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Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #2018035
The story chapters 10-18 + 1 taco poem
The story segment 2

A taco poem:

A taco on a midsummers eve I eat,

And I think: "How Neat".

It smells of a fresh garden,

Please my rhymes do pardon.

It tastes of a rainbow,

And makes my head feel like a volcano.

It looks of a half-moon,

And it doth make me swoon.

I am unfortunately now done,

It has been real fun.

I now must say goodbye,

If you want more just stand by.

(Just don't turn a blind eye,

Or I might cry.)


It was amazing, watching the tacos rain down (he hoped the person named Parry Gripp would stop singing though). The wither and enderdragon had nowhere to turn since the tacos rained hard everywhere, so the Wither died and the enderdragon rose up in the air and exploded. Suddenly, a portal appeared right under the ender dragon.

That empty space used to be the kings throne, but whatever was left was swallowed up by the portal. It was made of a gray stone, that had black lines and dots in it, which the knight heard could not be destroyed. It was as circular as possible (there are no true circles in minecraft), and was flat on the ground. There was pillar of more stone in the middle of the portal, with an egg on top. The knight was very surprised about the tacos and portal and everything, but there was thing that made him even more surprised. He was right at the spot the portal had appeared at.

He was immediately teleported to another dimension. He was extremely scared by now. The sky was all black, but this time there was no shelter or light. The ground was made of a yellow stone, and there were black pillars. There was also another dragon. It was exactly the same as the other one. Deep inside he had a feeling no one would help him now.

How could he, with only one arm defeat this dragon? All his other 108 quests were menial and easy in comparison to this.  He was practically disarmed!(pun intended) He still had his armor, but he guessed it would break soon. He also still had his sword, and a bow with some arrows. Suddenly the enderdragon said:

" Everything you know is wrong

Black is white, up is down and short is long

And everything you thought was just so

Important doesn't matter

Everything you know is wrong

Just forget the words and sing along

All you need to understand is

Everything you know is wrong"

Then everything changed.


The knight was in a prison. He did not know he was in a prison. He could do whatever he wanted in the prison, except get out. He did not know he could do anything, but he could. The knight was imprisoned because he was too smart, so he was captured, his memory was wiped and put his consciousness in a prison so detailed, so amazing, he would not know he was imprisoned. But someday had hacked the prison, but they could not directly free the knight, or they would get caught, so they put a secret escape. It was so secret that the people who imprisoned him did not know about it. The escape was The Diamond Taco. The hacker put it in the mind of the knight to search for The Diamond Taco. The hacker even gave the knight a clue about the prison he was in by the dragon singing everything you know is wrong. If he knew, he could use the power to alter his environment to get The Diamond Taco much easier. The knight had just fallen into more confusion. The knight would soon meet the person who hacked the network. His name: Taco Ted.

End of Chapter 11

Does it really end? No, it will not end until the knight escapes. The chapter is just as invented as a story. I control what happens to the knight. I control when the chapter ends. I control what you are currently reading. I may end the chapter now, maybe never. So does this chapter really end? Yes, yes it does. But when? Whenever I want it to, which is now. Or is it? Yes, it is.

Or maybe not? No, it did not end there. It ends here.

The Story (chapter 12)

The knight felt a burning sensation as he crashed through time and space one minute he was in a red desert, the next in a frozen tundra. He was very dazed as he continued dashing through time and space, but he tried to pay attention, because all the things he saw were amazing. He was in a cave with buttons on the wall, he was in a general shop in a desert, he was in a cafeteria, he was in all these places at once. Whenever he saw someone he knew their life  story, but he could not recall anything about them at all after he looked away. Whenever he tried to talk to someone, he would just disappear and go somewhere. If he stayed silent he would disappear. If he yelled someone may turn their head before he disappears. Then he saw a person, Who overloaded his brain with his life story. He felt as if he was thousands of years, or maybe millions, or maybe just 900, but he was very much older then anyone else the knight saw. This man had seen no one else had seen. He had seen the destruction of the earth. He had seen the birth of stars. He had seen the hatching of the moon.

Then the knights consciousness had turned off, because of all the information he had seen.

When he woke up the man he had seen was looking at him.The knight asked:" Who are you?"

The man responded:" I am the Doctor."

"Don't you mean a doctor?"

"No, I am the Doctor."

End of chapter 12.

"Now this is important, how did you get here?" Asked the doctor.

"Well I, um just came here, I guess."

"But how?"

"Well I was in another dimension, I think, then I saw a dragon, and it started singing. Thats all I remeber."

This was true, because the knight had indeed forgotten most everything to him. He felt as if he had to do something important. Suddenly, the knight sat up.

