Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2017734-Denial
Rated: GC · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2017734
Jenn resists her vampire nature, but the thrill of the hunt fuels her instincts
Jenn awoke in a king sized bed in the palace she had been staying in for the past few days. She shifted stiffly, feeling the black satin sheets caress her naked skin. Her muscles protested as she slowly pushed herself into an upright position. She felt like she slept on a hard surface all night. That brought back memories from the night before.

She woke on an altar; being orally pleasured by four vampires, bitten and drained to the brink of death, and fed from the veins of each of her assailants. Matthew Solomon, their host, climbed on top of her and… oh god.

Jenn snapped out of the memory at that. A nightmare, she assured herself. It was just another nightmare. She jumped, and squeaked when a body shifted beside her. She turned her head, and found herself looking into the dark red eyes of her host.

“Good evening, dearest.” He gripped her waist, and leaned in to kiss her.

“Don’t call me that.” She flinched away as his lips touched her shoulder.

“You are cranky when you wake up,” Matthew chuckled. He pulled her back against him, grinding his hardened shaft against her. “Perhaps, I can make you smile.”

Jenn squirmed away from him, and nearly fell out of the bed. Her newly developed reflexes allowed her to land on her feet. Matthew slowly slid out of the bed, and moved to join her in front of the mirror. His arms snaked around her waist, and held her in place when she tried to squirm away.

“Where do you think you are going?” he inquired softly in her ear. His hands slid up her body, and cupped her breasts. “You make a lovely vampire, dearest.”

“What?” Jenn gasped as his lips pressed soft kisses to her neck. “What are you talking about?”

“You do not remember last night?” he whispered. “How we fed on you, then fed you our blood, and then how you and I became one.”

Jenn closed her eyes as flashes of the night before flooded her memory. Her thighs clenched and her sex soaked itself. Her nipples stiffened as his thumbs caressed them. One of his hands slid down her smooth stomach, and probed between her thighs. Two fingers slid inside her, and she groaned in pleasure.

“I will never give myself to you,” she hissed, and pulled his hands away from her.

“Never say never dearest,” Matthew released her, and moved to the bedroom door. He opened it allowing Lucinda to enter. “Ah, you brought breakfast.”

Lucinda ushered in a young man who looked to be in his early twenties. He wore a black tank-top, black leather pants, combat boots, bracelets with spikes on them, and a matching dog collar. His hair was done in purple spikes. His ears were pierced multiple times, and he had piercings in his lip, eye brows, nose, and tongue. Jenn saw the piercing in his tongue as he ran it over his lips. Lucinda gripped him from behind by his biceps, and whispered something in his ear. When she released him he moved to Jenn, and knelt in front of her. He pressed a kiss to the smooth apex between her thighs. Jenn rested her hand on his head, and stepped back. He looked back at Lucinda curiously.

“What is this?” Jenn inquired.

“Your breakfast,” Lucinda explained. “He is here to serve you, and then sate your thirst.”

“What? No, I can’t do that!” Jenn protested. She backed away as the young man crawled toward her. “Stop!”

He froze mid crawl, and looked back at Lucinda. Matthew folded his arms, and let out a sigh of irritation. Lucinda moved to stand behind the young human.

“Jenn, you have to eat,” Lucinda explained patiently. “This is what we eat.”

Jenn watched in disgust as the youth rubbed his face against Lucinda like a cat looking for affection.

“David had a bit of trouble with it at first too,” Lucinda assured her. “He got over it. Once he tasted the sweet blood of the virgin I brought him. Her name was Jenn too.”

“I won’t do this,” Jenn protested, backing away. She backed right into Matthew. He gripped her arms firmly. “Let me go!”

“You will drink his blood,” Matthew growled. “We do not waste food in this house.”

The boy stood, and walked to her again. When he got close she caught a whiff of his blood. Her mouth began to water, and her fangs protruded from behind her teeth. The boy wrapped his arms around her, and pressed her mouth to the side of his neck. He caressed her hair, and licked her ear.

“It’s ok,” he whispered. “Eat me, I want you to.”

“You heard him,” Matthew stated. “He wants it.”

“I…” Jenn began. Her tongue flicked out over the boy’s neck. He tastes so good, she thought. “What’s your name?”

“Jesse,” he answered.

“What does that matter?” Matthew demanded. “Just eat him!”

“Do you know where you are, Jesse?” Jenn asked. She felt him look up at Matthew. She pushed him away, and stepped aside. “He’s here because you two are compelling him to be here.”

“If we did not he would not come,” Lucinda explained. “No, one will miss him.”

