Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2017338-War-of-Survival
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2017338
Humanity has expanded and now is put to the test for its Survival.
Kalira watched as the subspace blue field turned to streaks then shrieked when her fighter came out of subspace roughly. Her ship was extremely damaged. She was breathing heavy. Someone anyone come in. This is Guardian 8. I repeat Guardian 8. I need a rescue craft launched with heavy fighter escort. Is anyone there?

Copy Guardian 8. We see you. We're launching rescue craft now.

No. I need a heavy fighter escort. They're following me. They came out of nowhere.

Negative Guardian 8. We have no contacts on you or in subspace. It was probably Lyrans.

They were destroyed too. They came outta nowhere didn't respond. And suddenly we were attacked. We couldn't hurt them.

Suddenly Kalira's alarms began to beep frantically as subspace nodes opened all around her. Darting out of the now bright vortexes the strange dark ships flew.

Scramble all fighters. We have incoming unidentified ships. Assume hostile till proven otherwise.Kalira heard over the radio as tears of terror and hopelessness filled her eyes all she could think was that it was too late. They didn't stand a chance and she was going to die.

Kalira closed her eyes prepared to die from the closest fighter. After a few seconds she opened her eyes and noticed that none of the unknown craft were attacking her. They all had sped by and left her alive then she looked at her readout and noticed that the ship was starting to shut down all systems but the bare minimal to keep her alive. She sighed and closed her eyes as a heaviness filled her mind as the ship put her to sleep. It would then admit a homing beacon calling for rescue but with the aliens attacking the station odds were no one would get it till someone came to see why this sector was no longer responding and she would probably be dead by then. The aliens hadn't bothered killing her because they expected her to die anyway.

Kalira woke up with a start her body sticky with fear and sweat. She was breathing heavy and her heart was racing from the intense memories. She closed her eyes trying to purge the images from her mind before opening them and looking to see her wing mate and lover still in bed next to her. She had short red hair with grey eyes and an athletic build as most military women do. Before her she'd never really considered being with a woman but they'd grown close in therapy. Miranda had been sent for being too angry and violent and for striking a superior officer. Her Captain had to pull a lot of strings just to get her into therapy but with the new Lyran War raging on the GTF needed all its better pilots and Mira had an amazing combat rating.

Kal sighed and rose from their bed and went to the fresher. She looked in the mirror and then splashed water onto her face. Her thick black hair was matted to her neck and forehead and her eerie green eyes looked tired. Mira had worked her captain and convinced him to bring her into his squadron as well. Her combat rating wasn't as good but she did have a good training record. She was atleast one of the few A class pilots. Her family was a long line of trader pilots and flying seemed to be in her blood. SHe'd joined the military to help her family out. She was the youngest of four and even though they ran their own company of freight runners they still only had a couple of ships and it was easier for her to go into the military.

Kal climbed into the shower and cleaned the grimy feel off of her skin. when she came out a towel wrapped around her body a soft voice caught her ears. You have the nightmare again?

Kal lowered her head. Yeah. I just needed a shower to help erase the feel of it.

She heard Mira giggle softly.Kal at times I think you'd like to forget all of it.

But I'd never want to forget you, Mira.

Kal was shocked when Mira suddenly sprang from the bed wrapping her arms around her and kissed her deeply stripping the towel from her body her hands traveling her curves. Kal moaned into Mira's mouth their tongues swirling around each other as their hands explored each other's body. Kal moaned longingly into Mira's mouth when her fingers found her wet sensitive nub.

Kal wasn't sure how she'd ended up on the bed but she was now on her back while Mira leaned over her sucking her nipples and fingered her sopping wet cunt furiously. Kal's back arched as her body began to shudder and convulse under Mira's assault. Kal had barley begun to relax when her body began to buck as Mira head dove between her legs and her tongue joined her fingers in pleasuring her. In moments Kal mind was swimming in a lust fueled haze as she was soaring on a high from a very long and mind blowing orgasm.

Before she could recover Kal found Mira placing her own wet cunt over her face and Kal began to hungrily lick and finger her lover's aroused cunt. She loved how Mira tasted. She was salty and tangy and sweet all at once and she could honestly never get enough of it. She grinned when her fingers found a nub deep in her as her tongue expertly circled her clit flicking across it quickly before circling it again. Mira moaned into Kal's own pussy loudly as she did this and Kal soon had her mouth flooded with Mira's juices as she climaxed heavily.

