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Rated: GC · Chapter · Erotica · #2016134
Zeke runs into some problems on his next mission
I was sitting down in the middle of the 8th sphere watching some of the damned suffer. I hadn’t really been in the 8th sphere since I got the new job at the Karma department. I kind of missed the moaning and the screaming but then again at the same time, I didn’t miss the smell of charred flesh. Anyway, as I was watching I got a call on my cell phone from Minos.

“Hello?” answered.

“Hi Zeke it’s Minos. Got another list for you.”

“Okay just send it over”

“Yeah no problem, by the way, great job on that Amy girl. We were really worried when somebody finally found out how to use black magic. How’d you manage to take it off her anyway?”

“Oh I just conjured up something I found in the archives that burnt it away.”

“Well good work and good luck.”

I hung up the phone and waited for Minos to send me a new list. I didn’t want to tell him that I had help from an angel. It kind of makes our business a little weak asking favors from the other side so I figured the less they knew about it the better.

Just then the list appeared in my hands in a puff of flames. I took the elevator to the 1st sphere and started looking at the list. This time I was going to be in New York. I couldn’t wait, such a huge public place to humiliate people in. I looked down at first name so I could start thinking of ideas.

Offense: Tomboy girl who likes to act like she’s one of the guys which wouldn’t be a problem if she wasn’t abusive to their girlfriends. She likes to get real violent with the girls when they are around and has actually bruised a few of them. What’s really bad is when she gets drunk because she is an angry drunk and gets into a lot of fights.

I stood outside of the portal of New York and was transported onto Earth. Once I was there the first thing I did was look down at my own person. This time, I was a homeless person. Okay, not any better than the previous ones but at least no one was going to notice me. I focused on Angela’s picture and was soon teleported to her location.
Next thing I knew I was transported by a nearby basketball court in downtown. I looked around the court to look for my target and there I saw a 5’ 5” brown haired girl wearing these really big khaki pants held up with a belt, a black tank top and a hat on backwards, it was Angela. She was dribbling the ball down the other side of the court. She moved pretty fast, I was impressed with her skills until I saw her shove a guy out of the way to score. After she scored she wooed really loud and had her hands in the air to bask in her glory, okay this had to stop.

I snapped my fingers to stop everything and looked around the ground. I noticed by a nearby dumpster were some nice sized rocks about the size of a fist. I walked over and grabbed a handful of rocks and walked up to Angela. Little miss badass was going to be taught a lesson in wearing pants the correct size for her. I stuffed the rocks inside of her side pockets of her cargo pants and then fastened the buttons on them so she couldn’t get them out. Knowing that she had something to prove to the boys, she wouldn’t take the time to say time out and take them out of her pockets. Once I snapped the button of the side pocket, I walked back to the sidelines of the court and snapped my fingers to finish the game.

Angela walked to the free throw line to serve the ball to the next guy. Once she tossed it she started to move around, only to stop to feel a slight tug on her pants. Angela looked down but then tried to catch up to the other team who was already on the other side of the court.

“Angie what the hell is wrong with you, get the ball!” one of her team mates shouted.
Angela tried to get the ball away from the other team member, but as she kept moving around the tug on her pants got stronger. Angela was about to get the ball when she stopped to pull her pants up because she felt them on the edge of her hips. Taking the opportunity, the opposing team member leapt in the air and slam dunked the ball. All the members of Angela’s team groaned and Angela cursed as she stood on the side of the free throw line.

“Angie, are you gonna play or what?” her team mate asked

“Shut up all right?” Angie said, “Just watch me bitch and I’ll take care of everything.”

Yeah right.

The opposing team member served the ball to Angela and Angela grabbed the ball and darted past her opponent. With quick speed, Angela made it all the way to the other court and leapt high into the air to hook the ball in the net. Angela cheered out loud and was starting to gloat.

“What up now huh?” she said, “That’s what I’m talking about!”

But when Angela noticed that everyone was standing on the other side of the court with their jaws opened, she knew something was up. Then, Angela felt a cool breeze hitting her legs. It was like a detective putting the pieces of a murder back together. Because then, Angela noticed the pair of khakis that were laying in the center of the court that had fallen off as she sped to the goal. Angela’s legs buckled a little as she stood there in front of everybody in her Hanes his way boy briefs.

All of the guys on the court starting laughing and Angela, red faced, took off her cap to cover herself with. “Screw you guys give me my pants back!” she said.

But it was too late, all the guys on her team grabbed the pants and held them up in the air for Angela to get.

