Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2016920-The-Spellbound-Coven
Rated: XGC · Chapter · Adult · #2016920
Erotica about two lesbian witches on a journey to reverse a demons curse.
Chapter 1

Midnight Boozing

             Rebecca jumped into her hunter green Jeep for the long drive home from job number one.  During the day she was working at a shipping distribution plant and at nights she was peddling chicken, biscuits, and sides.  As Rebecca drove the long drive home, she was singing along with her top twenty hits cd.  She arrived to the driveway of her home.  She got out of the car to open the gate and then, drove the vehicle the rest of the way onto her property. 

         Before she got out of the car, she glanced at herself in the rearview mirror.  She pushed her long, brownish-red hair away from her face and looked into her tired, golden eyes.  She thought to herself, “Man, I look way older than I should; due to working two jobs and raising a kid.”  She grabbed her bag and cigarettes and headed toward the door. 

             When she pulled out her keys, Jessica pulled the door open and yelled, “We are both off work tonight!  What do you want to do?”

             Rebecca startled from the ecstatic attack, jumped as she walked through the door.  She put her keys in the regular spot and sat on the couch.  When she looked toward her friend, she noticed her new hairdo.  Jess had dyed part of her black hair to blue.  She wanted to comment about her friends hair, but decided not too; since she noticed Jessica’s bright blue eyes still held a questioning look.   

             “Well, Jess, I think I just want to stay home and relax.”  Rebecca stated.

         Jessica smiled and ran to the kitchen.

             “Yeah, I thought that is what you would say, so I got some rum and Coke.”  she replied

             Jessica had a 2 liter of Coke in her left hand and a bottle of rum in the right.  Rebecca just shook her head and said, “What about fry kid?”

             Fry was her daughter, Tamara’s, nickname.           

         “Well, I called her Nana and asked her to watch her for the night; I hope you don‘t mind?” Jessica replied.

           Rebecca smiled and said, “ I guess I could use the relaxation.” 

             Rebecca went down the hallway to her room.  She took off her sweaty, work clothes and went to the bathroom to take a nice, warm shower.  She jumped out of the shower, dried herself off and went to put on some relaxation clothes.  When she came back out to the living room, she was wearing a “wife beater” and boxer shorts.  She sat on the couch next to Jessica.  Jess handed her a drink and a cigarette.  She put the cigarette in her mouth and Jess lit it for her.  She leaned back and put her legs out. 

         As the night progresses, Jessica and Rebecca partake on several more drinks and cigarettes.  After a few hours Jessica said, “Becca, you want to pull out the sofa bed and watch some old cartoons?”  Rebecca nodded her head, so Jess pulled out the couch, and sprawled a blanket across it.  They both laid on their belly’s and turned their attention to the black and white picture on the television.  After a few minutes, Rebecca stated that her back was in pain, because of all the lifting and sorting she did that day.  Jessica asked Becca if she wanted her to massage her back and shoulders.  Becca nodded.  Jessica began to rub her friends shoulders.  Then, she started to massage her back.  She began to smile as Rebecca made some pleasing sounds.  After about ten minutes, she moved  lower and began to rub on Becca’s butt.  Even, though Becca was drunk, she noticed the position of her friends hands, she turned her head and gave Jess a very, astonished look.  Jess smiled and asked Rebecca if she liked it. 

         Becca said, “In a weird way, yeah it feels good.” 


             Jess smiled and said, “Just think of this as a full body massage, people pay good money for a service like this.”

           Rebecca turned back to the television.  Jess massaged her shoulders, back, butt, and moved down to her legs.  When she came back up, she placed her hand between Rebecca’s thighs. 

             Becca turned her attention to her friend and said, “That is not part of a body massage, what are you doing?”


             Jess replied back, “Do you like it?”


         Becca nodded and Jess said, “Well, can we see where this goes?” 

