Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2019305-A-Vampires-Nature
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2019305
A vampire awakes to an unquenchable thirst.
Its eyes opened, and all it could see was darkness. It shifted in only to find that it lay on its back in a tight box. The box was lined with soft foam. It clawed at the foam above it until the foam tore away to reveal a layer of wood. It pounded on the wood until its fist went through and made contact with a wet gritty substance. I pulled its fist back and dirt began to fall in on it. It punched more holes in the lid of the container until it was able to dig its way up through the dirt. When it broke the surface its first thought was I’m thirsty.

It oriented itself to its surroundings, and left the grave yard. The sound of pumping music drew it to a dark building that smelled of drugs, alcohol and sex. The smells made its thirst even greater. It slipped into the building and found a crowd of people bumping and grinding against each other. It scanned the crowd until its eyes alighted on a woman walking away from the crowd. It followed her to the darkest part of the room where she proceeded to down a shot of liquid she held. She tossed the shot glass aside, and it shattered on the concrete floor. It seized her and sank its fangs into her neck. Her shriek was drowned by the sonorous sounds of the music. As it drank from her it slid its hand under her rubbed at her sex vigorously. Her orgasm sent her blood thrumming through her body to the vein its fangs were sunk in. It grunted in pleasure as it drank down her thick rich blood. When it drained her dry it dropped her and went to find its next victim. No matter how hard it tried, its thirst was unquenchable.

It spent the entire evening in the rave sucking the life blood from each victim it got a hold of. As the sun rose its body stiffened and it was dead once again. It awoke each night afterwards trying to quench its unquenchable thirst.

Word Count: 353
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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