Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2018597-Cetaymph
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #2018597
A tale of a woman and whales.
“Why are we here?” Sarah said, leaning her back against the boat’s side railing.

         “Well,” Eric said casting his line into the open sea, “the fishing here gets really good when there’s a big storm coming. I thought it would be a good chance to catch something to tell our friends back home about.” Eric was an above average looking guy, with short black hair and muscular arms. He didn’t quite have a six pack, but he was still trim, regardless of his diet consisting of large portions of anything he could get.

         Eric had surprised Sarah on their three year anniversary with a week-long trip to the Caribbean. Sarah was overjoyed to hear that they would be spending an entire week together, but she didn’t think the vacation would end up on a small, dingy boat in the middle of nowhere. She was hoping this was going to be Eric’s big chance to propose to her. After five days, she began to have her doubts.

         She had long been paranoid that Eric was slowly losing interest in her, so she tried everything she could to become the perfect girlfriend. She learned to cook after many nights spent burning food. She tried her best to learn about his interests, although she had trouble with his obsession with fishing. Most of all, Sarah spent an enormous amount of time exercising and dieting to keep her body in fit condition. Her arms were skinny, with no trace of flab to speak of. Her belly was taut, with a small six-pack to show off to her friends. Her waist was at a satisfyingly small size and she had no problem giving up her womanly curves to get it that way.

         Brushing her long blonde hair from her eyes she tried to talk to Eric through the wind. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to go out during a storm.”

         “Oh don’t worry,” Eric said reeling in his line, “we’ll be out of here before the rain comes.”

         As if on cue, a roar of thunder roared from the nearby clouds. The water was already rough when they had first sailed out, but now it was fiercely, slapping against the boat, making it rock back and forth, with waves crashing over the side railing.

         “We have to leave now!” Sarah shouted at Eric through the howling wind.

          “Okay.” Eric sighed, reeling in his line. He stopped as he felt something tug at the end of his hook. Raising up the pole, the tug gave more force. “I think I got one!”

         Eric pulled as hard as he could, reeling inch by inch. As he yanked the pole high into the air, something began to surface. With an enormous gush of water rising into the sky, a whale breached the surface. The water splashed against its cerulean skin and its size was easily five times the size of their boat.

         “You caught a whale?!” Sarah said rushing over to stop Eric from falling into the water.

         “I wasn’t trying to!” Eric replied, muscles straining to keep Sarah and himself inside the boat.

         “Let go of the pole!”

         Common sense finally taking over, Eric released the fishing pole and let it sink into the water. “Guess that will be the one that got away.” Eric gave a slight chuckle, although Sarah didn’t look at all amused.  “What kind of whale was that? I didn’t think whales lived here.”

         “I have no idea,” Sarah said brushing her hair out of her face. “I’ve never seen one like that, especially with that kind of color.” A huge wave crashed over the side of the boat, drenching the two of them and breaking them out of their conversation about sea life. “Never mind, let’s get out of here!”

         Eric did as he was told and started up the engine. The engine’s roar was drowned out by the crashing waves and wind. It was at this point that Eric realized he couldn’t see land in any direction. A glance over at Sarah, showed the same fear and uncertainty about what would happen next.

         That’s when the rain started. It was a downpour that left the two of them soaked from head to toe in seconds. Eric tried his best to turn the wheel, but it was no use. Falling to the ground, Eric slid to the side of the boat, Sarah followed soon after. Sarah was fortunate to hit the side with her back, but Eric was knocked out when his head struck metal railing.

         “Eric!” Sarah shouted holding his unconscious body in her arms. She looked back and forth across the deck for something to help them. All she saw was the enormous wave heading towards their boat. She hugged Eric close to her chest, closed her eyes, and felt the massive wave strike the boat, sending the two of them into the water.


         Sarah woke up to a clear blue sky, calm waves, and a sandy beach. The storm had left her stranded on an island, with only wreckage from the ship to keep her company. Her clothes were ripped and water logged, but still covered everything that mattered. Frantically, she searched for Eric, but he was nowhere to be seen.

         “So, you’re awake.”

         Sarah looked behind her to see a very obese, tan woman, with long, flowing cerulean hair.

         “Who are you? Where’s Eric?”

         “My name is Aquarius, and I am a cetaymph. You saw me earlier when the one you call Eric tried to catch me.”

         “Wait, you were the whale!?”

         “Yes, and I didn’t appreciate the one you call Eric putting a hook in my mouth. I’ve chosen to take this form in order to talk to you. I was the one who saved you from the storm.”