             Rebecca accepted and Jess moved her hand closer to her honey pot.  She began to caress the panty area.  With her other hand she began to rub on Becca’s breasts.  Jessica leaned over to kiss her friend.  Even though Rebecca was rapidly shaking, she still managed to press her lips to Jessica’s.  They pecked a few times.  Rebecca closed her eyes for the forth kiss.  As their soft lips touched each other, Jessica began to open her mouth a little and snuck her tongue inside her companions mouth.  As their tongues began to intertwine, Jessica began to slide her fingers into the side of Becca’s panties.  She slowly stroked her friends pubic hair with three fingers.  She opened up Becca’s pussy lips and slowly began to play with her nub.  Rebecca moaned with such desire.  Jessica was gaining more and more confidence as she moved her fingers toward Becca’s womanly hole.  She smiled as she thrust her fingers deep within her mate.  As Rebecca sat up to kiss again, Jess places her other hand upon Becca’s breast.  She began to caress the boob and fondled her nipple as they French kissed some more. 

             Rebecca was enjoying this, but she was getting scared also.  Several thoughts began to flow through her brain.  Why was she liking this, since Jess is a girl?  Was their friendship going to be the same after this?  Was Jessica going to expect nookie from her again? 


             Rebecca pulled away from kissing and said, “You know this is a one time deal, right?”

             Jess smiled and said, “Whatever you say…this will only go as far as you want it to.” 


             Rebecca stated, “Seriously, I like guys and that is not going to change.” 

             Her friend smiled again and said, “I know that, but there is nothing wrong with you enjoying this.” 

             She then began to plunge her fingers deep inside Becca, as she informed her, “If I am only going to get one shot at this, I better do it right.”

             Becca whimpered with delight.  She grabbed a near by couch pillow and placed it over her face, so she could stifle the loud yearning sounds.  She could not control herself.  She began to drive her vagina closer and closer to her seducer.  She wanted Jess’s fingers to go as far inside her as they could.  She began to cum onto Jess’s hand. 

             Jess began to chuckle and said, “Damn, am I that good at this?”


             Rebecca smiled and said, “I never thought I could feel this way, especially with a woman…you know exactly where to touch and kiss me.”

             Jess smiled and said, “That is because all I want to do is please you…I don’t care if you ever please me back.”

             She then, began to play with Rebecca’s clitoris some more.  Rebecca came again, but this time it looked like a mini river flowing across the blanket. 

             Jessica was proud of what she had accomplished.  She had wanted this to happen for a very long time.  The first time she met Rebecca she knew she was attracted to her, but she also thought it would never happen.  She knew Rebecca was into men and noticed that her best friend was oblivious to her advances.  She had a tendency to brush off Jess’s advances as drunken talk.  Jess wanted to be with her more then anyone would ever know.  In fact, every time Rebecca had a boyfriend, Jess would find a way to convince her comrade to break up with them.  Jessica had been waiting for this moment for 13 years; she did not want this night to end. 

             As Rebecca sat up, Jess gave her one last kiss.  Jess kissed her like they would never see each other again. She wanted to make Rebecca feel as if she were the only one that could make her feel this way.  She really wanted to get down on one knee and ask her friend to stay with her forever.  Instead, she decided to help Rebecca off the couch and grabbed a warm, wet wash cloth so Rebecca could clean up.  She then, went to the kitchen sink and washed her wrinkled, creamy hand.  They decided to sit on the two chairs in the living room and left the couch bed open, so that it could dry.  The two friends sat across from each other.  They were not watching television.  Both of them just sat there, looking into each others eyes.  This went on for some time. 

             Rebecca was the first to speak, “What we just did was an experiment, Jess.  This will not happen again.  It just can not.”

             Rebecca’s brain was thinking at warp speed.  She liked the encounter her and her friend just had, but what would other people think?  Could she really be in a relationship with another woman?  She did not want to lose her friendship with Jessica, so she did not know what to do.  Her brain was telling her that a relationship would never work, but her heart and lust was telling her that she needed this escapade to happen again.  She liked the way Jess touched her.  It was like Jess knew exactly what to do at the right time.  She had never felt this way about anyone else in her life.  Rebecca’s body was craving Jess’s touch.  It was taking everything she had to sit there and not attack Jess, so they could go another round. 

