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by Vinnie
Rated: 13+ · Other · Educational · #2017611
This document gives a brief viewpoint on a few theories of how life began.
Sunkavalli          4

Vineet Sunkavalli
Mr. Snyder
Language Arts, Period 5
28 October 2014
Life on Earth

         What is the origin of life? Although many people have come up with their own explanations, the first two answers that usually come to answer are religion and science. The first two examples that show science and religion side by side are creationism and evolution. These two explanations for the origin of life have their differences yet share some similarities. Three things to compare are the physical evidence, explanations, and application of the theory. These will show what these two theories have to offer in terms of answers and explanations in the following paragraphs.

First of all, evolution has physical evidence to prove its claims about how life came. To illustrate, scientists have found fossils of ancient Neanderthals. These fossils back up their claim that those people were our predecessors as they have many human like features such as similar DNA and skeletal structure. They also have proof as species of the same creatures differ based on different environments, proving the theory of natural selection. This shows that the theories of evolution have lots of proof to support their claim.
Also, evolution has a theory that can explain the progress of life. This theory, called the Theory of Natural Selection, was observed and theorized by Charles Darwin on his voyage of the Beagle. Natural selection, based on what Charles Darwin observed starts off with species, rapidly growing and competing for limited resources. Then by chance a mutation occurs in an offspring, giving it unique features like a bigger mouth or a smaller tail. If this mutation is better suited to survive in its environment, it will reproduce and take over the previous species, making it a more prominent feature in the new variety of the species. This shows that evolution has a claim about the origin of life.
Finally, evolution can be found in action every day, showing how animals adapted to their environment. Some examples include giraffes, which have long necks to reach tall trees, and elephants with long trunks that can be used to drink water and wash themselves. There are also times where creatures are not able to adapt to the changing climate. This includes polar bears and penguins, whose habitats, the ice bergs are melting due to global warming. Also monkeys and pandas are not able to adapt quickly as deforestation is destroying their habitat. This demonstrates that evolution can be seen in action although it will not occur frequently.


First of all, creationism does not have much physical evidence. However, creationism has some explanations that may explain things that evolution cannot. This may include what the origin of life is. This shows how creationism does not have any physical evidence. However, creationism can explain things that evolution cannot.
Also, creationism comes in a variety of forms. For example, the young earth view is just that god created everything and that he made everything 10,000 years ago. There is also intelligent design which accepts everything scientific though states that god intervened at some point as the human body is too complex to be created through natural selection. There is also evolutionary creationism which says that evolution and science work together as god still started the entire process. This shows the different types of creationism and how they are similar and different.
Finally, creationism cannot be shown in action. This is because it could have happened thousands or millions of years ago. Also, nobody has physical proof they have seen god create the world. This all shows how creationism cannot be seen in action. However, creationism cannot be disproven either as the event would have taken place a long time ago.

Works Cited

Druyan,          Ann, and Steven Soter. "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey." Cosmos:          A Spacetime Odyssey.          Dir. Brannon Braga, Bill Pope, and Ann Druyan. Prod. Livia Hanich. 9          Mar. 2014. Television.
         "Creationism."          Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Oct. 2014. Web. 30 Oct.          2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creationism>.
         "Natural          Selection." Wikipedia.          Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Oct. 2014. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.          <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_selection>.

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