Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2020719-Whale-of-a-Date
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2020719
Robert ends up getting a girl that's BIGGER than he expected...
Robert was feeling fine about this. He was 26 years old, and he met a lovely girl named Bella on a dating site. In fact, today she had arranged a place for the two to meet up at last.

He hadn't expected it to be an island in the middle of the ocean.

"You sure this is the place, bud?" called the boat driver, looking impatient from having to cruise all the way out here.

"Yep," Rob replied, holding up a map. "This is where Bella told me to meet her." Oh, his heart melted at the thought of that name...

"...Well, okay." The driver climbed back in his boat and started to drift away from the shore. "Call me if you're ready to come back!"

And with that, it was just Robert, alone with a few trees on the desert island. He wondered how Bella would show up - Was she using a personal yacht? Or a seaplane? Or maybe even a cruise ship-

His thoughts were stopped by some bubbling in the water in front of him. Something was rising out of the water.

And what a something it was. Coming out of the water was a creature Rob could only describe as an anthropomorphic blue whale, someone that would fit in in a Sonic game. And a female, at that - with a navy blue bikini over her bright blue body and whitish blue jaw and belly, trying its best to cover her amazing breasts and hips. Once all but her ankles were out of the water, towering at 2500 centimeters, she stopped to look down at him.

"Hello," she says, in an oddly calm and sexy voice, "You must be Robert."

After a second to catch his breath - from both surprise and beauty - he replied "Y-yep, I am."

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Bella." She extended her hand out to shake, then stopped. Giggling, she added, "I'm guessing you weren't expecting someone like me, were you?"


"Understandable," Bella remarked, stepping out of the water and onto the sand, making her wet ankles glisten. "We anthros aren't really seen by many people. Most think we're only fiction!" She chuckled and leaned down, causing her breasts to dangle in front of Robert like robust pendulums. "Now, how about we play some games? You said you were good at Tic-Tac-Toe."

"Er, sure."

Robert won three matches of Tic-Tac-Toe, while Bella pulled off twenty, whilst lying down over around half the island, her legs kicking upwards in a charming way. After the fortieth draw, she sat up.

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Yeah!" Rob answered, his tone mainly due to his regained view of her boingy bits.

Bella bumped her blue hip against one of the palm trees, catching a pair of giant pears that dropped with extreme dexterity. She crushed one a little to slice it, and handed it to Rob.

He tried a bit of it, and to his surprise, the pear tasted amazing, much better than what he normally had at home. "Delicious!" He said after a quick swallow. Then his eyes darted to her breas- her own pear, which was tiny compared to her hand. "Uh, are you sure that's all you're having?"

"Of course!" Bella replied, swallowing the pear in one big gulp, "My kind doesn't have to eat much. If we did, we probably wouldn't still be around right now!" She lifted her arms to emphasize this point, causing her breasts to bounce vigorously.

"Huh, amazing," Rob replied, near deadpan due to his continued distraction.

"If you think that's amazing, watch this!"

Bella suddenly dived into the water, splashing the whole island and knocking what remained of Robert's pear from his hands. Suddenly, she resurfaced, with her ribbed throat three times its normal size and wiggling as much as her boobs. Suddenly, she spit out what was in it, unleashing a steady stream of water, with a few fish within, that arched over Rob, landing in the ocean behind him with a gushing roar.

"Wow!" He yelled, "How did you - wait, were there fish in there?"

"Mm-hm!" Bella confirmed, lying down such that her head lay on her forward-facing bosom, forcing Robert to look away from them as best he could. "Usually, me and the other anthros serve to help tired schools of fish traveling across the ocean. It's pretty safe for them!"

"D-don't you eat them?"

"No," she replied, speaking in an incredibly explanatory tone of voice, "our digestive systems don't harm any living animals - besides krill - and can absorb and use everything from the fruit we can eat. In fact," Bella wiggled her hips as she said this, "because of that, our butts detached from the intestines, and now it's just a mere pocket!"

"Huh," said Robert, whose willpower failed him and was staring intently at her bulging breasts.

"Oh, and since you keep staring," His date sat up a little, to sit on her knees, "I'd like you to know I'm fine with it." She thwacked her bosom at this, giggling when they moved like a three-dimensional newton's cradle. "I often have this effect, even on my own kind!"

She then leaned down again, and Rob took the opportunity to feel their blubberyness through her tight bikini. Eventually, he gave in to jumping up and down and around on them, Bella giggling as he tried the white crease between the two mounds. A half-hour later, he stopped and looked up at her face.

"How about a bit of chess?"


The two lovebirds barely felt the day pass by, but Robert was the first to notice.

"Gee, it's getting late," he said, moving up from Bella's "tiny" radio to gaze at the sinking sun on the horizon.

Bella sighed. "I suppose I'd better change." She quickly turned off the radio, stuffed it up her rear, and moved towards the ocean.

"Wait, what?"

Bella turned around, all below her neck below the water, and her bikini top in her hands. "Part of anthro custom for both genders is, at sundown, to change into a special nightgown for the evening." She placed her hand somewhere around the back of her neck, as though tying something on. Then, she got out of the water.

Robert's mouth opened wide in amazement.