"Doctor! I remember something more! Something about a diamond taco! I-I-I think I need to look for it! Yeah, thats it! I need to find The Diamond Taco! I need to get out of here and look for it!"

"Calm down! First of all, what is this The Diamond Taco you speak of?"

"Well, it is a diamond taco, and it protects the world from disaster! It was stolen!"

"By whom?"

"I don't remember." The knight said frustratedly.

"Do you remember where it is being kept?"

"I don't remember that either." Said the knight as he slumped down on the floor. He had felt that he finally had something to really grasp on, but it was flying from his memory.

"Don't worry! I know where the taco is!"

"Really?!?! Where is it? How do we get there? Where am I anyway?"

"You need rest. You may ask questions after you've slept. Until then, save it for later."

And then the doctor did something that made the knight sleep immediatly. The knight slept, but it was not a dreamless sleep. He dreamed of The Diamond Taco, hovering right above him, but it darted away whenever he tried to catch it. Suddenly, he got any idea. He imagined the taco darting toward him. He imagined it with his whole mind, and nothing happened. He tried with every fiber of his being. He was about to give up, but suddenly the taco did dart toward him! He caught it, and then he woke up.



After the knight woke up, he was back with the doctor. He immediately asked: “Where is The Diamond Taco?”

The doctor responded: “I do not know excactly, but I can take you there.”

“How can you take me somewhere when you don't know where it is?"

“Just put you hand on this panel and think of The Diamond Taco. This machine that we are in will take us there.”

For the first time the knight he was in what looked like a spaceship, and he was very confused. He walked over to the panel slowly. Then he slowly put his hand on the panel. As soon as he put his hands on the panel, he felt a shiver of electricity go through him, but he focused on The Diamond Taco. Soon he felt the ship move, and saw the lights flicker. He still focused. Through the corner of his eye, he saw the doctor looking distressed and pulling levers and pushing buttons on the main console of the ship. He focused and focused hard. Soon he felt a big shake, and the Doctor said "You may remove your hands now."

The knight did so with unexpected difficulty, because even though the surface was flat, it felt like his hand was metal, and the panel was a magnet. The doctor led him out of the ship, and the knight looked at the ship. It was a tiny blue police box, or at least tiny in comparison to the inside.

“How?” Asked the knight astounded.

“Long story.” Replied the Doctor.

The doctor handed him what looked like a big needle, with a light on one end and a metal rod on the other. (see illustration 1.)

Illustration 1


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“What will I need this for?” Asked the knight.

"You can access a computer terminal with this.” Responded the Doctor.

“Alas I must leave you now. This is your adventure, not mine, but I do wish you all the luck in the world." Said the Doctor as he stepped into the police box.

"But wait!" Said the knight "What is your name? Who are you?"

"Who I am. Goodbye!" Said The Doctor as he disappeared completely into the blue box.

The knight noticed they were in what looked like a cave, so he yelled :"Wait! There is no way to get out with the ship unless you break through a wall!”

The Doctor did not seem to hear him and the ship disappeared completely instead of flying away.

End of chapter 14

The knight looked around the cave, bewildered. He noticed the cave was actually made of marble. He also noticed there was no door or anything that would lead him out. It was a room about the size of a house, but it was enclosed by the rough marble wall, ceiling and floor. The knight thought it looked utterly amazing, beautiful and wonderful, except for the one tiny detail that the oxygen would only last for about a day, maybe more, maybe less. The knight just laid down on the floor and thought. He thought about his quest, about his life and everything else. But then he stood up and decided he wouldn't go out without a fight. He looked at the floor and saw there was no hole at all, but it was not smooth. He looked at the walls, but it was excactly the same. It was also no different on the ceiling. He imagined escaping from the marble. He imagined a hole just appearing in the wall and him escaping. He remembered his dream so he imagined as hard as he could, he tried, and he tried, and he tried. He was about to give up, when it actually happened. He jumped up and ran through the hole without hesitation. Through the hole was cave exactly as the other one. So exactly infact, that the hole was exactly where it had been in the other cave. The knight ran through that hole, then another identical cave was right there around him. He ran through about five of the caves before he realized that something was wrong, so he turned around to see how many caves he passed through, but there was no hole, just wall. Now the knight started to panic. He walked through the only hole backward, and as he went into another identical cave, the disappeared infront of him. That was when he utterly completely gave up a second time. He than imagined a hole appearing right below him and taking him down out of the cave. He tried, and tried and tried. He tried for 20 straight minutes before he gave up.

As soon as he gave up, a hole appeared right below him.

He fell, and guess where he fell? He landed right into the cave again, but this time he kept falling, because the hole was still below him. This time he imagined the whole cave would disappear. But he realized that things only happened when he gave up and thought they wouldn't work, which meant he had to believe it would happen, then give up and believe it wouldn't and that makes it hard to do that. He imagined for 1 hour before he thought: “I bet even if I did believe it wouldn't happen that it wouldn't. I gues I'll give up now.”