“So that makes it ok?” Jenn demanded. “Get out! Both of you, and take him with you!”

Jenn turned her back on all of them, and moved to the opposite side of the bed. She sat on the bed with her back to them. Lucinda looked at Matthew who motioned for her to leave. When she and Jesse were gone he crawled over the bed to where Jenn sat. He gripped her under her chin forcing her to look up at him.

“You are a very stubborn child,” he said softly. “If you do not eat soon you will wither away, and die. Is that what you want?”

“I’d rather die than be what you made me,” Jenn spat.

“That would make David very sad,” Matthew whispered. “I will send him in to speak with you. Perhaps he can help you see reason.”

Matthew released her, and left the room. She tried opening the door to leave, but found it locked from the outside. She moved to the wardrobe, and pulled out a silk robe. Once she was sufficiently covered she laid on the bed, and let the tears come. She found that as a vampire she cried tears of blood. Good, she thought, maybe I’ll cry myself to death. A knock at her door roused her from her despair.

“Go away!” she wailed.

“Jenn, it’s David,” a gentle male voice called through the door. “May I come in?”

When she did not answer he opened the door, and entered the room. He crawled onto the bed, and curled up beside her, draping an arm over her side. She did not turn to face him, but she did not curl away from him.

“Matthew said you refuse to eat,” David whispered. “I don’t blame you. I didn’t want to eat my first human. I just closed my eyes, and did it. We are vampires now. Drinking blood, and fucking is what we do.”

“I didn’t want this,” Jenn whimpered. “You helped them do this to me.”

“I’m not sorry that you are a vampire,” David whispered. “I’m sorry it happened the way it did. I wanted to be the one to do it, and you would have enjoyed it. I openly objected to the ritual, but Matthew, Lucinda, and Justine out rank me. Daniel would have bitten you earlier that day if I had not stopped him.”

“And where do I fall in this ranking?” Jenn asked.

“Below me, but above Daniel,” David explained. “It’s an age thing.”

“I see,” Jenn turned onto her back, and looked up at him. “I don’t know if I can do this. I can’t kill a human.”

“Think of it this way.” David propped himself up on his elbow to look down at her. “There are millions of people in the world. There are only six of us. So, if we each only eat one vampire a night there will still be plenty of humans to keep the world going. Also as we get older we won’t need to drain them dry. We’re in this together.”

“I thought I was Matthew’s mate,” Jenn argued.

“Matthew doesn’t seem to stick to one mate.” David observed. “Are you ready to drink now?”

“I don’t want to drink from a human,” Jenn agrued.

“You don’t have to,” he offered her his wrist. “I drank enough for both of us.”

“You would have had to drink Jesse,” Jenn gasped.

“Yes,” David nodded. “I’m sorry sweetie, but his life was forfeit as soon as he walked through the doors of this palace. Just like ours.”

“I hate this,” Jenn whimpered. “I don’t want to be a part of this.”

David could not stop himself from licking the red tears that rolled down her cheeks. She met his mouth with hers, and their tongues entwined. They moaned as he rolled her underneath him. He untied the robe, and spread it open to reveal her naked body. It was then that she realized he was naked. His crown notched in the cleft of her sex.

“David, I’m hungry,” Jenn whispered.

“I know,” he slid his inhumanly long cock inside her. He began to slide in and out of her. “I’ll feed you until you’re strong enough to drink from humans without killing them.”

“I’ll never feed from a human,” Jenn swore as he moved inside her building her orgasm.

“Never… say… never…” David breathed between moans. He groaned as she sank her fangs into him. “Oh, that feels so good.”

As soon as his blood filled her mouth she began to drink ravenously from him. He began thrusting harder and faster as she sucked on his neck. When she finally released him, and licked his wound closed he lifted her legs, and drove deep inside her. She howled as he brought her to multiple orgasms. One final thrust found him buried deep inside her as his warm semen filled her. When he pulled out a trickle ran from her pussy to her anus. He leaned down, and licked it up. He continued to lick when she cooed in pleasure. A knock at the door interrupted their ecstasy.

“Come in!” David called, kneeling between her legs.

The door opened, and Matthew entered. He took in the sight before him, and then jerked his head toward the door. David reluctantly climbed off the bed, and left the bedroom. Jenn wrapped the robe around her as Matthew sat on the bed.

“I see you fed from him,” Matthew observed. “It has been brought to my attention that I might have handled this badly.”

Jenn looked up at him. He lay on the bed beside her, but did not attempt to touch her. He wore a pair of blue jeans that hugged him a bit too tight.

