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This is just the 1st page of the story. I would like your opinion. |
A Journey - The start of something wonderful. One: Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. The nameless man was jumping. Jumping is a skill only a few have. To put it in to perspective imagine the entire human population of your Earth now, and double that. Keep doubling the number until your bored of doubling numbers. The chances are you would still not have a skilled one. Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. The nameless man was jumping. Jumping with the the skill. A skill that allows the skilled to jump anywhere in time and space, even to any alternative universes. A skilled one can wake up and visit the beginning of the Earth (although why anyone would do that is beyond my understanding. The beginning was a man and a woman walking around with a confused look upon their faces.) and then pop to the 2000 Galactic Fights hosted on Earth. Not your Earth an alternative Earth, unless your from that alternative Earth, then yes your Earth. (Although, there is a lot of alternative universes out there, that no one knows just how many. A gifted dog once told me that he had visited over 1000 universes. He was highly intoxicated at the time and he died shortly after. He would say this was due to sudden disappearance of the ground he was walking on. Truth be told he just walked off a cliff.) Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. The nameless man was jumping. He was dying. The man was an old man and he knew his time was up. So he jumped with no idea where or when he was going. He just wanted to feel as many of the popping sensation he would feel when he jumped as many times as he could before he died (Ironically, in many cultures dying is refer to as jumping. So to these people the nameless man was taken his last and most important Jump of his life.) Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. The nameless man was jumping. He had no idea where, but destiny did. Destiny was a bitch like that he always has been. Destiny and I grow up together and he was the right little tyrant growing up. I remember he used to play pranks on our teacher which often resulted in a catfish across our teachers face. Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. Flash. Blink. The nameless man was not jumping. He lay on wet grass and stared into a blue sky. His breath was slow and heavy. He knew this was the end. I am dying he thought. A slight noise broke the silence but the man was to tired to move. He lay there staring into the sky waiting for his last breath. A much younger man soon found himself in the nameless mans vision. The younger man looked at the man lying on the ground with such curiosity (little did he know that round the corner a cat had passed away as a result of this curiosity.) “excuse me sir” says the much younger man. The nameless man let out a small noise as he tried to communicate with the younger man, but was to tired to do so. The younger man pressed “the thing is sir, you seem to be lying on my parents lawn, may I ask why?”. The nameless man smiled and let go of his last breath. Swoosh. Push. Swoosh. Push. The last breath was not a last breath. It was a gift and it floated away looking ti present itself to a new candidate. The gift saw the young boy and was started. The young boy had a bizarre appearance for one of this universe. Swoosh. Push. Swoosh. Push. The gift throw itself and joined itself to the young man, who stood with a shocked expression as he now realised what had happened to the strange man lying on his parents lawn. The gift settled comfortable and knew straight away that it was about to have an exciting time with its new friend. |