“Come on badass, you’re a tough girl right? You just made that jump shot so come get em!” said one of the guys holding up her pants.

Angela’s face was turning more red as she leapt up in the air trying to get her pants back. It must have been the embarrassment from being in her underwear because she was making these little skips instead of the huge jump she did before. As she was jumping, two other teammates snuck up from behind Angela, grabbed the back of her briefs and pulled them up as hard as they could giving her a huge wedgie.

Angela screamed and covered her half exposed ass as she stumbled to the ground. She was now starting to develop tears in her eyes. “You guys are assholes!” she winced.
Her ego shattered, Angela tried making her way towards the gate of the fence of the basketball court. Unfortunately for Angela, the girlfriends of her teammates were standing outside smiling. Angela tried to open the door, but the girls on the other side wouldn’t let her out.

“Look you fucking bitches let me out!” she shouted.

“Why, you look so hot in your boy briefs.” One of the girls said.

This made Angela turn even red as she tried reaching through the fence to grab the girl. Bad idea. The girl on the other side stepped back and grabbed Angela’s arm. Angela tried to pull her arm back but then the other girls grabbed and pulled her forward. Then, the leader of the group grabbed the strap of Angela’s tank top and started pulling.

“Wh..what are you doing?” Angela said weakly, “No! Stop!”

Angela tried as hard as she could to pull back but stopped when she felt her left strap rip and then felt the rest of her tank top get peeled off of her like a banana. Angela screamed as she covered her exposed breasts and slowly backed away as the girls laughed even harder. Angela slowly circled around in terror with her legs squeezed together as she realized there were about thirty people laughing at her in her state of undress. With no other option, Angela looked towards the fence and placed her hands and feet on them trying to climb up to get out of the court.

I got to give credit to Angela, she managed to climb up to the top with one hand because she was still covering her chest with the other. Once Angela reached the top, she placed one leg over one side and then tried to lift the other leg over, but as she did, she slipped and she started to fall. Angela screamed but stopped when she stopped falling and started to dangle. At first, Angela was relieved until she felt the wedgie of her boy briefs being tugged harder. Angela looked up and saw that the back of her underwear was caught on the fence. Angela’s hands started moving frantically and she started kicking her legs trying to regain her balance to pull herself up, but that only increased the tension on the elastic of the waistband. Everybody in the court was now practically on the ground laughing at this former tomboy who was now a laughing stock. All the laughter was interrupted by a loud RIIP! and then Angela came crashing down to the ground. Angela knew what had happened and immediately covered her bare ass that was now exposed to everybody. Angela stood up and tried jumping the fence again to grab the remains of her underwear. The whistling from the guys in the court made Angela decide to change plans and start running. Angela started booking it towards her car and as she was running, one of the girls that grabbed her shirt gave her a hard slap on her ass.

As I was enjoying my work, all of the sudden out of nowhere I was hit in the back of the head by something so hard it sent me to the ground. I got up as quick as I could and was a little dizzy at first. I then tried to look around to see what the heck the source was. It couldn’t have been a human because no human could really knock any demon to the ground. I looked around the area and couldn’t find any sight of anybody who was trying to get me. To be honest, something strong enough to knock a demon on his knees is pretty powerful and that scared me a little so I decided to book it as quick as I could.

As I headed quickly away from the basketball court I looked down at the next name on the list.

Offense: Real Estate agent who sabotages other real estate agents. She will put rats in these places before they get shown or sometimes she pays other guys to tamper with the plumbing and then she sweeps up the clients and sells them her property. She’s put a lot of people out of jobs.

I sat down on a bench in central park looking at the picture of Karen. She was a nice statuesque woman with short blond hair. Boy talk about a business woman who deserved to be in playboy. Her butt was nice and firm in that nice business skirt, not too big that it stuck out but it would have been one of the first things you noticed. Her breasts would have been the second, they had to have been a 36 D at least. I looked up from my picture to regain focus when I saw the exact same picture only it was moving. Boy what luck, Karen was walking through the park talking on her cell phone and holding her briefcase. As she walked past me I overheard her talking on the cell phone.

“Yes Mr. And Mrs. Peterson we are still meeting in the park today to sign the rest of the papers. Look forward to seeing you, bye” she said.

As soon as she hung up, that pleasant smile on Karen’s face turned away to a unhappy miserable woman who sat down on another bench a bit further.

“Stupid country couple trying to move out to the city.” She muttered.

I decided to wait for Karen’s other friends to arrive so they could see the new “change” in Karen’s life so I occupied my time to continue looking at her picture.