“I thought if we turned you as a group it would be easier than me trying to seduce you,” Matthew explained. “It has been at least two hundred years since I seduced a woman. I am a bit rusty.”

“David said he wanted to turn me,” Jenn informed him. “He wanted to romance me.”

“Yes, well, he is quite the romantic,” Matthew admitted. “Maybe I’ll take some lessons from him, and then use what I’ve learned to win you back.”

“I don’t see that happening,” Jenn could not help but smile.

When Matthew wasn’t trying to eat her he was quite charming. She moved from the bed, and opened the wardrobe again. Matthew moved up behind her, and reached into the wardrobe. He pulled out a slinky black dress, and held it up in front of her.

“You will look mouthwatering in this one,” he whispered in her ear. “Allow me to dress you? I’ll behave myself I promise.”

Jenn turned to face him, and he untied the sash of her robe. She slid the robe off, and allowed him to put the slinky black dress on her. He slid his fingers up her pale, creamy, skin as he zipped the dress.

“Perfect,” he murmured in her ear, and pressed a light kiss to her cheek. “Now, why don’t you go show the others while I change?”

Jenn left the room, and went to find the others. She found them sitting in the drawing room where they had first met. Daniel and David stood as she entered. They were both dressed in evening suits. Justine and Lucinda were dressed in slinky dresses that were red and gold. David moved to Jenn, and led her to one of the couches. He poured her wine, and sat with her while they drank. Matthew entered the room wearing a business suit that matched David’s.

“Well, now that we are all here,” Matthew began. “What do say we go on a hunt?”

“Hunt?” Jenn inquired. “We already ate tonight.”

“That was breakfast,” Lucinda smiled. “We still have lunch and dinner to work in before the sun rises.”

“Oh come on Jenn,” Daniel smiled hopefully. “It will be fun.”

“If you are truly that averse to killing, one of us can stay with you at all times.” Matthew offered. “I will make sure you do not kill your prey, and I will even erase their memory afterwards.”

“The four of us can hunt together,” Lucinda offered. “I was not a big fan of killing when I first awoke either.”

“You’re all too sentimental about this,” Daniel laughed. “They’re our food. They don’t get upset when a cow has to die to feed them.”

“Some of them do,” Jenn argued. She found a new respect for vegetarians in that moment. “I’ll give this a try, but I won’t make any promises that I’ll like it.”

“Trust me, dearest,” Matthew smiled his charming smile. “Once you sink your teeth into one of them you will not want to let go.”

“Perhaps we should dress in something more appropriate for hunting?” Justine suggested. “Evening wear is not exactly something you go tromping through the woods in.”

“Good point,” Matthew agreed. “We will change, and then meet back here in half an hour.”

They retired back to their rooms to change. Matthew dawned his blue jeans, and a black t-shirt. He helped Jenn pick out something that would hold up against the elements, but could still be considered alluring. He dressed her in a pair of hip hugger jeans, and a black tank-top that offered a tempting amount of cleavage. She protested feebly as he licked between her lush, round breasts.

“Sorry, dearest,” he looked into her red eyes. “I just can not resist such lovely breasts.”

“I thought you weren’t going to call me that,” Jenn countered.

“You objected,” Matthew agreed. “but I think deep down you like it. You smile every time I say it, dearest.”

The corners of Jenn’s mouth turned up in a smile. She never noticed that before. She made an effort to clear her features, but Matthew stroked her cheek to elicit the smile. He leaned in, and pressed a kiss to each of her dimples.

“Now, dearest, let’s introduce you to the thrill of the hunt.”

He led her to the entrance hall where the others were waiting. David wore a pair of jeans, and black t-shirt like Matthew’s. Daniel was dressed in Jesse’s clothes. Jenn winced at the sight imagining what happened to Jesse. Lucinda and Justine were dressed in skin tight leather suits that lifted their breasts high. The suits were cinched so tight that the veins in their breasts stood out against their pale skin. Jenn caught herself wondering what she would look like in such a get-up, and winced at the thought.

As if he were able to read her mind Matthew looked at David, and asked, “Don’t you think our little darling would look quite tasty in Lucinda and Justine’s outfit?”

David eyed Jenn imagining her cinched up in the leather corset the other two women wore. His cock hardened at the idea of tearing it off of her. He caught himself delving into Matthew’s thoughts only to discover that the older vampire was thinking the same thing. Despite their differences in some aspects they were the same in others. That made David uncomfortable, and intrigued.

“Perhaps we should split up,” Lucinda suggested. “Justine, Daniel, and I will hunt iin the east side of the forest, and you three can hunt in the west.”

