Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2018602-When-The-Tables-Turn-Again---Part-3
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Family · #2018602
Andrew and Jeremy have become close, but when Jeremy shrinks, Andrew is out for revenge.
*-Saturday, December 14th, 7:30 a.m.-*
After staying up late last night, Jeremy's mind whirled with memories. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes with his fists and blinked with confusion. Looking around, he remembered his large surroundings last night. He felt Andrew's chest move up and down as he slept like a big rock. His heart beat made Jeremy's whole body vibrate (plus it kinda felt good). The only problem was his snoring, which Jeremy would've mistaken as the sound of a huge earthquake any day. He made his way cautiously over to his face, trying to keep his balance. Accidentally stepping in a pool of Andrew's drool coming from the corner of his mouth, Jeremy shuddered and took off his nasty, wet socks. He decided to crawl the rest of the way to his forehead so he wouldn't fall where he couldn't be seen (aka being squashed by mistake). Standing back up on his huge forehead, Jeremy grabbed a bunch of his blonde hairs. Positioning himself, he got ready to pull.

"Three... two... one..." He muttered, then sharply yanked with his whole body. Jeremy heard a small (but loud) shout of pain as Andrew's eyes flung open. He moved his body upwards, causing Jeremy to hang on his blonde hairs right in front of his line of sight.

Smirking with satisfaction, Andrew tilted and rubbed his head with his hand,"You'd better have a good reason for waking me up this early, bud."

Mortified, Jeremy blushed and felt his whole body shake at the thought of falling,"I-I was just.." He paused, searching for a reasonable excuse, and found one just in time,"Hungry! Yeah, I was hungry!"

Raising his hand, Jeremy's (literally) big brother plucked him by his shirt off of his hair and put him in the palm of his hand. Staring down at him with half-closed eyes, he yawned,"Yeah, guess I could go for something to eat, too."

Slowly getting up, Andrew nearly tripped over his own feet. Hanging on to his finger, Jeremy was terrified. It seemed like he was in the air for a split second, then back down onto the softness of his hand. His older brother WAS only half awake, so it wasn't like he was trying to kill him. Although the smile on Andrew's face was telling him otherwise.

"S-so," Jeremy started with a stutter, his nervousness creeping through,"What's for breakfast?"

Stopping in the dining room, he set Jeremy down onto the table,"Pancakes," he smirked down at him, rubbing his face with his hand. Andrew walked over to the counter, and got out the pancake mix. First he sprayed the pan with cooking spray, then poured two medium sized circles onto the pan. As Andrew turned on the stove, Jeremy sat on the table and watched in awe. He didn't know Andrew could make pancakes, let alone COOK. A smile grew on his face, but he quickly hid it when Andrew turned his head to check on him. Catching only a glimpse of his little smile, Andrew started flipping the pancakes in the air.

Jeremy rolled his eyes,"You're gonna drop them before we eat, stupid!" He warned with sarcasm, sounding a bit more on the rude side.

"Who said you were getting anything?" Andrew asked, turning his back to him and yawning again. He flipped the pancakes onto the single white plate, then turned off the stove.

"W-wait!" Jeremy called, running to the edge of the table with concern in his eyes. He frowned at the giant,"You can't just let me starve to death!"

His brother opened the fridge and grabbed the bottle of maple syrup, then drizzled it on the pancakes,"Nah, but you'll have to come get them yourself," He started walking back into the living room with a fork and knife, tossing a piece of string and safety pin onto the table,"Good luck.Call me if you give up, squirt."

Catching the end of the string, Jeremy nearly lost his balance. He heaved the rope-like string onto the table with a greater effort. His brother flashed him a look of victory, then laid down on the black couch, putting his feet up. As he ate his pancakes, Jeremy's stomach ached for syrupy pancakes. His mouth watered just at the thought of them. Snapping out of his daydream, the younger brother dragged the safety pin over to the string and tied it through it's hole. Carefully opening the safety pin, Jeremy jabbed the wooden table with the sharp end of the pin, moving it around to make sure it was sturdy. His gaze wandered over to Andrew, who was watching his every move and snickering when he almost fell over.

"Jerk..." He retorted, moving his hands along the string as he walked back to the edge of the table. Jeremy looked down, sighing with relief when he saw that the string was touching the bottom of the chair. Ironically, it was his chair that he had sat in effortlessly every day. Now he had to climb down a piece of string just to reach the seat.

Grabbing hold of the string, he jumped off the edge and began to climb down. It swung back and forth at first, but he carefully made his way down. Almost at the bottom, he began to go faster and faster, thinking of the pancakes again. Even the smell of the heavenly breakfast seemed to reach him from the couch.

Once he had both feet on a flat surface again, he yanked the string with his entire body strength. It took the pint-sized Jeremy a couple of tries, but he eventually tugged the pin free. Moving out of the way, he let the pin fall onto the chair before repeating the process again. As Jeremy was half-way down the string, he felt the string shake and held on as tight as he could. A long shadow darkened the room. Looking up, Jeremy wasn't surprised to see his brother with that annoying smile looking down as if he was amused at his attempt.