About fifteen minutes later, this pleasant couple around the age of 30 walked up to Karen and said hi. Karen stood up and stuck out her hand and shook hands with the husband. I snapped my fingers and froze the moment and walked up to Karen, I was going to savor this.

I broke Karen’s hand away from Mr. Peterson and placed my hands inside of her vest Jacket and undid the two buttons holding it together. I removed the jacket from around her shoulders and tossed them into the nearby bushes. Next, I untucked Karen’s white shirt and from the top of her neck, I slowly unbuttoned her blouse. As I unbuttoned the center button, I saw the naked cleavage of Karen’s breasts. Kind of dressing unprofessionally to not wear a bra at a business meeting. Oh well. I unbuttoned the last button and removed her blouse from her shoulders and stood back to admire Karen’s breasts. So much better than in the picture and unclothed. I couldn’t see how Karen managed to keep such good posture with breasts that full without a bra. Wanting to move on, I stood behind Karen and grabbed the zipper between my finger and my thumbs and slowly pulled it down. Once the zipper was at the end of it’s path, I tugged down on it harder to slide it down around Karen’s ankles and then, I stood back in utter shock.

Nothing had prepared me for what I saw. Tough businesswoman Karen, was wearing a garter belt and g-string made entirely out of candy that is made for bead necklaces. This was too good. I couldn’t believe they made stuff like this. The garter belt was a string of candy, but was still hooked to her stockings. Boy, I was eager to see Karen react to everyone seeing her in that getup so I grabbed her dress, tossed it into the bushes, placed Karen’s hand back in the hand of the husbands and walked back to my bench to unfreeze time.

Karen resumed smiling and shaking the hand of the husband until his smile and the smile of his wife’s faded away as they saw their realtor in nothing but edible panties. The husband kept shaking her hand as he was distracted. Karen wondered what was wrong and looked down. Karen screamed as she pulled her hand away and put her hands over her candy underwear. The couple stood back in shock and puzzlement felt like this was a joke and got a little angry.

“Ms. Faye what are you doing?” the wife asked.

“Yes and wearing underwear made out of…candy?” the husband followed.

Karen’s legs were crossed as she covered her breasts as well. Karen started to panic and her eyes started to well up in tears as she noticed that there were more people arriving at the scene to look at the spectacle.

“Mr. And Mrs. Peterson, I…I don’t know what to say…I… I’m a very professional woman” Karen stuttered out.

“If you were professional I think you’d be taking it more seriously by wearing proper underwear you slut!” the wife said.

Karen’s jaw dropped from the comment and her eyes flared after being insulted. Still covering herself, Karen just shouted, “Fuck you! You cunt!”

Boy that wasn’t a smart move at all. Not only did Karen lose two clients, but it also caught the attention of a group of pigeons that were nearby the park who now saw food for the taking.

Karen started to back away and when she felt a pigeon fly close to her face she tried shooing it away. Soon, two more pigeons flew at her and Karen stopped covering herself to shoo the flock of pigeons that were coming. As Karen was shooing away pigeons above her head, she felt was seemed to be a piegons’ feet on her belly and then a tug on her candy garter belt. Before Karen could react, there was a hard tug and a snap that caused Karen to put her hands on her waist that was no longer covered in a garter belt made of candy. The pigeon started pulling on the candy garter belt and eventually pulled it from Karen’s stockings. Karen screamed and crouched to the ground as her stockings started to slide. While she was busy covering her dignity, Karen forgot about the other pigeons until she felt a small pecking on her side. Karen’s eyes widened as she grabbed the left side of her g-string only to find that the string was broken and a pigeon had gotten away with a piece of candy and string. Karen tried holding up the broken part of her underwear but it was no use. All of the pigeons now saw the free meal ticket and flew after Karen. Karen’s hands flew up in the air as she screamed from the crowd of pigeons that swarmed her lower torso, you couldn’t see anything anymore. Just as quick as the pigeons swarmed Karen’s body, they quickly flew away leaving Karen completely naked, save for a few feathers that were stuck on her body.

Mr. And Mr. Peterson tried to hold back laughter but couldn’t help it and just laughed out loud. Karen grabbed some nearby branches and pulled them over her body.

“Mm..Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, please, let me get a change of clothes and we’ll sign the papers okay?” Karen begged.

“No Ms. Faye, After hearing you call my wife a cunt, I think we’ll pass and I think I’ll call your boss to have you reported.” Mr. Peterson say.

