Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2018351-When-The-Tables-Turn-At-Last---Part-3
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2018351
Andrew is taught a lesson when he begins to shrink in front of his little brother!
*-Saturday, September the 14th, 12:15 a.m.-*
Hearing loud thumping behind him, Andrew's instinct was to hide, but he was no coward; he was pretty fast, even at his current size. Heading into the kitchen, he dashed under the table, getting a short break. Suddenly, a louder thump sounded behind him, and Jeremy was on his stomach, crawling under the table towards him. Just before he could grab Andrew, the shrunken brother had sprinted towards the staircase.

Finally getting a great distance between the giant, Andrew had almost reached the first stair when a faster thumping ran towards him. He tried to get out of the way in time, but just couldn't.

After running over his brother, he looked around,"Hey, where'd you..?" Jeremy said, just before looking down behind him. What he saw was his worst fear; he had stepped on his brother,"ANDREW!" He screamed, instantly dropping to the floor on his knees,"Oh god no, please, NO!"

Poking his tiny brother, he was horrified when he didn't move a bit. Jeremy laid down on his belly, his face right beside Andrew's sprawled out body,"I'm so sorry," regret and pain flowed through his body,"I'm so so sorry."

A tear slipped from Jeremy's cheek as his breathing became shorter breaths,"I should never have done this... I should have helped you... instead.. I-I..."

"I lost you forever..." The words slipped from his mouth, mourning over his brother. He closed his eyes, silently crying, wishing to hear his voice again. The agony of losing his brother in an instant was overwhelming. It was all his fault. He silently begged for him to get up in his mind, and he wanted Andrew to be okay. "J-just say something to me again... please..."

"Hey, don't cry, bud." Andrew's voice said, as Jeremy felt a gentle, small hand touch his cheek.

Opening his eyes, he looked at his brother, alive and well. He picked him up in a fist and smiled wider than before.

"You're..you're alive! Oh my god!" he rolled over and held him in a hug, quickly forgetting about his size and hugging Andrew a bit too hard.

Andrew coughed and looked up at Jeremy with his small hazel-green eyes,"A........little....too......tight....!" He gasped for air, and Jeremy loosened his grip.

Jeremy had a confused look on his face,"How? How are you alive? I thought I stepped on you! I thought you were dead!"

"Yeah, you ALMOST stepped on me, you big idiot, you!" He hugged a section of Jeremy's chest, too small to fully hug all of him.

Jeremy let go of his brother, allowing him to stand on his chest,"I'm just glad to hear your voice again!"

"Well," Andrew started, walking closer to his brother's face,"My voice does sound pretty great, huh?"

Scooping Andrew into his hand, Jeremy got up and began walking upstairs,"Alright, wise guy." In the palm of his hand, Andrew laid down, as if he was a king being carried into his castle. Moving his hand back and forth, Jeremy almost laughed when Andrew grabbed his index finger in shock, holding on.

Looking angrily up at his smug brother, Andrew yelled,"Hey, you nearly squashed me under your shoe and this is how you repay me?"

"Yeah, well you still haven't gotten your punishment for sitting on me and making me smell your nasty pits every day!" Jeremy countered, shooting a satisfied but snobby look at him.

"Oh, yeah, r-right... about that..." Andrew said, nervously laughing while letting go of his finger,"Y-you'll just forgive me about all that stuff, right? We're cool now, right buddy ol' pal?"

Jeremy remained silent, which scared Andrew even more. He veered to the left, into his room, and set his shrunken brother on his bed. Andrew saw a look of satisfaction gleam in his hazel-brown eyes

Looking up at his brother in horror, he yelled,"W-wait...you can't possibly b-be thinking of sitting on me, r-right?"

Making an indecisive face, Jeremy answered with a bit of class in his tone,"I don't know, maybe I am- or maybe I'm not."

"Heh heh...g-good one, buddy! You really had me worried for a second there!" Andrew looked up at Jeremy, sweating a bit.

Jeremy turned around, and began falling backwards slowly. Andrew looked up with terror and muttered,"...shit..."

*-Saturday, September the 14th, 1:45 a.m.-*
Struggling under someone's butt- especially your brother's -is the definition of humiliation, and Andrew struggled under his younger brother's butt, unable to move.

"C'mon, just lemme go!" Andrew said in pain,"Your butt smells nasty!"

"Just a sec." Jeremy smiled, moving his finger on his Iphone,"I gotta get this on video..."

Andrew squirmed under the heavy flesh, desperate to break free from his humiliating prison,"Oh hell no! You ain't getting nothin' on your phone!"