             Jess heard what Becca said, but it went in one ear and out the other.  She was going to make sure this was not the end.  After about 30 minutes of silence and secret glances on both of their parts, they got up and headed to bed.  As they walked down the hall Jess, grazed Rebecca’s breast with her arm and she patted her companions butt.  Rebecca turned to Jess.  She smiled and leaned in to kiss Jess one last time. 

             She then stated, “Thank you for this experience, I had a lovely time.  I will remember this for the rest of my life.”

             Jess smiled and replied, “I am glad you enjoyed it, next time I would like to try something else…something I did not do this time.”

             Rebecca gave Jess a weird, confused look and said, “What exactly do you want to do, that you did not…oh, forget it…I know.”

             Jess smiled and said, “I have never been with a woman before you and I would like to try eating you out…I hope that is okay.  I mean, I love to give head…so, oral sex with you should be really fun.”

             Rebecca just laughed and said, “Don’t get your hopes up…I told you this was a one time deal.” 

             Jess nodded and they both said goodnight and went to bed.

             The next morning Jessica woke up.  She went to make herself a cup of coffee.  The doorbell rang.  It was Becca’s mother, Susan.  She was dropping off Tamara.  Tamara ran straight into her room.  Rebecca woke up and went straight to the bathroom.  She brushed her teeth, took off her clothes and jumped in the shower.  When Jessica heard the shower running, it took all the control she had not to go peek at her.  She sat on the couch and turned on the news.  Rebecca got out of the shower, dried off and got dressed.  As Jessica sat flipping channels; Rebecca walked down the hall, but this walk was different then any time before.  She had no clue how to act around her best friend.  She did not want to lose their friendship.  Rebecca walked into the living room.  She sat down and looked in Jessica’s direction. 

         “Good morning, Jess.”  She said softly. 

         Jess smiled at her friend and replied, “It is a terrific morning.” 

         Jessica’s whole body desired Rebecca.  She was fighting back the urge to pounce on her.  Jessica slowly crept her hand closer to Rebecca’s shaking hand and held on to it.  Rebecca leaned her head onto Jessica’s shoulder.  They both wrapped their arms around each other.  They sat on that couch hugging until they heard Tamara’s feet stomping down the hall.  Tamara jumped into her mothers lap.  Rebecca hugged her daughter and kissed her on the forehead.  “I love you, Fry Kid.”  Tamara smiled and said, “I love you too.”  Then, she jumped out of her moms lap and jumped right into Jessica’s lap.  “I love you, Jess.”  Jess smiled at Tamara and replied, “I love you, too.”  She then placed the child back on the ground and said, “Who’s ready for breakfast?”  Tamara jumped up and down, “I am!  I am!”  Tamara and Jess ran into the kitchen to get breakfast prepared. 

             After breakfast, Rebecca got up to put her plate into the sink.  Jessica walked into Rebecca.  She moved in to whisper into her lovers ear.  Becca jumped a little but leaned in, to hear what Jess had to say. 

             Jess blew into Rebecca’s ear and whispered, “Why don’t you call into work and tell them your sick.  Go drop Tamara off to her Uncle Alan’s house and come back?”

             Rebecca turned to look into Jessica’s eyes.  She thought about it for a moment and stated, “Well, we really should have a talk about last night.”

             Jess replied, “I agree.  We need to have a very long discussion.” 

             She then smiled and winked at Rebecca.  Rebecca shook her head and told Tamara to go to her room to  get ready.  Tamara skipped down the hall and went into her room.  She took off her red t-shirt and blue jeans and threw them on the ground, instead of putting them in her hamper.  She then brushed her blondish-brown hair and dropped some Visine into her beautiful green eyes.  She then, put on new underwear, a blue Happy Bunny t-shirt and a pair of black jeans.  Tamara ran back down the hall, slipped on her shoes and gave Jessica a hug. 

         Rebecca grabbed the keys for the car and they walked outside.  Rebecca opened the gate, made sure her 12 year old buckled her seatbelt, got into the car and drove away.

