Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2019056-Poyo---A-Kirby-Fanfiction
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2019056
A pink mass moves slowly through the town, devouring everyone and everything it sees...
It didn't take us long to realize we were not alone on this night.

It started from the outskirts of our town, walking right up to our patrolmen and attacking them without any provocation at all. A slight sound of a gasp, and the guards were gone. The creature never even left them time to scream.

It made its way through our town, devouring children and adults alike. The more important the person, the stranger the creature became. Its costume would often change, taking on some of the looks of the figure it had eaten. New crews tried to keep up with the horror, but they wouldn't last two minutes after the beast got wind of them. The longest video footage seen on television was a mere three minutes long, after the crew's horrific deaths were edited away.

I lived near downtown, with my mother, my father, and my baby sister. According to the path the creature was taking, our house would be one of the last ones hit. There wouldn't be enough time to pack up and leave, try to get away from the city; with road construction going on right outside the house, and two apartment buildings being built on either side of us, we were kind of trapped here.

It took an hour, but the beast arrived at our front door. There was a knock, then another, then once again. Then silence. My mother peeked outside of the house and gasped in horror. She turned quickly from the window and rushed myself and my sister into my bedroom, while my father grabbed for his shotgun. Then my mother rushed downstairs to help my father.

She had left the door open, and I, stupid as I am, opened it to see my father be my hero. I watched as the door was pulled from its frame and outside, splitting in two as it went. I stared out the door and the blackness of night stared back. Silence.

Then a noise. The barely audible sound of something heavy beginning to lift its foot and step forward from out of that heartless night. From the darkness crept a pink blob, about four feet high, with two black eyes and a humungous mouth. It moved through the doorway and immediately eyed my father, and I sucked in my breath as I silently rooted him on.

I saw the pink creature open its mouth, its jaws unhinging without a hint of pain or discomfort. My father lifted his weapon and fired once... twice... there was no effect on the monster. My mother looked on in horror as the beast began to suck inwards with a horribly supernatural force, and my father was swept off his feet by a chair, being pulled from the den. He rode that chair into the beast's maw, stopped only by holding on to its lips, desperate for freedom.

But freedom would never come. The beast, with a seemingly never-ending lung capacity, increased its force of suction, and my father disappeared into its mouth, his body bent in half to fit. The last bit of my father I saw was his pained expression and his blood pouring from his mouth, before the thing closed its lips and swallowed.

My mother was next, rushing at the monster with a meat cleaver she had purchased the week before. It stuck into the creature above its eye, and was seen briefly before being sucked into its mass. My mother collapsed to her knees and sobbed uncontrollably as the monster again opened its deadly jaws and sucked her within. Then it turned its eyes on me.

My sister was crying as loudly as possible, no matter what I did to try to console her. It was just as well; I was only eight years old and had just seen my parents get devoured. The creature began to walk towards us, and I closed the door and took my screaming sister with me to the back of the room, as far away from it as I could get. The door creaked as the monster began to suck in air, and soon enough the door was ripped from its hinges, straight into the beast's mouth. I closed my eyes and prayed for an answer.


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