Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2018491-When-The-Tables-Turn-Again---Part-2
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2018491
Andrew and Jeremy have become close, but when Jeremy shrinks, Andrew is out for revenge.
*-Friday, December the 13th, 10:30 p.m.-*
Andrew was sound asleep on the couch, the T.V. flashing cartoons of Bugs Bunny and Road Runner all night. The remote was in his hand, just above his waist. His little brother, Jeremy, carefully walked down the stairs as quiet as possible. Once he reached the bottom, he peaked over to check if Andrew was asleep. Hearing loud snoring, he knew his brother was sleeping like a rock. Walking to the couch, he sat on the small section beside his feet, not caring how bad they smelled. He watched T.V., hoping to force himself asleep, but something was keeping him awake. He just didn't know what.

That is, until he noticed his feet weren't touching the ground anymore. He tried pushing his feet down, but he had to slouch to get them to the ground. Deja vu passed through his mind when Andrew shrunk, and he refused to believe he was shrinking. He got up and shook his even heavier brother, but he wouldn't wake up. Almost eye level with the couch, he heaved himself on top of Andrew. The shock of his weight awoke him, and he lifted his chest up,"Why would you wake me up this-?" He paused, looking at his shrinking brother,"I don't remember you being THIS short!"

"Ha ha, very funny!" Jeremy said, sitting on his legs,"You gotta help me!"

Andrew looked down at him, a smile forming on his face,"I remember something like this happening a while back..." He tilted his head,"Why should I help you?"

Almost a foot tall, Jeremy stood up, begging his even bigger brother,"Please! I-I'm sorry, okay? We got even, remember?"

Andrew leaned back and flipped on the lamp, then turned off the T.V. so he could hear him, remembering how he had to yell when he was that small. Jeremy had reached an inch, and as expected, stopped shrinking. His head fuzzy for a second, He rubbed it, trying to adjust to the change. He looked around, everything 100 times bigger than it was before. He forgot what he was standing on for a second, until his gaze met with two humongous hazel-green eyes. Tripping over his own feet, he fell forwards onto his brother's chest. Laughing nervously, he was too overwhelmed to move. Andrew rolled his eyes and moved his hand down towards Jeremy, gesturing for him to get on. To Jeremy's surprise, his giant brother was careful when he carried him to the coffee table in front of the couch. Setting him down lightly, Andrew looked down at his little brother, trying his best not to laugh.

His face bigger than a billboard, Jeremy stumbled back a little at Andrew's titanic size,"So, you like the view or what?" Jeremy's huge, golden-blonde haired brother said, beaming with satisfaction,"C'mon, you can't look away from this, right?" He pointed to his face, making that annoying, 'perfect' smile.

Jeremy looked up, annoyed,"Now's not the best time for jokes, Andrew!" he yelled, half jokingly.

"Hey, don't start with the wise guy act, bud! You know what happens when you say stuff like that!" He said a bit too loud, his voice booming, and Jeremy was forced to cover his ears and fall down onto the hard table surface.

Getting back up, Jeremy decided he wasn't going to back down. Not this time. He straightened up and clenched his hands into fists, straightening his arms by his side,"I'd watch it if I were you, pal!"

Cuffing his hand around his ear, Andrew smiled smugly,"Sorry, I didn't hear you. Could you say that again?"

Steaming with anger, Jeremy wailed angrily,"I SAID, I'D WATCH IT IF I WERE YOU, PAL!"

"Oh, well... in that case..." He hovered his hand over his shrunken brother's head, then grabbed the back of his pajama shirt. He brought him up to meet in front of his face,"You watch your big mouth, little guy."

"You should have one or two breath mints once and a while!" Jeremy scrunched his face, waving his hand in front of his face,"Your breath smells worse than your pits!"

For a moment, Andrew let his tiny brother dangle around. Then, let him go, causing him to fall.

Jeremy waved his arms and legs around in the air, falling, and trying to find something to grab onto. He screamed and closed his eyes, knowing he was dead. Then, a soft surface caught him before he hit the ground. Opening his eyes, he noticed it was Andrew's hand, and looked up, and up, and up at his huge brother. He had a devilish look in his eyes as he lifted him back up to his face.