         Sarah sat down in the sand, trying to comprehend what was going on. “Why did you save me?” she asked, unsure of what the cetaymph’s intentions were.

         “When I breached the surface, I felt something coming from you. I felt a kinship with you that I haven’t felt for a long time. I want you to become one of us.”

         “One of what?”

         “A cetaymph. We are beings of the sea and are connected to all things within it. We watch over the sea and its inhabitants.”

         Sarah heard the words, but they didn’t make any sense. “You must be joking. I’m just a regular human, how could I become…whatever you are. Besides, I’m happy with the way I am.”

         Aquarius pushed her cerulean hair out of her face and placed a pudgy hand on Sarah’s bony knee. “Please, we are few in number and it is a rare occasion that we find someone such as you.”

         Sarah pushed her hand away. “I’m sorry, but I have other things to do with my life than becoming a whale.”

         “But we are protectors of the sea. Our sisterhood has existed for millennia, making sure the ocean is a safe place.”

         “Pretty good job then,” Sarah remarked sarcastically, “all of that pollution and hunting are doing wonders for the sea life.”

         Aquarius stood up. “We have weakened within the last 500 years. Our numbers have grown thin as more and more people pollute the sea and hunt us. That is why we need you to join us. It’s for the good of everyone.”

         Sarah turned her back to Aquarius and started heading off into the jungle. “Again, I’m sorry, but I have better things to do with my life. For instance, I have to find Eric.”

         Aquarius’s face grew sorrowful and she lowered her head. “I’m sorry to say, but he didn’t survive.”

         Sarah stopped in her tracks and turned around slowly. “What?”

         “I’ve spent some time waiting for you to wake up on this beach, but no one else has washed ashore. This is the only island for miles.”

         “No,” Sarah whispered, “that can’t be true. He must have survived.”

         “I’m sorry, but he has become one with the sea.”

         Shocked, Sarah sat down in the sand. “That idiot,” Sarah shouted out between sobs, “he got himself killed over a stupid fish. I loved that stupid man. We were going to spend the rest of our lives together and now…”

         Sarah couldn’t finish her sentence. She broke down crying on the beach. Aquarius sat down next to her and hugged her close to her chest. “It’s alright, he is one with the sea now.”

         “But he was supposed to be with me!” Sarah shouted at the cetaymph, pushing her away. “If you’re supposed to be the guardian of the sea, then shouldn’t you be able to save him?”

         “While I am connected to the sea, that does not mean I can sense everything in it. Even if Eric was alive we wouldn’t be able to sense him since we have no connection to him.”

         Sarah stood up and wiped the tears from her face. “If there was someone like you with a connection to Eric, they would be able to sense him?”

         “Yes, all cetaymphs can sense people that they’ve had some deep connection to.”

         Sarah both dreaded and hoped for those words. She could save Eric, but she knew the price. Time was short, as every moment spent on the decision was more time for Eric to be lost forever.

         “I’ve made me decision.” Sarah said staring into the Aquarius’s eyes. “I’ll join you, but in return you have to save Eric.”

         Surprised at her request, Aquarius replied. “Are you sure? Once the transformation is complete, there is no going back. You will be part of the sea until the day you die.”

         “Yes,” Sarah answered, a single tear rolling down her eye, “whatever it takes to save him.”

         “Then we shall begin, follow me.” Aquarius took Sarah hand and led her into the calm waves. The once rough sea had become calm and felt soothing against Sarah’s skin as she walked deeper and deeper in. By the time Aquarius let go, Sarah was neck deep in water, and treading water.

         “Now what?” Sarah said, struggling to keep herself a float.

         Aquarius moved close to Sarah and hugged her close to her chest, giving her a face full of her giant tits. Before Sarah knew what was going on, the cetaymph embraced her with a kiss. At that moment Sarah’s mind became one with hers and the rest of the cetaypmhs. She could hear their thoughts as they swam through the ocean, patrolling the waters to keep what they could safe. She felt the sorrow of a dolphin dying in an old fishing net. Anger at fishermen killing a shark for fun. She also felt happiness, as newborn penguins began to swim for the first time.

         With all of these sensations moving through her mind, she almost didn’t notice her stomach began to grow bigger and softer. Finally noticing the shift in weight, Sarah broke her connection to the other cetaymphs and focused only on the one in front of her. “What is going on?” Sarah asked, surprised by her words being conveyed by her mind.