             While Rebecca was dropping off her daughter; Jess was getting her bedroom set up for what she yearned for the most.  She put on some nice, romantic music.  She turned out her ceiling light and turned her small lamp on.  She draped a red scarf over the lamp shade.  As Rebecca walked back into the door, Jess ran back out to the living room. 


         Rebecca questioned, “Is that slow music I hear?  Since when do you like music this slow?” 

             Jess smiled and said, “I am trying to set the mood.” 

             Rebecca grinned and said, “Well, I called and told my boss that I needed two days off.”

             Jess was confused and replied, “What do you need two days off for?”

             Becca looked into her eyes and pulled her roommate close to her.  “I figured I would need a day to relax after the fun filled day we are going to have.”     


             Jessica leaned in and pressed her lips to Becca’s lips.  She began to rub on Becca’s back.  She opened her mouth and her lover followed suit.  Their tongues became entangled. Jessica took Beccas hand and slowly led her to her bedroom.  Jessica was leaned over to pull the couch bed covers back and Rebecca grabbed a hand full of Jessica’s ass.  Jessica jumped and turned to grab Becca’s breast.  She pulled the blanket back and slowly placed Rebecca down on the bed. She spread Rebecca’s legs apart and climbed between them.  They began to kiss again.  Jess kissed on Rebecca’s neck and blew into her ear.  She whispered, “Your not allowed to touch me…just lay back and enjoy.”

         Rebecca’s eyes got big and she placed her arms above her head.  Jess lifted Becca’s shirt and began to undo her bra.  She rubbed on her breasts and then, she started to suck on her left nipple while teasing the other one.  Becca began to moan.  She could not control the sounds she was making.  Jess sat up and smiled at Becca.  She then leaned down and kissed her again.  She slowly moved down onto her knees.  She took Rebecca’s pants off and then, her undergarments.  She began to kiss the skin of Becca’s hot, pink pussy.  As Rebecca started to squirm, she stuck her tongue in between the pussy lips.  She moved her tongue up and down Rebecca’s love pit.  Rebecca passionately whimpered and spread her legs farther apart.  Jess began to nibble and suck on Becca’s clitoris.  Rebecca began to quiver and grabbed onto the top of Jessica’s head.  She gently pulled on her hair.  This excited Jess and she plunged her tongue deep inside Becca’s sex hole.  Rebecca wrapped her legs around Jess’s neck and grabbed onto her lovers ears.  She began to gyrate her hips.  Jessica steadily rotated her tongue until Rebecca came.  She licked up Becca’s sex juice and said, “Wow, that is sweet; I thought it would be salty like a guys cum?”

         Rebecca giggled and commented, “Well, maybe I eat more sweet foods then guys do; I really don’t know what to tell you.” 

         Jess grinned and asked, “How about I give us a break?  You look like you might need one.” 

         Rebecca only had enough strength to lift and shake her head up and down.  She then laid her head back on the pillow and tried her hardest to control her over stimulated body.  Rebecca had never felt this out of control with any male, she had been with before.

         Jess got up.  She went to the kitchen to grab them some water and grabbed the cigarettes from the coffee table.  She sat on the couch bed and handed Rebecca the water.  She drank half of it and handed it back.  Jess then lit two cigarettes and handed one over.  They both sat there smiling at each other as they finished their smokes.  Rebecca got a chill and covered herself with a sheet.  “Oh, don’t do that.  I was admiring your body.”  Jess stated. 


             Rebecca looked at her and chuckled, “Well, I am a bit cold.  Why don’t you come back and warm me up?”

         “Well, that is an excellent idea.”  Jess stated as she moved closer.

         Rebecca propped up some pillows and laid her back against them.  She adjusted the sheet across her frame.  Jessica fiddled with Becca’s breast and laid her head on top.  She then wrapped her arm around her companion.  Rebecca snuggled as close as she could to Jess and kissed her on the forehead, as she rubbed her back.  Another soft, dreamy song started to play on the stereo.  Rebecca leaned closer to Jessica’s ear and began to sing the song to her.  Jess had to suppress the tears.  She did not want Rebecca to see her cry.  This was the song she listened to constantly when her and Rebecca were not talking, about 1 year prior.

