Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2018167-AmeliaPart-1---not-the-whole-story
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Emotional · #2018167
Amelia is girl who nearly lost her life in a volcano and being hurt by Miss Longwill
In the midst of the darkest night, on a cloudy, gloomy, day, people were running, screaming yet their footsteps could only be heard , as if if it were a whisper. As the rain pitter pattered into the distance, slowly yet gently, there was one girl in a standstill, standing alone, a worried yet puzzled expression on her face as her clothes and her hair were getting soaked in the hard, fast , cold rain, she was Amelia, an orphan - or so as she thought, as she didn't know who and what was her family and whom she belonged to.

Filled with so many questions, puzzled by the fact that people were she running here and there, she looked up straight ahead, with uncertainty,into the dark,gloomy, sky, into the darkness.There, she clearly saw a huge volcano spurting out hot, molten lava and polluted ash! Amelia , as quick as she could, ran far as she could, into the dark, gloomy, sky. Some people were even being burnt alive by the lava! Filled with fearful thoughts, as well as getting exhausted, she stopped , slowly, taking deep breaths, though aware not to take in the polluted air and smoke, so as to not suffocate and die.
As much as she tried, polluted ash and air were going deep into her healthy lungs, as she started to suffocate. Calling for help, though she knew none would help her as people were running for their lives, she covered her mouth with a kerchief, and walked as to find if there was an hospital, in the midst of fiery roads, burnt buildings, and corpses of dead,burnt people. Now , as she couldn't walk any longer,grasping onto a burnt bench , she sat longing for help, though it was too late, as her eyelids were drooping off and closing, one by one, and she couldn't hold her breath any longer, as she slowly collapsed into a deep, deep sleep.

'AAAAARGGH!' Amelia woke up in a clean, bright , ventilated, shiny room, and Amelia thought she was in paradise, but of course, this wasn't true, as a lovely nurse came to check on her temperatures and health as she calmed Amelia down a little.'Where am I ?' Amelia asked herself, as slowly turned around and saw clearly , she was in a hospital full of sick yet recovering patients, kind nurses, and dozens of rooms as well as beds.'After all, I didn't get burnt or die,' thought Amelia as she was very lucky to be alive, as she still wondered what might've happened to the people around her when the volcano erupted . Her questions were soon to be answered as hospital TVs said that all of them, not even one of them were left , except her, Amelia.

Amelia had to spend a good few weeks regaining and renewing her strength in the hospital, though her inner guilt couldn't go away, as she thought she was the one responsible for all the horrible incidents which took place to the precious lives of thousands of poor, vulnerable people, though, in fact it wasn't her fault. Many people came to visit her, not her relatives as you might've guessed , but reporters and photographers, as they praised her and said that she was the luckiest girl ever in a decade to have survived from active,and humongous volcanoes! Amelia soon got heartily tired of peoples' praises and her seeing in TV, and so on. She , now was wondering of her own family . Will my family ever visit me? Do I ever have a family of my own? Is my family caring? WHERE SHOULD THEY BE HERE NOW? As these questions were whizzing in her head , round and round, Amelia knew that she should somehow find her family, in spite of the troubles, worries and dangers that might harm her. You might think this was a bit selfish of her to only think of her family, and not of the lives of precious people, but Amelia did think of it. It was often a panging memory in her head, what happened that day, where all hope and comfort had all vanished into thin air! Amelia yet didn't know or realise where her destiny would be, just yet.