         “In order to join us,” Aquarius telepathically replied, “you must become one of us. That means taking on our forms. We can stop if you want.”

         Sarah looked down at her already expanding belly, thinking about all of the time she had spent toning her abs. All that effort was going to be wasted, but then again the only reason she got her body that way was for Eric. Although he never said anything, Sarah wanted to be Eric’s greatest desire. Pushing aside her fear of losing her toned body, she allowed Aquarius to continue.

         Once again, her stomach started to expand, this time Sarah could feel something sloshing around inside of her. Lowering her arms she rubbed the ever-growing ball of flesh as it neared the size of a basketball. The current flowed around her as her fingers slid along the soft flesh.

         Sarah opened her eyes and saw as fish of varying sizes and colors began to congregate around her and the cetaymph. None of them moved, like they were waiting for something to arrive. Her concentration was once again broken as her breasts started slowly expanding.

         Looking down she saw her cleavage rise and float in the current as her assets slowly grew her top to its limits. Her once B-cup breasts had jumped up an entire cup size in the short time that she had been underwater, and showed no signs of stopping. As the water continued to flow in the weight in her stomach began to flow out and even out along her body. Her once muscular arms began to soften up, as fat seemed to flow out from her torso to her hands. Her arms began to resemble that of the cetaymph, but she was still tiny compared to her thick arms.

         Feeling a surge of water flow downwards, Sarah instinctively lowered her fingers down to her hips. Her once twig-like legs had thickened to the size of tree trunks, surprisingly being held up by her newly, pudgy toes. Moving her hands to her backside, she could tell that it had grown immensely in this short time. Her previously flat ass had grown into a full-blown bubble butt, with her being able to get a nice handful of ass fat as she clenched it between her fingers.

         “I know this must all seem strange,” Aquarius spoke, “but there is a reason. In the ocean, your power is determined by your size. The larger you are, the less likely there will be something bigger and stronger than you. Therefore, we cetaymphs think of size as a sign of one’s worth. Without it you have no power, and with no power you cannot protect the things you care about. Do you understand?”

         “I think so,” Sarah said momentarily, ignoring her continuing changes, “but I still don’t like it. Where I come from we tend to value being skinny and athletic, over being large.”

         “And what exactly does that get you? You constantly change your lifestyle, not to protect your ideals or the ones you care about. You do it to impress those around you, regardless of what it does to your well-being. It must be stressful having to live like that.”

         “I didn’t do it because I was afraid of what people thought.”

         “Then why?”

         “Because…” Sarah stopped talking and tried to carefully come up with her next response. “I do it, because I want to make sure Eric will love me.”

         “You’re entire relationship is based on that? That doesn’t sound like the kind of person you would be willing to give up your life to save him.”

         “It’s not about that. I just-I just wanted to make sure he would stay with me. I had a lot of boyfriends before him, both good and bad, but he’s the first one I’ve actually cared this much about. He’s nice, funny, and, for the first time, I feel like I’ve met someone who understands me. I didn’t want to lose him if he found someone more attractive.”

         “Is he really that kind of person?”

         “No, but…“ Sarah was once again struck silent as she tried to figure out what her efforts to keep up her appearance were actually for.

         Her deep thought was lost as another surge of water began to flow through her body. The feeling once again started in her stomach. It had gone back to a reasonable size when the energy had originally dispersed, but now it was even bigger than before, at what she guessed was twice the size. The new weight once again continued onto her breasts as their size began to increase even faster. Growing and growing into luscious F cup breasts, they began to stretch the last of her shirt to its limit. With one final push, the fabric ripped apart, revealing her ever growing cleavage stuck inside her lacey, black bra. She didn’t know how long that would last.

         As she watched the remains of her shirt float away, she felt something else rip. Her ass had grown to tremendous proportions, ripping apart her shorts and letting the nearby sea life get a look at her black panties being wedged between her massive ass cheeks.

         “Oh great. Adding insult to injury, that was my favorite pair of pants.”

         “I apologize, but we see little need for clothing.”

         “Then why do you have clothes on?”

         “I just like to wear them sometimes.” Aquarius replied, giving a childish smile.

         Sarah made an irritated groan, and started to wonder if it was the right decision to trust the safety of Eric, and herself, with this woman. Her arms and thighs growing even wider didn’t help her opinion.

The edges of her black panties began to dig into her sides, so instead of waiting for the inevitable, she pulled what little elastic there was left on it and pushed them past her chunky thighs. She let the stretched out panties go and watched as they floated away just like her shirt. Reaching a chubby arm backwards, she tried to feel around her back for her bra hook. It was difficult finding it among her new folds of back fat, but eventually she was able to unhook her bra. With a bit of extra pushing, the bra floated off, giving her relief to her I cup breasts.

