Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2018570-The-Defiler
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2018570
After being demonically possessed Daemon defiles a pure woman.
Daemon watched as the students emptied the building of his old high school. He’d dropped out as soon as he was old enough and never looked back. He spent his days doing everything his parents raised him not to do. He’d even sold his soul to a demon, and now it was time to follow through on giving his master a pure heart to feed on.

Evangeline exited the school building. She wore her usual long flowing skirt, and blouse. Only the top button was undone to reveal the smooth creamy skin of her neck. Her blouse clung to the curve of her breasts, but that just couldn’t be helped. She did her best to cover them with her books, but you just couldn’t hide breasts that large. Daemon never understood why she bothered to try. He and Eve had been friends since elementary school, but things changed when they went through puberty. He became very lustful, and she became very snooty. She’d joined the opal ring crusade when she was a freshman in high school, and he’d lost his virginity in the back of a friend’s car. Now, his master wanted him to defile the pure creature. Daemon thought it over and decided what the hell? She’ll probably enjoy it once he got her to loosen up.

“Hey there, Eve,” he called waving at her.

Eve looked in his direction, and he gave her a slow smile. He leaned against one of the trees in the school yard, and motioned for her to come over. She murmured something to some of the other members of the opal ring group, and crossed the street to join him. Daemon pulled out a cigarette, lit it, took a drag, and blew the smoke out slowly as Eve stopped in front of him.

“What are you doing here, Daemon?” Evangeline asked. She closed the distance between them.

“I came to see you,” Daemon smiled he offered her the cigarette. “I miss you Eve, and I thought we could hang.”

“Sorry, but I have homework to do.” Eve waved his offer of the cigarette away.

“How about later tonight?” Daemon pressed. “You won’t be studying all night and it’s Friday.”

“I suppose I could give you a call later,” Eve agreed. “Is your number still the same?”

“Yup,” Daemon pressed a kiss to her cheek, and trailed a few more over her jaw to her ear. He wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her against him when she tried to pull away. He flicked her ear lobe with his tongue.

“Daemon, please don’t!” Eve protested softly. “This is inappropriate.”

“That’s what makes it fun,” he teased. His hand squeezed her ass, and pushed her against his prominent erection. “My heat seaker says you like it.”

“Pervert!” Eve exclaimed. She pushed him away, and sauntered off with her nose in the air.

Later that night he watched Eve’s house until all of the lights were out except her bedroom. He used the old fashioned method of tossing pebbles at her window to get her attention. She opened it and leaned out to see him.

“Hey there, gorgeous,” he called up. “Weren’t you supposed to call me?”

“I was until you assaulted me,” Eve reminded him patiently.

“Ah, come on, baby,” Daemon urged. “If you go out with me tonight I’ll be good.”

“It’s passed curfew,” Eve argued.

“Screw that,” Daemon stepped forward and climbed the tree beside her window. He held his hands out to her. “Come on, Eve. You only live once.”

Eve sighed, and turned out her desk light. She took Daemon’s hands and allowed him to pull her out of the window into his arms. He helped her down the tree, and led her off into the night. He took her to a rave, and introduced her to all of the sinful pleasures of booze and even got her to try a bit of pot. Once she was sufficiently uninhibited he led her to an alley where a car waited. He opened the back door of the car and assisted her inside. Once he was in the back with her someone started the engine and the car pulled out into traffic.

“What’s going on?” Eve inquired as Daemon eased her down onto the seat and laid over her. She let out a smothered cry as his mouth covered hers. His tongue invaded her mouth while his hands groped frantically at her clothes.

“I’ll take it from here,” his master’s deep voice announced.

Daemon went rigid for a moment as his consciousness was replaced by that of a dark unholy presence. The demon stared down at Eve though Daemon’s eyes, and she screamed as it tore her clothes away to reveal her pure naked body. Her cries of protest became moans as the demon sucked a nipple into Daemon’s mouth and drove a finger then two into her unspoiled pussy. It willed Daemon’s pants open and slid an inhumanly erect cock inside the soft virgin tissue.

“Daemon!” Eve exclaimed. “That hurts!”

“It will feel better as we go,” the demon promised through Daemon’s voice.

Eve wanted to protest but found herself enjoying the rhythmic movement of the flesh inside her. As the man on top of her pounded away at her tender flesh she felt herself rising to meet his movement. Her body burned with desire as their organs continued to meld. The demon watched through Daemon’s eyes as the pure light that glowed from Eve faded with each thrust. When the light only shown in her eyes he gave one last deep thrust and emptied a hot torrent of demonic seed inside her. Another demon stared back at him through Eve’s eyes.

“Welcome back to the land of the living my sweet,” the demon inside Daemon purred through its host’s mouth.

“It has been far too long.” The other sighed through the lips of a once pure virgin woman.

Word Count: 997
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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