“I think that is a fabulous idea,” Matthew agreed.

They separated into groups of three, and entered their designated sides of the forest. Matthew halted them when they were inside the tree line. He inhaled deeply, and picked up on the scent of fire, food, and booze. He took off at a run that caused a stream of air to rustle the trees. David took Jenn’s hand, and took off after Matthew. Jenn’s adrenaline rushed as the tore through the forest dodging trees just as they were about to hit them. David came to a sudden stop, and halted Jenn before she slammed into him. They were still too far deep in the forest for human eyes but their enhanced vision could see the humans laughing, eating, and drinking around the camp fire. The smell of hot dogs, marshmallows, and beer permeated their nostrils. Jenn inhaled a bit deeper and sighed in appreciation of the sweet metallic smell of blood. A small voice brought her out of her revelry.

“Mommy!” The small voice exclaimed. Jenn’s eyes snapped open to see a small child pulling at the sleeve of one of the adults. She watched as the woman turned, and began wiping a sticky mixture of marshmallow, and dirt from the little one’s face. Jenn reached out, and gripped Matthew’s arm. “No children.”

“Fair enough,” Matthew nodded.
He led them away from the family camping trip and deeper into the forest. He inhaled and caught the scent of fire mixed with drugs, sex, and alcohol. He led them to another camp fire that was surrounded by young adults who were laughing as some of their cohorts attempted to drink from one of the young women’s navels.

“Is this more paletable for you?” Matthew inquired.

“Yes, thank you,” Jenn answered. She wondered if she had truly spared that family considering Justine, Lucinda, and Daniel were still out there. The thought of that made her want to wretch, but her stomach was empty.

“Don’t worry, dearest,” Matthew rubbed her shoulder reassuringly. “Most vampires do not have a taste for children, and those who do are pariahs among us.”

“Good to know.” Jenn whispered.

They watched as a young man in blue jeans and a tank-top put his arms around to young women in short sundresses, and guided them into the forest away from the rest of the group. Jenn felt her loins clench as both Matthew and David ran their tongue over their protruding fangs. Matthew led them to where their prey had stopped. They were so deep in the forest that the camp fire was out of sight, and the loud laughter was lost on the wind. Dumb little idiots, Jenn thought as she watched the young man fondle each of his companions.

“Aaron,” one of the young women wined. “I can’t see the fire from here.”

“Relax, Dana,” the young man soothed. “I’m a hunter. I know my way through the woods.”

Matthew let out a soft snort at Aaron’s bluster. Jenn looked up at him to see the moon light glimmer on his fangs. She could not help the small chuckled that shook her body. Both Matthew and David pressed against her to muffle her sound.

“Oops, sorry,” Jenn whispered.

“What was that?” The young woman Dana asked.

“The wind,” Aaron assured her as he tried to rub his face in her breasts. “Come on Dana, you said you’d do this with us.”

“I know,” Dana agreed, “but it’s really creepy out here, and I don’t like that I can’t see the fire.”

“Don’t be such a baby, Dana,” the other girl chided. “Now, are we gonna do this or what?”

“Not me,” Dana pulled away from her group. “I’m out of here.”
The three vampires watched as Dana wondered off into the woods in the opposite direction of the fire. David looked at Matthew who nodded his ascent, and with that David took off after Dana.

“One down,” Jenn whispered. She put a hand over her mouth in shock at how apathetic she sounded. A familiar sucking sound drew her attention back to the other two humans. The other woman was on her knees in front of Aaron moving her head in a specific way that signified oral sex. “They’re not even going to go after her.”

“Nope,” Matthew agreed. He seemed amused at the thought. “They’re too busy satisfying their lust to care.”

Jenn watched as the woman continued to pleasure her partner. She felt her own sex moisten at the sight. He mouth watered at the thought of his flesh in her mouth. She caught herself licking her own fangs at the thought of burying them deep in the young man’s throat. Matthew cupped her breasts from behind, and brushed his lips over her ear.

“Do you want him?” He whispered.

“Yes,” Jenn breathed in an almost in audible whisper. She let out a moan as Matthew’s fingers pinched her nipples.

The woman on her knees pulled her mouth off of her partners cock, and glanced around frantically. Her partner tried to guide himself back into her mouth, but she pulled away.

“Oh Christ, not you to Stacy,” Aaron grumbled. His hand was stroking his erection in frustration. “It’s probably just animals fucking.”

“Mmm, do you hear that, dearest?” Matthew whispered just low enough so only Jenn could hear. “He thinks we’re fucking.”