         To understand how Jessica’s emotions evolved, we have to go way into the past.  Let’s travel to the very moment Jessica looked at Rebecca starry-eyed...  We also have to envision why the two best friends were not talking.  Her emotions shall be foretold first. 

         Jessica had romantic feelings for her best friend for 13 years and never told her.  She would make subtle comments when she was drinking or high, but she never blatantly confessed.  For years, she wanted to progress their relationship, into a romantic manner.  She thought up ways to approach Becca about her love, but never tried.  Jess was afraid she would lose her greatest friend.  During the early lust phase for Becca, she began experimented with alcohol and drugs.  We are not talking in a recreational manner, either.  She was sinking into trouble and making terrible decisions about friendship, love, finances, health…everything in her life was affected. 

         Jess did not want her best pal to fall in love with anyone else.  She was trying to figure out a way to entice her.  A plan to get Becca to feel at least an inkling of what she had always felt for her.  During this process, she found ways to encourage Becca to break-up with her male companions.  She would lie about them and find major flaws. 

         During the late 1990’s, Rebecca was dating  Rowan Brinkley, for the first time.  They met online and spoke to each other through group and instant messages.  They started writing long emails.  These emails told more specific details about their lives, then when in a group or messaging.  She asked him some things he wanted his ex-wife to explain.  Such questions as:  why Rowan and his ex, Chelle’ were so close after their divorce?  Or why she was helping him find another woman?  Chelle’ told Becca that her and Rowan were perfect for each other.  She felt Becca brought out the best in her ex-husband.  Their online “love affair” went on for about 9 months, with Chelle’ manipulating some of the conversations.  Becca could tell when Rowan was quoting Chelle’ and was not being himself.  She thought it was cute that he wanted to say the “right” things.  However, Becca felt it was time to hear his voice; not the computer altered one, she sometimes spoke to during online chat.  She wanted a conversation between him and her…no one else.  Finally after 9 months, they spoke on the telephone.  The next 9 days were hell for Jessica.  She would hear Rebecca speaking to Rowan and roll her eyes into the back of her head.  She wanted to pull out her hair every time she saw Becca smile.  She fell backwards, off her chair, and almost out the kitchen window, when she heard Becca making plans to finally meet her online “boyfriend” face to face.   

         Rowan and Becca actually dated twice.  She had a tendency to let her men get at least two tries; sometimes three strikes.  The way Rebecca figured was that:  everyone is entitled to a couple mistakes and everyone is eventually going to hurt and /or disappoint you…we all have to choose which people are worthy of being part of our lives.  At that time, she felt Rowan was worth keeping around for 9 months. 

         Yes, Rowan and Rebecca broke-up before the new decade. But about 9 months later, they got back together.  This time he proposed marriage and they spoke a lot about their future together and possibly moving in together and moving out of Rebecca’s home state.  Becca and her fiancé both wanted to keep their engagement between just the two of them, for a little while.  Regardless of their wishes of keeping things “hush-hush,” someone from the bridal party leaked the information and news always travels faster in smaller towns. 

         Around “Hicksville” Kentucky, info gets spread rapidly, due to people being darn right nosey and the lack of ability to keep their mouths shut.  Gossip is always juicier, if it is about someone else’s family, career or life.  Also, with the technology and social networks available, “gossip” or life statuses can be updated 24 hours every day; 365 days a year.  And many people don’t think before posting. 

         Jessica did not like how close Becca was getting with him.  Becca had never seemed this devoted to any of her other relationships.  Then the day came when  Becca informed Jess that she was having unprotected sex with Rowan.  She told Jess some reasons why she thought he may be “the one.” For the next few days, friends and family stated that when they stood next to Jess they heard the sound of coffee percolating.  Interesting enough, that was actually the sound of Jessica’s blood boiling.  Then, there was the day when Becca started seeing “9’s” throughout her relationship.  So, she decided to look the number up and any possible significance.  This made Jess realize that it was time to find a way to end the relationship.  At first, her idea was going to be internet based, since the internet was a big part of their relationship and its growth.  However, she decided to cancel the idea and try to relax a little; since Becca hadn’t made any wedding plans, yet.  Jess decided waiting was the answer; because she did not want to take the risk of having her plan backfire.