“No please!” Karen pleaded but it was too late, the Petersons were already walking away.
Just when I thought it was over, Mrs. Peterson stopped, turned to Karen and said. “By the way, those leaves have poison ivy on them.” And then walked away.

Karen immediately stepped out of the bushes and I could already see that her body was almost all red. Karen began sobbing as she started to scratch her body frantically from the pain. I was laughing my ass off, until I heard the rustle of the wind and then I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I nearly dropped to the ground and put my hand up to my shoulder wondering what happened. I felt around my shoulder until my hand grabbed around an arrow that had been shot at me. My first reaction was fear because if I had been seen in public with an arrow, it was going to cause problems because my cover could have been blown. I headed off to the bushes (the non poison ivy kind) and hid. To my surprise, despite being near a crowd who was watching Karen do the naked itching dance, no one had seen me. This made me feel worse. If nobody noticed me get hit, that meant that the arrow that hit me was invisible to human eyes, which meant someone powerful was hunting me.

I was going to get to the bottom of this, but first I had to get out of here. I concentrated on the area where Angela was very hard until finally I was teleported out of the park and back to the basketball court. Once I appeared at the basketball court I sat down at the bench to regroup. Fortunately for me, the arrow wound wasn’t too serious, and after about five minutes the wound closed. Who was attacking me? As I pondered over who the heck was attacking me, I looked up and noticed Angela Spinelli’s underwear still hanging from the fence it got caught on and was reminded that I had a job to do so I checked the list.

Offense: Weather anchor on Channel 2 news. Horrible Diva. Throws tempers over her coffee not being hot enough, her makeup not being right. She throws things at assistants and she sometimes spits on them as well.

Susan was a pretty hot weather lady. Nice brunette in her mid-thirties with a nice sized chest and cute little butt. Not wanting to stay too long for fear of getting attacked, I concentrated on her picture and was teleported to the television studio. I opened my eyes and was in the back corner of the studio. I looked around for Susan and sure enough, she was standing along the side of the anchor table in front of the screen about to go live on TV, perfect. I looked around the room and spotted a bunch of cooling fans used to prevent the equipment from overheating. Everyone was busy so nobody really paid me any attention, despite being dressed like a homeless bum. I slowly wheeled over three fans to the side of where Susan was standing, she was getting her makeup done and did not look happy.

“Go easy on the eye liner this time, I don’t want to look like a raccoon okay?” she said.
The makeup girl rolled her eyes and was sure to obey. Just as she finished, someone shouted out five minutes and Susan got ready to go on the air.

The director counted down from three and on three it was live. Susan’s unhappy look was gone and was replaced by this horribly fake smile.

“Good afternoon I’m Susan McKenzie and here is the weather for the day.” She said turning to the weather board, “Today we may have some high winds…” no shit.

I turned on all three fans to the max and soon the wind started picking up. The loudness of the fans drowned out Susan and soon, she stopped talking and brought her hands up as the strong wind hit her. Susan’s hair was flying rapidly in midair and slowly, Susan was starting to lose balance and was about to be blown back. In desperation, Susan grabbed onto the end of the screen to hold on for support, bad idea. The first thing to go was Susan’s jacket, the buttons flew off like dandelion heads and blew her jacket open. Susan gasped and tried to grab the jacket with one hand, instead, that enabled the jacket to fly off one arm and then fly off the other leaving her in her business shirt and her business skirt.

“Somebody turn the fans off!” she shouted.

I guess everybody on the crew was tired of Susan’s attitude because nobody bothered to help. Nobody was even panicking that these errors were live on TV, they all just stood back smiling. As Susan held on, the buttons of her blouse flew open and the center of her shirt parted exposing what looked like to be a white bra with yellow smiley faces on it. Susan screamed and let go of the screen to try and close her blouse, as soon as she let go she started flying in the air, but Susan quickly grabbed on to anchor table to hold on. I moved the fans closer to her to strengthen the breeze and it was enough to blow the shirt right off of her back.

Susan screamed some more and now the crew was laughing. I watched the director offstage and I watched him go to his head set and say, “Camera 1, follow Susan.” I couldn’t believe it, they were going to video tape Susan getting stripped live on TV. Susan could see herself on the screens from the back and her face turned red with rage.

“You’re all assholes I’ll never forgive you for this!” she said.

Her rage soon went to embarrassment as her skirt started to slide down from her hips exposing the top half of her bikini underwear with smiley faces on it. Susan gasped and tried to hold the skirt up with one hand. As she did that, she started to slide along the table again. Not wanting to go flying, Susan let go of her skirt and grabbed onto the edge of the table again, she was now crying. The skirt slid down and was blown off leaving Susan in her matching smiley face underwear. Her legs were kicking as she tried crossing her legs but it was no use.