'In two or three days, you'll be as right as rain,' said a ward sister. Though , Amelia wasn't quite sure seeing her deep , bloody bruises on her legs and multiple invisible stitches on her hands, she thought that it would take her two or three weeks , though she didn't say this to the ward sister, knowing that she wouldn't approve a patient advising a nurse, though Amelia thought she could be tactical with her. Amazingly , what the ward sister said became true. Amelia was as 'right as rain' and discharged from the hospital as she got her medical report . It clearly said' Amelia Watson'. Amelia was quizzical and puzzled thinking to herself, 'Is that really my surname'? Right at that puzzling yet small moment, a woman said to her, 'Oh you must be Amelia, Amelia Watson.' ' Come with me and I'll discharge you to the Children's Home.' Amelia was about to burst into tears. She had first thought it was really her mum, coming to take her to her beautiful, bright home, but it wasn't as her earliest memories of her mother reminded her, that her mother had sky , blue sparkly eyes, golden , auburn hair, unlike herself which was a pale, dark, mousy , brownish color. The woman had black hair, who was now quickly assigning her to the Children's Home. Amelia knew that this would be the worst days and months of their life, living in this wretched, horrible , old , musky-brown colored Home, which wasn't worthy to be called a 'home' as she felt insecure, and hopeless , unable to talk to anybody , as she was the only child living in the Home. Amelia was drooping , and walking slowly in a horrible manner , thought that she would be better off living in the streets than this petrifying home filled with spiders' webs , which had a sense of stink in the kitchens as well as the bedrooms. Amelia now, felt a bit sore with her family, that this wouldn't have happened if her family hadn't come to collect her from the hospital and now , Amelia felt disheartened and even wondered if she even had a family. As she looked upon one of the boards in her 'dirty' bedroom , it read 'Home for the Orphans'. Amelia felt whether this could be true, that she really was a insecure , hopeless , homeless orphan.
'Ah!!!!!!' Amelia woke up in her homeless home , only to find Mrs Longwill , the woman who led her to the orphanage, greeting her with a cheery smile. 'AS if she thinks it's a lovely home,' Amelia muttered to herself. Getting up early, Mrs Longwill showed all the rooms one by one, saying , ' As you're the only orphan living here, I guess you might feel a bit lonely , so you might want to pop in my room , if you want to at anytime.' Amelia felt a bit better , listening to her warming yet welcoming words, though she still wanted to escape out of this Home. She understood Mrs Longwill was really trying to be kind to her, soothing all her loneliness, though living in the horrible Home made it just bad. Amelia wondered how even Mrs Longwill could manage to live in this Home eating , sleeping and so on. Occupied with her thoughts , she decided to pop in Mrs Longwill's room.
'Oh there you are, I thought you might not pop in .' She just kept going on and on about it til' Amelia' s patience was stirred up greatly. 'Can I ask you a question?' Amelia interrupted. 'Yes you can , my dear' ,Mrs Longwill said.'What about school?' Amelia began .' I really hope that I would go to a boarding school , if possible', Amelia sat there dreamily gazing up to the ceiling. 'IF POSSIBLE?!' Mrs Longwill burst into anger. 'No school , no play for you Amelia Watson!' 'You are here to work for me , since you are an orphan and a servant.' 'A SERVANT!' Amelia cried.
'I thought you were a kind lady, a person filled with goodness, but my mind tricked me , I guess. Truly, you are just a horrid person!' Amelia left the room angrily, slamming the door right in Mrs Longwill's plump face!
Amelia felt all alone and was now even afraid of Mrs Longwill, as the days went by and sadly Amelia had to work for Mrs Longwill, as she was forced to work and as her hands and her legs were incredibly sore at the end of the day, as she slept beneath the ragged covers at dawn. She felt extremely alone and wanted to escape out of this horrid home. ' This place seems like a workhouse!' , she cried, as her muffling sobs could be heard from meters away to the ears of Mrs Longwill, though Mrs Longwill didn't even mind about that. 'Good thing, I've got ', Mrs Longwill scoffed to herself hearing the sounds of sobs from far away. ' She doesn't even know that this isn't a Orphanage at all, foolish little thing.'

Amelia gazed at her dirty bedroom window , looking at the shiny, bright yet small stars, though there seemed to be a greater, bigger , brighter one than that ,moving across the horizon. She only knew as it came nearer and nearer, that it wasn't a star at all, it was a bright , yellow lantern, floating in the dark sky , showing off it's shiny luminiscence. 'I wonder who flew it', Amelia said in her thoughts. Right at that time, she felt so guilty, as she had slammed the door on Mrs Longwill even though she was horrid to her. Brave Amelia sought to ask forgiveness for that horrible act she did the next day. Soon as the pink reddish colors of dawn appeared, she woke up to find she was in Mrs Longwill's room!!!! Stunned and amazed she stood frozen , until she saw Mrs Longwill. 'Umm sorry I must have been sleepwalking for some reason', she said to Mrs Longwill. ' You're just nuts!!! ' Mrs Longwill screamed . ' Get out of here , start to do your chores before I throw you out of my room!' Poor Amelia was distressed , unhappy and angry at the same time.
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