         Rebecca had other guys propose to her.  So, when one mentioned “their” future; she normally could deal and resist sexually advances, urges and hormones.  Becca was always safe when she had sex.  Unprotected sex was negative in many ways, in Becca’s mind.  She always bitched at Jess and others, about using condoms and/or getting on birth control.  However, she was allowing Rowan to cum right inside her.  Jessica was going to have to do something tremendous to get Becca to discard Rowan.     

         Jessica dealt with him for Becca’s sake, but that did not stop her from trying to sabotage her “dream lovers” relationship with him.  Every chance she got, she told Rebecca something she thought was negative about him:

         <“If you marry him, you’ll have to move every 3 to 4 years.  Have you noticed his big ears?  I saw him stare at another chick for too long.  You’ll never get any time with him, now that he has his military career and a second job.  You owe it to yourself to find someone better.  He has the extra baggage of 2 children and his weird ex-wife.  If you all get married, I will have to move out and you will never see me.  Marriage only leads to divorce; so don’t get too serious.  He never talks about taking Tamara with you on a date.  If you get caught staying over night at his barracks, both of you will get in trouble.  He doesn’t have that “I love you” look, when he looks into your beautiful eyes.  I sure hope you are using protection, because his kids are ugly.”>


         Rebecca would listen to everything Jess would say, but she always had an answer for it all:

         <“I have been in Kentucky my whole life, I think moving around would be a nice change…especially if the government is paying for it.  Yeah, bigger equals easier to maneuver during oral sex.  It’s okay to look; he just can’t touch.  He is only working part time at night and he makes sure to set aside time for me on the weekend.  Find someone better?  Compared to the guys I usually date, he is a 10.  I have Tamara and psycho ex-boyfriends.  Why will I never see you?  Are you moving far away?  Besides, we could give you this apartment and find one of our own.  Yes, most do end in divorce, but I am not going to live my life thinking everything will end badly.  If he asked and I passed on his proposal, I would spend the rest of my life thinking, “What if?”  When Rowan and myself hang out, most of the activities we do are not aimed for a child.  Sometimes she just does not need to be present.  Besides I don’t want her getting attached, just in case we don’t work out.  We have no problems with me staying at the barracks.  Most of the guys know me.  Rowan introduced me to them.  They won’t say nothing and many other guys bring girls to their rooms.  You may not see it, but I do see the look in his eyes.  It is not always there, but I know that he is mine.  My sex life is not your concern and neither is whether Rowan wears a condom or not.”>

         Rebecca was happy with Rowan and Jessica was miserable.  She had to get them apart.  “What should I do?  Oh, fucking damn it, what to do?”  Jessica thought for days.  Then, it finally came to her.  She knew Rebecca broke up with guys who cheated.  So, she just had to get Rowan to cheat.  “But with whom?”  That was the key question.  She loved Becca and made a rash decision to sleep with Rowan, to whom she had absolutely no attraction to.  She just wanted him away from Rebecca, any way possible.

         The plan was to get Rowan to invite her over, convince him that it was his idea to have sex with her and then, get Becca to catch them (or at least him) in the act of cheating with her.  It did not happen exactly as planned, but it did indeed happen and Jess felt extremely sick about the situation.  Needless to say, Rebecca found out…lots of yelling, screaming, cussing and some slaps and punches could be heard all the way down their street.  Becca was very hostile when it came to their affair.  She was hurt more emotionally, from Jess though.  She thought she could trust her; that she would not hurt her like that…once the sexual encounter happened, there was nothing either of them could do.  There was nothing Jessica could think to say either.  The 72 hours of silence was killing her and she could “cut the tension with a knife.”  So, Jess packed her stuff and moved out, without giving Becca notice.  This decision crushed Becca, too.  She asked Jess to stay and told her she did not have to leave.  However, Jess could not look at her without feeling the sadness she caused the one she loved.  If only she could explain why she had sex with Rowan and show how she longed for Becca and only did what she did to be closer to her.  She wanted to explain that her stupid idea had just entirely backfired, but could not find the courage to do so. 