Soon the two girls were wrapped in each other's arms and went to sleep contentedly at least for a few hours before having to report to duty.

Later that morning Kal and Mira sat next to each other waiting for their Commander to tell them their part of today's op. Kal focus snapped to the older man as he stepped into the room and he stepped up to the podium. He dimmed the lights and then a projection of Systems and their connecting nodes came up on the projection. He explained how they were making a push to secure a vital strategical system that would allow them multiple attack vectors against the Lyrans. The only problem brought up was the fact that it was also part of the Hydroagan neutral zone. While not part of the Ascendancy they might decide to interfere in any military operations in the area but the GTI did say that the Lyrans already had a light cruiser in the system. Their job was to jump in as the advanced squadron and relay a report and if true they were going to jump the Orion and its second squadron of fighters in as an escort. They were to be split into four wings of three half of them in standard fighters the other half in interceptors to help match the Lyran speed and munervability advantage.

Kal walked towards the flight deck dressed in the standard dark gray flight suits of the Federation. She was partnered with Mira and the Commander. His usual wingmate would be leading the other half of pilots in the standard fighters. Kal climbed into the tight cockpit of the Arc Angel class interceptors. They were soon all launched out into space through the regular hangers docking bays.

Sound off. ordered Commander Rikes.

Reaper Two ready to Rock! chimed Mira

Reaper Three here. added Kalira.

And the others all added their calls in.

Think you'll be ok out here Rook? picked Reaper eight.

Her call sign is Ghost Rider, dipshit. retorted Mira.

I wasn't talking to you, Whore.

Blaze calm down. Firestarter shut up. Ghost has a good record or I wouldn't have brought her into the Squadron.

I get what Firestarter means though SC. She was the only survivor of two massacres. How do we know she won't flake on us? commented Stalker.

She'll be fine. We don't know what happened out there really. So give her the benefit of the doubt. ordered Rikes.

The rest of the Squadron clicked their ascent.

Hey Ghost ignore that Asshole. He's just trying to pick a fight.

He has a point Mira. I....

Stow that talk Kal. I've flown tons of Sims with you. You're better than most here. One reason you're in an Arc Angel stead of the junk Angel.

They have more armor and hold heavier weapons than us.

But they can't catch us.

Cut the chatter Reapers. We jump in five.

Kal swallowed heavily as they made the jump into subspace. An hour later they came out in the Gebraoulter Sector.

Initial scans clear. I don't detect any Lyrans. stated Skidmark.

Kal follow my lead.

Kal watched as Mira kicked her fighter into full throttle. She followed quickly using a little of her after burner to catch up.

Blaze, Ghost where the frek are you two going?

If I was wanting to hide in an open sector I'd hide the cubs in the field and the Momma on the other side of the star. Makes it impossible to detect. So we're flushing the Hunters

Shouldn't the Angels do the flushing while the Arcs hang back?

Too late now, Skid. We'll have to manage.

Kal followed Mira as they skirted the asteroid field. It wouldn't be long before they ran into trouble if there was any out here.

See that Kal?

Yeah. It's a heavier metal density than the surrounding asteroids.

Kal watched as Mira fired and hit near the floating rock when suddenly the field lite up with enemy contacts as the Lyrans powered up their fighters.

Frek Mira you stired up the hornets nest! Kal exclaimed as they both flipped and turned their fighters kicking them into full acceleration.

They both began to jink, juke, and dive going into standard evasive actions while the Lyran fighters sped out fo the field pursuing them. It would be impossible for them to take on a whole wing alone but they could draw them out and stay alive while their squadron joined the fray.

Suddenly shots came flying by and something inside Kal almost seemed to awaken. She pulled back on the stick while moving her thrust to zero till her ship was upside down and facing backwards. She squeezed the trigger not bothering trying to get a lock instead focusing on making them break from pursuit.

She winged one barley and wouldn't have noticed it if the ship hadn't registered a glancing hit on the ship. She flipped her fighter back around and throttled up to full before stomping on the left rudder, pushing the stick forward and to the left sending her craft cartwheeling down and then jerking back sent her craft arcing back. As she came around she stomped hard on the right rudder falling in behind a Lyran Sekeht fighter. She squeezed the trigger following the craft relentlessly. As soon as she heard the tone her thumb shot up and hit the button firing a missile that went chasing after a Lyran fighter.

Splash one!

Kal continued jerking her craft through maneuvers that seemed impossible for the human body to absorb.

Ghost think you can give me a chance to keep up?