“Brace yourself, this is the last part, and it’s the most strenuous.” Aquarius said, just as a massive surge of energy entered Sarah’s body.

Sarah’s already humungous stomach began to balloon outward, making her chubby flesh taught. The extended stomach was painful, feeling like that at any moment she would pop. Sarah began to rub her stomach to try and ease the pain, but she could no longer reach anywhere near her belly button. She truly thought she was going to explode. To her relief, her belly began to slowly shrink, allowing the rest of her body to take in the added weight and even out.

Heaving a sigh of relief as her breasts engorged to an even larger size, she thought the worst was over. Suddenly her vision became blurred and visions of far, away places and other cetaymphs began to flow through her mind, even more vividly than the last time. She could actually feel how each one felt. How each current of the ocean passed by their bodies and the waves crashing against them as they breached. Their visions of the world’s oceans were clearer than ever, like everything was right in front of her. Undersea volcanoes, the Great Barrier Reef, arctic glaciers, the lifelessness of the Dead Sea, all blended together, giving her the feeling of being in hundreds of places at once. Looking through all of the cetaymphs, she focused on one that wasn’t too far from where she was. The cetaymph was swimming at a distance from some floating debris and something clinging to life on a piece of driftwood.

“It’s Eric!” Sarah said suddenly coming back to herself, completely ignoring the physical changes that had taken place.

“I saw. I shall have him brought here. In the meantime, your transformation is complete. Let us go back to the surface and wait for him to arrive.”

Sarah took the Aquarius’s hand as they made their way back to the shoreline. As they breached the surface and started walking on dry sand, Sarah stumbled a bit, not used to the added weight and height. Still getting used to her new form, Sarah took Aquarius’s hand and leaned on her a bit for support.  The two of them made their way to a makeshift clearing and Sarah cautiously, sat down on a nearby log next to a small pool of water.

“I’ve spoken with the sister,” Aquarius said heading towards the trees, “she and Eric will join us soon. Let me go get some clothes for you.”

“I thought that cetaymphs didn’t need clothes.”

“We don’t, but do you want to meet your beloved naked.”

“No,” Sarah said, blushing slightly.

With that Aquarius walked into the jungle, picking up fallen palm leaves as she went.

Sarah felt weird having such a large posterior providing such a nice seat cushion. Wanting to know the extent of her changes she looked over at the tiny pool and looked at herself in the reflection, the log making an audible creak as she leaned. The reflection was almost unrealistically clear as it showed every curve and fold of her new body.  Her extended stomach looked like she had swallowed four bean bag chairs, and moving it around with her hands it felt like she was carrying a water bed.  Her breasts were the size of watermelons, she didn’t even try to assign them to a bra size. Curious, she brought and had to her nipple and gave it a pinch. That little touch let forced out a moan, and the more she felt around the areola the more apparent it was that her super-sized breasts were super sensitive. Hearing a crack from the log, Sarah looked down at her massive backside. Her ass looked like it came from an elephant and hitting it once with her hand made a massive ripple of jiggling that lasted for a solid minute. Standing up and taking a few small steps, Sarah was glad to see that her chunky thighs could hold up her body.

Mesmerized by her new weight, Sarah neglected to the changes that had happened to her face. Her face had rounded out, with dimples, and a few extra chins, but what caught her attention was her hair. It had definitely grown longer, the way it tickled her backside when she turned made that clear. The long hair was a shimmering shade of cerulean, sparkling in the sunlight. Still taking it all in, Sarah didn’t notice when Aquarius returned.

“Getting accustomed to your new self?” Aquarius asked, getting Sarah’s attention. “Thankfully, I found enough leaves to cover you up.” Aquarius held out her hand, showing a large grass skirt and matching bikini top.

“Thank you.” Sarah said, gently taking the new clothing from her and gingerly trying to put them on. It was a tight fit, but the clothing barely covered around her new assets, giving her a small sense of modesty. “I can’t believe you were able to make this in such short time.”

“A good thing too,” Aquarius replied, “Eric has arrived.”

Looking out to the ocean, Sarah saw a humungous whale, carrying an unconscious Eric on its back. Getting closer to the shore, it began to dive into the sea, almost taking Eric with it. A second later Eric and another woman with cerulean hair surfaced. It was another cetaymph, with most of her weight in her backside, her skin was had a very dark coloring, and her cerulean hair tied up in a long braid. The cetaymph with the braided hair carried Eric onto the beach, laying him down gently on the sand without saying a word.