         Rebecca and Jessica were miserable without each other.  When Jess was sitting alone in her rundown apartment, she would pop in the same compact disc,  play song #3 and press the replay button, over and over again.  That very song stuck with Jess for the rest of her life. 

         Jessica shakes all the bad memories from her thoughts.  She opens her bright blue eyes to stare deep into Becca’s golden eyes, that were staring down at her.  They blow kisses and caress each others cheeks and lips.  As she finishes listening to Becca sing “It Don’t Matter to the Sun;” Jess closes her eyes again.  Rebecca smiles to herself and begins stroking Jessica’s hair.  Jess continues to caress Rebecca’s face.  Rebecca starts to become extremely relaxed.

         She turned her head toward Jess and said, “I have never had an orgasm like that with guys.  You have a special type of touch.  I feel so drawn to you.  It almost seems magical.  Did you put a spell on me?”


         Jess chuckled and replied, “Actually, love spells tend not to work or they go wrong.  That is unless you know what you are doing and nature intends for that love to be present.” 

         “Well, how do I know that this is not a love spell that has gone wrong?  Nah, ha ha…too funny.  Seriously though, I do believe in fate and I also believe in reincarnation.”  Becca stated.


         Jess asked, “Why are you bringing up the rebirth of a soul?”          

         “Okay, Jess…I have something I just got to tell you.”

         “What is it?”

         “I have been seeing the same scenario of dreams for years.  The dreams started around senior year, while I fell asleep in class.  In fact I think both of us fell asleep; we had a boring substitute that day.  I woke up when the bell rang and I had to wake you up.

         Jess looked straight into Becca’s eyes and replied, “I have dreams also,  Mine are based in a castle. ”

         Rebecca stated, “Interesting.  My dreams have been in two castles, during medieval times.  For years, I could see most of the people in the dream.  They were a bunch of people I have never known.  However, 4 people I could not envision their faces.  Yesterday, I had one of those dreams, but in this one I could see 3 of their faces. You will never guess who they were.”

         “Sure I can.  I have been having the same setting in my dreams.  Their was always one person that I could not visualize.  In my last couple dreams, that blur ended up being you.  The people you could not see were my mom, my sister and me.”

         “Yeah, you are right I saw the 3 of you.  This is pretty odd.  My dreams are sometimes so vivid, they seem so real.  I thought I was going pretty far down that white rabbits hole.  Ya, know?  It felt like I had been in these castles before, they had so much detail.”

         “Rebecca, you have had dreams that have ended up happening.  You foreseen that car accident you had, the time I got the ticket, what sex babies end up being…I can go on.  Maybe your dreams can not only show future events.  Just maybe you can also see past life experiences.”

         “Okay, but why are you having the dreams?”

         “We are not the only ones who had these dreams.  My mother and Amy also have the night visions.”

         “Barbara and your sister have these dreams?  Wow, that is just weird.  Did we all start having them around the same time?”

         “Yes, I believe so.  Why are you finding this weird?  You know that I am in a coven with mom and sis.  We have not done any spells to want to see these dreams, but you….you are something special.  We can feel that your powers are strong.  Maybe just maybe your energy is tough enough to intensify ours.  Don’t try to deny you have abilities.  We have to use spells to bring us what we desire.  You don’t.  I have seen you and you have told me situations in which you done things and didn’t know how you did it.  You have moved objects with out touching them, you have answered the phone right as it was about to ring and you knew when people were heading over to see us.  You have made people have certain dreams and have convinced someone to do something without saying a word.  You have powers I wish I had.  You don’t really need a coven, but we can teach you Wicca.  Plus, you help us by increasing our powers.  Join us.”

         “I don’t see why I couldn’t give it a try.  Besides, I would like all of us to sit down and compare the dreams we are having.  Maybe if we see things from each others perspective we can put all the pieces together and know the whole chronicle.”