"Oh, sorry, short stuff. Forgot you were there," Andrew taunted his tiny brother, looming over him like a huge tower.

Jeremy ignored him, irritated, and kept making his way down the string. He was relieved when he heard Andrew walk away, but he was quickly brought down when he thought of the free ride to his breakfast (or what was left of it, anyways) that he could have gotten.

After about 15 seconds of climbing down, he reached the hardwood floor and let go of the string, landing on his feet. Amazed at the size of everything, Jeremy felt like wandering around, if only he wasn't so hungry. He sprinted into the living room and instantly met with the grey carpet floor, enjoying how soft it was. Slowly making his way towards the couch, Jeremy noticed his older brother's arm hanging from the side. He jumped up, touching the tip of his finger with his hand. The little brother took a few steps back and got ready to jump, getting in position. He dashed straight at his arm, then lifted off, grabbing hold of his middle fingertip. For a second he hung there, then heaved himself onto the base of Andrew's middle finger.

Jeremy nearly let go when his brother's hand began to rise from it's position. The frightened brother met with Andrew's gaze, slightly intimidated by his even bigger size. He had gotten used to being this small, but never imagined feeling completely powerless against him. A warm smile formed on his older brother's face as he dropped him beside his face, laying sideways on the leathery cushion of the couch. Jeremy sat up, unsure of what his brother was going to do next, and that scared him the most. The smile on his face had reassured him that he wasn't going to torture him anymore. At least, not for a few hours.

"I never imagined my baby brother would be an inch tall," He started, careful not to give away his thoughts,"You were already short before, and look at you now."

Jeremy laid back, looking up at the ceiling,"Yeah, I get what you're saying. It's hard to look up at everyone my entire life. People have to help me with everything. They treat me like a baby."

"Aw, you know you'll always be my baby brother," Andrew teased him, looking at him with a little respect,"I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, you hear? Only I get to make fun of you," He picked Jeremy up, giving him a noogie with his pinky finger.

"Hey! Stop it!" Jeremy giggled, feeling like nothing had changed between them. They were still brothers, and even Andrew knew that would never change.

Then, the ringing of the doorbell broke his laughter.

"Andrew! It's Sam!" The voice of a teenage girl muffled through the door as loud knocking followed after.

Andrew sat up and looked down at Jeremy in horror,"Oh shit! I forgot," He whispered to Jeremy, carrying him to the door. He stuffed him in his pajama pocket urgently and opened the door.

"Hey Sam. Thanks for coming," He said, inviting her in. She walked in with a smile and adjusted her black glasses.

Sam was the best player on the girls basketball team at Andrew's high school. Her long, yet thin brown hair and dark brown eyes always caught Andrew off guard. He couldn't help but stare sometimes. She was wearing grey sweatpants and a purple hoodie. Taking off her brown boots, Sam looked at Andrew with a playful smile,"You look worried. Something up?"

"Huh?" He looked for an excuse to go upstairs,"Oh, Jeremy wasn't feeling good this morning. He was barfing all night. Better go check on him."

Jeremy poked his head out of Andrew's pocket, looking up at the giant girl. He couldn't stop staring, she was beautiful. Andrew looked down for a second, widening his eyes and shoving Jeremy back into his pajama pocket. Sam smiled, knowing he was nervous.

"Okay, just don't get sick or you won't be able to try out for the basketball team on Monday," She yelled after him as he ran up the stairs quickly.

Andrew closed the door to his room and began to panic. He picked up his little brother out of his pocket and set him down on his bed,"You have to stay hear, got it? You can NOT move. If she finds out- or worse, if you get killed-"

"Relax, lover-boy. Just go on your date already," Jeremy said with a smile, a hint of mischief in his eyes. He stared up at his towering brother,"Besides, I gotta rest after all that damn climbing you made me do."

"Remember, you move, you're DEAD with a capital D," He said, the strictness in his voice made him sound like his dad.

Just as he turned, Jeremy yelled,"Wait!"

Andrew turned again, staring down at him,"What?"

"Which D is the capital one?" He asked, waiting to see his reaction with a snicker.

He rolled his eyes, then sat down on his bed hard with a smile. Jeremy was flung into the air, thankfully landing on the bed again. Jeremy laid flat on the bed with shock. Andrew smirked,"Any more dumb questions?"

Silence filled the room as Jeremy reluctantly got up.

"Good. Now, be a good *little* brother and stay here," Andrew said annoyingly, running out of his room then back downstairs.

Jeremy's smile grew wider, a devilish grin formed on his face. He walked to the edge of the bed and asked deceivingly,"Oh, so you wanna play that game, buddy?"

He slid down the blanket and onto the carpet floor,"Then let's play."
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