“He’s never heard fucking obviously,” Jenn laughed. “Uh oh, looks like Stacy’s not in the mood to play anymore.”

Sure enough the other woman was on her feet and stalking off into the woods.

“Mine,” Matthew breathed. “You can take care of the pour abandoned boy.”

With that he was off after Stacy. The young man looked around nervously. He truly had not been paying attention to where he was going. What a dumb ass, Jenn thought. She was about to leave when the beast inside her clawed its way to the surface; eat him. No, Jenn argued with it, never. Matthew and David’s words echoed in her mind. Never say never; we are the human’s natural predator. With that thought in mind Jenn emerged from her hiding place.

Aaron turned to face what joined him in the clearing. His eyes took in a pale, tiny woman, with large breasts that were nearly falling out of her top. He covered his cock, and attempted to tuck it back in his pants.

“Hi there,” Jenn breathed. She offered him a seductive smile, and swayed her hips as she moved toward him. “Are you lost?”

“I…” he began, but his mouth dried up. This was new for him. Women didn’t usually render him speechless. Usually it was the other way around. He watched as she approached, and drew in a sharp breath as she pressed against him.

“Aaron, right?” Jenn smiled up at his surprised face. “That’s what the other two girls called you?”


Aaron couldn’t take his eyes from her breasts. He smiled when she took is hands, and placed them on her braless orbs. While he fondled her breasts she reached out to David and Matthew. David was on his knees between Dana’s legs licking and sucking her tender flesh. Jenn could taste Dana in his mouth. Dana was moaning with pleasure, but insisting that she was not the kind of girl to let a stranger go down on her. He didn’t use compulsion, Jenn realized.

Matthew on the other hand was already buried deep inside Stacy. He had torn her dress to shreds, and she was wailing like an animal in heat. Jenn could feel him driving into her wet folds. Her own sex clenched around an invisible shaft.

“Fuck me!” Jenn demanded.

“Really?” Aaron inquired. “Right here and now?”


She tore at his pants, and boxers exposing his erection. She took him in her hands, and massaged him until his pre-cum covered her hands. She tore the tank-top open and buried his face in her breasts. While he was pre-occupied she ripped open the crotch of her blue jeans using her vampire strength. She backed him against a tree and literally jumped him, taking him inside her. She reached out to David and Matthew again to see where they were in their progress. David was now buried inside of a screaming Dana. She was bucking against him begging him to keep going. Jenn felt her hips bucking against Aaron eliciting cries of pleasure from both of them. David pushed one last time into Dana, and sank his fangs into her neck. Dana cried out, but soon went limp under him. Her sex continued to convulse as he drank deep from her. Jenn could taste the sweetness in Dana’s blood. She began to lick Aaron’s neck.

Matthew sank his fangs into Stacy while she lay panting beneath him. She whimpered, but did not try to escape. He thrust inside her as he fed. Jenn tasted the sweetness of Stacy’s blood as well. She began to bite Aaron with her human teeth while continuing to grind him hard against the tree.

“I’m gonna cum,” Aaron gasped.

“Go ahead,” Jenn urged. She was enjoying dominating the human so much that she almost didn’t want to feed on him. She sensed that David and Matthew had kiiled their prey, and were now making their way back to her. She hoped they would arrive before she ravaged Aaron’s neck.

Matthew and David arrived to find Jenn still riding Aaron at a pretty fast gallop. If the tree had not been behind him he’d probably be on the ground.

“Have you fed yet?” Matthew inquired over Aaron’s cries of pleasure.

“Not yet,” Jenn answered. “I want to keep him.”

“As a mate?” David inquired.

“No,” Jenn laughed. “As a pet.”

“An interesting notion,” Matthew chuckled. He moved to stand beside Jenn and Aaron. “If you feed on him without killing him you may keep him.”

Jenn leaned down, and sank her fangs into Aaron’s neck. He shrieked and tried to push her away, but she held fast to him. Matthew rested two fingers on Aaron’s pulse. He smiled as Jenn groaned with pleasure at the taste of blood pouring down her throat. Aaron’s knees gave way and he slid down the tree landing on his bare ass. Matthew rested his free hand on Jenn’s head.

“If you want to keep him, dearest, you’ll need to stop now,” he warned.

Jenn ignored his warning, and continued to drink. She sucked Aaron dry, and pulled her fangs out. She looked up at Matthew, and licked her blood smeared lips. Matthew helped her to her feet, and they made their way back to the castle.

Both David and Matthew shared Jenn’s bed that night.

Word Count: 4,550
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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