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After years of hiding Bones admits a secret under dire circumstances. |
I could barely keep fighting as the adult gorn tried to kill us all on the Enterprise when I did a flying jump kick over Bones laying on the ground stuck with his pants leg caught in the door of someones quarters in the hallway when he saw me go down and I fell over on my back a cut across my palm bleeding when I felt something clawing at my mid section and I fell unconscious. Suddenly it was all gone and I didn’t feel anything, I could hear Jim’s voice and Bones’s voice calming me. I am well known by all on the Enterprise, and I’m not boasting when I say that Admiral Marcus prefers me over his own daughter Carol. And I was unconscious but barely as I could tell I was being moved somewhere when I couldn’t hear Bones voice anymore till we made into the emergency room, I was in and out of consciousness from all the blood draining from my stomach wound. I heard Jim and Bones talking Bones sounding panicky. “How’d this happen Bones?” Jim asked. “The cause of her injury was a horrible clawing from an adult gorn Jim.” Bones stated when I could tell it was now just Bones and myself. My eyes fluttered open as I tried to breathe but it hurt my stomach and I could hear Bones again working. Spock came to see me again as I stared at the ceiling tears spilling out of my eyes as I thought of how stupid I was to fight that adult Gorn alone..for christsakes Alone?! After awhile a few nurses and doctors came around to check on me and my condition. “Don’t give up now Aly.” Spock said when he turned to leave. Jim and Spock are my dearest friends and it made me frown to see them worry much for me. I had a reputation for being independent and humorous most of the time, and I wasn’t shocked to be honest when Jim kissed me. But, I am saving myself for another, someone more—my style. I blush thinking of Bones, the young exuberant and humorously serious doctor I have been working with for 5 full years whom I was the same age as at the time. My stomach stings again and I can’t help but shout aloud in dire pain. A familiar face appears above me, assuring me that I would be just fine. I recognized his voice, That voice I fancy, so much. Bones, worried? About me? Never in a million years did I think someone as perfect as him would ever care so much about me. But who am I kidding? It’s normal, he gets worried for everyone. “B-Bones…” I managed to croak out my cut hand that was now wrapped in a pure white gauze rest beside me when I saw the gauze around his forearm that had blood spatter on it. “Y-Y-Your arm B-Bones…” I groaned squirming in pain. “Sweetheart I’m fine. Your going to be okay too.” He reassured me again when my vision starts to blur and I find myself sinking into the dreaded darkness. I could hear Bones shouting for me not to leave. “I’m not going down without a…fight..Bones…” I said slipping into unconsciousness again as I was lifted onto another bed. --A few hours later— I was still unconscious when I could hear a machine buzzing annoyingly in time with my heart rate monitor next to my bed and something making a weird deep clicking noise on my other side as I laid there in the darkness. I was worried. Where’s Bones? What about Jim and Spock? Do they know where I am at? As if right on cue the door quietly with hesitation creaks open, terrifying me in this half minute of my blind state as the footsteps come closer and closer when the stool at my bedside is dragged over and the anonymous visitor takes a seat as I swallowed hard and then the person sighed sounding a bit shaky. “Alyssa,” says the deep baritone rustic sounding voice. I identify him as Bones. Aw heck, I cant even smile. “Listen, I don’t know if you can hear me, but I need to tell you something, Sweetheart.” So I listen intently doing everything I could to try and become conscious again. Turns out this is the longest I have ever paid attention to anything in my life besides when I was admitted to Starfleet academy. His hand slipped over ontop of mine. “When you first came in, I thought you were real pretty. But, as you know, I’m the kind of guy that hates patience, so I’ll cut to the chase. The truth is…I always liked you. I really freaked out when that Gorn tried to kill you, you know. I’m glad your safe now. And you can’t leave, okay? You know why? It’s because I think I’m in love with you, and you have to wake up!” His voice cracked as he started tearing up for the first time I ever knew him to care this much about anyone. Bones carefully strokes my forehead and kisses it gently. I drink in the feeling of his warm lips pressed against my cold forehead and the glory of his loving hand squeezing mine. “I’ll be back I promise.” He said and I could hear him walking out when I went to sleep wishing I could wake up now and kiss him because he decided to choose now to finally tell me, but maybe tomorrow when I’m awake he might give it to me then. I ignored my racing thoughts and I went to sleep because I was ready to wake up tomorrow and see Bones again. |