"Watch me!" Jeremy said, almost ready to video tape him.

Instead of escaping to fresh air, Andrew did what he never would've thought of doing in a million years; he ducked his head under, and hid it underneath his butt with the rest of his body.

Just when Jeremy hit record, he smiled,"Really, dude? THAT was your plan?" He lifted his butt up and put it quickly back on top of Andrew's body, leaving his head to stick out. Amused, Jeremy gave him a noogie with his pinky finger,"You just humiliated yourself more, idiot."

"Hey, not cool, bro! Just let me go already!" Andrew fidgeted around, trying to get out from beneath his butt.

"Fine." Jeremy pretended to hit the stop button, but focused it on his brother's head,"Then say it!"

Sighing in humiliation, Andrew was about to say something when he freed his arm. Jeremy effortlessly pushed it under with the rest of Andrew's body, snickering a little at his humorous attempts to break free,"You're 15 times smaller than my butt cheek." He said, almost laughing out loud,"Give it up!"

Staying still, he looked into his younger brother's big, gleaming hazel-brown eyes,"You're the best little-"

"Big." Jeremy corrected him.

"You're the best BIG brother in the whole word. You're the hottest in your school and every girl wants to date you. Everyone on the face of the Earth wants to be you, including me!" He yelled, almost running completely out of breath.

Jeremy hit the stop button, and put his phone back down,"Like your own medicine, bud?" He said, imitating his older brother,"Oh, and just one more thing before I let you go-"

Bending over and grabbed a dirty, smelly sock from his hockey bag, Jeremy waved it over his miniature brother's head,"You need to pay for ruining my sense of smell."

Shifting under his butt more, Andrew would do anything but smell his hockey sock, especially since it was 20 times his size now.

Lowering the sock, Jeremy said,"A little Deja vu eh, Andrew?"

The stench hit Andrew's nose like the smell of the guys change room at school. He began to cough, the smell getting worse as Jeremy lowered it right in front of his face. He held his breath, preying to god that he would give him mercy. But even after 15 seconds, the sock didn't move an inch. Letting his breath out in one huge gust, Andrew had no choice but to breathe in the smell of the disgusting, sweaty sock. He gagged, and felt sick.

"Dear god, these smell worse than my armpits and the locker room at the field combined!" He complained, coughing more.

Releasing Andrew from his butt, he picked up his brother and put him on the carpet flooring in from of him. For the very first time, Andrew looked up, and up, and up at his brother, standing at full height. He towered over him, the size of nearly two skyscrapers. He cowered a bit at the sight of Jeremy, for it was nearly impossible to not cower at somebody THAT big.

Jeremy let a natural smile form onto his face. He knew he was at a HUGE advantage, that he could do anything he wanted to his big brother, but he gave him mercy. He wasn't that cruel, especially knowing that Andrew would grow back sometime. They had gotten even, he didn't ask for anything more.

*-Saturday, September the 14th, 8:30 a.m.-*
"Andrew, breakfast is ready!" Jeremy's voice called as Andrew woke up in an instant. He looked around, filled with shock as he got up. He was his normal size again, then he looked at his alarm clock; 8:30 a.m.! It was just a dream!

Dashing downstairs, Andrew smiled when he saw Jeremy, and hugged him. He squeezed the air out of him, as if he thought he was dead. Jeremy, looking at his brother like he was insane, tried to push him away,"You're creeping me out big time, dude! What's up?"

Andrew let go, smiling down at his little brother again,"Just glad to see you, that's all," He put 2 pieces of bread in the toaster, giving his brother his usual 'payback' look. Only, Jeremy smiled as if he knew why Andrew made the face. He turned around again, grabbing the PB and J from the fridge. Feeling a slight tap on his shoulder, he spun around to see his brother on his tip-toes.

"Yeah? What is it?" Andrew asked, overjoyed he was finally tall again.

Jeremy got out his phone and showed him a video. He smiled devilishly, and pressed play. Then, Andrew's eyes flew wide open.

It was the video Jeremy took when he was an inch tall.

Jeremy snickered,"I'm so gonna post this on vine!" He ran back upstairs.

"You. Are. DEAD!" Andrew yelled, smiling and chasing after his little brother up the stairs. It wasn't a dream after all, and Andrew began to wonder how it all happened. But it didn't matter anymore. He was the big brother again, and he still had his little brother. All he knew was if his little brother shrunk next time, he'd make every minute worth while.

And boy, did he make Jeremy pay.

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