Kal ignored her wingmate her mind more focused on their adversaries. She was almost keeping up with their maneuverability being stopped only by her crafts own limitations. It didn't have the turn radius that the Lyran craft had.

Lyran cruiser coming from behind the star.

Orion this is Reaper One. We have confirmed contact. Clear for entrance. Launch Knights. We are still currently engaged with Lyran fighters.

Kal watched as moments later the Orion came through a jump node and then reentered subspace to exit out nearly on the other side of the system. They were eager to engage pulling a stunt that could have landed them in the star's gravity well. The Lyrans fighters broke and began to streak towards the Orion but they didn't stand a chance of reaching it in time. She pursued using her cannons to tear another one apart. It wasn't long before the Knights and the Orion had turned the Lyran cruiser into a flaming hulk drifting in the system.

All fighters this is the Orion please return to the Hanger Bays. Were going to drop a buoy in the field and bug out before the Scales show up and decide we're violating the neutral zone. They all clicked their affirmation pushing their ships afterburners to the limit to lower the amount of time they spent in the area.

Kalira popped the canopy of her fighter and climbed out her limbs shaking from the sudden lack of adrenaline. Perhaps Mira was right and the simple fact that she survived the first attack wasn't that the unknown craft allowed her to live but that she managed to out fly them long enough to jump away. She looked up to see Mira already waiting on her at the base of her fighter a large smile plastered on her face. She was literally beaming from ear to ear.

Kal climbed down and turned and walked into an enthusiastic embrace. When Firestarter was walking by Mira turned to him with a wicked grin on her face. I told you my girl had skills. Pay up at the bar like a good loser.

He glared before stomping off down the flight deck. Kal looked at Mira with a question in her eyes. Mira continued smiling. I didn't want to put any pressure on you but Firestarter has been running his mouth behind your back and I bet him that the first real combat we see that you'd out perform him and his "I'm the Ace of the Squadron" superiority complex he has. And if you keep up those skills you had today then you'll be aced for sure.

Good job out there today Kalira. Mira you know better than to pull stunt like that. I only tolerate you because you happen to be a good pilot but one of these days your antics are going to cost either you or one of my squadron their lives. And when that day comes it'll be your ass. Do I make myself clear, Lt.

Yes, Sir.Mira said in all typical military coldness but Kal could see the fire burning in her partners eyes and posture. She wasn't called Blaze because of her hair. It was her temper that had earned her that name and Firestarter because he seemed to enjoy nothing more than setting her or anyone off but He and Mira were never a good combination and were only held in check by their SC.

After the SC had left Mira grabbed Kal with another wicked smile. C'mon lets go strip out of these suits and then collect our pay from Icarus.

Once they were to the freshers they stripped and tossed their dirty flight suits into the cleaner. They showered together each taking careful time to clean the other before they finished. They then dressed in their off duty clothes and walked together towards the bar.

Standing outside they could already hear the loud celebration going on inside. They walked down into the loud confines of the bar. It took up a large portion of the deck it was on but it wasn't nearly as crowded as the bar on the deck below. This was for all officers on the ship and it usually played to the pilots that were on board. The high officers lounge was the quietest but it required a certain rank and was used for only relaxing while the regular bar was even rowdier and more raucous than this one. They both peered around till they found their squadron sitting together on one side of the large bar. They walked over and sat down. Most of the squadron was happy to see the two but Icarus and his wing mate didn't seem pleased. Bartender give us some Rigan Ale Mira called out ordering the more expensive and potent drink.

Sorry Blaze. Only two Mavericks and not the black ones. We're still on alert and all pilots are on rations till the alert is lifted.

How are we supposed to properly celebrate if we can't even get a decent drink.

The bartender an old marine smiled at them showing his missing teeth. Well lassie I'd recommend you two either brew your own, give me a real good reason to risk my job or take it up with the Captain. Otherwise I can only give ya what the ration is and that's two Regular Mavericks.

That's alright Pete. We'll take the two Mavricks.Kal said placing a hand on Mira's shoulder.

Mira took the bottle and took a long draw before setting it down. Pete this stuff takes like horse piss.

It's fermented horse piss, Blaze. Stop whining cause I'm not giving you anything else.

Stop whining Blaze and grow some.

Why don't you grow some Ic. That last fight both of us outflew and shot you. Some ace you are.

Icarus slamed his bottle down.You wanna settle this, Mira.

© Copyright 2014 Ka'lira (kalira at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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