"Nice girly little scream, bud. I thought I had a little sister for a second there!" He looked straight into his fearful eyes.

Gaining his balance, he stood up in the palm of his hand,"That was so not cool, dude! You could have killed me!"

Snickering, Andrew walked to the kitchen and placed him on the table,"Just a *little* reminder."

"Wow, that was so punny!" Jeremy sarcastically yelled, remembering how deaf his brother was.

Andrew walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a straw. "A straw?" Jeremy whispered, unable to think of what he was going to do next. His footsteps became louder as he came back with a single straw in his hand.

"What're you doing?" The chocolate-brown haired brother asked, watching Andrew bend it like a hockey stick. He put the short part on the table, and moved it closer to Jeremy. He looked at the white straw, and before he knew it, Andrew knocked tripped him."Hey!" He wailed, getting up and rubbing his butt.

Feeling his pajama pockets for something useful, all Jeremy could find was a ketchup packet, a nickle, and a ball of scrunched up paper. He ran towards his brother, only to be tripped by the straw. He heard his brother laugh when he fell, and laid down in humiliation. He was powerless against his big brother, who was 50 times his size. He looked up with begging eyes, and crawled along the table with barely any strength left. Andrew straightened the straw and sucked air through it. Jeremy couldn't get a grip on the table, and his brother sucked him halfway into the straw. Jeremy wasn't going fully inside without a fight, and he gathered some remaining strength to hang on to the curved edges of the straw.

Then, lifting the straw, Andrew smiled,"Perfect!"

"Uh...Andrew...what does 'perfect' mean, exactly?" Jeremy began to feel nervous once again, and tried to get his legs out of the straw, but failed.

With a big breath in, Andrew put the straw to his lips and pointed it towards the couch. Then, the giant blew his little brother out of the straw, and he went flying through the air. At first it seemed kinda fun, but then he was headed towards the ground. Just then, the fan blew him over towards the couch, and he landed right on the pillow.

laying on the pillow, Jeremy was grateful he didn't hit the ground instead. Without warning, the couch began to shake when Andrew ran towards it. Looking over at him, Jeremy knew he had to move, fast. He dove onto the arm rest and clung on with all his might. His gigantic brother jumped, then landed on the couch, sending Jeremy flying. He screamed as loud as he could, until he landed right into his brother's hand.

"Pretty sweet catch, huh?" He smiled, giving his smaller brother a noogie with his pinky finger. Jeremy started laughing uncontrollably, sitting on his brother's huge hand.

Laying back in shock, he sighed with relief,"Well, since I'm not dead YET, I guess so."

He got up again, carrying him to the kitchen counter. He set him down, walking back towards his room,"Stay there, I'll be right back."

Jeremy stood there, watching him run upstairs. Was he gonna 'stay there'?Duh, of course not! He explored his huge surroundings, and looked up at the open hardwood cupboard filled with a big bag of delicious marshmallows. If only he could get up there...

Then, he noticed the keys hanging down low from the cupboard handle. It wasn't low enough for him to get up though. Without any more thought, he dashed over to the fridge and used most of his strength just to pull a magnet off from the side as he made a paper fall. Then, as quickly as he could, he ran back to the keys and held the magnet up, standing on his tip toes. He was lifted up for a second, then attached to the keys with the help of the magnet. He climbed the jagged edges of the keys, then climbed up and into the cupboard. To his left was the delightful bag of marshmallows. He ran into the bag and began to drop the marshmallows one by one onto the counter top, then jumped down onto the huge hill of marshmallows. He chomped on the top marshmallow, feeling heavenly. Soon, he finished the marshmallow and grabbed another, only to be lifted up high into the air when he grabbed the white, puffy marshmallow.

"I didn't know you were that much of a pig," Andrew gave a small smiled and raised an eyebrow at his younger brother, who was hanging off the marshmallow,"You ate a marshmallow bigger than your head."

"And, oh how I enjoyed it!" He bragged, feeling like the luckiest teenager in the world.

