Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2016543-Love-or-Lottery
Rated: 18+ · Other · Emotional · #2016543
Correlating between love and the lottery
Love or Lottery

Have you ever played for Love? Have you ever played the lottery?

Comparing the two, I could not help but see the correlation between them. It really is quite frightening to say the least!

Quite honestly, I have played both and I have lost at both. I can't say it left me feeling like a winner either. But, we all take chances, right? Some of us set out on a journey looking for love, while others, run the steady race to win the lottery. Is one, really, any different than the other? They both come at a huge cost, unless you are “exceptionally” lucky. Maybe, we should ask ourselves how far we are willing to go or how much we are willing to give. Either way though, get your wallets out ladies and gentleman because this is no free ride! There is a price tag on both. Your either paying to get in or paying to get out!

Now, its a big wide world, so we are given quite the menu to choose a lover from. Plenty of fish in the sea, right? Well, we are offered an immense selection of lottery tickets as well, but whichever one we opt for, you can rest assure, we are taking a astronomical chance. Come on! They both look enticing, don't they? And, our goal? Well, that would be to win of course!

Keep in mind, both are a game, so, we had better be well prepared to lose. Actually, its kind of like going on a blind date. You have no idea what you are going to uncover until you get there. A bit scary if you ask me. We know, we are taking a risk, but we tell ourselves, “Hey, at least I am still in the game.”.

If I seek a lover, I know, I am taking a chance. I begin scratching the surface with anticipation to see what lies beneath this “lucky” individual. Well, lucky from my perspective. Heck, maybe I will, finally, hit the jackpot. Or, maybe, he or she will be a loser. Regardless. I will invest all I have, believing that I have found that pot of gold that lies at the end of every rainbow. After all, I am determined to win, right?

People will stand in line waiting to purchase their “winning” ticket, just as I believe people stand in line “waiting” for love. We tell ourselves, that the important thing is not to give up. We have to play to win and pay to win! Those are the rules!

Why do we not consider the consequences we suffer if we lose? Do we think about the pain and heartache that can come from disbursing all we have? Whether it be money or emotions, do we even consider that we could end up bankrupt! Oh, and lets not forget the guilt and shame that follows, after, we have exhausted all that we have. And, just what are we getting back from all of or efforts? “Hmmm...”, Well, it would be nice if we could just break even, wouldn't it? It would be better than nothing. That is what we tell ourselves anyway. However, the important thing is, we have to keep playing, because we have so much invested, right? Besides, who told us when it was time to quit? Its all or nothing, isn't it? We roll the dice and take the chance of losing everything to fulfill that craving to be loved or too be rich. And, neither one comes with a label, warning us of how addicting it will become. So, we gamble. We throw on the rose colored glasses and play!

Just what are the odds of winning? Who cares, right? Just stay in the game! Give it all you have and hope for the best. Remember, there is always the chance that we are serendipitous enough to have others standing on the side lines cheering us on. Maybe, if they see it works for you and me, it will work for them as well. But, they will let you or I take the chance. Its no skin off from their backs if you lose! Oh, they won't mind throwing in their two cents when its over though. Patting us on the back if we win or shaking their heads in disappointment and disgust should we lose. Win and they become your best friends. Lose and they will disappear like farts in a tornado. That's when we hear the “I told ya so!”. Win however, and its “I knew you had this one!”

So, just what is the point of playing at love or playing the lottery? In fact, why do we continue playing at all? I guess, it is because there is a driving hunger in us all. We all have an empty hole within and we can not thrive without, at least, one or the other. That space has to be filled! Maybe, some of us will be lucky enough to conquer them both. But f you ask me, that would be double the trouble! Double the consequences, win or lose.

How do we decide which one we will go after? I guess, that depends on whether we have ever been burned before. Lose at love, try the lottery...Lose the lottery, give love a shot. Heck, in this day and age, there is always a freeloader loader or a gold digger who will be happy to go for “YOUR” love or “YOUR” money! Better watch out! Better not cry! You had better be careful, I'm telling you why.... They are both a thief, that's why. Love steals money and money steals love. All I know is, if we lose the scratch off, that empty ticket stares back at us and laughs! Same goes for that “loser” lover. He or she will look back at you, hold their head high, smirk and walk away. My choice? Well, I have found that both are “Indian Givers”. Yup, both will dangle a carrot to deep you coming back for more! Know this, both are just waiting to steal you blind! What? You didn't think they were looking out for your bet interest, did you? Ha!

My conclusion? Steer clear of both! Guard your heart and guard your wallet! Realize your worth! Fill that empty hole with a steak and lobster dinner and never cast your pearls to the swine! Most importantly, always remember, if it is meant to be...the lottery will find you! Love will find you! Until then, don't go knocking on either of their doors!


Oct. 2014
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