Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2018473-When-The-Tables-Turn-Again---Part-1
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Family · #2018473
Andrew and Jeremy have become close, but when Jeremy shrinks, Andrew is out for revenge.
*-Friday, December the 13th, 6:00 p.m.-*
Two months after the weirdest event in Andrew and Jeremy's life, everything became business as usual. Andrew's football practices came to an end due to the heavy snow they received. But, that meant it was hockey season for both of them. They both stared down at their plates, almost finished when they looked up at each other at the same time. They stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, and smiled.

Their mom got up, her blonde hair swishing around, and tucked her chair in,"I have no idea what's gotten into you two, but I have to get going on my flight. Your father and I are going to meet up with the boss of the business we're working for, so you better behave yourselves at home, alright?" She said, giving them both a strict look.

"Mom, we were fine when you left before. Why do you think something bad's gonna happen every time you leave?" Andrew spoke up, Jeremy nodding,"Yeah, we're fine! You don't have to worry about us."

Their mother shook her head back and forth,"I'll never understand you two. One day you hate each other, the next you're best friends."

"Best friends? With this big baby? I'd rather be friends with the wall." Jeremy said, snickering when his older brother glared at him.

"Oh really?" Andrew said, pushing his fist into the palm of his hand,"Well, you better stick to your word, cause you'll be stuck to the wall in a minute!"

Jeremy flinched at the thought, and shied away,"I- you know I didn't mean that...right?" He ate the remainder of food off his plate and stood up,"I'm stuffed."

Andrew stood up and collected the plates from the table,"You gonna come help with the dishes?"

"Nah, I got better things to do, like homework." He smiled innocently, his mother smiling back.

"Love you, boys!" She called, opening the door with her huge white smile.

Jeremy and Andrew answered at the same time,"Love you, mom!"

As the door shut, Andrew shot Jeremy a look of hatred,"What'd you do that for?"

"Do what?" Jeremy said, fluttering his eyes and making his fake cute face.

"Never mind. The older brother rolled his eyes and put the last plate in the dishwasher, then smiled,"I guess that means only I get dessert, then?"

Pausing at the third stair, Jeremy snapped his head towards his brother,"What do you mean?"

Grabbing a full can of whipped cream and a bucket of Oreo ice-cream, he got a bowl and the ice-cream scooper ready. Jeremy ran back downstairs and stood beside him,"C'mon, you know I can't reach the bowls!" He whined, nudging him with his elbow.

"Yeah, that's why I'm getting you one, dummy." Andrew said, grabbing another bowl. He opened the bucket of ice-cream, scooping two scoops for him and three for his little brother, knowing how much of a pig he was. Finally, he shook the can of whipped cream, and squirted the same amount on each bowl of ice-cream,"Could ya get me a spoon while you're at it?"

Jeremy opened the drawer and grabbed two spoons. Just to be funny, he gave his big brother the smaller spoon.

"Real funny." Andrew said, grabbing the spoon from him,"You got anymore jokes, chuckles?"

"Do I ever!" Jeremy said, stealing the bowl off the counter,"Oh, and even if you cut down on the ice-cream, you'll still break the ice at practice tomorrow."

Andrew laughed, grabbing the caramel sauce from the cabinet,"At least I'm not the one who hugged the opposite team's goalie."

"I was only 9, wise guy!" Jeremy got a cherry from the fridge,"And besides, you're the one who went in the girl's washroom, perv!"

"I was 6, I didn't know any better!" Andrew countered, shoving ice-cream into his face after pouring caramel sauce on it.

Plopping a juicy, dark red cherry on his whipped cream, he snickered,"And you still don't."

Andrew turned on the T.V., and flipped the channels until he hit Looney Toons,"Yeah, whatever you say, lover boy."

On the screen, Bugs Bunny was eating his usual carrot, saying his usual,"Eh, what's up, Doc?" While the brothers ate their dessert on the couch. Jeremy finished first, even though he had more than his brother. He got up and put his bowl in the dishwasher,"Pop?" He asked Andrew, opening the fridge.

"One Coke, if you please." He answered, imitating Bugs Bunny. Jeremy rolled his eyes and grabbed 2 Cokes, and threw one over to Andrew. He caught it with one hand, and cracked it wide open. Taking a sip, he got up to take his bowl to the dishwasher when a shriek caught him off guard.

Jeremy sat on the remote by accident, changing the channel to some horror movie. After putting his bowl in the dishwasher, he closed it and turned it on. He heard another sound come from the T.V., this time Kim Kardashian was talking about he latest perfume line. Andrew turned around and gave his brother a smug grin,"Man, I didn't know you wore her perfume!"

Sticking out his tongue, Jeremy shot him a nasty look,"I changed the channel so you can look at your dream girl some more."

"Whatever, at least you'll smell better if you put on some of that perfume." Andrew said, taking another sip from his Coke.

"You're one to talk," Jeremy started, taking a sip in between,"You still smell nasty even after you have a shower!"

Andrew laid down on the couch, putting his feet by his little brother,"Tell me how bad I smell, would ya?"

Jeremy coughed, shooting up off the couch,"Only someone with a lower IQ then you would do that!"

"Then you should do it." Andrew smiled as Jeremy began to feel hot with embarrassment. His cheeks became a pale red and he walked upstairs.

"Sweet dreams, meat-head." He said as if talking to a preschooler,"I'll see you in the morning!"

"Yeah, see you in the morning, bud!" He called, smiling.

If only he knew what was about to happen, then his smile would be 10 times bigger.

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