Sarah immediately ran to Eric, almost tripping under her own weight. Getting down on her knees, Sarah put her ear to Eric’s chest. It was still beating. Sarah held Eric by his shoulder and gently shook him. “Eric wake up, please.”

Slowly, Eric’s eyes started to open, blinking wildly in the presence of the blinding sunlight. “Sarah?” Eric said with a tired whisper.

“Yes, it-it’s me.” Sarah stuttered out, not sure what Eric’s reaction would be.

Eric slowly got up, still weak from getting tossed around by the sea. “What happened?”

“The ship was caught in the middle of a storm and the boat was destroyed. You were knocked out and I washed up on this shore. You were a goner, but I made an agreement with these women and they saved you.”

Only now did Eric realize that the two of them were not alone. “Who are these women?”

Aquarius responded, “We are cetaymphs, protectors of the sea. We saved you in exchange for Sarah joining us.”

“What do you mean join you? Do you mean the changes?”

“Yes, she has become a cetaymph, and will spend her days helping us keep the oceans safe.”

Eric sat back down in the sand, trying to take in the incredibly weird information he had just been given. Sarah gave Eric some time to think about the situation, but she had to find out something. Something that had been bothering her ever since she had agreed to the deal.

“Eric,” Sarah said timidly, “what do you think about me? I mean, after having such a good looking girlfriend, you must be disgusted by what I have become.”

Eric stood up and stared at Sarah. Fearing what would come next, Sarah turned her back to him, accidentally giving him a full view of her giant backside. Putting her face into her hands, Sarah waited for the words to come out, but they never came. Instead, she felt something tiny try to wrap its arms around her gut.

“Sarah, I’ve always loved you, and that’s not because of the way you look. I love you because you’re you, no matter what you look like. Besides, I kind of like this new look.”

Overjoyed, Sarah grabbed Eric by his waist and hugged him tight, burying him in her cleavage. “I love you too Eric.” Pulling his head out of her cleavage, Eric lifted up his head to her chubby face. Without saying another word, the two of them kissed, longer than they had ever done before. For a moment, Sarah had a feeling akin to what she felt when she first connected with the cetaymphs. Like her and Eric were becoming one.

“I’m sorry to end this, “Aquarius interrupted, “but the time has come. Sarah we must go.”

Sarah pulled her face away from Eric. “Really? So soon?”


The joy drained from her face, Sarah placed Eric back on the ground. “Can I please just have a few more minutes?”

“No, you may say your farewell, but then we must go.”

Sarah looked like she had lost Eric all over again. The cetaymphs walked over to the shoreline, waiting for Sarah to join them.

“They can’t be serious,” Eric said, “you can’t just leave after all that’s happened. We were supposed to spend the rest of our lives together.”

“I’m sorry, but this is the way it has to be,” Sarah said, “they held up their part of the bargain, and now it’s my turn to return the favor.”

Sarah turned to leave, but was stopped by Eric. “I won’t let them take you!”

“They are guardians of the sea, I don’t think you would stand a chance, especially in your condition. Besides, it was my choice to give up my old life to save yours. They didn’t force me into anything.”

Eric lowered his head, destroyed that he couldn’t do anything to save Sarah. Especially, since it was she who had saved his life. “Then at least let me give you this.” Eric reached into pocket, producing a silver ring with a large diamond that shined brilliantly in the light. “I was going to give it to you when we got back to the resort. I had it all planned out with the ring in the champagne and everything. Since I was going to give it you anyway, you might as well have it now.” Eric got on one knee and placed the ring on Sarah’s pinky finger, pretty sure that it would no longer fit on her ring finger.

In tears, Sarah hugged Eric close. “I’ll never forget you.” The two of them exchanged one last kiss, and then reluctantly departed. Sarah walked out into the sea, meeting with the two cetaymphs. Together the three of them sank into the water. Eric watched as they disappeared into the water. Seconds later, three whales breached the surface and swam out into the distance, disappearing over the horizon.

Eric eventually was found by a passing fishing boat and was brought back to civilization. Everyone assumed that Sarah had drowned in the storm. Eric knew there was no way no one would believe him. Years went by and Eric moved on with his life, eventually finding another woman and settling down. However, every year he went out to that same island, hoping that one day, he could see the cerulean whales swim by.

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