what. other stuff. The alley then took a sharp turn at the end and the little girls wails were radiating from the bend.
Jason stepped in. The wailing of the little girl intensified, entering sharp pitches.
Jason sprinted to the end and turned the corner and then...
The high pitched crying stopped just as soon as Jason entered the corner. Confused he began searching expecting to find the mangled corpse of a girl he had been too late to save. Searching frantically for any sign of a person he ravaged the garbage bags completely unaware of the creature that had just landed behind him.
Jason heard this sound coming directly behind him.
Slowly turning he came to see the source of the sound.
A small creature about 2 feet tall was watching him. Startled Jason fell backwards into the garbage.
The creature was completely hairless, it's face a skull wrapped in skin, with deep black sunken eyes and a pig like nose all on top of a viciously fanged mouth. It's body was supported by 2 limbs. The bony appendages in the formation of a dog with a long tail the size of a gardener snake hanging from the back and long thin arms hanging from the side. Jason stared stupidly at the creature too drunk and too shocked to react in any way.
Looking at the corner, He ran as fast as he could to get out of the ally. He only made it about three steps before the creature's tail wrapped themselves around his feet tripping him. Landing on his belly Jason felt himself being dragged towards whatever that thing was. Yelling and screaming he managed to roll loose of the creatures grip and mad a break for the street. Behind him he could hear the creature chasing after him. Only about 10 meters away from the exit of the he felt the nails of the creatures hands dig into his shoulder. Trying to shake him off Jason crashed into the wall but the things grip only tightened. It's tail wrapping itself around Jason's torso, Jason could only scratch and claw at the thing holding him in a death grip. A burning fire suddenly shoot through him. His neck was being bitten by the thing. It's fangs sinking deeply into his flesh. Slowly Jason felt himself lose feeling in his body. His Legs collapsed and he toppled onto the floor. He had to get out. His attempts to crawl quickly failed as he lost movement in his arms. On his belly, his last sight was the view of the entry into the alleyway slip from beneath his fingers.

Ch 2
The first thing Jason saw was lights. The generic thump of the heart monitor sounded in the background. At first he felt a sense of over whelming fear. Where was he? Unable to move his eyes quickly scanned the room. The room was a tiled room with white wall paper. In the right corner he could see a door with a window in the top left corner. Around his wrist a yellow bracelet with the words St. Joseph's hospital.
At least I'm in a hospital Jason thought to himself. Looking for the help button he quickly called the nurses to his room.
Several minutes later a doctor entered,
"Good thing your up now, we were starting to get worried."
Jason quickly responded "What the hell happened I don't remember anything?"
Then nurse then told him the story of how he had been found unconscious on the side of the street and of how he was taken directly to the hospital afterwards.
"You should be thankful that the person actually helped you as opposed to rob you blind" she finished.
Jason took a better look at the doctor. She was an older woman in her mid 40's with a stern look that seemed permanently etched into her face.
"Well is everything all right?" He asked
"Apart from being unconscious you were totally normal, however you did some alcohol in your system, which may explain why you were unconscious in the first place."
"What about the bite?"
"What bite?"
"Before I went under a thing attacked me!" I said "And one of the last things I remember is being bitten by it."
"We saw no bite marks or evidence of animal attack"
"What look here" he started saying bulling down the hospital gown he was wearing to show her the bite mark. "It's right he...." There was nothing. Jason ran his fingers over his neck trying to feel any bumps or irregularities but all he felt was smooth skin. "I swear I was attacked"
"You probably just dream't if after going unconscious" the nurse responded
"But it felt so..." He was at a loss of words he couldn't really think of what had happened. Could he have really imagined the whole thing?
"After we conduct a few more tests you'll be good to go, don't worry about it too much you just had a rough night everyone has them"
and with that she left
He kept touching the area H was bit. He walked to the washroom in order to get a better look. His steps were heavy and clunky probably from the medicine he thought to himself. As he stepped into the washroom and turned on the lights he expected to see two deep holes in his shoulder, the nurse had to be wrong the pain was too real.
As the lights came on he realized the nurse was right. There was nothing just smooth skin. He stumbled backwards.
I feel sick he thought
just then his stomach emptied itself. Bent over the toilet he felt a fiery pain in his stomach nothing like a hangover.
He quickly walked back to the bed to page the nurse. As he took a step he stumbled and fell face first onto the ground. The ground around him covered in vomit he heaved more before he was finally able to stand up and get to his room.
Why does it hurt so much god it almost feels as though there is something inside screaming
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