         Jess grabbed her phone, “Do you want to meet tonight?  I will call them right now.”

         Rebecca shook her head “yes” and Jess dialed the number.  She set up a dinner meeting for 7 o’clock that night.  After she got off the phone, Rebecca grabbed Jess and pulled her down to the bed.  She kissed Jess gently at first.  She only had plans to kiss, but Jess had other ideas.  She began to fondle Becca’s enormous breasts.  Then, she lifted her shirt and started licking on her lovers nipples.  Rebecca lifted Jessica’s chin.  She began to kiss her more passionately.  Then, Becca started to play with Jess’s nipples, as they continued to kiss. 

         Minutes upon minutes of kissing and caressing went by.  Jess looked into Becca’s eyes and stated, “It was destined for us to be together…I can feel it; don’t you?“ 

Rebecca smiled and nodded; she then reached down and put her hand on Jess‘s pussy.  She fondled the outside for a while.  As she used her other hand to grope Jess’s boob, she placed her lips on Jess’s neck.  She kissed one side and moved to the other.  She slowly opened her mouth and began to suck and nibble on her neckline.  Jess came in Rebecca’s hand.  Becca inserted 2 fingers into Jess’s love gap.  She pushed them in as far as they could go.  She began to thrust them back and forth.  They both began to moan.  Becca came instantaneously, after Jess moaned in her ear.  Rebecca then shoved a third finger in and then a forth.  Jess’s whole body began to tremble.  As Rebecca pulled her fingers out, Jess flipped her over.  She was about to drive her 3 fingers into Rebecca’s sexual flower; when suddenly she was forced back down on the bed.  She looked around and then, looked at Rebecca. 

         Rebecca said, “I did not say I was finished with you yet; lay back and relax”

         “But how did…how did I get forced back on the bed?  You didn’t touch me.  Did you use magic for that?  Oh, my God…If you did, that is so awesome.  I would never be able to do that in a million years.  How did you do it?”

         Rebecca chuckled and replied, “It really isn’t all that hard.  I visualize what it is that I want.  If it is getting an actual being to do a task or feel something, I do better if they are near me.  Once I have a good image, I repeat it over and over again.  I keep my mind clear of anything and everything.  Now, if it is something that may take awhile, I think about my longing at least three times a day.  I can work with you on what I have learned I can do; while you help me with herbs, spells, candle magic, Tarot Cards, Runes and basics of Wicca. Sound good?”

         Jess was excited.  She wanted to start practicing right then and there.  She could not wait until that night.  “Yes, that idea is great,” she said.  They both laid on the bed and they turned on the television.  Jessica was surfing through the channels.  She was not really paying attention and kept switching them over and over again.

         Rebecca grabbed the remote and said, “Are you okay.”

         “Yes, I am fine.  I am just anxious for tonight.  I want to know the whole dream and details I may not have noticed.  I want to be able to do half of what you can do.  Such as, it would be awesome, if I could make that remote control levitate.”  Jess replied. 

         “Oh, you mean like this…”  Rebecca responded.

         Rebecca lifted her hand with the remote in it.  She closed her eyes and envisioned the remote lifting into the air.  After a minute or so, she opened her eyes and stared at the remote.  The remote control raised up a few centimeters.  She continued to stare and the controller rose higher.  Soon the remote was over Jess’s head. 

         “That is so terrific.  I got to learn how to do that.  I just got to.”

         Rebecca stopped focusing on the remote and it almost dropped to the ground.  Jess caught it seconds before it would have hit. 

         Rebecca said, “I can’t multi-task…I can’t do magic and concentrate on other things or people.  I just can’t.  I will have to work on that.”

         Jess and Becca laid back down and snuggled up with each other.  They both began to doze off.  Their eyes began to droop.  Rebecca’s last, mumbled words before falling asleep were, “I really do believe you put a spell on me, but don’t reverse it…I love the way I feel when I am with you.”
© Copyright 2014 Maria Crecent (rennifer1978 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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