Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2016606-Baby-Its-Cold-Outside
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2016606
Luke and Jill keep each other warm during their winter vacation.
Jill waited in her living room excitedly. Her suitcase was packed, and she was ready for two weeks of winter fun in the Pocono mountains with her friend Kate, Kate’s boyfriend Peter, and Peter’s friend Luke. They’d been planning the two week trip all semester, and now here it was. The honk of a horn drew her attention to the window. Peter’s black Subaru outback pulled into the driveway. The motor was turned off, and the other three young adults climbed out of the vehicle. Kate rushed up to the front door and rang the doorbell, which played a bell quire version of Deck the Halls. Jill rushed to the door, and pulled it open. Both she and Kate let out excited squeals, and hugged each other as Kate surged through the front door. Peter and Luke waited for the girls to clear the front door. Peter came in and pulled Jill into his arms after Kate released her. Luke took a tentative step inside the house eyeing the older woman who watched them with scrutiny. Irene gave the newcomer a smile. She moved around Peter, and held her hand out to Luke.

“I’m Jill’s mom, Irene.”

“It’s nice to meet you ma’am,” Luke shook her hand politely. “I’m Luke Matthews, Peter’s friend.”

“I won’t hold that against you,” Irene smiled kindly at Peter.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Peter smiled back. “He’s nothing like me. He’s a gentleman.”

“Where will you all be staying?” Irene queried. She gave Peter a look letting him know she was not playing anymore. She knew that Peter was the ring leader, and instigator of this trip. Peter wasn’t a bad guy, but she was glad he was dating Kate and not Jill. He was too smooth, and experienced for her innocent daughter.

“We’ll be staying in a time share my family is a part of,” Peter informed her. He tolerated Irene’s inquisition. He was all too familiar with overprotective parents. He knew all too well men like him were the reason overprotective parents existed.

“And the sleeping arrangements?” Irene inquired.

“Mom!” Jill gasped.

“There are two bedrooms, and a sofa-bed,” Peter answered patiently. “Jill is free to sleep where ever she chooses.”

“Don’t worry,” Kate assured Irene. “Jill and I are going to share a room, and Peter and Luke will share another.”

Irene nodded, and hugged Jill. Her daughter was nineteen, which made her an adult in the state of Pennsylvania, but she was her mother.

“You call me every night,” Irene whispered. “If I don’t hear from you I’m coming up there to get you.”

“Jeez! Mom!” Jill moaned. “You know Peter, and you know Kate. I’m safe with them.”

“If you say so,” Irene stated, and let Jill back away. “Have fun.”

After they were safely outside, and the front door was closed Peter tossed Jill’s suitcase in the back of the Subaru. Kate and Peter climbed into the front seat, leaving Jill and Luke the back. When everyone was buckled in Peter backed out of the driveway.

“Sorry about that,” Jill murmured to the car at large.

“Don’t worry about it!” Peter laughed. “I’m not sure I’d want my daughter going anywhere with a guy like me!” He turned on the radio, and cranked up the volume. A Christmas carol blared from the speakers. “This is what you ladies want to listen to right?”

“You bet!” Kate exclaimed.

They rode in silence for a while listening to the different renditions of the classic carols, and occasionally something knew from one of the younger pop artists. When the song Christmas Shoes began Peter turned down the radio so that you could only hear the melody.

“That song should come with a warning label,” he laughed weakly. “Don’t listen while operating a vehicle or heavy machinery.”

“I’ve never heard it,” Luke admitted.

“You’ll hear it sometime within these next two weeks,” Peter assured him. “And if it doesn’t make you weep I’ll assume you’re made of stone.”

Jill sniffed and squeezed her eyes shut to force them dry. Luke laid a warm hand over hers. She looked up at him, and offered a weak smile. He curled his fingers around her hand, and squeezed gently. Her smile widened at his touch. They held hands for the remainder of the trip.

It was dark by the time they reached the time share bungalow in the woods. Peter parked the Subaru so that the head lights lit the walk way to the front door. They made their way inside, and flipped on the lights in the main area. The living room and kitchen were set up stairs, and the bedrooms were down stairs in what could be considered the basement. After they unloaded their suitcases, Peter and Kate disappeared into the master bedroom. Jill and Luke looked nervously at each other as it became apparent that Kate was going to be sharing the bedroom with Peter. Luke and Jill brought their suitcases into the other bedroom, which contained a queen size bed. The silence was broken by the jangling of Jill’s cell phone. She dug in her purse to find it, and answered it.

“Hi mom,” she said.

“You get there ok?” Irene practically yelled through the phone.

“Yes, mom,” Jill said nervously. She left the room, and made her way up the stairs to the living room. “I was just about to get ready for bed. We’re getting an early start tomorrow.”