From all of the anxiety Susan was feeling, her body was getting very sweaty, this caused her hands to get a little slippery and Susan lost her grip. Susan was blown across the anchor desk, and as she slid, her bra got caught along the surface and was ripped from her body from the momentum of her speed. Susan was sent crashing onto the set of another show, it looked to be a woman’s talk show.

The host and her guests screamed at the flying object that flew at them and landed in the center of the stage. Susan got up and looked around wondering where she was and then she realized that she was on the “Healing for Women” show. The host of the show laughed at the state of Susan’s current dress or undress and walked down to Susan placing her hand around her naked waste.

“Ladies and gentleman you know this woman, it’s our happy weather lady Susan McKenzie, spreading her happiness to all of us in her smiley face panties!” the host announced in front of a studio audience.

The audience applauded and laughed while Susan’s eyes widened and her hands flew to her bottom torso. Susan then hunched over herself trying to cover as much of her body as possible.

“Ple…please, give me your jacket.” Susan begged.

“Well Susan,” the host said, “If you were a nice woman, I would have. But since everyone in the studio knows you as the prima donna bitch who throws tantrums, I think I’ll pass.”

Susan’s face turned red and she stood up to get right in the hosts face.

“You fucking birch! Give me something to wear, I can’t be on TV like this!” she shouted.
“You’re right” the host said, “You can’t be on TV like this. You’re clearly an unhappy and angry woman which is the exact opposite of what your panties are representing so since you’re not a happy person, you don’t deserve to wear those.”

Susan’s anger turned to fear as she saw the woman’s hands go up ready to grab onto her last piece of clothing. With her breasts covered, Susan made a b-line for the exit but as she was running, the host grabbed onto the back of her underwear and started pulling. Susan started pulling as well and it became a tug of way with Susan’s underwear. It got so stretched out that Susan was almost onto the other side of the stage until there was a loud rip. The host fell backward holding Susan’s underwear in her hand and Susan fell forward and fell right into the exit door and fell out onto the street.

A little dizzy from falling, Susan got up and rubbed her head and her now naked rear end. As soon as she felt her naked skin, she gasped and knelt down to cover her body. The next thing Susan heard was some whoots and the flashing of cameras. Susan turned around to see that the paparazzi was waiting outside and was taking pictures of her. Susan screamed out loud and ran back to the exit door to try and get back in. Unfortunately for Susan, the door was locked and now the National Esquire had hundreds of pictures of Susan’s full naked body and millions of viewers at home got to see a nice strip tease of Susan.

I had managed to follow the flying stripped Susan from behind the crowd and was now watching from outside by a dumpster. I was laughing at Susan as she grabbed a garbage lid to cover herself, when someone grabbed me from behind and through me into a wall and then into another alleyway.

I landed on my face and skidded along the ground.

“That will be the last human you humiliate demon.” A female voice said, “Now you face your own humiliation.”

I got up from the ground and turned to see a curvy brown haired woman, dressed in a maiden’s blouse and a long white skirt, armed with a shield and sword. This was my attacker.

“Well it’s about time you showed your face.” I said wiping the blood from my mouth and growing my claws.”, “Now if you don’t mind, who the hell are you and why the hell are
you attacking me?”

“My name is Beatrice Asguard.” She said proudly, “And I am one of the holy maidens from the kingdom of England, holy crusader and vanquisher of demons like you.”

Oh great, this woman was sent from heaven.

“I have been hunting you since you arrived here for your crimes of practicing Karmic Balance without a license and now you will be punished.”

Wait a minute, practicing without a license? Minos gave me the job so I should have been cleared. Something wasn’t right, but I didn’t have time to investigate now.

“Look lady there must be a mistake.” I said, “So why don’t you just cool it before you make a big mistake.”

“The only mistake is your existence on this planet. Now die!” she shouted as she charged at me with her sword.

I couldn’t freeze her in time because she was from heaven so I had to fight. I blocked her sword with my left hand and tried clawing her with my right. Beatrice blocked my right with her shield and then head butted me sending me back a little, man she may have been a maiden but she fought dirty. I regained my balance and just as she was charging at me, I grabbed her little waist and threw her over my head and sent her through a chain link fence that was behind me. I turned around and saw Beatrice struggling in the mess of metal that she was caught in, I guess I didn’t know my own strength.