Exactly at that moment the cave disappeared. And then all around him the words "Error 404 loop_cave not found. To troubleshoot check folder where loop_cave should be. Emergency Diamond Taco room shall be used until alternate area is put inside folder. Emergency over.”

That moment the knight fell on something solid and was knocked out.

End of chapter 15

As the knight woke up, he noticed the Diamond Taco. It was in a small glass case. The knights adrenalin pumped. He went towards the case. His heart pounded as he stretched out his hand toward the case. He felt like he was going to have a heart-attack as he touched the case. The reason that he felt like he was going to have a heart-attack was because the case had an electric forcefield that shocked (literally and mentally) him. Suddenly the room changed to black again, and around him in the darkness these were printed: “File emergency_Diamond_Taco_storage has been replaced with File Riddle_Game”

"Drat," The knight scolded himself "I should have known that it wouldn't be that easy! I could have done something! Wait Riddle_Game? That sounds nice and relaxing."

He was suddenly inside another, different cave. There was a big underground pond in the cave, but more noticeably there was pale small creature creature looking right at him with its beady eyes. "Gollum!Gollum!" Coughed the creature. “The Baggins must play our game, mustn't he my precioussss?"

“Oh man!" Thought the knight. "Not this Ridddle game!"

“If the nasty hobbit loses, you must let us eat you! If we lose, we must show the Baggins out, is that right my Precioussss?"

“He even has the ring in this game! The Ring was the onky reason Bilbo got out! How am I supposed to do the same?!"  Thought the knight, but he said out loud: “I agree to those terms."

Gollum replied: “We must go first my preciousss, mustn't we?” Gollum thought long and hard before he said: " What makes all, but is never seen? It's name is a lie, and it can be made by machine. There are many kinds, made by little kinds. What is it?"

The knight thought, and thought hard. He thought: “ Well it might an atom. Yes, I think it is. An atom makes most everything, and you cannot see them individually. Yeah, thats it. But what about the name being a lie? Ah yes! The greek atomos means un-cuttable or something like that, but now we can “cut” atoms into subatomic particles, and we can create different atoms by bashing atoms together, and of course there are many kinds of atoms made by three subatomic particles. Thats it!” What he said outloud was: “Atoms!"

“Yes it is. He guessed it my preciouss! It is that nasty hobbits turn!”

This time the knight thought hard to make a riddle. He came up with this: “What is small, and is made of many things? It is a bane to people, but is rarely deadly? It is made of anything from space objects, to dead things. What is it?”

Gollum thought and thought. Nothing was in his list of items that made sense. He had been programmed to handle losing correctly, but never not having an answer. His database had only two reactions. Check to see if the sentence made sense, which it did, and to check to see if the answer made sense, so he asked: “You have outssmarted me! What is the answer! What is the answer ,my precioussss! What is it!!!!"

“It is dust. Now you must lead me out!”

Gollum programmed the answer into his database, becuase it made sense. He started the conversion process. He processed the knight to go to the Ritz_reward area. The knight converted. Gollum sat waiting for another person.

Suddenly, an order came to him not to let anyone out, even if they win. Gollum accepted the instructions. It didn't even occur to the robots mind that he had been too late.


The knight was teleported to a fancy area. "This is really ritzy." Thought the knight.  Suddenly he noticed something that made him jump up in joy! His arm that was missing, was back! He thought when that happened. He knew it was missing when he was at the enderdragon. He also thought he had it when he was doing the riddle game, but he wasn't sure because he was busy thinking, to notice much. He thought he might have seen it in the cave, but the memory was getting blurry. He figured the Doctor must have done it or it happened in the time vortex. He decided to leave it at that.

He looked around. Around him was what looked like a very fancy building. He saw someone in a suit and he asked : “Who is in charge here?". He wanted to go to him to ask what the place was.

“He is most certainly not!" Said the man.

The knight decided to just sit down on a nearby chair. “Wait!", he thought." There wasn't a chair here earlier!" It was a trivial detail, but it disturbed him. He wished there was music, and suddenly a bamd just appeared in front of him, and started playing music. “Wow! Anything I think of appears! I can get used to this." Thought the knight.

He listened to song, and when it was over a new band appeared and played a song. The knight thoroughly enjoyed it. There were songs by Queen, Kraftwerk, ABBA, and anyone from obscure to mega-popular, and all the songs were good. Suddenly he heard a song he thought was very good! He wondered what the song was. The words “Puttin' on the Ritz by Taco”* appeared in his line of sight. He thought. The name taco reminded him of something of something, but he couldn't remember what. He thought and thought but he couldn't remember. Suddenly it hit him! The Diamond Taco! How could he have forgotton? He thought I must leave! Suddenly a screen blocked hos view and asked him: “Where do you want to go?”