Jill opened the refrigerator to see what they would need to buy at the grocery store. She was a bit surprised to see that the refrigerator was stocked with what they would need for the next two weeks. While she and her mother discussed the drive, and the activities planned for the next two weeks she checked the cupboards to see where everything was. She found and pulled out a bag of microwave popcorn. I’ll replace it, she told herself as she tossed the bag in the microwave and pushed the popcorn button. Luke emerged from down stairs, and leaned on the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room. He wore a pair of flannel pajama pants with dancing banana’s on them waving their arms in the air. Jill did her best to suppress a chuckle.

“Mom, I’ve gotta go,” Jill smiled. “My popcorn is ready.”

“Thought you were getting ready for bed,” Irene challenged.

“I was, but my stomach demanded a late night snack.”

“Have a good night dear,” Irene stated.

After Jill hung up with her mother she pulled the bag of popcorn out of the microwave. She opened it, and offered some to Luke. He took a handful, and began eating one kernel at a time. Jill pulled two Sprites out of the refrigerator, and slid one across the counter to Luke. He caught it, and popped it open, taking a long drink. Jill watched as the muscles of his throat worked to swallow down the sweet lemon lime carbonized liquid.

“So, did you tell her how Peter and Kate pulled one over on us?” Luke inquired.

“No,” Jill smiled. “We’re all adults, and she doesn’t need a play-by-play of how we spend our vacation.”

“So, do you want me to crash on the couch?”

“Only if you want to. It’s kind of chilly up here though.”

“I can handle it.”

“I can handle sharing a bed with you,” Jill asserted. “After all you’re a gentleman.”

“Peter is right about that,” Luke nodded. “I won’t do anything to you if you don’t want me to. I’ll warn you though, I do like to cuddle.”

“Me too,” Jill smiled.

They finished their snack, and made their way down to the bedroom. Jill gathered her pajamas and toiletries, and disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. When she emerged Luke was sitting in the bed with the covers over his legs. He smiled when he saw the snow men on her light blue fleece pajamas. He pulled the covers back to assure her that he was still wearing his pajama pants, and to invite her into the bed. Jill climbed in beside him, and turned off the bedside light.

“Cute jammies,” Luke murmured.

“Thanks,” Jill giggled as his lips brushed her ear. She turned to face him in the dark, and their lips touched. Jill pulled back reluctantly. “Luke I…”

“I’m sorry,” Luke cut her off. “I’ve wanted to do that since we first met. Do you remember that?”

Jill thought back. They’d met at a Halloween party the previous semester. He’d worn a Shakespeare costume, and she’d been dressed in some renaissance garb she’d purchased a while back. He’d spoken to her using Elizabethan terminology; complimenting her eyes, her face, her mouth, and even her breasts, which made her turn fifty shades of red. The same fifty shades she was probably turning at that very moment. Good thing it’s dark, she thought. He slid his arm around her waist, and pulled her close. Their eyes had adjusted to the moon light spilling into the room, and they stared into each other’s eyes.

“Why didn’t you kiss me back then?” Jill inquired.

“We were a bit drunk,” Luke admitted. “I didn’t want there to be any misunderstandings.”

“Wow, you really are a gentleman,” Jill sighed.

“Not always,” Luke admitted. “I have been known to be a cad.”

“Oh?” Jill inquired. She yawned covering her mouth. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be, sweet lady,” he laid her back on the pillow, and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. “Sweet dreams.”

The next morning Jill awoke to the smell of breakfast. She made her way up stairs, and found Luke, Kate, and Peter, in the kitchen. Luke offered her a cup of coffee with the right amount of cream and sugar mixed in. Jill sipped and felt her eyes open wider. Kate set a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast on the counter in front of her. Jill climbed onto one of the stools, and dug into the breakfast. Luke joined her with his own plate. Peter and Kate stood across from them with their own plates.

“You should have woke me,” Jill scolded Luke softly.

“Well, I thought about it,” Luke admitted. “But you looked so beautiful nestled in the blankets and pillows. The lovely Tat Tanya, dreaming of her beloved Oberon.”

“I thought she cheated on Oberon,” Jill smiled up at Luke.

“She did,” Luke agreed. “But they never stopped loving each other.”

After breakfast they bundled up, and went on a skiing adventure. The four of them attempted the intermediate level slopes together. After a few hours Jill and Luke retreated to the lodge while Kate and Peter attempted a few black diamond trails. Luke bought Jill a cup of hot chocolate, and set it in front of her.

“Thank you,” Jill smiled as he took a seat at the table across from her. She blew the steam from the surface of the rich brown liquid, and took a sip. The warm chocolate flowed smoothly down her throat. “Mmm, it’s made with milk.”

“You can tell the difference?” Luke inquired.

“Yes, it’s thicker when it’s made with milk,” Jill explained.

“A lady who knows her chocolate,” Luke raised his mug in a toast and sipped.

“I love chocolate,” Jill admitted.

“Oh?” Luke leaned closer to keep their conversation private. “Is that how I can win your heart?”

“I’m not so easily bought,” Jill sipped her cocoa, “but this is a good start.”

“What else do you love?” Luke inquired. He laid a hand over hers.

“I like roses,” Jill smiled. “I also like shiny things.”