“You’ll be sorry!” she shouted, “I’ll get out and then I’ll have your head!”

“You shouldn’t struggle so much” I said calmly, “Take your time sweety,”

I guess “sweety” offended her because she screamed out loud with rage and jerked her body forward causing her dress to rip amidst the fence. Beatrice was freed from the prison of the fence but was now standing in nothing but her white string bikini panties. I just stood there with my arms folded smiling.

“I told you so.” I said, “now you’re standing there half naked.”

Beatrice looked down to see if I was telling the truth, when she realized I was, she dropped her sword and shield and covered her chest, squeezing her legs together. So much for taking my head. Beatrice then ran to the fence and tried pulling her dress from the fence. While she was trying to get her clothes back, I picked up her sword, walked behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. Beatrice stopped pulling on her dress and slowly turned around to see me smiling, pointing her sword at her.

“Now I don’t have time to play this detective crap. So the first no I get, will be this blade through your stomach” I said, “So let’s give me my answers and I’ll let you go. Who else knows?”

Beatrice whimpered a little as she covered her naked breasts and then said, “Ei…eight more hunters know. Th…ther’s. a bounty for you.”

Shit, eight hunters were after me. Needless to say, I got a little pissed.

“All right next question, who told you?” I said.

“I..don’t know. Honest, there was a call placed out to all bounty hunters to get you.” She said.

Shit, that meant that someone high up was doing this. But who?

I relaxed my sword and started walking away trying to piece this all back together. As I walked away, I heard what I thought was laughter coming from the woman who was whimpering just a minute ago. I turned around and looked at Beatrice who was laughing at me wickedly still covering herself.

“You may have beaten me demon, but the other hunters will come after you and will deliver your carcass back to hell!” she said.

With one quick movement, I lunged at Beatrice and slashed at her causing her to flinch. Beatrice’s body tightened up for fear of getting cut, instead, she felt the right side of her panties lose tension and then slide off of her body leaving her completely naked. Beatrice’s eyes widened as her face turned red and she grabbed her shield from the ground to cover her body. Before I could do anything else, a beam of light came from the sky and went over Susan.

“Beatrice!” a voice said, it was St. Peter.

“Master” Beatrice said a bit surprised, “Help me!”

“No!” Peter said, sounding a bit pissed, “You’ve already made an embarrassment of heaven with your poor fighting skills. We are sending you back to heaven!”

Beatrice started shaking her head frantically, “No! Not now! Please give me some clothes first!”

Before she could say anything else, Beatrice disappeared and was teleported back up to heaven. I could hear the echoes of her screams as the ray of light slowly went up into the sky. Now alone, I started walking out of the alleyways and started to think. The only person I could think of who could have ratted me out was Michael, the angel who helped me strip Amy. I was gonna get payback, but first I had eight hunters out for my head. Worst of all, I wasn’t going to be able to use my powers against them which meant I needed help. I pulled out my cell phone to let Minos know that my job was finished and was teleported back to hell. I was going to go back to the eighth sphere and make a call to arms to my brothers for the battle that was about to come.


Zeke for some reason was unable to make an update on the New York mission so I will have to fill in for him. I apologize my lord for his absence and will be sure to penalize him for it later but for now I won’t waste your time.

Angela Spinelli: Angela lost her reputation as a tough tomboy and never hung out with the guys again. Instead, she moved to the country to reinvent herself, going to a community college to get her degree in communications. On her senior year, after establishing new friends and what was about to be a promising radio career, pictures of her mishap at the court surfaced and she was a laughing stock once again. Angela did not get her spot on the radio and instead was nothing but a secretary.

Karen Faye: Karen went to the hospital to get her poison ivy treated. As soon as she got out, she was arrested for indecent exposure and cruelty to animals because the pigeons that ate her underwear got sick. She lost her job in realty and was the topic of many embarrassed nude female sights all over the internet.

Susan McKenzie: Susan’s weather career really took off, in the adult entertainment industry. After being the main topic of the tabloid headings for a couple weeks, Susan could not find a job since the network fired her. Her only job she could get was being the weather lady on the naked news on the adult channel. Susan does it every night but still feels embarrassment in front of the camera.

Zeke has not reported in after this assignment which is a little strange. I will investigate into his absence my lord but in his defense, he has done a terrific job. These women have not hurt anyone anymore and seem to have changed for the better. Sincerely

Lord Minos
Director of Punishment programs.
© Copyright 2014 bbettyblambabam (wtfbrotha36 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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