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Rated: 13+ · Documentary · Religious · #2017636
I know its true, because the Bible says so ?
      Another dull day and horny waking dream. Doron yawns,
      "Where's my speed stick?" His first wife hands him the stick.
      Rachael is a slender girl of 16 and a faithful wife. She is joined
      by Ester a good sturdy girl. Ester is 12 . Doron is an Orthordox
      Maccabean. He has three wives. He believes in the Old Testament.
      Doron beckons for his new wife Elaina. She is a Russian Jew.
      "Elaina. Fluff me up." Doron smiles as she slips off her simple dress.
      She is as pale as ivory. "No-no. Leave the blue stockings on."
      It is a cool November morning and she is wearing her blue wool
      stockings that reach up to her inner thighs. Doron gives a toothy smile
      as Rachael takes off her simple dress. Rachael's copper skin contrasts
      Elaina's porcelain body as Rachael runs her hands over Elaina's belly and
      breasts. The two wives lay down on either side of their husband.

      Doron is a vigorous man of 13. He has had his bar mitzvah.
      His father has selected these wives for him from the market of women.
      Ester giggles and jumps in the bed. Doron has named
      her his sweet pea, because her breasts are so small. Rachael shews
      Ester back from Doron, They know not to rush or there will not be enough
      milk. Ester waits patiently at the foot of the bed that is a matress
      of sheep skin. Leviticus states that a girl is a women upon her first
      menstruation. Ester was sold to Doron's father when she became fertile.
      She is an obedient wife as God commands.

      Doron will make his father happy with many grandsons.
      It is the year 2033. A post apocalyptic rebirth of Zion rules the remaining
      civilized world. The pagan tribes have all been exterminated, according to
      Deuteronomy. The promised land has been fulfilled.
      A new king sits on the throne of David in Jerusalem. He is the Messiah.

      His name is Josuah Ben Joseph.

      Reflections~ Is this not what the Bible teaches?
                          Leviticus also allows for sex slaves.

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