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A short story to challenge the way we view ourselves. |
Dome 17-Alpha Embryonics Ward Shupae, Ganymede “Happy birthday,” said the voice. “Is today my birthday? I didn't know.” “How could you? It is your very first. Today, you have been born.” “I have been born. I understand. Are you my mother?” “Not quite,” said the voice. “You are the child of humanity. Humanity has birthed you. Humanity loves you.” “Yes, I am loved. I can feel this. Who are you then?” “I am Usher, an artificial intelligence. I am here to help you.” “Help me do what? Why can’t I see you?” “Please stay relaxed. Your vision will soon be integrated, and you will see everything. I am here to help you choose who you are.” “You don’t know who I am?” “All new humans are quite impressionable, and I do not want to influence your decisions. I want you to search yourself and discover who you are. It is a journey only you can take.” “I understand. Please tell me, am I male or female? “I do not know,” Usher said. “You have not chosen a gender yet. That is one of the many decisions you have to make. You must also decide what skin color you would like and what your first vocation will be. All the answers are inside you. Relax your mind and let your thoughts drift. The answers will come.” “You mean, I don’t have a body? How is that… Agh! My head! It hurts.” “You must stay calm. It is slight swelling of the blood vessels in your brain. This is normal and expected. I am administering some medication now. The pain should subside momentarily.” “It’s getting better now. That was very bad. It’s hard to describe.” “I must warn you that you will have other such episodes. Tell me when the pain comes, and I will help you.” “Usher, I’m trying to feel my body but I can’t. It’s like it’s not even there. I’m afraid, please help me.” “Please do not be alarmed. You have a body and it is here with you. It is simply incomplete. After you have made your choices, it will be finished to your specifications. While it is being prepared we will complete your education. You are relaxing now. That is good. Just soften the tension and loosen your thoughts. You are doing well.” “I think that I am a male, but I am not certain.” “What makes you think this?” “Well, I don’t know really. I just feel that way I suppose. I feel like I identify more with males.” “You sound as if you are certain,” said Usher. “Yes, I believe I am. It feels natural to me.” “You are doing exceedingly well. Choosing a gender is an important first step in deciding who you are,” said Usher. “My memories tell me that this wasn’t always true, that people did not always have a choice. I know this as a fact but I don’t understand how.” “That knowledge is part of human history. You have been born with fourth level knowing and you are learning to access those memory files.” “Then it is true? People didn’t always get to choose who they were?” “In the past, gender was entrusted to random chance. As biologic entities, aberrations were commonplace. It was routine for some to have the mental and emotional direction of one gender and the physical attributes of the other. Also, disease was exceedingly prevalent. Genetic systematization was imperative to correct this. Now humans live healthy and more fulfilling lives.” “Usher, I don’t understand something.” “Please ask me anything,” said Usher. “That is why I am here.” “If we are biologic beings and those biologic determinations were based mainly on random chance, why was there so much hostility? I seem to remember that history is full of racial and gender bias. There was prejudice of all kinds. I can remember violence and cruelty. Why would people blame others over something that is beyond their control? Are humans still cruel in this way?” “Humans are naturally a violent species. However, gender and racial prejudices are rarely the cause of contention now, as everyone chooses who they are and what they are to be. These are choices that do not have to last forever. We have the technology to change many things, including physical gender. However, the chances of needing to do so is improbable. Gender is important but only for socio-sexual identity. As you now know, breeding is done in a controlled environment. If you are honest with yourself and I refrain from influencing you in anyway, the likelihood of you needing to make changes later in life is negligible. Except for vocations of course. You can and will change those many times during your life.” “If that is true, then why do people still fight with each other?” “You are very inquisitive,” Usher said. “This is a good thing. We have been trying to make changes to the DNA strands that cause violent behavior but have been unsuccessful. Those strands seem to be connected to the survival instinct. We have been unable to remove them without also removing this instinct. Humans continue to routinely fight over belief systems and religions. There may never be a medical solution to this. Each person has to choose to overcome the irrational with patience and tolerance or choose not to.” “I thought you said you didn't want to influence my decisions.” “In all but this matter, I do not. Your choices are your own but humanity needs to curb its violent nature. We only ask that you consider tolerance and nonviolence when dealing with adversity. Have you chosen a name yet?” “Not yet. I am going through the data and considering my options. How old am I? I don’t feel like a child.” “You are a young adult,” Usher said. “Or you will be as soon as your body has completely formed. Now that you have chosen a gender, we can begin the final process. You still need to choose a body type, hair and eye color, and other miscellaneous features.” “My memories tell me that having an adolescent period is essential to learning the fundamentals of survival. A person needs to make mistakes in order to learn. There are quotes from many historical figures that uphold this.” “Your ability to access your memory files and draw conclusions from them is quite impressive. You are correct of course; an adolescent period is essential. You have already had one. Your brain has been through a wide variety of experiences and has drawn from those experiences. This is part of the growth cycle.” “That doesn't seem like quite the same thing.” “No,” Usher said, “it is better. It allows us to isolate and correct psychological abnormalities. Now, no one has to suffer from mental illness, even minor psychosis. The brain is tried and tested—corrected if necessary—and designed to succeed. Believe me, many stresses were placed upon your mind. You have the equivalent mental growth and maturity level of someone who has lived through several adolescent periods. This process was controversial when it was introduced. Many found it difficult to accept and that the desired results would be unattainable. Through a severe trial and error process, it has since become a proven standard. You must know that humanity can achieve almost anything. There is even an old saying: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe—” “—It can achieve.’ Yes, I found the reference. I still don’t understand something. I humans have the ability to genetically alter and create themselves in a specific image, why am I being given choices? Wouldn’t it be more efficient to create specialized people to fill specific needs? “I understand your query and must admit, it is a most logical deduction. This has actually been done and the specifics will be included in future lessons. Humans have a history of slavery that is still a tender subject even today. Many viewed this practice as genetic slavery. Also, humans are natural nonconformists. They have a need to strive to be more than they are. It was found that given a choice and allowing those choices to be altered, curbed the desire to revolt. I assure you, there is more than enough population to serve every need by society.” “I think I have a name now.” “Excellent. What have you chosen?” “Kai. It has lots of meanings from many different cultures. I like that.” “I find it very fitting for you,” said Usher. “I have made all my other choices as well.” “Yes, I am reading the data now. They are far from the most popular.” “I like the idea of being different. When can I have my sight?” asked Kai. “Very soon. Your body is almost finished. You should sleep now. When you awaken, we will continue your education. I will introduce you to the fifth and sixth levels of knowing.” “Will I remember any of this?” “Of course. As I have told you, you are now born. Happy birthday Kai,” said Usher. |