Bella did a couple of turn-arounds so he could get a good look at her eveningwear - and compared to her swimsuit, it seemed almost... tribal. Around her waist was a simple string with two pieces of fabric covering only the bits between the legs - stretching to her thigh in the back and her knees in the front. Her top was similar, with two small squares of fabric doing a worse attempt at covering her goodies. And her top was transparent. Really transparent.

"Like what you see?" She said, as the wind caused it to flutter somewhat, "It's absolutely normal for us to wear this sort of thing."

Robert was nearly speechless. "But you can- your breasts are- that top-" Finally he found his words with a shout:


Bella paused, then held one of her buoyant blue whale breasts in one hand. Smiling, she picked up Robert in another. "Indeed," she said in a loving tone of voice. She set him down on one of the trees, moved her top gown out of the way, and moved him up towards its shining nipple. "Care to suck it? I can tell that you're incredibly thirsty."

Rob couldn't say no. He sucked his girlfriend's nipple like a vacuum cleaner sucks dirt, relishing the sweet milk that resultingly flowed from it. When his stomach had enough of the calcium-rich liquid, he fell from Bella's hand and plopped safely onto the island sands.

"That, was delicious," he said, wiping his mouth as the giantess fixed her top gown, "And incredible." Bella smiled, her breasts rumbling slightly as he stood up.

Then a raindrop hit him. And another. And another.

"This... isn't!" Rob added, running panickedly to try and escape the rainstorm.

"Here, go under me!" Bella said, tapping near her hips. Robert took the opportunity and ran right below her legs, panting as he was finally out of the rain.

Then, he looked up. And he got an unexpectedly good look at her crotch.

"Wait, your nightgown doesn't even go beneath your privates?" He tapped Bella's blue leg as he said this, "isn't that just... asking for it?"

Bella laughed, crouching down and scooting slightly out as the rain subsided. "Well, no. My butt, as I previously said, (She slapped it briefly) is nothing more than a storage spot thanks to evolution. And my front, (She rubbed the skin near it) requires the man to deal with my antechamber."

"You what?" Robert, now standing under a clear night sky, was confused.

"Ah, right." She started up her explanatory tone once again, sitting spread eagle with her "loincloth" moved so that Rob saw what they covered. "My antechamber is between that slit and my... lady bits," she chuckled, "And is also where anthro youths would spend their first three months. And I can close both its front and, er, back entrances at will!" She got up, putting her nightgown in position again, and gently picked up her date. "Speaking of which, would you like to stay here tonight?"

"T-tonight!?" Robert stammered in surprise. "I have nothing worthwhile back home, I'd like to stay with you forever!"

Bella let out a squeal at this, one that sounded more like a dolphin than a whale. "Yay! Okay, now we need to figure out where you'll sleep. Luckily, I have four spots planned out!"

She carefully lifted him up to her moreso whale-ish head.

"First up, you can sleep beneath my tongue." Her mouth opened briefly, showing Robert her large pink tongue.

"Second, you can try inside my tummy." She lowered the man to her belly button, thumping the blubber twice with a deep thud.

"Thirdly, you can bunk in my ass." She moved him in front of her sizable rear end, which wiggled pleasingly and un-smellingly.

"And finally," Bella set Rob down in front of her, "You can relax in my antechamber." She once again rubbed the skin near it, giving a brief whale song of pleasure.

"Wow," Robert said, "All good choices." He walked over and looked up at her nightgown-clad nubility, her goods all but exposed as he rubbed her leg. "But which one would you pick for me?"

"Well..." Bella leaned against one of the palm trees, as Rob stepped back. "My stomach would force me to upchuck you in the morning, moreso if you slide into my intestine. You'd be stuck beneath my heavy tongue until I woke up, and I am a very heavy sleeper. My ass is nice and dry, but it's full of too much of my belongings. So that leaves..."

"Your 'antechamber?'" Rob remarked, "Nice! I'll take it."

"Good to hear! Oh, one more thing," She leaned down again, her nightgown top flipping over due to the angle. "Would you prefer to climb in, or walk in?"

"Walk in!" Robert said. He was never good at scaling heights.

"Okay." Almost immediately, she seductively sat down, her right leg bent upwards, her loincloth moved aside, and a finger motion and brief song enticing Robert forward. He took the offer, and took solace in her giggling as she climbed within the slit on her crotch.

Inside felt like a completely different world. Robert could see a lot of Bella's antechamber despite the low lighting, and the smallish space was pink, smooth, and inviting. There were even a few of what looked like organic bedspreads, and at the back was another opening that likely led to her vagina area.

"Ah~" Bella sung from outside, echoing due to his position inside her, "I think your simply being there will give me an AMAZING rest~!"

Robert moved some blankets atop himself, and said, "You're the best girlfriend I've ever met."

"About that..." Bella seemed uneasy, as the sound and motion around Rob implied she was moving around and lying down. "I'd only consider men of my race to be boy friends, as they know how to please me~."

"Oh..." He felt upset.

"But~" She added, "You're definitely the best human friend I've ever met~!"

The two chuckled, and said good night, with one last whale song from Bella. And so, the two began a life with each other on the island, one smaller than the other but just as happy.

The End
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