“I see,” he slid his fingers under her hand, and stroked her palm.

“I like gentle touches and playfulness.”

“Sounds like you know just what you want,” Luke pulled her hand to his lips and pressed them to her knuckles. He brushed them over her fingers and nipped the tips.

“Luke!” Jill exclaimed in a soft whisper. “There are people around.”

“They aren’t watching us,” Luke moved to one of the chairs beside her, keeping her hand in his. He pressed light kisses to the top of her hand, trailing kisses over her forearm; pausing to lick the crease of her elbow.

“You’re giving me chills,” Jill giggled. She slid her sleeve down to cover the skin he had just exposed. She pressed two fingers to his lips when he leaned in to kiss her neck. “Luke, please, not here.”

“Sorry, baby,” Luke pulled back. “So, where can I kiss you?”

“Why do you want to kiss me so bad?”

“Why are you so surprised that I would want to kiss you?”

“I’m not very popular with men.”

“Well, most men are fools.”

“Oh, come on,” Jill could not help but chuckle. “How many women have you used that line on?”

“Just you,” Luke assured her. “I won’t lie. You are not my first, but I don’t go through women like… well something that is easily gone through.”

“I’ve had two boyfriends,” Jill admitted. “My last one was a long distance relationship.”

“And how long ago was that?” Luke inquired. He turned her hand palm up, and pressed a soft kiss to the center.

“A year,” Jill breathed. She tried to pull her hand away when he circled her palm with the tip of his tongue. She glanced up and spotted two high school aged girls watching them intently. “We have an audience.”

Luke looked up at the two young women. They looked to be only freshman. He offered them a smile, and lowered Jill’s hand back to the table. The two girls sighed disappointedly, and turned their backs to them. Luke sandwiched Jill’s hand between his own. He was about to ask another question when Peter and Kate walked up to their table. Kate sat while Peter bought her and himself some hot chocolate.

“So, what were you two talking about?” Kate asked.

“Oh, just how long it’s going to take for Jill to get used to me kissing her in public,” Luke laughed.

Jill blushed and tried to hide her smile by taking a sip of her cocoa. After they finished their drinks Peter drove them back to the bungalow. They made a quick dinner, and then Jill went down to soak in the Jacuzzi tub. She sighed as the hot water, and the jets relaxed her stiffened muscles. A knock at the door gave her a start. The door opened, and Luke slipped in, wearing nothing but his pajama pants. Jill sunk down into the tub so that the bubbles from the jets covered her.

“What are you doing?” Jill asked.

“You’ve been in here for quite a while,” Luke knelt beside the tub. “I wanted to make sure you didn’t pass out.” He reached into the tub, and pulled one of her hands out from under the water. Her fingers were wrinkling.

“I was just about to get out.”

Luke stood and opened the towel that hung on the rack beside the tub. He averted his eyes as she climbed out of the tub, and wrapped the towel around her. They used the adjoining door that led into the bathroom, which led into the bedroom they were using. Luke made himself comfortable in the bed they shared while Jill changed in the bathroom. She emerged, and crawled into bed with him. He stopped her when she reached to turn off the bed side light.

“I’m not tired yet,” Luke smiled. “Are you?”

“Only physically,” Jill snuggled up against him.

Luke kissed her, dipping his tongue into her soft yielding mouth. His hand slipped under the top of her pajamas, and cupped one of her heavy breasts. She gasped as his thumb circled her nipple. Luke slowly pulled the fleece shirt up to expose her smooth pale breasts. He leaned down, and sucked the nipple he’d been toying with into his mouth. He suckled greedily, and lashed the tip of her nipple with his tongue. Jill squirmed beneath him, gasping with pleasure. He pulled her down beneath him, and slipped a thigh between her thighs.

“Luke wait!” Jill gasped. “I’m not… I’ve never…”

Luke froze releasing her swollen nipple from his mouth. He pushed himself up on his forearms, and stared into her wide hazel eyes.

“You’re a virgin?” He inquired.

“Yes,” Jill looked away from him. “Sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?” He turned her head to look at him. “I’m the one who should apologize for being so forward.”

He moved off of her, pulled her shirt back down, and lay on his side facing her. He wouldn’t rush her. He had the next week and a half to get to know her, and to grow closer with her. He reached over her, and turned off the light. Before he pulled back he pressed his mouth to hers, and made love to her mouth.

“Sweet dreams Jill.”

“You too Luke.”

“I will as long as I hold you.”

Luke spent the next week and a half getting to know Jill, and showing her the many ways that he could give her pleasure without spoiling her. On their last night in the bungalow he introduced his mouth to her pussy. He ravenously licked between her soft folds until she pushed against him. His tongue slid into her, and tormented her until she could not control the volume of her moans. When she fell still beneath him he moved to lay beside her, and offered her a taste of her on his mouth.

When they returned home they visited with each other often, and spent New Year’s Eve together. Once they returned to their college campus they did their best to spend as much time as they could together without risking their grades

Word Count: 2,959
© Copyright 2014 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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