Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2016744-Prologue
Rated: · Draft · Action/Adventure · #2016744
A child, created with the gene of a wolf, must fight for the fate of the world.
Royal Industry. A company that claims to work towards peace and efficiency for the world. They say that every project made within their walls helps everyone's live a better live. They speak of lies of creating protections and comfort that the world demands.
To a very few handful of people, there are questions left unanswered. The answer to those questions, this company is a war industry. From all the workers working above ground, there is a select few guards, builders and scientists chosen for this dark purpose.
Some of them would accept these dark deeds, others were blackmailed or threaten to be apart of this. There are some who don't know of the real purpose of their jobs. These workers assume that this is a part of the goal known above ground.
Royal Industry works to create biological weapons and auction them off to terrorists and dictators. In a way, their true goal is to control the world through biological warfare.
Every time you walk around the corner, there's a monster raising hell. So many lives are lost because of this. And in the end, Royal Industry continues to evade the law and makes it look like they are never responsible.
But it all changed on one night. The full moon lit the sky. Towards the city, light danced along the ground for a festival. The sounds of life could be heard from all around.
The people had very little care in the world as they blindly celebrate to their good health. The smell of delicious food flows through the air, ushering people to the stalls they came from.
They have no idea of the plans Royal Industry has for them, nor the inconvenient occurrence that will save their life tonight.
The city remains oblivious to the industry dark secrets. Within the company, with the public laboratory closed for the night, alarms from the underground laboratory were going off. The guards stationed within scattered through out every section, in search of a dangerous experiment. Little did they know, the experiment was hunting while searching for an escape.
One guard in particular, a graduate of ROTC, scans a each hallway for the experiment. Her name is Emily. She was hired after graduation. When She got to work, they only pointed out her post and keep an eye out for anything dangerous.
What she was protecting, whom to fend off, nothing was clear to her. All she was told was to be on the look out for anything strange.
Suddenly, Emily heard gunshots echoed through out the level. With no hesitation, she race through the sector, following the echo. Emily became more curious and nervous as she got closer. What is the danger? Is it an intruder, or is it something from inside the company.
As the gun fire stop, she was too late to assist. Her comrades lay dead from savage attack only a monster could manage. The lights flickered through the hall, the stench of fresh kill lingered in the air, and the pool of blood is splattered all over the wall.
The guard felt like she was going to faint at the sight of the blood. But what really shocked her was the bizarre figure that lingers over the bodies.
Its form was disfigured, making it hard to describe what it was. As it looks towards Emily with its vicious blood red eyes, it growled, splattering bits of blood and flesh from the guard it was eating.
Hesitating, Emily grabs her gun and began to fire at it. Rather than making any dents in the monsters skin, it only aggravated it. It roars at a pitch so high, Emily's ear began to bleed.
It charges at the poor guard, never giving her time to think. Before it could end her life, something struck the beast with great velocity. Emily slowly opens her eyes to see a violent match between the monster and a little girl.
The girl was no older than five. She wore a dress that reached to her ankle. But what truly surprised her was the girl had furry hands that looks almost like paws.
Emily looks to her saviors face to see that her face was part wolf, part human. Immediately, Emily realizes the truth of Royal Industry's intentions.
She looks around to find a way to help out. Fearing the worse, Emily grabs a taser from the nearest body, keeping a distance from the swipes that the two creature were going for. She aims at the bigger monster, and fires. The girl notice and immediately leaps and clings to the ceiling before the wires attached themselves to the monster.
With the pool of blood thick enough around the monster, it acted as water and increased the shock. It gave out a final blood shriek before dying.
The fight was over, and the wolf child fell onto the guard. Emily looks upon the weary face of her savior. The wolf child seem wary, as if the fight took every ounce of strength from her.
Emily began to wonder what to do. The FBI would want to hear of Royal Industry's conspiracy. But the company would go all out just to keep her silent.
It was decided. Emily took as much precaution around the security and guards, insuring that the ones who knew of this doesn't see her.
As she got to the parking lot, the wolf child begins to stir. She opened her eyes, but showed no strength to manage on her own. Emily assume that she was just activated during the breach.
“Glad to see you wake up,” Emily says to the girl, “Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here.”
Emily lays her down in the back seat for her to rest. Then something else surprised her. The girls image began to change. The fur, claws and facial structure receded And soon enough, She was more human than before. The only thing that stayed with her was the ears and tail.
This distracted Emily long enough for the beast to barge its way into the parking lot. But something was different. It had a collar and no blood stain on it. It must be another one. This time, it was controlled.
It didn't take long for Emily to decide to get in the car. She tries to start up the car as the monster sniffs the air for its prey. The more it got closer, the more scared Emily became. She tries to start up the car, and it only took a few minutes to get it running.
Unfortunately, the monster notice. It gave a loud roar that shatters every glass and set of every car alarms.
Emily took advantage of the moment to race out of the area. As she drives to the city, the beast followed. It seem to want the child, but Emily had no intention of returning with the child.
Hoping to loose the beast, she charges into the crowd of people. She was only slowed for a minute when everyone was jumping out of the way. Then she was forced to stop cause everyone else wouldn't move away fast enough.
Turning her head, Emily sees the beast throwing citizens around. Now Emily was forced to take the wolf child on foot. She would shove anyone that would block her path, but the monster was catching up to her fast.
So Emily charge into a nearby restaurant, hoping it couldn't fit through the door, infuriating the worker. But to insure the theory, she runs through the back door, into the back alley.
There, waiting for unsuspecting victims were back alley thugs. They were about to start trouble when the monster charges through the doorway, scaring everyone who see it.
The monster grabs anything it could lift and throws it at Emily and the wolf child. Emily continues to run and dodge everything that was thrown at her.
Eventually, they made it to the biggest part of the road, blocked off by people awaiting for the parade. The monster finally caught up to them. The crowd gasp and shrieks at the sight of the monster.
“Give me the subject,” the monster growls, extending its claws. “Give it to me and these people won't be harmed.”
Emily grasp onto the girl like a mother to a baby. She was too scared to let her go, not when she come this far. As the monster steps forward, the guard steps back. A few steps back, she trips and falls to the ground, still protecting the child.
“The boss doesn't want this to be any harder than it is,” The monster growls, more impatient.
“I have no intentions of going back,” a dark voice speaks. Emily can feel the girl returning to her wolf hybrid form. It was a miracle that no one has witnessed her human form yet.
Knowing what was happening next Emily cling on tighter, hoping to keep her safe.
“It's okay,” the child tells Emily, “I can handle this.” Emily could feel the child's amazing strength. The child slipped through Emily's grasp and got up, as if she had the strength of ten men within the hour she was exhausted.
She walks up to the monster, never once flinching or showing any sign of fear. This child showed courage that no one could show tonight. The girl extends her claw, bared her fangs, and howls. Emily began to feel the child's strength through her howl.
She looks to the crowd to see their expressions were different. They were more amazed than scared. Emily turns to the child. She could feel this is a battle roar.
© Copyright 2014 shadowheart (shadowheart45 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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