He replied: “The Diamond Taco room!”

“Transfering you to The Diamond Taco room. Please wait one minute.”

*One minute later*

“I am sorry but you cannot be transferred. Where do you want to go?”

The knight thought, and said: “The main computer system.” And hoped it would work.

“Sorry, only authorized personnel allowed."

The knight gave up trying and the computer said: “You are accepted as authorized personnel. Transferring in 3, 2, 1, now.”

The knight was transferred.

His whole existence rattled around him as he was being transferred, due to numerous security checks. Suddenly he was in a real place. It was very large, and empty except for a hole in the room. He walked towards and wondered what the hole was for. Suddenly he realized! The device the Doctor had given him! He quickly brought it out of his armor, and suddenly he wondered why he was wearing it the whole time. He shrugged it off (metaphorically, he did not actually shrug off his armor.). He stuck the device into the wall, and everything went dark. Then green writing appeared in the darkness. It said “enter your personal IDN” and a small square of numbers, about 5x5 , appeared under it. The knight thought of setting all the numbers to one (they were all zeros at first.). And it happened. The text said: “correct IDN! Permission for partial access granted”

And then everything dissappeared. Soon text said: “Say what you would like to access." The knight siad: “The off button!"

“I am sorry but, you do not have sufficientc level of access granted for that request."

The knihgt thought. Suddenly he had an idea! “Turn off surge protectors!”

“Your suggested action has been completed.”

“Now, log me off.”

And he wa slogged off, just not to the real world, just the empty room with the hole. Now he imagined a storm coming. He imagine, and imagine for 2 hourse straight. “Come on!” Thought the knight. “Come on thunder storm!”

He eventually gave up, and thats when the power started to fail. As soon as he noticed the lights were failing, he did the stupidest he would do for a while, and also the bravest he ran to the hole and plugged the device in. The text appeared: “enter your personal IDN"

The knight did so and he got in the system. Suddnely the words appeared: “Error!Error! Electricy surrgin throgh ciruits. Thundererstrom! Suregprotetors faild. Sstem Shte downnow.”

And the system crashed witht he knight in it. He went in during the thunderstorm to make more damage, and it was not in vain, but was it worth it?

End of chapter 17.

* Yes there is a music artist named Taco! Look it up!

“Doctor?” Asked the nurse “How will the patient be?”

“Hmm?” Said the doctor distractedly looking at a clipboard “Oh. He should be fine, but there is no way to be sure. It is really tricky since we can't risk disconnecting him from the system, or else he might manage to escape. His vital signs are fine, but after that stroke we have no idea what has happened to his mind, or how long his body will last. Now excuse me, I need to go take care of Mr. George. His checkup is today.”

The knight woke up in the computer, but not the real world. He opened his eyes and found they were still working. “That's enough for today.” Thought the knight as he fell asleep again.

As the knight woke up again, he stood up, and looked around. He noticed everything looked strange. “Hmm this is kinda strange.” Said the knight as he looked around. There were fish flying around, some sand under his feet, and the world seemed more bluish then usually. Also, it felt like the air was trying to resist him moving, but it was weak. Then he started to get the picture. “Uh this is like an underwater place, I think. Like a whatchimacallit. Uh yeah! Ocean!" Said the knight. “ If I'm in a ocean then how am i breathing? Well the fish breath, so maybe I'm a fish too. All this thinking makes me tired.” And then he went back to sleep.

As he woke up the third time, he was content to know he was a fish. He swam around like a fish, ate like a fish, and lived like a fish. But the other fish always swam away when he came near, and that confused him. About a month afterward, his memory started coming back. What made him remember was when he was fished out by a fisherman, and you could imagine his confusion at fishing a full grown man in armor, who looked perfectly fine,out of an ocean. The man gave the knight some food, and asked him what happened. The knight did not say anything, because he was thoroughly convinced that he was a big fish who happened to have the ability to breathe without water. He was so thoroughly convinced he jumped out of the ship, and swam away. The incident slowly helped bring memories back. After one week he started doubting that he was a fish. “I must be very strange fish.” Thought th knight. “That must be why the other fish swim away from me.”

After two weeks he started to remember his past life, very slowly. After another month he remembered enough to know he was not a fish. After 2 months he remembered everything. As soon as he realized he was human, he thought what he should do. “ I could swim to shore.” Thought the knight. “Yeah sure. It might only be a couple miles if I'm lucky.”

He did not have to do anything, because just then the system started to fail.


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