Andrew held Jeremy in his other hand, and ate the marshmallow in one bite. Then, he placed Jeremy in his pocket, and walked up to his room while Jeremy squirmed around in the darkness. He managed to climb to the light, heaving himself up so he could look around. Looking up, he noticed Andrew didn't feel him get up, and kicked his leg. Andrew looked down, while walking upstairs, only feeling a little poke on his leg. Jeremy looked down, noticing how far a drop it was, even at only half of Andrew's height. Arriving in Andrew's room, Jeremy looked around in astonishment.

Just before he could say anything, his colossal brother picked him up and sat on his teal green bed,"Oh, I remember last time I was shrunken, I think you laid on me." Andrew put Jeremy at the end of his bed and laid down across from him,"But I don't think you deserve to be sat on."

Jeremy let out a sigh of relief,"Thank the lord!" He stood up, walking dangerously close to his pale face.

A smile grew on Andrew's lips , almost as if devil horns would pop out of his head at any second,"You'll get the special treatment today."

"S-special treatment? You gonna paint my nails and do my hair, too?" The shrunken brother asked sarcastically, his small hazel-brown eyes gleamed, locked on Andrew's.

Pushing his little brother over with his index finger, the 15 year old rolled onto his back and laid down beside his 12 year old brunette brother,"You know, you really have to learn how to close your mouth."

"Says the guy with an ego bigger than-" Jeremy started, Andrew cutting him off as he turned his head to look at him.

"You?" He finished the sentence with smugness and Jeremy stormed over to his face, forgetting how small he was.

He looked up, not caring about size anymore,"What did you just say?" Jeremy stood up to his brother, almost falling backwards from looking up.

Andrew smirked, admiring the way his little brother finally decided to stand up to him. But he wasn't giving in so easily.

Andrew laughed a little,"I said, my ego's bigger than you, Jeremy. Everything is." His words stung like acid in Jeremy's heart. He felt like punching him, but that would make him look even more desperate. He stood there, and finally said what he had been waiting for so long to say,"I don't care what you say anymore, Andrew. I'm not letting you push me around just because you're bigger than me. Go ahead, sit on me, tease me, I don't care anymore."

He sat up, staring down at his tiny brother. Andrew smiled, this time with some respect. Jeremy, even knowing Andrew could easily sit on him, still stood up for what was right. He didn't run away or try to fight with him any more, and that's what made Andrew even more proud of him. Picking him up by the back of his shirt, he gazed into his determined eyes. Jeremy sighed, crouching as if getting ready to be hit,"Go ahead. Just make it quick."

"You kidding? After you did something like that?" Andrew set him down in the palm of his other hand, Jeremy looking up, his long, brown hair outlining his pale face,"I'd make you bigger again, if I knew how."

Jeremy stared at him with a smile,"Th-thanks," he said graciously, choking up his words,"I almost wish you and I could switch places again, but then you wouldn't be there to catch me when I fell down."

Almost tearing up, Andrew hid his tears and silently walked out the door and down the stairs. He sat down on the couch with his inch tall brother in hand,"What do you wanna watch?" He asked, grabbing the remote in his other hand.

Thinking for a moment, Jeremy called back,"I don't know, a bit of Looney Toons would be cool!"

Andrew Turned the T.V. on, and flipped the channel to Looney Toons. Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny were having their competition to see who the audience liked the best. Of course, Bugs Bunny was loved by the audience, and only crickets could be heard when Daffy was on stage. The two brothers couldn't stop laughing at the many attempts Daffy tried to get the crowd's approval; sawing Bugs in half, trying to sabotage the rabbit's xylophone, and even doing the same dance Bugs was doing.

"So," Andrew started, yawning,"You want me to help you upstairs, or do you not need it?"

Looking back up with a warm, small smile, Jeremy replied,"You kidding? I'd sleep with you instead!"

Feeling like the luckiest brother in the world, Andrew laid down on the couch with a smile. Jeremy walked over to his chest, which felt a bit ticklish. Jeremy laid down on his big brother's soft pajama shirt, right in the middle of his chest. Looking down at Jeremy, he felt his heart instantly warm up,"See you in the morning."

Squirming around, trying to get comfy, Jeremy tilted his head back and smiled,"Love you." He went limp and fell asleep almost instantly.

Closing his eyes, Andrew put his fingers over Jeremy and whispered,"Love you, bud."

((Continued in Part 3))

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